
import { version, gStyle, httpRequest, create, createHttpRequest, loadScript, decodeUrl,
         source_dir, settings, internals, browser, findFunction,
         isArrayProto, isRootCollection, isBatchMode, isNodeJs, isObject, isFunc, isStr, _ensureJSROOT,
         prROOT, clTList, clTMap, clTObjString, clTKey, clTFile, clTText, clTLatex, clTColor, clTStyle, kInspect, isPromise } from '../core.mjs';
import { select as d3_select } from '../d3.mjs';
import { openFile, clTStreamerInfoList, clTDirectory, clTDirectoryFile, nameStreamerInfo, addUserStreamer } from '../io.mjs';
import { getRGBfromTColor } from '../base/colors.mjs';
import { BasePainter, getElementRect, _loadJSDOM, convertDate } from '../base/BasePainter.mjs';
import { getElementMainPainter, getElementCanvPainter, cleanup, ObjectPainter } from '../base/ObjectPainter.mjs';
import { createMenu } from './menu.mjs';
import { getDrawSettings, getDrawHandle, canDrawHandle, addDrawFunc, draw, redraw } from '../draw.mjs';
import { BatchDisplay, GridDisplay, TabsDisplay, FlexibleDisplay, BrowserLayout, getHPainter, setHPainter } from './display.mjs';
import { showProgress, ToolbarIcons, registerForResize, injectStyle } from './utils.mjs';

const kTopFolder = 'TopFolder';

function injectHStyle(node) {
   function img(name, sz, fmt, code) {
      return `.jsroot .img_${name} { display: inline-block; height: ${sz}px; width: ${sz}px; background-image: url("data:image/${fmt};base64,${code}"); }`;

   const bkgr_color = settings.DarkMode ? 'black' : '#E6E6FA',
       border_color = settings.DarkMode ? 'green' : 'black',
       shadow_color = settings.DarkMode ? '#555' : '#aaa';

.jsroot .h_tree { display: block; white-space: nowrap; }
.jsroot .h_tree * { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; box-sizing: content-box; line-height: 14px }
.jsroot .h_tree img { border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; }
.jsroot .h_tree a { text-decoration: none; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap; padding: 1px 2px 0px 2px; display: inline-block; margin: 0; }
.jsroot .h_tree p { font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap; padding: 1px 2px 0px 2px; display: inline-block; margin: 0; }
.jsroot .h_value_str { color: green; }
.jsroot .h_value_num { color: blue; }
.jsroot .h_line { height: 18px; display: block; }
.jsroot .h_button { cursor: pointer; color: blue; text-decoration: underline; }
.jsroot .h_item { cursor: pointer; }
.jsroot .h_item:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
.jsroot .h_childs { overflow: hidden; display: block; }
.jsroot_fastcmd_btn { height: 32px; width: 32px; display: inline-block; margin: 2px; padding: 2px; background-position: left 2px top 2px;
                      background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 24px 24px; border-color: inherit; }
.jsroot_inspector { border: 1px solid ${border_color}; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px 2px ${shadow_color}; opacity: 0.95; background-color: ${bkgr_color}; }
.jsroot_drag_area { background-color: #007fff; }
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${img('canvas', 16, 'gif', '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')}
${img('profile', 16, 'gif', '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')}
${img('text', 16, 'gif', 'R0lGODlhEgASALMAAP/////MzP+Zmf9mZv8zM/8AAMzM/8zMzJmZ/5mZmWZm/2ZmZjMz/zMzMwAA/////yH5BAUUAA8ALAAAAAASABIAAARo8MlJq73SKGSwdSDjUQoIjhNYOujDnGAnFXRBZKoBIpMw1ICHaaigBAq/AUK1CVEIhcfPNFlRbAEBEvWr0VDYQLYgkCQWh8XiAfgRymPyoTFRa2uPO009maP8ZmsjAHxnBygLDQ1zihEAOw==')}
`, node, 'jsroot_hstyle');

/** @summary Return size as string with suffix like MB or KB
  * @private */
function getSizeStr(sz) {
   if (sz < 10000)
      return sz.toFixed(0) + 'B';
   if (sz < 1e6)
      return (sz/1e3).toFixed(2) + 'KiB';
   if (sz < 1e9)
      return (sz/1e6).toFixed(2) + 'MiB';
   return (sz/1e9).toFixed(2) + 'GiB';

/** @summary draw list content
  * @desc used to draw all items from TList or TObjArray inserted into the TCanvas list of primitives
  * @private */
async function drawList(dom, lst, opt) {
   if (!lst || !lst.arr)
      return null;

   const handle = {
     dom, lst, opt,
     indx: -1, painter: null,
     draw_next() {
        while (++this.indx < this.lst.arr.length) {
           const item = this.lst.arr[this.indx],
               opt = (this.lst.opt && this.lst.opt[this.indx]) ? this.lst.opt[this.indx] : this.opt;
           if (!item) continue;
           return draw(this.dom, item, opt).then(p => {
              if (p && !this.painter) this.painter = p;
              return this.draw_next(); // reenter loop
        return this.painter;

   return handle.draw_next();

// ===================== hierarchy scanning functions ==================================

/** @summary Create hierarchy elements for TFolder object
  * @private */
function folderHierarchy(item, obj) {
   if (!obj?.fFolders)
      return false;

   if (obj.fFolders.arr.length === 0) {
      item._more = false;
      return true;

   item._childs = [];

   for (let i = 0; i < obj.fFolders.arr.length; ++i) {
      const chld = obj.fFolders.arr[i];
         _name: chld.fName,
         _kind: prROOT + chld._typename,
         _obj: chld
   return true;

/** @summary Create hierarchy elements for TTask object
  * @private */
function taskHierarchy(item, obj) {
   // function can be used for different derived classes
   // we show not only child tasks, but all complex data members

   if (!obj?.fTasks) return false;

   objectHierarchy(item, obj, { exclude: ['fTasks', 'fName'] });

   if ((obj.fTasks.arr.length === 0) && (item._childs.length === 0)) {
      item._more = false;
      return true;

   // item._childs = [];

   for (let i = 0; i < obj.fTasks.arr.length; ++i) {
      const chld = obj.fTasks.arr[i];
         _name: chld.fName,
         _kind: prROOT + chld._typename,
         _obj: chld
   return true;

/** @summary Create hierarchy elements for TList object
  * @private */
function listHierarchy(folder, lst) {
   if (!isRootCollection(lst)) return false;

   if ((lst.arr === undefined) || (lst.arr.length === 0)) {
      folder._more = false;
      return true;

   let do_context = false, prnt = folder;
   while (prnt) {
      if (prnt._do_context) do_context = true;
      prnt = prnt._parent;

   // if list has objects with similar names, create cycle number for them
   const ismap = (lst._typename === clTMap), names = [], cnt = [], cycle = [];

   for (let i = 0; i < lst.arr.length; ++i) {
      const obj = ismap ? lst.arr[i].first : lst.arr[i];
      if (!obj) continue; // for such objects index will be used as name
      const objname = obj.fName ||;
      if (!objname) continue;
      const indx = names.indexOf(objname);
      if (indx >= 0)
       else {
         cnt[names.length] = cycle[names.length] = 1;

   folder._childs = [];
   for (let i = 0; i < lst.arr.length; ++i) {
      const obj = ismap ? lst.arr[i].first : lst.arr[i];
      let item;
      if (!obj?._typename) {
         item = {
            _name: i.toString(),
            _kind: prROOT + 'NULL',
            _title: 'NULL',
            _value: 'null',
            _obj: null
      } else {
         item = {
            _name: obj.fName ||,
            _kind: prROOT + obj._typename,
            _title: `${obj.fTitle || ''} type:${obj._typename}`,
            _obj: obj

         switch (obj._typename) {
            case clTColor: item._value = getRGBfromTColor(obj); break;
            case clTText:
            case clTLatex: item._value = obj.fTitle; break;
            case clTObjString: item._value = obj.fString; break;
            default: if (lst.opt && lst.opt[i] && lst.opt[i].length) item._value = lst.opt[i];

         if (do_context && canDrawHandle(obj._typename)) item._direct_context = true;

         // if name is integer value, it should match array index
         if (!item._name || (Number.isInteger(parseInt(item._name)) && (parseInt(item._name) !== i)) || (lst.arr.indexOf(obj) < i))
            item._name = i.toString();
         else {
            // if there are several such names, add cycle number to the item name
            const indx = names.indexOf(obj.fName);
            if ((indx >= 0) && (cnt[indx] > 1)) {
               item._cycle = cycle[indx]++;
               item._keyname = item._name;
               item._name = item._keyname + ';' + item._cycle;

   return true;

/** @summary Create hierarchy of TKey lists in file or sub-directory
  * @private */
function keysHierarchy(folder, keys, file, dirname) {
   if (keys === undefined) return false;

   folder._childs = [];

   for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
      const key = keys[i];

      if (settings.OnlyLastCycle && (i > 0) && (key.fName === keys[i-1].fName) && (key.fCycle < keys[i-1].fCycle)) continue;

      const item = {
         _name: key.fName + ';' + key.fCycle,
         _cycle: key.fCycle,
         _kind: prROOT + key.fClassName,
         _title: key.fTitle + ` (size: ${getSizeStr(key.fObjlen)})`,
         _keyname: key.fName,
         _readobj: null,
         _parent: folder

      if (key.fRealName)
         item._realname = key.fRealName + ';' + key.fCycle;

      if (key.fClassName === clTDirectory || key.fClassName === clTDirectoryFile) {
         const dir = (dirname && file) ? file.getDir(dirname + key.fName) : null;
         if (dir) {
            // remove cycle number - we have already directory
            item._name = key.fName;
            keysHierarchy(item, dir.fKeys, file, dirname + key.fName + '/');
         } else {
            item._more = true;
            item._expand = function(node, obj) {
               // one can get expand call from child objects - ignore them
               return keysHierarchy(node, obj.fKeys);
      } else if ((key.fClassName === clTList) && (key.fName === nameStreamerInfo)) {
         if (settings.SkipStreamerInfos) continue;
         item._name = nameStreamerInfo;
         item._kind = prROOT + clTStreamerInfoList;
         item._title = 'List of streamer infos for binary I/O';
         item._readobj = file.fStreamerInfos;


   return true;

/** @summary Create hierarchy for arbitrary object
  * @private */
function objectHierarchy(top, obj, args = undefined) {
   if (!top || (obj === null)) return false;

   top._childs = [];

   let proto = Object.prototype.toString.apply(obj);

   if (proto === '[object DataView]') {
      let item = {
          _parent: top,
          _name: 'size',
          _value: obj.byteLength.toString(),
          _vclass: 'h_value_num'

      const namelen = (obj.byteLength < 10) ? 1 : Math.log10(obj.byteLength);

      for (let k = 0; k < obj.byteLength; ++k) {
         if (k % 16 === 0) {
            item = {
              _parent: top,
              _name: k.toString(),
              _value: '',
              _vclass: 'h_value_num'
            while (item._name.length < namelen)
               item._name = '0' + item._name;

         let val = obj.getUint8(k).toString(16);
         while (val.length < 2) val = '0'+val;
         if (item._value)
            item._value += (k % 4 === 0) ? ' | ' : ' ';

         item._value += val;
      return true;

   // check nosimple property in all parents
   let nosimple = true, do_context = false, prnt = top;
   while (prnt) {
      if (prnt._do_context) do_context = true;
      if ('_nosimple' in prnt) { nosimple = prnt._nosimple; break; }
      prnt = prnt._parent;

   const isarray = (isArrayProto(proto) > 0) && obj.length,
         compress = isarray && (obj.length > settings.HierarchyLimit);
   let arrcompress = false;

   if (isarray && (top._name === 'Object') && !top._parent) top._name = 'Array';

   if (compress) {
      arrcompress = true;
      for (let k = 0; k < obj.length; ++k) {
         const typ = typeof obj[k];
         if ((typ === 'number') || (typ === 'boolean') || ((typ === 'string') && (obj[k].length < 16))) continue;
         arrcompress = false; break;

   if (!('_obj' in top))
      top._obj = obj;
   else if (top._obj !== obj)
      alert('object missmatch');

   if (!top._title) {
      if (obj._typename)
         top._title = prROOT + obj._typename;
      else if (isarray)
         top._title = 'Array len: ' + obj.length;

   if (arrcompress) {
      for (let k = 0; k < obj.length;) {
         let nextk = Math.min(k+10, obj.length), allsame = true, prevk = k;

         while (allsame) {
            allsame = true;
            for (let d=prevk; d<nextk; ++d)
               if (obj[k]!==obj[d]) allsame = false;

            if (allsame) {
               if (nextk===obj.length) break;
               prevk = nextk;
               nextk = Math.min(nextk+10, obj.length);
            } else if (prevk !== k) {
               // last block with similar
               nextk = prevk;
               allsame = true;

         const item = { _parent: top, _name: k+'..'+(nextk-1), _vclass: 'h_value_num' };

         if (allsame)
            item._value = obj[k].toString();
          else {
            item._value = '';
            for (let d = k; d < nextk; ++d)
               item._value += ((d===k) ? '[ ' : ', ') + obj[d].toString();
            item._value += ' ]';


         k = nextk;
      return true;

   let lastitem, lastkey, lastfield, cnt;

   for (const key in obj) {
      if ((key === '_typename') || (key[0] === '$')) continue;
      const fld = obj[key];
      if (isFunc(fld)) continue;
      if (args?.exclude && (args.exclude.indexOf(key) >= 0)) continue;

      if (compress && lastitem) {
         if (lastfield===fld) { ++cnt; lastkey = key; continue; }
         if (cnt > 0) lastitem._name += '..' + lastkey;

      const item = { _parent: top, _name: key };

      if (compress) { lastitem = item; lastkey = key; lastfield = fld; cnt = 0; }

      if (fld === null) {
         item._value = item._title = 'null';
         if (!nosimple) top._childs.push(item);

      let simple = false;

      if (isObject(fld)) {
         proto = Object.prototype.toString.apply(fld);

         if (isArrayProto(proto) > 0) {
            item._title = 'array len=' + fld.length;
            simple = (proto !== '[object Array]');
            if (fld.length === 0) {
               item._value = '[ ]';
               item._more = false; // hpainter will not try to expand again
            } else {
               item._value = '[...]';
               item._more = true;
               item._expand = objectHierarchy;
               item._obj = fld;
         } else if (proto === '[object DataView]') {
            item._title = 'DataView len=' + fld.byteLength;
            item._value = '[...]';
            item._more = true;
            item._expand = objectHierarchy;
            item._obj = fld;
         } else if (proto === '[object Date]') {
            item._more = false;
            item._title = 'Date';
            item._value = fld.toString();
            item._vclass = 'h_value_num';
         } else {
            if (fld.$kind || fld._typename)
               item._kind = item._title = prROOT + (fld.$kind || fld._typename);

            if (fld._typename) {
               item._title = fld._typename;
               if (do_context && canDrawHandle(fld._typename)) item._direct_context = true;

            // check if object already shown in hierarchy (circular dependency)
            let curr = top, inparent = false;
            while (curr && !inparent) {
               inparent = (curr._obj === fld);
               curr = curr._parent;

            if (inparent) {
               item._value = '{ prnt }';
               item._vclass = 'h_value_num';
               item._more = false;
               simple = true;
            } else {
               item._obj = fld;
               item._more = false;

               switch (fld._typename) {
                  case clTColor: item._value = getRGBfromTColor(fld); break;
                  case clTText:
                  case clTLatex: item._value = fld.fTitle; break;
                  case clTObjString: item._value = fld.fString; break;
                     if (isRootCollection(fld) && isObject(fld.arr)) {
                        item._value = fld.arr.length ? '[...]' : '[]';
                        item._title += ', size:' + fld.arr.length;
                        if (fld.arr.length > 0) item._more = true;
                     } else {
                        item._more = true;
                        item._value = '{ }';
      } else if ((typeof fld === 'number') || (typeof fld === 'boolean')) {
         simple = true;
         if (key === 'fBits')
            item._value = '0x' + fld.toString(16);
            item._value = fld.toString();
         item._vclass = 'h_value_num';
      } else if (isStr(fld)) {
         simple = true;
         item._value = '&quot;' + fld.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;') + '&quot;';
         item._vclass = 'h_value_str';
      } else if (typeof fld === 'undefined') {
         simple = true;
         item._value = 'undefined';
         item._vclass = 'h_value_num';
      } else {
         simple = true;
         alert(`miss ${key} type ${typeof fld}`);

      if (!simple || !nosimple)

   if (compress && lastitem && (cnt > 0))
      lastitem._name += '..' + lastkey;

   return true;

/** @summary Create hierarchy for streamer info object
  * @private */
function createStreamerInfoContent(lst) {
   const h = { _name: nameStreamerInfo, _childs: [] };

   for (let i = 0; i < lst.arr.length; ++i) {
      const entry = lst.arr[i];

      if (entry._typename === clTList) continue;

      if (typeof entry.fName === 'undefined') {
         console.warn(`strange element in StreamerInfo with type ${entry._typename}`);

      const item = {
         _name: `${entry.fName};${entry.fClassVersion}`,
         _kind: `class ${entry.fName}`,
         _title: `class:${entry.fName} version:${entry.fClassVersion} checksum:${entry.fCheckSum}`,
         _icon: 'img_class',
         _childs: []

      if (entry.fTitle)
         item._title += '  ' + entry.fTitle;


      if (typeof entry.fElements === 'undefined')
      for (let l = 0; l < entry.fElements.arr.length; ++l) {
         const elem = entry.fElements.arr[l];
         if (!elem?.fName) continue;
         let _name = `${elem.fTypeName} ${elem.fName}`;
         const _title = `${elem.fTypeName} type:${elem.fType}`;
         if (elem.fArrayDim === 1)
            _name += `[${elem.fArrayLength}]`;
         else {
            for (let dim = 0; dim < elem.fArrayDim; ++dim)
               _name += `[${elem.fMaxIndex[dim]}]`;
         if (elem.fBaseVersion === 4294967295)
            _name += ':-1';
         else if (elem.fBaseVersion !== undefined)
            _name += `:${elem.fBaseVersion}`;
         _name += ';';
         if (elem.fTitle)
            _name += ` // ${elem.fTitle}`;

         item._childs.push({ _name, _title, _kind: elem.fTypeName, _icon: (elem.fTypeName === 'BASE') ? 'img_class' : 'img_member' });
      if (!item._childs.length)
         delete item._childs;

   return h;

/** @summary tag item in hierarchy painter as streamer info
  * @desc this function used on THttpServer to mark streamer infos list
  * as fictional TStreamerInfoList class, which has special draw function
  * @private */
function markAsStreamerInfo(h, item, obj) {
   if (obj?._typename === clTList)
      obj._typename = clTStreamerInfoList;

/** @summary Create hierarchy for object inspector
  * @private */
function createInspectorContent(obj) {
   const h = { _name: 'Object', _title: '', _click_action: 'expand', _nosimple: false, _do_context: true };

   if (isStr(obj.fName) && obj.fName)
      h._name = obj.fName;

   if (isStr(obj.fTitle) && obj.fTitle)
      h._title = obj.fTitle;

   if (obj._typename)
      h._title += `  type:${obj._typename}`;

   if (isRootCollection(obj)) {
      h._name = || obj._typename;
      listHierarchy(h, obj);
   } else
      objectHierarchy(h, obj);

   return h;

/** @summary Parse string value as array.
  * @desc It could be just simple string:  'value' or
  * array with or without string quotes:  [element], ['elem1',elem2]
  * @private */
function parseAsArray(val) {
   const res = [];

   if (!isStr(val)) return res;

   val = val.trim();
   if (!val) return res;

   // return as array with single element
   if ((val.length < 2) || (val[0] !== '[') || (val[val.length-1] !== ']')) {
      return res;

   // try to split ourself, checking quotes and brackets
   let nbr = 0, nquotes = 0, ndouble = 0, last = 1;

   for (let indx = 1; indx < val.length; ++indx) {
      if (nquotes > 0) {
         if (val[indx] === '\'') nquotes--;
      if (ndouble > 0) {
         if (val[indx] === '"') ndouble--;
      switch (val[indx]) {
         case '\'': nquotes++; break;
         case '"': ndouble++; break;
         case '[': nbr++; break;
         case ']': if (indx < val.length - 1) { nbr--; break; }
         // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
         case ',':
            if (nbr === 0) {
               let sub = val.substring(last, indx).trim();
               if ((sub.length > 1) && (sub[0] === sub[sub.length-1]) && ((sub[0] === '"') || (sub[0] === '\'')))
                  sub = sub.slice(1, sub.length-1);
               last = indx+1;

   if (res.length === 0)
      res.push(val.slice(1, val.length-1).trim());

   return res;

/** @summary central function for expand of all online items
  * @private */
function onlineHierarchy(node, obj) {
   if (obj && node && ('_childs' in obj)) {
      for (let n = 0; n < obj._childs.length; ++n) {
         if (obj._childs[n]._more || obj._childs[n]._childs)
            obj._childs[n]._expand = onlineHierarchy;

      node._childs = obj._childs;
      obj._childs = null;
      return true;

   return false;

/** @summary Check if draw handle for specified object can do expand
  * @private */
function canExpandHandle(handle) {
   return handle?.expand || handle?.get_expand || handle?.expand_item;

const kindTFile = prROOT + clTFile;

  * @summary Painter of hierarchical structures
  * @example
  * import { HierarchyPainter } from '';
  * // create hierarchy painter in 'myTreeDiv'
  * let h = new HierarchyPainter('example', 'myTreeDiv');
  * // configure 'simple' layout in 'myMainDiv'
  * // one also can specify 'grid2x2' or 'flex' or 'tabs'
  * h.setDisplay('simple', 'myMainDiv');
  * // open file and display element
  * h.openRootFile('').then(() => h.display('hpxpy;1','colz')); */

class HierarchyPainter extends BasePainter {

   /** @summary Create painter
     * @param {string} name - symbolic name
     * @param {string} frameid - element id where hierarchy is drawn
     * @param {string} [backgr] - background color */
   constructor(name, frameid, backgr) {
      super(frameid); = name;
      this.h = null; // hierarchy
      this.with_icons = true;

      if (backgr === '__as_dark_mode__')
         this.background = backgr;
      this.files_monitoring = !frameid; // by default files monitored when nobrowser option specified
      this.nobrowser = (frameid === null);

      // remember only very first instance
      if (!getHPainter())

   /** @summary Set basic colors
     * @private */
   setBasicColors() {
      this.background = settings.DarkMode ? 'black' : 'white';
      this.textcolor = settings.DarkMode ? '#eee' : '#111';

   /** @summary Cleanup hierarchy painter
     * @desc clear drawing and browser */
   cleanup() {


      if (getHPainter() === this)

   /** @summary Create file hierarchy
     * @private */
   fileHierarchy(file, folder) {
      const painter = this;
      if (!folder) folder = {};

      folder._name = file.fFileName;
      folder._title = (file.fTitle ? file.fTitle + ', path: ' : '') + file.fFullURL + `, size: ${getSizeStr(file.fEND)}, modified: ${convertDate(file.fDatimeM.getDate())}`;
      folder._kind = kindTFile;
      folder._file = file;
      folder._fullurl = file.fFullURL;
      folder._localfile = file.fLocalFile;
      folder._had_direct_read = false;
      // this is central get method, item or itemname can be used, returns promise
      folder._get = function(item, itemname) {
            if (item?._readobj)
               return Promise.resolve(item._readobj);

            if (item) itemname = painter.itemFullName(item, this);

            const readFileObject = file => {
               if (!this._file) this._file = file;

               if (!file) return Promise.resolve(null);

               return file.readObject(itemname).then(obj => {
                  // if object was read even when item did not exist try to reconstruct new hierarchy
                  if (!item && obj) {
                     // first try to found last read directory
                     const d = painter.findItem({ name: itemname, top: this, last_exists: true, check_keys: true });
                     if ((d?.last !== undefined) && (d.last !== this)) {
                        // reconstruct only subdir hierarchy
                        const dir = file.getDir(painter.itemFullName(d.last, this));
                        if (dir) {
                           d.last._name = d.last._keyname;
                           const dirname = painter.itemFullName(d.last, this);
                           keysHierarchy(d.last, dir.fKeys, file, dirname + '/');
                     } else {
                        // reconstruct full file hierarchy
                        keysHierarchy(this, file.fKeys, file, '');
                     item = painter.findItem({ name: itemname, top: this });

                  if (item) {
                     item._readobj = obj;
                     // remove cycle number for objects supporting expand
                     if ('_expand' in item) item._name = item._keyname;

                  return obj;

            if (this._file) return readFileObject(this._file);
            if (this._localfile) return openFile(this._localfile).then(f => readFileObject(f));
            if (this._fullurl) return openFile(this._fullurl).then(f => readFileObject(f));
            return Promise.resolve(null);

      keysHierarchy(folder, file.fKeys, file, '');

      return folder;

   /** @summary Iterate over all items in hierarchy
     * @param {function} func - function called for every item
     * @param {object} [top] - top item to start from
     * @private */
   forEachItem(func, top) {
      function each_item(item, prnt) {
         if (!item) return;
         if (prnt) item._parent = prnt;
         if ('_childs' in item) {
            for (let n = 0; n < item._childs.length; ++n)
               each_item(item._childs[n], item);

      if (isFunc(func))
         each_item(top || this.h);

   /** @summary Search item in the hierarchy
     * @param {object|string} arg - item name or object with arguments
     * @param {string} -  item to search
     * @param {boolean} [arg.force] - specified elements will be created when not exists
     * @param {boolean} [arg.last_exists] -  when specified last parent element will be returned
     * @param {boolean} [arg.check_keys] - check TFile keys with cycle suffix
     * @param {boolean} [arg.allow_index] - let use sub-item indexes instead of name
     * @param {object} [] - element to start search from
     * @private */
   findItem(arg) {
      function find_in_hierarchy(top, fullname) {
         if (!fullname || !top) return top;

         let pos = fullname.length;

         if (!top._parent && (top._kind !== kTopFolder) && (fullname.indexOf(top._name) === 0)) {
            // it is allowed to provide item name, which includes top-parent like file.root/folder/item
            // but one could skip top-item name, if there are no other items
            if (fullname === top._name) return top;

            const len = top._name.length;
            if (fullname[len] === '/') {
               fullname = fullname.slice(len+1);
               pos = fullname.length;

         function process_child(child, ignore_prnt) {
            // set parent pointer when searching child
            if (!ignore_prnt) child._parent = top;

            if ((pos >= fullname.length-1) || (pos < 0)) return child;

            return find_in_hierarchy(child, fullname.slice(pos + 1));

         while (pos > 0) {
            // we try to find element with slashes inside - start from full name
            let localname = (pos >= fullname.length) ? fullname : fullname.slice(0, pos);

            if (top._childs) {
               // first try to find direct matched item
               for (let i = 0; i < top._childs.length; ++i) {
                  if (top._childs[i]._name === localname)
                     return process_child(top._childs[i]);

               // if first child online, check its elements
               if ((top._kind === kTopFolder) && (top._childs[0]._online !== undefined)) {
                  for (let i = 0; i < top._childs[0]._childs.length; ++i) {
                     if (top._childs[0]._childs[i]._name === localname)
                        return process_child(top._childs[0]._childs[i], true);

               // if allowed, try to found item with key
               if (arg.check_keys) {
                  let newest = null;
                  for (let i = 0; i < top._childs.length; ++i) {
                    if (top._childs[i]._keyname === localname) {
                       if (!newest || (newest._cycle < top._childs[i]._cycle))
                          newest = top._childs[i];
                  if (newest) return process_child(newest);

               let allow_index = arg.allow_index;
               if ((localname[0] === '[') && (localname[localname.length-1] === ']') &&
                    /^\d+$/.test(localname.slice(1, localname.length-1))) {
                  allow_index = true;
                  localname = localname.slice(1, localname.length-1);

               // when search for the elements it could be allowed to check index
               if (allow_index && /^\d+$/.test(localname)) {
                  const indx = parseInt(localname);
                  if (Number.isInteger(indx) && (indx >= 0) && (indx < top._childs.length))
                     return process_child(top._childs[indx]);

            pos = fullname.lastIndexOf('/', pos - 1);

         if (arg.force) {
             // if did not found element with given name we just generate it
             if (top._childs === undefined) top._childs = [];
             pos = fullname.indexOf('/');
             const child = { _name: ((pos < 0) ? fullname : fullname.slice(0, pos)) };
             return process_child(child);

         return arg.last_exists ? { last: top, rest: fullname } : null;

      let top = this.h, itemname = '';

      if (isStr(arg)) {
         itemname = arg;
         arg = {};
      } else if (isObject(arg)) {
         itemname =;
         if ('top' in arg)
            top =;
      } else
         return null;

      if (itemname === '__top_folder__')
         return top;

      if (isStr(itemname) && (itemname.indexOf('img:') === 0))
         return null;

      return find_in_hierarchy(top, itemname);

   /** @summary Produce full string name for item
     * @param {Object} node - item element
     * @param {Object} [uptoparent] - up to which parent to continue
     * @param {boolean} [compact] - if specified, top parent is not included
     * @return {string} produced name
     * @private */
   itemFullName(node, uptoparent, compact) {
      if (node?._kind === kTopFolder)
         return '__top_folder__';

      let res = '';

      while (node) {
         // online items never includes top-level folder
         if ((node._online !== undefined) && !uptoparent) return res;

         if ((node === uptoparent) || (node._kind === kTopFolder)) break;
         if (compact && !node._parent) break; // in compact form top-parent is not included
         if (res) res = '/' + res;
         res = node._name + res;
         node = node._parent;

      return res;

    /** @summary Executes item marked as 'Command'
      * @desc If command requires additional arguments, they could be specified as extra arguments arg1, arg2, ...
      * @param {String} itemname - name of command item
      * @param {Object} [elem] - HTML element for command execution
      * @param [arg1] - first optional argument
      * @param [arg2] - second optional argument and so on
      * @return {Promise} with command result */
   async executeCommand(itemname, elem) {
      const hitem = this.findItem(itemname),
            url = this.getOnlineItemUrl(hitem) + '/cmd.json',
            d3node = d3_select(elem),
            cmdargs = [];

      if ('_numargs' in hitem) {
         for (let n = 0; n < hitem._numargs; ++n)
            cmdargs.push((n+2 < arguments.length) ? arguments[n+2] : '');

      const promise = (cmdargs.length === 0) || !elem
                       ? Promise.resolve(cmdargs)
                       : createMenu().then(menu => menu.showCommandArgsDialog(hitem._name, cmdargs));

      return promise.then(args => {
         if (args === null) return false;

         let urlargs = '';
         for (let k = 0; k < args.length; ++k)
            urlargs += `${k>0?'&':'?'}arg${k+1}=${args[k]}`;

        if (!d3node.empty()) {
  'background', 'yellow');
            if (hitem._title)
               d3node.attr('title', 'Executing ' + hitem._title);

         return httpRequest(url + urlargs, 'text').then(res => {
            if (d3node.empty()) return res;
            const col = (res && (res !== 'false')) ? 'green' : 'red';
  'background', col);
            if (hitem._title)
               d3node.attr('title', hitem._title + ' lastres=' + res);
            setTimeout(() => {
     'background', null);
               if (hitem._icon && d3node.classed('jsroot_fastcmd_btn'))
        'background-image', `url('${hitem._icon}')`);
            }, 2000);
            if ((col === 'green') && ('_hreload' in hitem))
            if ((col === 'green') && ('_update_item' in hitem))
            return res;

   /** @summary Get object item with specified name
     * @desc depending from provided option, same item can generate different object types
     * @param {Object} arg - item name or config object
     * @param {string} - item name
     * @param {Object} arg.item - or item itself
     * @param {string} options - supposed draw options
     * @return {Promise} with object like { item, obj, itemname }
     * @private */
   async getObject(arg, options) {
      const result = { item: null, obj: null };
      let itemname, item;

      if (arg === null)
         return result;

      if (isStr(arg))
         itemname = arg;
       else if (isObject(arg)) {
         if ((arg._parent !== undefined) && (arg._name !== undefined) && (arg._kind !== undefined))
            item = arg;
         else if ( !== undefined)
            itemname =;
         else if (arg.arg !== undefined)
            itemname = arg.arg;
         else if (arg.item !== undefined)
            item = arg.item;

      if (isStr(itemname) && (itemname.indexOf('img:') === 0)) {
         // artificial class, can be created by users
         result.obj = { _typename: 'TJSImage', fName: itemname.slice(4) };
         return result;

      if (item) itemname = this.itemFullName(item);
           else item = this.findItem({ name: itemname, allow_index: true, check_keys: true });

      // if item not found, try to find nearest parent which could allow us to get inside

      const d = item ? null : this.findItem({ name: itemname, last_exists: true, check_keys: true, allow_index: true });

      // if item not found, try to expand hierarchy central function
      // implements not process get in central method of hierarchy item (if exists)
      // if last_parent found, try to expand it
      if ((d !== null) && ('last' in d) && (d.last !== null)) {
         const parentname = this.itemFullName(d.last);

         // this is indication that expand does not give us better path to searched item
         if (isObject(arg) && ('rest' in arg)) {
            if (( === || ( <=
               return result;

         return this.expandItem(parentname, undefined, options !== 'hierarchy_expand_verbose').then(res => {
            if (!res) return result;
            let newparentname = this.itemFullName(d.last);
            if (newparentname) newparentname += '/';
            return this.getObject({ name: newparentname +, rest: }, options);

      result.item = item;

      if ((item !== null) && isObject(item._obj)) {
         result.obj = item._obj;
         return result;

      // normally search _get method in the parent items
      let curr = item;
      while (curr) {
         if (isFunc(curr._get))
            return curr._get(item, null, options).then(obj => { result.obj = obj; return result; });
         curr = ('_parent' in curr) ? curr._parent : null;

      return result;

   /** @summary returns true if item is last in parent childs list
     * @private */
   isLastSibling(hitem) {
      if (!hitem || !hitem._parent || !hitem._parent._childs) return false;
      const chlds = hitem._parent._childs;
      let indx = chlds.indexOf(hitem);
      if (indx < 0) return false;
      while (++indx < chlds.length)
         if (!('_hidden' in chlds[indx])) return false;
      return true;

   /** @summary Create item html code
     * @private */
   addItemHtml(hitem, d3prnt, arg) {
      if (!hitem || ('_hidden' in hitem)) return true;

      const isroot = (hitem === this.h),
            has_childs = ('_childs' in hitem),
            handle = getDrawHandle(hitem._kind),
            itemname = this.itemFullName(hitem);
      let img1 = '', img2 = '', can_click = false, break_list = false, d3cont;

      if (handle) {
         if ('icon' in handle) img1 = handle.icon;
         if ('icon2' in handle) img2 = handle.icon2;
         if (!img1 && isFunc(handle.icon_get))
            img1 = handle.icon_get(hitem, this);
         if (canDrawHandle(handle) || ('execute' in handle) || ('aslink' in handle) ||
             (canExpandHandle(handle) && (hitem._more !== false))) can_click = true;

      if ('_icon' in hitem) img1 = hitem._icon;
      if ('_icon2' in hitem) img2 = hitem._icon2;
      if (!img1 && ('_online' in hitem))
         hitem._icon = img1 = 'img_globe';
      if (!img1 && isroot)
         hitem._icon = img1 = 'img_base';

      if (hitem._more || hitem._expand || hitem._player || hitem._can_draw)
         can_click = true;

      let can_menu = can_click;
      if (!can_menu && isStr(hitem._kind) && (hitem._kind.indexOf(prROOT) === 0))
         can_menu = can_click = true;

      if (!img2) img2 = img1;
      if (!img1) img1 = (has_childs || hitem._more) ? 'img_folder' : 'img_page';
      if (!img2) img2 = (has_childs || hitem._more) ? 'img_folderopen' : 'img_page';

      if (arg === 'update') {
         d3cont = d3prnt;
      } else {
         d3cont = d3prnt.append('div');
         if (arg && (arg >= (hitem._parent._show_limit || settings.HierarchyLimit))) break_list = true;

      hitem._d3cont = d3cont.node(); // set for direct referencing
      d3cont.attr('item', itemname);

      // line with all html elements for this item (excluding childs)
      const d3line = d3cont.append('div').attr('class', 'h_line');

      // build indent
      let prnt = isroot ? null : hitem._parent;
      while (prnt && (prnt !== this.h)) {
         d3line.insert('div', ':first-child')
               .attr('class', this.isLastSibling(prnt) ? 'img_empty' : 'img_line');
         prnt = prnt._parent;

      let icon_class = '', plusminus = false;

      if (isroot) {
         // for root node no extra code
      } else if (has_childs && !break_list) {
         icon_class = hitem._isopen ? 'img_minus' : 'img_plus';
         plusminus = true;
      } else /* if (hitem._more) {
         icon_class = 'img_plus'; // should be special plus ???
         plusminus = true;
      } else */
         icon_class = 'img_join';

      const h = this;

      if (icon_class) {
         if (break_list || this.isLastSibling(hitem)) icon_class += 'bottom';
         const d3icon = d3line.append('div').attr('class', icon_class);
         if (plusminus)
  'cursor', 'pointer').on('click', function(evnt) { h.tree_click(evnt, this, 'plusminus'); });

      // make node icons

      if (this.with_icons && !break_list) {
         const icon_name = hitem._isopen ? img2 : img1,
               d3img = (icon_name.indexOf('img_') === 0)
                 ? d3line.append('div')
                          .attr('class', icon_name)
                          .attr('title', hitem._kind)
                 : d3line.append('img')
                          .attr('src', icon_name)
                          .attr('alt', '')
                          .attr('title', hitem._kind)
                          .style('vertical-align', 'top')
                          .style('width', '18px')
                          .style('height', '18px');

         if (('_icon_click' in hitem) || (handle && ('icon_click' in handle)))
            d3img.on('click', function(evnt) { h.tree_click(evnt, this, 'icon'); });

      const d3a = d3line.append('a');
      if (can_click || has_childs || break_list)
         d3a.attr('class', 'h_item').on('click', function(evnt) { h.tree_click(evnt, this); });

      if (break_list) {
         hitem._break_point = true; // indicate that list was broken here
         d3a.attr('title', 'there are ' + (hitem._parent._childs.length-arg) + ' more items')
         return false;

      if ('disp_kind' in h) {
         if (settings.DragAndDrop && can_click)
           this.enableDrag(d3a, itemname);

         if (settings.ContextMenu && can_menu)
            d3a.on('contextmenu', function(evnt) { h.tree_contextmenu(evnt, this); });

         d3a.on('mouseover', function() { h.tree_mouseover(true, this); })
            .on('mouseleave', function() { h.tree_mouseover(false, this); });
      } else if (hitem._direct_context && settings.ContextMenu)
         d3a.on('contextmenu', function(evnt) { h.direct_contextmenu(evnt, this); });

      let element_name = hitem._name, element_title = '';

      if ('_realname' in hitem)
         element_name = hitem._realname;

      if ('_title' in hitem)
         element_title = hitem._title;

      if ('_fullname' in hitem)
         element_title += '  fullname: ' + hitem._fullname;

      if (!element_title)
         element_title = element_name;

      d3a.attr('title', element_title)
         .text(element_name + ('_value' in hitem ? ':' : ''))
         .style('background', hitem._background ? hitem._background : null);

      if ('_value' in hitem) {
         const d3p = d3line.append('p');
         if ('_vclass' in hitem) d3p.attr('class', hitem._vclass);
         if (!hitem._isopen) d3p.html(hitem._value);

      if (has_childs && (isroot || hitem._isopen)) {
         const d3chlds = d3cont.append('div').attr('class', 'h_childs');
         if (this.show_overflow)'overflow', 'initial');
         for (let i = 0; i < hitem._childs.length; ++i) {
            const chld = hitem._childs[i];
            chld._parent = hitem;
            if (!this.addItemHtml(chld, d3chlds, i)) break; // if too many items, skip rest

      return true;

   /** @summary Toggle open state of the item
     * @desc Used with 'expand all' / 'collapse all' buttons in normal GUI
     * @param {boolean} isopen - if items should be expand or closed
     * @return {boolean} true when any item was changed */
   toggleOpenState(isopen, h, promises) {
      const hitem = h || this.h;

      if (hitem._childs === undefined) {
         if (!isopen) return false;

         if (this.with_icons) {
            // in normal hierarchy check precisely if item can be expand
            if (!hitem._more && !hitem._expand && !this.canExpandItem(hitem)) return false;

         const pr = this.expandItem(this.itemFullName(hitem));
         if (isPromise(pr) && isObject(promises))
         if (hitem._childs !== undefined) hitem._isopen = true;
         return hitem._isopen;

      if ((hitem !== this.h) && isopen && !hitem._isopen) {
         // when there are childs and they are not see, simply show them
         hitem._isopen = true;
         return true;

      let change_child = false;
      for (let i = 0; i < hitem._childs.length; ++i) {
         if (this.toggleOpenState(isopen, hitem._childs[i], promises))
            change_child = true;

      if ((hitem !== this.h) && !isopen && hitem._isopen && !change_child) {
         // if none of the childs can be closed, than just close that item
         delete hitem._isopen;
         return true;

      if (!h) this.refreshHtml();
      return false;

   /** @summary Exapnd to specified level
     * @protected */
   async exapndToLevel(level) {
      if (!level || !Number.isFinite(level) || (level < 0)) return this;

      const promises = [];
      this.toggleOpenState(true, this.h, promises);
      return Promise.all(promises).then(() => this.exapndToLevel(level - 1));

   /** @summary Refresh HTML code of hierarchy painter
     * @return {Promise} when done */
   async refreshHtml() {
      const d3elem = this.selectDom();
      if (d3elem.empty())
         return this;

      d3elem.html('')   // clear html - most simple way
            .style('overflow', this.show_overflow ? 'auto' : 'hidden')
            .style('display', 'flex')
            .style('flex-direction', 'column');


      const h = this, factcmds = [];
      let status_item = null;
      this.forEachItem(item => {
         delete item._d3cont; // remove html container
         if (('_fastcmd' in item) && (item._kind === 'Command')) factcmds.push(item);
         if (('_status' in item) && !status_item) status_item = item;

      if (!this.h || d3elem.empty())
         return this;

      if (factcmds.length) {
         const fastbtns = d3elem.append('div').attr('style', 'display: inline; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap;');
         for (let n = 0; n < factcmds.length; ++n) {
            const btn = fastbtns.append('button')
                       .attr('class', 'jsroot_fastcmd_btn')
                       .attr('item', this.itemFullName(factcmds[n]))
                       .attr('title', factcmds[n]._title)
                       .on('click', function() { h.executeCommand(d3_select(this).attr('item'), this); });

            if (factcmds[n]._icon)
     'background-image', `url('${factcmds[n]._icon}')`);

      const d3btns = d3elem.append('p').attr('class', 'jsroot').style('margin-bottom', '3px').style('margin-top', 0);
      d3btns.append('a').attr('class', 'h_button').text('expand all')
            .attr('title', 'expand all items in the browser').on('click', () => this.toggleOpenState(true));
      d3btns.append('text').text(' | ');
      d3btns.append('a').attr('class', 'h_button').text('collapse all')
            .attr('title', 'collapse all items in the browser').on('click', () => this.toggleOpenState(false));

      if (isFunc(this.removeInspector)) {
         d3btns.append('text').text(' | ');
         d3btns.append('a').attr('class', 'h_button').text('remove')
               .attr('title', 'remove inspector').on('click', () => this.removeInspector());

      if ('_online' in this.h) {
         d3btns.append('text').text(' | ');
         d3btns.append('a').attr('class', 'h_button').text('reload')
               .attr('title', 'reload object list from the server').on('click', () => this.reload());

      if ('disp_kind' in this) {
         d3btns.append('text').text(' | ');
         d3btns.append('a').attr('class', 'h_button').text('clear')
               .attr('title', 'clear all drawn objects').on('click', () => this.clearHierarchy(false));

      const maindiv =
               .attr('class', 'jsroot')
               .style('font-size', this.with_icons ? '12px' : '15px')
               .style('flex', '1');

      if (!this.show_overflow)'overflow', 'auto');

      if (this.background) {
          // case of object inspector and streamer infos display
'background-color', this.background)
                 .style('margin', '2px').style('padding', '2px');
      if (this.textcolor)'color', this.textcolor);

      this.addItemHtml(this.h, maindiv.append('div').attr('class', 'h_tree'));

      this.setTopPainter(); // assign hpainter as top painter

      if (status_item && !this.status_disabled && !decodeUrl().has('nostatus')) {
         const func = findFunction(status_item._status);
         if (isFunc(func)) {
            return this.createStatusLine().then(sdiv => {
               if (sdiv) func(sdiv, this.itemFullName(status_item));

      return this;

   /** @summary Update item node
     * @private */
   updateTreeNode(hitem, d3cont) {
      if ((d3cont === undefined) || d3cont.empty()) {
         d3cont = d3_select(hitem._d3cont ? hitem._d3cont : null);
         const name = this.itemFullName(hitem);
         if (d3cont.empty())
            d3cont = this.selectDom().select(`[item='${name}']`);
         if (d3cont.empty() && ('_cycle' in hitem))
            d3cont = this.selectDom().select(`[item='${name};${hitem._cycle}']`);
         if (d3cont.empty()) return;

      this.addItemHtml(hitem, d3cont, 'update');


   /** @summary Update item background
     * @private */
   updateBackground(hitem, scroll_into_view) {
      if (!hitem || !hitem._d3cont) return;

      const d3cont = d3_select(hitem._d3cont);

      if (d3cont.empty()) return;

      const d3a ='.h_item');'background', hitem._background ? hitem._background : null);

      if (scroll_into_view && hitem._background)

   /** @summary Focus on hierarchy item
     * @param {Object|string} hitem - item to open or its name
     * @desc all parents to the otem will be opened first
     * @return {Promise} when done
     * @private */
   async focusOnItem(hitem) {
      if (isStr(hitem))
         hitem = this.findItem(hitem);

      const name = hitem ? this.itemFullName(hitem) : '';
      if (!name) return false;

      let itm = hitem, need_refresh = false;

      while (itm) {
         if ((itm._childs !== undefined) && !itm._isopen) {
            itm._isopen = true;
            need_refresh = true;
         itm = itm._parent;

      const promise = need_refresh ? this.refreshHtml() : Promise.resolve(true);

      return promise.then(() => {
         const d3cont = this.selectDom().select(`[item='${name}']`);
         if (d3cont.empty()) return false;
         return true;

   /** @summary Handler for click event of item in the hierarchy
     * @private */
   tree_click(evnt, node, place) {
      if (!node) return;

      const d3cont = d3_select(node.parentNode.parentNode),
          itemname = d3cont.attr('item'),
          hitem = itemname ? this.findItem(itemname) : null;

      if (!hitem) return;

      if (hitem._break_point) {
         // special case of more item

         delete hitem._break_point;

         // update item itself
         this.addItemHtml(hitem, d3cont, 'update');

         const prnt = hitem._parent, indx = prnt._childs.indexOf(hitem),
             d3chlds = d3_select(d3cont.node().parentNode);

         if (indx < 0) return console.error('internal error');

         prnt._show_limit = (prnt._show_limit || settings.HierarchyLimit) * 2;

         for (let n = indx+1; n < prnt._childs.length; ++n) {
            const chld = prnt._childs[n];
            chld._parent = prnt;
            if (!this.addItemHtml(chld, d3chlds, n)) break; // if too many items, skip rest


      let prnt = hitem, dflt;
      while (prnt) {
         if ((dflt = prnt._click_action) !== undefined) break;
         prnt = prnt._parent;

      if (!place) place = 'item';
      const selector = (hitem._kind === prROOT + clTKey && hitem._more) ? 'noinspect' : '',
            sett = getDrawSettings(hitem._kind, selector), handle = sett.handle;

      if (place === 'icon') {
         let func = null;
         if (isFunc(hitem._icon_click))
            func = hitem._icon_click;
         else if (isFunc(handle?.icon_click))
            func = handle.icon_click;
         if (func && func(hitem, this))
            this.updateTreeNode(hitem, d3cont);

      // special feature - all items with '_expand' function are not drawn by click
      if ((place === 'item') && ('_expand' in hitem) && !evnt.ctrlKey && !evnt.shiftKey) place = 'plusminus';

      // special case - one should expand item
      if (((place === 'plusminus') && !('_childs' in hitem) && hitem._more) ||
          ((place === 'item') && (dflt === 'expand')))
         return this.expandItem(itemname, d3cont);

      if (place === 'item') {
         if (hitem._player)
            return this.player(itemname);

         if (handle?.aslink)
            return + '/');

         if (handle?.execute)
            return this.executeCommand(itemname, node.parentNode);

         if (handle?.ignore_online && this.isOnlineItem(hitem)) return;

         const dflt_expand = (this.default_by_click === 'expand');
         let can_draw = hitem._can_draw,
             can_expand = hitem._more,
             drawopt = '';

         if (evnt.shiftKey) {
            drawopt = handle?.shift || kInspect;
            if (isStr(drawopt) && (drawopt.indexOf(kInspect) === 0) && handle?.noinspect) drawopt = '';
         if (evnt.ctrlKey && handle?.ctrl)
            drawopt = handle.ctrl;

         if (!drawopt && !handle?.always_draw) {
            for (let pitem = hitem._parent; pitem; pitem = pitem._parent) {
               if (pitem._painter) {
                  can_draw = false;
                  if (can_expand === undefined)
                     can_expand = false;

         if (hitem._childs) can_expand = false;

         if (can_draw === undefined) can_draw = sett.draw;
         if (can_expand === undefined) can_expand = sett.expand || sett.get_expand;

         if (can_draw && can_expand && !drawopt) {
            // if default action specified as expand, disable drawing
            // if already displayed, try to expand
            if (dflt_expand || (handle?.dflt === 'expand') || (handle?.exapnd_after_draw && this.isItemDisplayed(itemname))) can_draw = false;

         if (can_draw && !drawopt)
            drawopt = '__default_draw_option__';

         if (can_draw)
            return this.display(itemname, drawopt, true);

         if (can_expand || dflt_expand)
            return this.expandItem(itemname, d3cont);

         // cannot draw, but can inspect ROOT objects
         if (isStr(hitem._kind) && (hitem._kind.indexOf(prROOT) === 0) && sett.inspect && (can_draw !== false))
            return this.display(itemname, kInspect, true);

         if (!hitem._childs || (hitem === this.h)) return;

      if (hitem._isopen)
         delete hitem._isopen;
         hitem._isopen = true;

      this.updateTreeNode(hitem, d3cont);

   /** @summary Handler for mouse-over event
     * @private */
   tree_mouseover(on, elem) {
      const itemname = d3_select(elem.parentNode.parentNode).attr('item'),
           hitem = this.findItem(itemname);

      if (!hitem) return;

      let painter, prnt = hitem;
      while (prnt && !painter) {
         painter = prnt._painter;
         prnt = prnt._parent;

      if (isFunc(painter?.mouseOverHierarchy))
         painter.mouseOverHierarchy(on, itemname, hitem);

   /** @summary alternative context menu, used in the object inspector
     * @private */
   direct_contextmenu(evnt, elem) {
      const itemname = d3_select(elem.parentNode.parentNode).attr('item'),
           hitem = this.findItem(itemname);
      if (!hitem) return;

      if (isFunc(this.fill_context)) {
         createMenu(evnt, this).then(menu => {
            this.fill_context(menu, hitem);
            if (menu.size() > 0) {
               menu.tree_node = elem.parentNode;

   /** @summary Fills settings menu items
     * @private */
   fillSettingsMenu(menu, alone) {
      menu.addSettingsMenu(true, alone, arg => {
         if (arg === 'refresh') {
            this.forEachRootFile(folder => keysHierarchy(folder, folder._file.fKeys, folder._file, ''));
         } else if (arg === 'dark')
         else if (arg === 'width')
            this.brlayout?.adjustSeparators(settings.BrowserWidth, null);

   /** @summary Handle changes of dark mode
     * @private */
   changeDarkMode() {
      if (this.textcolor) {

      this.createButtons(); // recreate buttons
      if (isFunc(this.disp?.changeDarkMode))
      this.disp?.forEachFrame(frame => {
         let p = getElementCanvPainter(frame);
         if (!p) p = getElementMainPainter(frame);
         if (isFunc(p?.changeDarkMode) && (p !== this))

   /** @summary Toggle dark mode
     * @private */
   toggleDarkMode() {
      settings.DarkMode = !settings.DarkMode;

   /** @summary Handle context menu in the hieararchy
     * @private */
   tree_contextmenu(evnt, elem) {
      const itemname = d3_select(elem.parentNode.parentNode).attr('item'),
             hitem = this.findItem(itemname);
      if (!hitem) return;

      const onlineprop = this.getOnlineProp(itemname),
            fileprop = this.getFileProp(itemname);

      function qualifyURL(url) {
         const escapeHTML = s => s.split('&').join('&amp;').split('<').join('&lt;').split('"').join('&quot;'),
               el = document.createElement('div');
         el.innerHTML = `<a href="${escapeHTML(url)}">x</a>`;
         return el.firstChild.href;

      createMenu(evnt, this).then(menu => {
         if ((!itemname || !hitem._parent) && !('_jsonfile' in hitem)) {
            let addr = '', cnt = 0;
            const files = [], separ = () => (cnt++ > 0) ? '&' : '?';

            this.forEachRootFile(item => files.push(item._file.fFullURL));

            if (!this.getTopOnlineItem())
               addr = source_dir + 'index.htm';

            if (this.isMonitoring())
               addr += separ() + 'monitoring=' + this.getMonitoringInterval();

            if (files.length === 1)
               addr += `${separ()}file=${files[0]}`;
            else if (files.length > 1)
               addr += `${separ()}files=${JSON.stringify(files)}`;

            if (this.disp_kind)
               addr += separ() + 'layout=' + this.disp_kind.replace(/ /g, '');

            const items = [], opts = [];

            this.disp?.forEachFrame(frame => {
               const dummy = new ObjectPainter(frame);
               let top = dummy.getTopPainter(),
                   item = top ? top.getItemName() : null, opt;

               if (item)
                  opt = top.getDrawOpt() || top.getItemDrawOpt();
                else {
                  top = null;
                  dummy.forEachPainter(p => {
                     const _item = p.getItemName();
                     if (!_item) return;
                     let _opt = p.getDrawOpt() || p.getItemDrawOpt() || '';
                     if (!top) {
                        top = p;
                        item = _item;
                        opt = _opt;
                     } else if (top.getPadPainter() === p.getPadPainter()) {
                        if (_opt.indexOf('same ') === 0)
                           _opt = _opt.slice(5);
                        item += '+' + _item;
                        opt += '+' + _opt;

               if (item) {
                  opts.push(opt || '');

            if (items.length === 1)
               addr += separ() + 'item=' + items[0] + separ() + 'opt=' + opts[0];
             else if (items.length > 1)
               addr += separ() + 'items=' + JSON.stringify(items) + separ() + 'opts=' + JSON.stringify(opts);

            menu.add('Direct link', () =>;
            menu.add('Only items', () => + '&nobrowser'));
         } else if (onlineprop)
            this.fillOnlineMenu(menu, onlineprop, itemname);
          else {
            const sett = getDrawSettings(hitem._kind, 'nosame');

            // allow to draw item even if draw function is not defined
            if (hitem._can_draw) {
               if (!sett.opts) sett.opts = [''];
               if (sett.opts.indexOf('') < 0)

            if (sett.opts) {
               menu.addDrawMenu('Draw', sett.opts, arg => this.display(itemname, arg),
                                'Draw item in the new frame');

               const active_frame = this.disp?.getActiveFrame();

               if (!sett.noappend && active_frame && (getElementCanvPainter(active_frame) || getElementMainPainter(active_frame))) {
                  menu.addDrawMenu('Superimpose', sett.opts, arg => this.dropItem(itemname, active_frame, arg),
                                   'Superimpose item with drawing on active frame');

            if (fileprop && sett.opts && !fileprop.localfile) {
               const url = settings.NewTabUrl || source_dir;
               let filepath = qualifyURL(fileprop.fileurl);
               if (filepath.indexOf(url) === 0)
                  filepath = filepath.slice(url.length);
               filepath = `${fileprop.kind}=${filepath}`;
               if (fileprop.itemname) {
                  let name = fileprop.itemname;
                  if (\+| |,/) >= 0) name = `'${name}'`;
                  filepath += `&item=${name}`;

               let arg0 = 'nobrowser';
               if (settings.WithCredentials)
                  arg0 += '&with_credentials';
               if (settings.NewTabUrlPars)
                  arg0 += '&' + settings.NewTabUrlPars;
               if (settings.NewTabUrlExportSettings) {
                  if (gStyle.fOptStat !== 1111)
                     arg0 += `&optstat=${gStyle.fOptStat}`;
                  if (gStyle.fOptFit !== 0)
                     arg0 += `&optfit=${gStyle.fOptFit}`;
                  if (gStyle.fOptDate !== 0)
                     arg0 += `&optdate=${gStyle.fOptDate}`;
                  if (gStyle.fOptFile !== 0)
                     arg0 += `&optfile=${gStyle.fOptFile}`;
                  if (gStyle.fOptTitle !== 1)
                     arg0 += `&opttitle=${gStyle.fOptTitle}`;
                  if (settings.TimeZone === 'UTC')
                     arg0 += '&utc';
                  else if (settings.TimeZone)
                     arg0 += `&timezone='${settings.TimeZone}'`;
                  if (Math.abs(gStyle.fDateX - 0.01) > 1e-3)
                     arg0 += `&datex=${gStyle.fDateX.toFixed(3)}`;
                  if (Math.abs(gStyle.fDateY - 0.01) > 1e-3)
                     arg0 += `&datey=${gStyle.fDateY.toFixed(3)}`;
                  if (gStyle.fHistMinimumZero)
                     arg0 += '&histzero';
                  if (settings.DarkMode)
                     arg0 += '&dark=on';
                  if (!settings.UseStamp)
                     arg0 += '&usestamp=off';
                  if (settings.OnlyLastCycle)
                     arg0 += '&lastcycle';
                  if (settings.OptimizeDraw !== 1)
                     arg0 += `&optimize=${settings.OptimizeDraw}`;
                  if (settings.MaxRanges !== 200)
                     arg0 += `&maxranges=${settings.MaxRanges}`;
                  if (settings.FuncAsCurve)
                     arg0 += '&tf1=curve';
                  if (!settings.ToolBar && !settings.Tooltip && !settings.ContextMenu && !settings.Zooming && !settings.MoveResize && !settings.DragAndDrop)
                     arg0 += '&interactive=0';
                  else if (!settings.ContextMenu)
                     arg0 += '&nomenu';

               menu.addDrawMenu('Draw in new tab', sett.opts,
                                arg =>`${url}?${arg0}&${filepath}&opt=${arg}`),
                                'Draw item in the new browser tab or window');

            if ((sett.expand || sett.get_expand) && (hitem._more || hitem._more === undefined)) {
               if (hitem._childs === undefined)
                  menu.add('Expand', () => this.expandItem(itemname), 'Exapnd content of object');
               else {
                  menu.add('Unexpand', () => {
                     hitem._more = true;
                     delete hitem._childs;
                     delete hitem._isopen;
                     if (hitem.expand_item)
                        delete hitem._expand;
                  }, 'Remove all childs from hierarchy');

            if (hitem._kind === prROOT + clTStyle)
               menu.add('Apply', () => this.applyStyle(itemname));

         if (isFunc(hitem._menu))
            hitem._menu(menu, hitem, this);

         if (menu.size() > 0) {
            menu.tree_node = elem.parentNode;
            if (menu.separ) menu.add('separator'); // add separator at the end
      }); // end menu creation

      return false;

   /** @summary Starts player for specified item
     * @desc Same as 'Player' context menu
     * @param {string} itemname - item name for which player should be started
     * @param {string} [option] - extra options for the player
     * @return {Promise} when ready */
   async player(itemname, option) {
      const item = this.findItem(itemname);

      if (!item || !item._player || !isStr(item._player))
         return null;

      let player_func = null;

      if (item._module) {
         const hh = await this.importModule(item._module);
         player_func = hh ? hh[item._player] : null;
      } else {
         if (item._prereq || (item._player.indexOf('JSROOT.') >= 0))
            await this.loadScripts('', item._prereq);
         player_func = findFunction(item._player);

      if (!isFunc(player_func))
         return null;

      await this.createDisplay();
      return player_func(this, itemname, option);

   /** @summary Checks if item can be displayed with given draw option
     * @private */
   canDisplay(item, drawopt) {
      if (!item) return false;
      if (item._player) return true;
      if (item._can_draw !== undefined) return item._can_draw;
      if (isStr(drawopt) && (drawopt.indexOf(kInspect) === 0)) return true;
      const handle = getDrawHandle(item._kind, drawopt);
      return canDrawHandle(handle);

   /** @summary Returns true if given item displayed
     * @param {string} itemname - item name */
   isItemDisplayed(itemname) {
      const mdi = this.getDisplay();
      return mdi ? mdi.findFrame(itemname) !== null : false;

   /** @summary Display specified item
     * @param {string} itemname - item name
     * @param {string} [drawopt] - draw option for the item
     * @param {boolean} [interactive] - if display was called in interactive mode, will activate selected drawing
     * @return {Promise} with created painter object */
   async display(itemname, drawopt, interactive) {
      const display_itemname = itemname,
            marker = '::_display_on_frame_::';
      let painter = null,
          updating = false,
          item = null,
          frame_name = itemname;

      const p = drawopt?.indexOf(marker) ?? -1;
      if (p >= 0) {
         frame_name = drawopt.slice(p + marker.length);
         drawopt = drawopt.slice(0, p);

      const complete = (respainter, err) => {
         if (err) console.log('When display ', itemname, 'got', err);

         if (updating && item) delete item._doing_update;
         if (!updating) showProgress();
         if (isFunc(respainter?.setItemName)) {
            respainter.setItemName(display_itemname, updating ? null : drawopt, this); // mark painter as created from hierarchy
            if (item && !item._painter) item._painter = respainter;

         return respainter || painter;

      return this.createDisplay().then(mdi => {
         if (!mdi) return complete();

         item = this.findItem(display_itemname);

         if (item && ('_player' in item))
            return this.player(display_itemname, drawopt).then(res => complete(res));

         updating = isStr(drawopt) && (drawopt.indexOf('update:') === 0);

         if (updating) {
            drawopt = drawopt.slice(7);
            if (!item || item._doing_update) return complete();
            item._doing_update = true;

         if (item && !this.canDisplay(item, drawopt)) return complete();

         let divid = '', use_dflt_opt = false;
         if (isStr(drawopt) && (drawopt.indexOf('divid:') >= 0)) {
            const pos = drawopt.indexOf('divid:');
            divid = drawopt.slice(pos+6);
            drawopt = drawopt.slice(0, pos);

         if (drawopt === '__default_draw_option__') {
            use_dflt_opt = true;
            drawopt = '';

         if (!updating) showProgress(`Loading ${display_itemname} ...`);

         return this.getObject(display_itemname, drawopt).then(result => {
            if (!updating) showProgress();

            if (!item) item = result.item;
            let obj = result.obj;

            if (!obj) return complete();

            if (!updating) showProgress(`Drawing ${display_itemname} ...`);

            let handle = obj._typename ? getDrawHandle(prROOT + obj._typename) : null;

            if (handle?.draw_field && obj[handle.draw_field]) {
               obj = obj[handle.draw_field];
               if (!drawopt) drawopt = handle.draw_field_opt || '';
               handle = obj._typename ? getDrawHandle(prROOT + obj._typename) : null;

            if (use_dflt_opt && !drawopt && handle?.dflt && (handle.dflt !== 'expand'))
               drawopt = handle.dflt;

            if (divid) {
               const func = updating ? redraw : draw;
               return func(divid, obj, drawopt).then(p => complete(p)).catch(err => complete(null, err));

            let did_actiavte = false;

            mdi.forEachPainter((p, frame) => {
               if (p.getItemName() !== display_itemname) return;

               const itemopt = p.getItemDrawOpt();
               if (use_dflt_opt && interactive) drawopt = itemopt;

               // verify that object was drawn with same option as specified now (if any)
               if (!updating && drawopt && (itemopt !== drawopt)) return;

               if (interactive && !did_actiavte) {
                  did_actiavte = true;

               if (isFunc(p.redrawObject) && p.redrawObject(obj, drawopt)) painter = p;

            if (painter) return complete();

            if (updating) {
               console.warn(`something went wrong - did not found painter when doing update of ${display_itemname}`);
               return complete();

            const frame = mdi.findFrame(frame_name, true);

            return draw(frame, obj, drawopt)
                         .then(p => complete(p))
                         .catch(err => complete(null, err));

   /** @summary Enable drag of the element
     * @private  */
   enableDrag(d3elem /*, itemname */) {
      d3elem.attr('draggable', 'true').on('dragstart', function(ev) {
         const itemname = this.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('item');
         ev.dataTransfer.setData('item', itemname);

   /** @summary Enable drop on the frame
     * @private  */
   enableDrop(frame) {
      const h = this;
      d3_select(frame).on('dragover', function(ev) {
         const itemname = ev.dataTransfer.getData('item'),
              ditem = h.findItem(itemname);
         if (isStr(ditem?._kind) && (ditem._kind.indexOf(prROOT) === 0))
            ev.preventDefault(); // let accept drop, otherwise it will be refuced
      }).on('dragenter', function() {
         d3_select(this).classed('jsroot_drag_area', true);
      }).on('dragleave', function() {
         d3_select(this).classed('jsroot_drag_area', false);
      }).on('drop', function(ev) {
         d3_select(this).classed('jsroot_drag_area', false);
         const itemname = ev.dataTransfer.getData('item');
         if (itemname) h.dropItem(itemname, this);

   /** @summary Remove all drop handlers on the frame
     * @private  */
   clearDrop(frame) {
      d3_select(frame).on('dragover', null).on('dragenter', null).on('dragleave', null).on('drop', null);

  /** @summary Drop item on specified element for drawing
    * @return {Promise} when completed
    * @private */
   async dropItem(itemname, divid, opt) {
      if (!opt || !isStr(opt)) opt = '';

      const drop_complete = (drop_painter, is_main_painter) => {
         if (!is_main_painter && isFunc(drop_painter?.setItemName))
            drop_painter.setItemName(itemname, null, this);
         return drop_painter;

      if (itemname === '$legend') {
         const cp = getElementCanvPainter(divid);
         if (isFunc(cp?.buildLegend))
            return cp.buildLegend(0, 0, 0, 0, '', opt).then(lp => drop_complete(lp));
         console.error('Not possible to build legend');
         return drop_complete(null);

      return this.getObject(itemname).then(res => {
         if (!res.obj) return null;

         const main_painter = getElementMainPainter(divid);

         if (isFunc(main_painter?.performDrop))
            return main_painter.performDrop(res.obj, itemname, res.item, opt).then(p => drop_complete(p, main_painter === p));

         if (main_painter?.accept_drops)
            return draw(divid, res.obj, 'same ' + opt).then(p => drop_complete(p, main_painter === p));

         return draw(divid, res.obj, opt).then(p => drop_complete(p));

   /** @summary Update specified items
     * @desc Method can be used to fetch new objects and update all existing drawings
     * @param {string|array|boolean} arg - either item name or array of items names to update or true if only automatic items will be updated
     * @return {Promise} when ready */
   async updateItems(arg) {
      if (!this.disp)
         return false;

      const allitems = [], options = [];
      let only_auto_items = false, want_update_all = false;

      if (isStr(arg))
         arg = [arg];
      else if (!isObject(arg)) {
         if (arg === undefined)
           arg = !this.isMonitoring();
         want_update_all = true;
         only_auto_items = !!arg;

      // first collect items
      this.disp.forEachPainter(p => {
         const itemname = p.getItemName();

         if (!isStr(itemname) || (allitems.indexOf(itemname) >= 0)) return;

         if (want_update_all) {
            const item = this.findItem(itemname);
            if (!item || ('_not_monitor' in item) || ('_player' in item)) return;
            if (!('_always_monitor' in item)) {
               const handle = getDrawHandle(item._kind);
               let forced = false;
               if (handle?.monitor !== undefined) {
                  if ((handle.monitor === false) || (handle.monitor === 'never')) return;
                  if (handle.monitor === 'always') forced = true;
               if (!forced && only_auto_items) return;
         } else
            if (arg.indexOf(itemname) < 0) return;

         options.push('update:' + p.getItemDrawOpt());
      }, true); // only visible panels are considered

      // force all files to read again (normally in non-browser mode)
      if (this.files_monitoring && !only_auto_items && want_update_all) {
         this.forEachRootFile(item => {
            this.forEachItem(fitem => { delete fitem._readobj; }, item);
            delete item._file;

      return this.displayItems(allitems, options);

   /** @summary Display all provided elements
     * @return {Promise} when drawing finished
     * @private */
   async displayItems(items, options) {
      if (!items || (items.length === 0))
         return true;

      const h = this;

      if (!options) options = [];
      while (options.length < items.length)

      if ((options.length === 1) && (options[0] === 'iotest')) {
         d3_select('#' + this.disp_frameid).html('<h2>Start I/O test</h2>');

         const tm0 = new Date();
         return this.getObject(items[0]).then(() => {
            const tm1 = new Date();
            d3_select('#' + this.disp_frameid).append('h2').html('Item ' + items[0] + ' reading time = ' + (tm1.getTime() - tm0.getTime()) + 'ms');
            return true;

      const dropitems = new Array(items.length),
            dropopts = new Array(items.length),
            images = new Array(items.length);

      // First of all check that items are exists, look for cycle extension and plus sign
      for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
         dropitems[i] = dropopts[i] = null;

         const item = items[i];
         let can_split = true;

         if (item?.indexOf('img:') === 0) { images[i] = true; continue; }

         if ((item?.length > 1) && (item[0] === '\'') && (item[item.length - 1] === '\'')) {
            items[i] = item.slice(1, item.length-1);
            can_split = false;

         let elem = h.findItem({ name: items[i], check_keys: true });
         if (elem) { items[i] = h.itemFullName(elem); continue; }

         if (can_split && (items[i][0] === '[') && (items[i][items[i].length - 1] === ']')) {
            dropitems[i] = parseAsArray(items[i]);
            items[i] = dropitems[i].shift();
         } else if (can_split && (items[i].indexOf('+') > 0)) {
            dropitems[i] = items[i].split('+');
            items[i] = dropitems[i].shift();

         if (dropitems[i] && dropitems[i].length > 0) {
            // allow to specify _same_ item in different file
            for (let j = 0; j < dropitems[i].length; ++j) {
               const pos = dropitems[i][j].indexOf('_same_');
               if ((pos > 0) && (h.findItem(dropitems[i][j]) === null))
                  dropitems[i][j] = dropitems[i][j].slice(0, pos) + items[i].slice(pos);

               elem = h.findItem({ name: dropitems[i][j], check_keys: true });
               if (elem) dropitems[i][j] = h.itemFullName(elem);

            if ((options[i][0] === '[') && (options[i][options[i].length-1] === ']')) {
               dropopts[i] = parseAsArray(options[i]);
               options[i] = dropopts[i].shift();
            } else if (options[i].indexOf('+') > 0) {
               dropopts[i] = options[i].split('+');
               options[i] = dropopts[i].shift();
            } else
               dropopts[i] = [];

            while (dropopts[i].length < dropitems[i].length)

         // also check if subsequent items has _same_, than use name from first item
         const pos = items[i].indexOf('_same_');
         if ((pos > 0) && !h.findItem(items[i]) && (i > 0))
            items[i] = items[i].slice(0, pos) + items[0].slice(pos);

         elem = h.findItem({ name: items[i], check_keys: true });
         if (elem) items[i] = h.itemFullName(elem);

      // now check that items can be displayed
      for (let n = items.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
         if (images[n]) continue;
         const hitem = h.findItem(items[n]);
         if (!hitem || h.canDisplay(hitem, options[n])) continue;
         // try to expand specified item
         h.expandItem(items[n], null, true);
         items.splice(n, 1);
         options.splice(n, 1);
         dropitems.splice(n, 1);

      if (items.length === 0)
         return true;

      const frame_names = new Array(items.length), items_wait = new Array(items.length);
      for (let n = 0; n < items.length; ++n) {
         items_wait[n] = 0;
         let fname = items[n], k = 0;
         if (items.indexOf(fname) < n) items_wait[n] = true; // if same item specified, one should wait first drawing before start next
         const p = options[n].indexOf('frameid:');
         if (p >= 0) {
            fname = options[n].slice(p+8);
            options[n] = options[n].slice(0, p);
         } else {
            while (frame_names.indexOf(fname) >= 0)
               fname = items[n] + '_' + k++;
         frame_names[n] = fname;

      // now check if several same items present - select only one for the drawing
      // if draw option includes 'main', such item will be drawn first
      for (let n = 0; n < items.length; ++n) {
         if (items_wait[n] !== 0) continue;
         let found_main = n;
         for (let k = 0; k < items.length; ++k) {
            if ((items[n]===items[k]) && (options[k].indexOf('main') >= 0))
               found_main = k;
         for (let k = 0; k < items.length; ++k) {
            if (items[n] === items[k])
               items_wait[k] = (found_main !== k);

      return this.createDisplay().then(mdi => {
         if (!mdi) return false;

         // Than create empty frames for each item
         for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
            if (options[i].indexOf('update:') !== 0) {
               options[i] += '::_display_on_frame_::'+frame_names[i];

         function dropNextItem(indx, painter) {
            if (painter && dropitems[indx] && (dropitems[indx].length > 0))
               return h.dropItem(dropitems[indx].shift(), painter.getDom(), dropopts[indx].shift()).then(() => dropNextItem(indx, painter));

            dropitems[indx] = null; // mark that all drop items are processed
            items[indx] = null; // mark item as ready

            for (let cnt = 0; cnt < items.length; ++cnt) {
               if (items[cnt] === null) continue; // ignore completed item
               if (items_wait[cnt] && items.indexOf(items[cnt]) === cnt) {
                  items_wait[cnt] = false;
                  return h.display(items[cnt], options[cnt]).then(painter => dropNextItem(cnt, painter));

         const promises = [];

         if (this._one_by_one) {
            function processNext(indx) {
               if (indx >= items.length)
                  return true;
               if (items_wait[indx])
                  return processNext(indx + 1);
                return h.display(items[indx], options[indx])
                        .then(painter => dropNextItem(indx, painter))
                        .then(() => processNext(indx + 1));
         } else {
            // We start display of all items parallel, but only if they are not the same
            for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
               if (!items_wait[i])
                  promises.push(h.display(items[i], options[i]).then(painter => dropNextItem(i, painter)));

         return Promise.all(promises);

   /** @summary Reload hierarchy and refresh html code
     * @return {Promise} when completed */
   async reload() {
      if ('_online' in this.h)
         return this.openOnline(this.h._online).then(() => this.refreshHtml());
      return false;

   /** @summary activate (select) specified item
     * @param {Array} items - array of items names
     * @param {boolean} [force] - if specified, all required sub-levels will be opened
     * @private */
   activateItems(items, force) {
      if (isStr(items)) items = [items];

      const active = [], // array of elements to activate
          update = []; // array of elements to update
      this.forEachItem(item => { if (item._background) { active.push(item); delete item._background; } });

      const mark_active = () => {
         for (let n = update.length-1; n >= 0; --n)

         for (let n = 0; n < active.length; ++n)
            this.updateBackground(active[n], force);

       find_next = (itemname, prev_found) => {
         if (itemname === undefined) {
            // extract next element
            if (items.length === 0) return mark_active();
            itemname = items.shift();

         let hitem = this.findItem(itemname);

         if (!hitem) {
            const d = this.findItem({ name: itemname, last_exists: true, check_keys: true, allow_index: true });
            if (!d || !d.last) return find_next();
            d.now_found = this.itemFullName(d.last);

            if (force) {
               // if after last expand no better solution found - skip it
               if ((prev_found !== undefined) && (d.now_found === prev_found)) return find_next();

               return this.expandItem(d.now_found).then(res => {
                  if (!res) return find_next();
                  let newname = this.itemFullName(d.last);
                  if (newname) newname += '/';
                  find_next(newname +, d.now_found);
            hitem = d.last;

         if (hitem) { // deepscan-disable-line
            // check that item is visible (opened), otherwise should enable parent

            let prnt = hitem._parent;
            while (prnt) {
               if (!prnt._isopen) {
                  if (force) {
                     prnt._isopen = true;
                     if (update.indexOf(prnt) < 0) update.push(prnt);
                  } else {
                     hitem = prnt; break;
               prnt = prnt._parent;

            hitem._background = 'LightSteelBlue';
            if (active.indexOf(hitem) < 0) active.push(hitem);


      if (force && this.brlayout) {
         if (!this.brlayout.browser_kind)
           return this.createBrowser('float', true).then(() => find_next());
         if (!this.brlayout.browser_visible)

      // use recursion

   /** @summary Check if item can be (potentially) expand
     * @private */
   canExpandItem(item) {
      if (!item) return false;
      if (item._expand) return true;
      const handle = getDrawHandle(item._kind, '::expand');
      return handle && canExpandHandle(handle);

   /** @summary expand specified item
     * @param {String} itemname - item name
     * @return {Promise} when ready */
   async expandItem(itemname, d3cont, silent) {
      const hitem = this.findItem(itemname), hpainter = this;

      if (!hitem && d3cont)

      async function doExpandItem(_item, _obj) {
         if (isStr(_item._expand))
            _item._expand = findFunction(_item._expand);

         if (!isFunc(_item._expand)) {
            let handle = getDrawHandle(_item._kind, '::expand');

            // in inspector show all memebers
            if (handle?.expand_item && !hpainter._inspector) {
               _obj = _obj[handle.expand_item];
               _item.expand_item = handle.expand_item; // remember that was exapnd item
               handle = _obj?._typename ? getDrawHandle(prROOT + _obj._typename, '::expand') : null;

            if (handle?.expand || handle?.get_expand) {
               if (isFunc(handle.expand))
                  _item._expand = handle.expand;
               else if (isStr(handle.expand)) {
                  if (!internals.ignore_v6) {
                     const v6 = await _ensureJSROOT();
                     await v6.require(handle.prereq);
                     await v6._complete_loading();
                  _item._expand = handle.expand = findFunction(handle.expand);
               } else if (isFunc(handle.get_expand))
                  _item._expand = handle.expand = await handle.get_expand();

         // try to use expand function
         if (_obj && isFunc(_item._expand)) {
            if (_item._expand(_item, _obj)) {
               _item._isopen = true;
               if (_item._parent && !_item._parent._isopen) {
                  _item._parent._isopen = true; // also show parent
                  if (!silent)
               } else {
                  if (!silent)
                     hpainter.updateTreeNode(_item, d3cont);
               return _item;

         if (_obj && objectHierarchy(_item, _obj)) {
            _item._isopen = true;
            if (_item._parent && !_item._parent._isopen) {
               _item._parent._isopen = true; // also show parent
               if (!silent) hpainter.updateTreeNode(_item._parent);
            } else {
               if (!silent)
                  hpainter.updateTreeNode(_item, d3cont);
            return _item;

         return -1;

      let promise = Promise.resolve(-1);

      if (hitem) {
         // item marked as it cannot be expanded, also top item cannot be changed
         if ((hitem._more === false) || (!hitem._parent && hitem._childs))

         if (hitem._childs && hitem._isopen) {
            hitem._isopen = false;
            if (!silent) this.updateTreeNode(hitem, d3cont);

         if (hitem._obj) promise = doExpandItem(hitem, hitem._obj);

      return promise.then(res => {
         if (res !== -1) return res; // done

         showProgress('Loading ' + itemname);

         return this.getObject(itemname, silent ? 'hierarchy_expand' : 'hierarchy_expand_verbose').then(res => {
            if (res.obj) return doExpandItem(res.item, res.obj).then(res => { return (res !== -1) ? res : undefined; });

   /** @summary Return main online item
     * @private */
   getTopOnlineItem(item) {
      if (item) {
         while (item && (!('_online' in item))) item = item._parent;
         return item;

      if (!this.h) return null;
      if ('_online' in this.h) return this.h;
      if (this.h._childs && ('_online' in this.h._childs[0])) return this.h._childs[0];
      return null;

   /** @summary Call function for each item which corresponds to JSON file
     * @private */
   forEachJsonFile(func) {
      if (!this.h) return;
      if ('_jsonfile' in this.h)
         return func(this.h);

      if (this.h._childs) {
         for (let n = 0; n < this.h._childs.length; ++n) {
            const item = this.h._childs[n];
            if ('_jsonfile' in item) func(item);

   /** @summary Open JSON file
     * @param {string} filepath - URL to JSON file
     * @return {Promise} when object ready */
   async openJsonFile(filepath) {
      let isfileopened = false;
      this.forEachJsonFile(item => { if (item._jsonfile === filepath) isfileopened = true; });
      if (isfileopened) return;

      return httpRequest(filepath, 'object').then(res => {
         if (!res) return;
         const h1 = { _jsonfile: filepath, _kind: prROOT + res._typename, _jsontmp: res, _name: filepath.split('/').pop() };
         if (res.fTitle) h1._title = res.fTitle;
         h1._get = function(item /* ,itemname */) {
            if (item._jsontmp)
               return Promise.resolve(item._jsontmp);
            return httpRequest(item._jsonfile, 'object')
                         .then(res => {
                             item._jsontmp = res;
                             return res;
         if (!this.h)
            this.h = h1;
         else if (this.h._kind === kTopFolder)
         else {
            const h0 = this.h, topname = ('_jsonfile' in h0) ? 'Files' : 'Items';
            this.h = { _name: topname, _kind: kTopFolder, _childs: [h0, h1] };

         return this.refreshHtml();

   /** @summary Call function for each item which corresponds to ROOT file
     * @private */
   forEachRootFile(func) {
      if (!this.h) return;
      if ((this.h._kind === kindTFile) && this.h._file)
         return func(this.h);

      if (this.h._childs) {
         for (let n = 0; n < this.h._childs.length; ++n) {
            const item = this.h._childs[n];
            if ((item._kind === kindTFile) && ('_fullurl' in item))

   /** @summary Find ROOT file which corresponds to provided item name
     * @private */
   findRootFileForItem(itemname) {
      let item = this.findItem(itemname);
      while (item) {
         if ((item._kind === kindTFile) && item._fullurl && item._file)
            return item;
         item = item?._parent;
      return null;

   /** @summary Open ROOT file
     * @param {string} filepath - URL to ROOT file, argument for openFile
     * @return {Promise} when file is opened */
   async openRootFile(filepath) {
      let isfileopened = false;
      this.forEachRootFile(item => { if (item._fullurl === filepath) isfileopened = true; });
      if (isfileopened) return;

      const msg = isStr(filepath) ? filepath : 'file';

      showProgress(`Opening ${msg} ...`);

      return openFile(filepath).then(file => {
         const h1 = this.fileHierarchy(file);
         h1._isopen = true;
         if (!this.h) {
            this.h = h1;
            if (this._topname) h1._name = this._topname;
         } else if (this.h._kind === kTopFolder)
           else {
            const h0 = this.h, topname = (h0._kind === kindTFile) ? 'Files' : 'Items';
            this.h = { _name: topname, _kind: kTopFolder, _childs: [h0, h1], _isopen: true };

         return this.refreshHtml();
      }).catch(() => {
         // make CORS warning
         if (isBatchMode())
            console.error(`Fail to open ${msg} - check CORS headers`);
         else if (!d3_select('#gui_fileCORS').style('background', 'red').empty())
            setTimeout(() => d3_select('#gui_fileCORS').style('background', ''), 5000);
         return false;
      }).finally(() => showProgress());

   /** @summary Create list of files for specified directory */
   async listServerDir(dirname) {
      return httpRequest(dirname, 'text').then(res => {
         if (!res) return false;
         const h = { _name: 'Files', _kind: kTopFolder, _childs: [], _isopen: true };
         let p = 0;
         while (p < res.length) {
            p = res.indexOf('a href="', p+1);
            if (p < 0) break;
            p += 8;
            const p2 = res.indexOf('"', p+1);
            if (p2 < 0) break;

            const fname = res.slice(p, p2);
            p = p2 + 1;
            if ((fname.lastIndexOf('.root') === fname.length - 5) && (fname.length > 5)) {
                  _name: fname, _title: dirname + fname, _url: dirname + fname, _kind: kindTFile,
                  _click_action: 'expand', _more: true, _obj: {},
                  _expand: item => {
                     return openFile(item._url).then(file => {
                        if (!file) return false;
                        delete item._exapnd;
                        delete item._more;
                        delete item._click_action;
                        delete item._obj;
                        item._isopen = true;
                        this.fileHierarchy(file, item);
            } else if (((fname.lastIndexOf('.json.gz') === fname.length - 8) && (fname.length > 8)) ||
                       ((fname.lastIndexOf('.json') === fname.length - 5) && (fname.length > 5))) {
                  _name: fname, _title: dirname + fname, _jsonfile: dirname + fname, _can_draw: true,
                  _get: item => {
                     return httpRequest(item._jsonfile, 'object').then(res => {
                        if (res) {
                          item._kind = prROOT + res._typename;
                          item._jsontmp = res;
                        return res;
         if (h._childs.length > 0)
            this.h = h;
         return true;

   /** @summary Apply loaded TStyle object
     * @desc One also can specify item name of JSON file name where style is loaded
     * @param {object|string} style - either TStyle object of item name where object can be load */
   async applyStyle(style) {
      if (!style)
         return true;

      let pr = Promise.resolve(style);

      if (isStr(style)) {
         const item = this.findItem({ name: style, allow_index: true, check_keys: true });
         if (item !== null)
            pr = this.getObject(item).then(res => res.obj);
         else if (style.indexOf('.json') > 0)
            pr = httpRequest(style, 'object');

      return pr.then(st => {
         if (st?._typename === clTStyle)
            Object.assign(gStyle, st);

   /** @summary Provides information abouf file item
     * @private */
   getFileProp(itemname) {
      let item = this.findItem(itemname);
      if (!item) return null;

      let subname = item._name;
      while (item._parent) {
         item = item._parent;
         if ('_file' in item)
            return { kind: 'file', fileurl: item._file.fURL, itemname: subname, localfile: !!item._file.fLocalFile };

         if ('_jsonfile' in item)
            return { kind: 'json', fileurl: item._jsonfile, itemname: subname };

         subname = item._name + '/' + subname;

      return null;

   /** @summary Provides URL for online item
     * @desc Such URL can be used  to request data from the server
     * @return string or null if item is not online
     * @private */
   getOnlineItemUrl(item) {
      if (isStr(item)) item = this.findItem(item);
      let prnt = item;
      while (prnt && (prnt._online === undefined)) prnt = prnt._parent;
      return prnt ? (prnt._online + this.itemFullName(item, prnt)) : null;

   /** @summary Returns true if item is online
     * @private */
   isOnlineItem(item) {
      return this.getOnlineItemUrl(item) !== null;

   /** @summary Dynamic module import, supports special shorcuts from core or draw_tree
     * @return {Promise} with module
     * @private */
   async importModule(module) {
      switch (module) {
         case 'core': return import('../core.mjs');
         case 'draw_tree': return import('../draw/TTree.mjs');
         case 'hierarchy': return { HierarchyPainter, markAsStreamerInfo };
      return import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ module);

   /** @summary method used to request object from the http server
     * @return {Promise} with requested object
     * @private */
   async getOnlineItem(item, itemname, option) {
      let url = itemname, h_get = false, req = '', req_kind = 'object', draw_handle = null;

      if (isStr(option) && (option.indexOf('hierarchy_expand') === 0)) {
         h_get = true;
         option = undefined;

      if (item) {
         url = this.getOnlineItemUrl(item);
         let func = null;
         if ('_kind' in item) draw_handle = getDrawHandle(item._kind);

         if (h_get) {
            req = 'h.json?compact=3';
            item._expand = onlineHierarchy; // use proper expand function
         } else if (item._make_request) {
            if (item._module) {
               const h = await this.importModule(item._module);
               func = h[item._make_request];
            } else
               func = findFunction(item._make_request);
         } else if (draw_handle?.make_request)
            func = draw_handle.make_request;

         if (isFunc(func)) {
            // ask to make request
            const dreq = func(this, item, url, option);
            // result can be simple string or object with req and kind fields
            if (dreq) {
               if (isStr(dreq))
                  req = dreq;
                else {
                  if ('req' in dreq) req = dreq.req;
                  if ('kind' in dreq) req_kind = dreq.kind;

         if (!req && (item._kind.indexOf(prROOT) !== 0))
           req = 'item.json.gz?compact=3';

      if (!itemname && item && ('_cached_draw_object' in this) && !req) {
         // special handling for online draw when cashed
         const obj = this._cached_draw_object;
         delete this._cached_draw_object;
         return obj;

      if (!req)
         req = 'root.json.gz?compact=23';

      if (url) url += '/';
      url += req;

      return new Promise(resolveFunc => {
         let itemreq = null;

         createHttpRequest(url, req_kind, obj => {
            const handleAfterRequest = func => {
               if (isFunc(func)) {
                  const res = func(this, item, obj, option, itemreq);
                  if (isObject(res)) obj = res;

            if (!h_get && item?._after_request) {
               if (item._module)
                  this.importModule(item._module).then(h => handleAfterRequest(h[item._after_request]));
                  handleAfterRequest(findFunction(item._after_request)); // v6 support
            } else
         }, undefined, true).then(xhr => { itemreq = xhr; xhr.send(null); });

   /** @summary Access THttpServer with provided address
     * @param {string} server_address - URL to server like 'http://localhost:8090/'
     * @return {Promise} when ready */
   async openOnline(server_address) {
      const adoptHierarchy = async result => {
         this.h = result;
         if (!result)
            return Promise.resolve(null);

         if (this.h?._title && (typeof document !== 'undefined'))
            document.title = this.h._title;

         result._isopen = true;

         // mark top hierarchy as online data and
         this.h._online = server_address;

         this.h._get = (item, itemname, option) => this.getOnlineItem(item, itemname, option);

         this.h._expand = onlineHierarchy;

         const styles = [], scripts = [], v6_modules = [], v7_imports = [];
         this.forEachItem(item => {
            if (item._childs !== undefined)
               item._expand = onlineHierarchy;

            if (item._autoload) {
               const arr = item._autoload.split(';');
               arr.forEach(name => {
                  if ((name.length > 4) && (name.lastIndexOf('.mjs') === name.length-4))
                   else if ((name.length > 3) && (name.lastIndexOf('.js') === name.length-3)) {
                     if (!scripts.find(elem => elem === name)) scripts.push(name);
                  } else if ((name.length > 4) && (name.lastIndexOf('.css') === name.length-4)) {
                     if (!styles.find(elem => elem === name)) styles.push(name);
                  } else if (name && !v6_modules.find(elem => elem === name))

         return this.loadScripts(scripts, v6_modules)
               .then(() => loadScript(styles))
               .then(() => Promise.all(v7_imports))
               .then(() => {
                  this.forEachItem(item => {
                     if (!('_drawfunc' in item) || !('_kind' in item)) return;
                     let typename = 'kind:' + item._kind;
                     if (item._kind.indexOf(prROOT) === 0)
                        typename = item._kind.slice(5);
                     const drawopt = item._drawopt;
                     if (!canDrawHandle(typename) || drawopt)
                        addDrawFunc({ name: typename, func: item._drawfunc, script: item._drawscript, opt: drawopt });

                  return this;

      if (!server_address) server_address = '';

      if (isObject(server_address)) {
         const h = server_address;
         server_address = '';
         return adoptHierarchy(h);

      return httpRequest(server_address + 'h.json?compact=3', 'object').then(hh => adoptHierarchy(hh));

   /** @summary Get properties for online item  - server name and relative name
     * @private */
   getOnlineProp(itemname) {
      let item = this.findItem(itemname);
      if (!item) return null;

      let subname = item._name;
      while (item._parent) {
         item = item._parent;

         if ('_online' in item) {
            return {
               server: item._online,
               itemname: subname
         subname = item._name + '/' + subname;

      return null;

   /** @summary Fill context menu for online item
     * @private */
   fillOnlineMenu(menu, onlineprop, itemname) {
      const node = this.findItem(itemname),
          sett = getDrawSettings(node._kind, 'nosame;noinspect'),
          handle = getDrawHandle(node._kind),
          root_type = isStr(node._kind) ? node._kind.indexOf(prROOT) === 0 : false;

      if (sett.opts && (node._can_draw !== false)) {
         menu.addDrawMenu('Draw', sett.opts, arg => this.display(itemname, arg));

      if (!node._childs && (node._more !== false) && (node._more || root_type || sett.expand || sett.get_expand))
         menu.add('Expand', () => this.expandItem(itemname));

      if (handle?.execute)
         menu.add('Execute', () => this.executeCommand(itemname, menu.tree_node));

      if (sett.opts && (node._can_draw !== false)) {
         menu.addDrawMenu('Draw in new window', sett.opts,
                           arg => + `?nobrowser&item=${onlineprop.itemname}` +
                                              (this.isMonitoring() ? `&monitoring=${this.getMonitoringInterval()}` : '') +
                                              (arg ? `&opt=${arg}` : '')));

      if (sett.opts?.length && root_type && (node._can_draw !== false)) {
         menu.addDrawMenu('Draw as png', sett.opts,
                           arg => + onlineprop.itemname + '/root.png?w=600&h=400' + (arg ? '&opt=' + arg : '')),
                           'Request PNG image from the server');

      if ('_player' in node)
         menu.add('Player', () => this.player(itemname));

   /** @summary Assign existing hierarchy to the painter and refresh HTML code
     * @private */
   setHierarchy(h) {
      this.h = h;

   /** @summary Configures monitoring interval
     * @param {number} interval - repetition interval in ms
     * @param {boolean} flag - initial monitoring state */
   setMonitoring(interval, monitor_on) {

      if (interval) {
         interval = parseInt(interval);
         if (Number.isInteger(interval) && (interval > 0)) {
            this._monitoring_interval = Math.max(100, interval);
            monitor_on = true;
         } else
            this._monitoring_interval = 3000;

      this._monitoring_on = monitor_on;

      if (this.isMonitoring())

   /** @summary Runs monitoring event loop
     * @private */
   _runMonitoring(arg) {
      if ((arg === 'cleanup') || !this.isMonitoring()) {
         if (this._monitoring_handle) {
            delete this._monitoring_handle;

         if (this._monitoring_frame) {
            delete this._monitoring_frame;

      if (arg === 'frame') {
         // process of timeout, request animation frame
         delete this._monitoring_handle;
         this._monitoring_frame = requestAnimationFrame(this._runMonitoring.bind(this, 'draw'));

      if (arg === 'draw') {
         delete this._monitoring_frame;

      this._monitoring_handle = setTimeout(this._runMonitoring.bind(this, 'frame'), this.getMonitoringInterval());

   /** @summary Returns configured monitoring interval in ms */
   getMonitoringInterval() {
      return this._monitoring_interval || 3000;

   /** @summary Returns true when monitoring is enabled */
   isMonitoring() {
      return this._monitoring_on;

   /** @summary Assign default layout and place where drawing will be performed
     * @param {string} layout - layout like 'simple' or 'grid2x2'
     * @param {string} frameid - DOM element id where object drawing will be performed */
   setDisplay(layout, frameid) {
      if (!frameid && isObject(layout)) {
         this.disp = layout;
         this.disp_kind = 'custom';
         this.disp_frameid = null;
      } else {
         this.disp_kind = layout;
         this.disp_frameid = frameid;

      if (!this.register_resize && (this.disp_kind !== 'batch')) {
         this.register_resize = true;

   /** @summary Returns configured layout */
   getLayout() {
      return this.disp_kind;

   /** @summary Remove painter reference from hierarhcy
     * @private */
   removePainter(obj_painter) {
      this.forEachItem(item => {
         if (item._painter === obj_painter) {
            // delete painter reference
            delete item._painter;
            // also clear data which could be associated with item
            if (isFunc(item.clear)) item.clear();

   /** @summary Cleanup all items in hierarchy
     * @private */
   clearHierarchy(withbrowser) {
      if (this.disp) {
         delete this.disp;

      const plainarr = [];

      this.forEachItem(item => {
         delete item._painter; // remove reference on the painter
         // when only display cleared, try to clear all browser items
         if (!withbrowser && isFunc(item.clear)) item.clear();
         if (withbrowser) plainarr.push(item);

      if (withbrowser) {
         // cleanup all monitoring loops
         // simplify work for javascript and delete all (ok, most of) cross-references
         plainarr.forEach(d => { delete d._parent; delete d._childs; delete d._obj; delete d._d3cont; });
         delete this.h;

   /** @summary Returns actual MDI display object
     * @desc It should an instance of {@link MDIDsiplay} class */
   getDisplay() {
      return this.disp;

   /** @summary method called when MDI element is cleaned up
     * @desc hook to perform extra actions when frame is cleaned
     * @private */
   cleanupFrame(frame) {
      d3_select(frame).attr('frame_title', null);


      const lst = cleanup(frame);

      // we remove all painters references from items
      if (lst.length > 0) {
         this.forEachItem(item => {
            if (item._painter && lst.indexOf(item._painter) >= 0)
               delete item._painter;

   /** @summary Creates configured MDIDisplay object
     * @return {Promise} when ready
     * @private */
   async createDisplay() {
      if ('disp' in this) {
         if ((this.disp.numDraw() > 0) || (this.disp_kind === 'custom'))
            return this.disp;
         delete this.disp;

      if (this.disp_kind === 'batch') {
         const pr = isNodeJs() ? _loadJSDOM() : Promise.resolve(null);
         return pr.then(handle => {
            this.disp = new BatchDisplay(1200, 800, handle?.body);
            return this.disp;

      // check that we can found frame where drawing should be done
      if (!document.getElementById(this.disp_frameid))
         return null;

      if ((this.disp_kind.indexOf('flex') === 0) || (this.disp_kind.indexOf('coll') === 0))
         this.disp = new FlexibleDisplay(this.disp_frameid);
      else if (this.disp_kind === 'tabs')
         this.disp = new TabsDisplay(this.disp_frameid);
         this.disp = new GridDisplay(this.disp_frameid, this.disp_kind);

      this.disp.cleanupFrame = this.cleanupFrame.bind(this);
      if (settings.DragAndDrop)

      return this.disp;

   /** @summary If possible, creates custom MDIDisplay for given item
     * @param itemname - name of item, for which drawing is created
     * @param custom_kind - display kind
     * @return {Promise} with mdi object created
     * @private */
   async createCustomDisplay(itemname, custom_kind) {
      if (this.disp_kind !== 'simple')
         return this.createDisplay();

      this.disp_kind = custom_kind;

      // check if display can be erased
      if (this.disp) {
         const num = this.disp.numDraw();
         if ((num > 1) || ((num === 1) && !this.disp.findFrame(itemname)))
            return this.createDisplay();
         delete this.disp;

      return this.createDisplay();

   /** @summary function updates object drawings for other painters
     * @private */
   updateOnOtherFrames(painter, obj) {
      const mdi = this.disp;
      if (!mdi) return false;

      const handle = obj._typename ? getDrawHandle(prROOT + obj._typename) : null;
      if (handle?.draw_field && obj[handle?.draw_field])
         obj = obj[handle?.draw_field];

      let isany = false;
      mdi.forEachPainter((p /*, frame */) => {
         if ((p === painter) || (p.getItemName() !== painter.getItemName())) return;

         // do not actiavte frame when doing update
         // mdi.activateFrame(frame);
         if (isFunc(p.redrawObject) && p.redrawObject(obj)) isany = true;
      return isany;

   /** @summary Process resize event
     * @private */
   checkResize(size) {
      if (this.disp) this.disp.checkMDIResize(null, size);

   /** @summary Load and execute scripts, kept to support v6 applications
     * @private */
   async loadScripts(scripts, modules, use_inject) {
      if (!scripts?.length && !modules?.length)
         return true;

      if (use_inject && !globalThis.JSROOT) {
         globalThis.JSROOT = {
            version, gStyle, create, httpRequest, loadScript, decodeUrl,
            source_dir, settings, addUserStreamer, addDrawFunc,
            draw, redraw

      if (internals.ignore_v6 || use_inject)
         return loadScript(scripts);

      return _ensureJSROOT().then(v6 => {
         return v6.require(modules)
                  .then(() => loadScript(scripts))
                  .then(() => v6._complete_loading());

   /** @summary Start GUI
     * @return {Promise} when ready
     * @private */
   async startGUI(gui_div, url) {
      const d = decodeUrl(url),

      getOption = opt => {
         let res = d.get(opt, null);
         if ((res === null) && gui_div && !gui_div.empty() && gui_div.node().hasAttribute(opt))
            res = gui_div.attr(opt);
         return res;

      getUrlOptionAsArray = opt => {
         let res = [];

         while (opt) {
            const separ = opt.indexOf(';');
            let part = (separ > 0) ? opt.slice(0, separ) : opt;

            opt = (separ > 0) ? opt.slice(separ+1) : '';

            let canarray = true;
            if (part[0] === '#') { part = part.slice(1); canarray = false; }

            const val = d.get(part, null);

            if (canarray)
               res = res.concat(parseAsArray(val));
            else if (val !== null)
         return res;

      getOptionAsArray = opt => {
         let res = getUrlOptionAsArray(opt);
         if (res.length > 0 || !gui_div || gui_div.empty()) return res;
         while (opt) {
            const separ = opt.indexOf(';');
            let part = separ > 0 ? opt.slice(0, separ) : opt;
            if (separ > 0) opt = opt.slice(separ+1); else opt = '';

            let canarray = true;
            if (part[0] === '#') { part = part.slice(1); canarray = false; }
            if (part === 'files') continue; // special case for normal UI

            if (!gui_div.node().hasAttribute(part)) continue;

            const val = gui_div.attr(part);

            if (canarray)
               res = res.concat(parseAsArray(val));
            else if (val !== null)
         return res;

      filesdir = d.get('path') || '', // path used in normal gui
      jsonarr = getOptionAsArray('#json;jsons'),
      expanditems = getOptionAsArray('expand'),
      focusitem = getOption('focus'),
      layout = getOption('layout'),
      style = getOptionAsArray('#style'),
      title = getOption('title');

      this._one_by_one = settings.drop_items_one_by_one ?? (getOption('one_by_one') !== null);

      let prereq = getOption('prereq') || '',
          load = getOption('load'),
          dir = getOption('dir'),
          inject = getOption('inject'),
          filesarr = getOptionAsArray('#file;files'),
          itemsarr = getOptionAsArray('#item;items'),
          optionsarr = getOptionAsArray('#opt;opts'),
          monitor = getOption('monitoring'),
          statush = 0, status = getOption('status'),
          browser_kind = getOption('browser'),
          browser_configured = !!browser_kind;

      if (monitor === null)
         monitor = 0;
      else if (monitor === '')
         monitor = 3000;
         monitor = parseInt(monitor);

      if (getOption('float') !== null) {
         browser_kind = 'float';
         browser_configured = true;
      } else if (getOption('fix') !== null) {
         browser_kind = 'fix';
         browser_configured = true;

      if (!browser_configured && (browser.screenWidth <= 640))
         browser_kind = 'float';

      this.no_select = getOption('noselect');

      if (getOption('files_monitoring') !== null)
         this.files_monitoring = true;

      if (title && (typeof document !== 'undefined'))
         document.title = title;

      if (expanditems.length === 0 && (getOption('expand') === '')) expanditems.push('');

      if (filesdir) {
         for (let i = 0; i < filesarr.length; ++i) filesarr[i] = filesdir + filesarr[i];
         for (let i = 0; i < jsonarr.length; ++i) jsonarr[i] = filesdir + jsonarr[i];

      if ((itemsarr.length === 0) && getOption('item') === '') itemsarr.push('');

      if ((jsonarr.length === 1) && (itemsarr.length === 0) && (expanditems.length === 0)) itemsarr.push('');

      if (!this.disp_kind) {
         if (isStr(layout) && layout)
            this.disp_kind = layout;
         else if (settings.DislpayKind && settings.DislpayKind !== 'simple')
            this.disp_kind = settings.DislpayKind;
         else {
            switch (itemsarr.length) {
               case 0:
               case 1: this.disp_kind = 'simple'; break;
               case 2: this.disp_kind = 'vert2'; break;
               case 3: this.disp_kind = 'vert21'; break;
               case 4: this.disp_kind = 'vert22'; break;
               case 5: this.disp_kind = 'vert32'; break;
               case 6: this.disp_kind = 'vert222'; break;
               case 7: this.disp_kind = 'vert322'; break;
               case 8: this.disp_kind = 'vert332'; break;
               case 9: this.disp_kind = 'vert333'; break;
               default: this.disp_kind = 'flex';

      if (status === 'no')
         status = null;
      else if (status === 'off') {
         this.status_disabled = true;
         status = null;
      } else if (status === 'on')
         status = true;
      else if (status !== null) {
         statush = parseInt(status);
         if (!Number.isInteger(statush) || (statush < 5)) statush = 0;
         status = true;
      if (this.no_select === '') this.no_select = true;

      if (!browser_kind)
         browser_kind = 'fix';
      else if (browser_kind === 'no')
         browser_kind = '';
      else if (browser_kind === 'off') {
         browser_kind = '';
         status = null;
         this.exclude_browser = true;
      if (getOption('nofloat') !== null)
         this.float_browser_disabled = true;

      if (this.start_without_browser) browser_kind = '';

      this._topname = getOption('topname');

      const openAllFiles = () => {
         let promise;

         if (load || prereq) {
            promise = this.loadScripts(load, prereq); load = ''; prereq = '';
         } else if (inject) {
            promise = this.loadScripts(inject, '', true); inject = '';
         } else if (browser_kind) {
            promise = this.createBrowser(browser_kind); browser_kind = '';
         } else if (status !== null) {
            promise = this.createStatusLine(statush, status); status = null;
         } else if (jsonarr.length > 0)
            promise = this.openJsonFile(jsonarr.shift());
         else if (filesarr.length > 0)
            promise = this.openRootFile(filesarr.shift());
         else if (dir) {
            promise = this.listServerDir(dir); dir = '';
         } else if (expanditems.length > 0)
            promise = this.expandItem(expanditems.shift());
         else if (style.length > 0)
            promise = this.applyStyle(style.shift());
         else {
            return this.refreshHtml()
                   .then(() => this.displayItems(itemsarr, optionsarr))
                   .then(() => focusitem ? this.focusOnItem(focusitem) : this)
                   .then(() => {
                      return itemsarr ? this.refreshHtml() : this; // this is final return

         return promise.then(openAllFiles);

      let h0 = null;
      if (this.is_online) {
         const func = internals.getCachedHierarchy || findFunction('GetCachedHierarchy');
         if (isFunc(func))
            h0 = func();
         if (!isObject(h0))
            h0 = '';

         if ((this.is_online === 'draw') && !itemsarr.length)

      if (h0 !== null) {
         return this.openOnline(h0).then(() => {
            // check if server enables monitoring
            if (!this.exclude_browser && !browser_configured && ('_browser' in this.h)) {
               browser_kind = this.h._browser;
               if (browser_kind === 'no') browser_kind = ''; else
               if (browser_kind === 'off') { browser_kind = ''; status = null; this.exclude_browser = true; }

            if (('_monitoring' in this.h) && !monitor)
               monitor = this.h._monitoring;

            if (('_loadfile' in this.h) && (filesarr.length === 0))
               filesarr = parseAsArray(this.h._loadfile);

            if (('_drawitem' in this.h) && (itemsarr.length === 0)) {
               itemsarr = parseAsArray(this.h._drawitem);
               optionsarr = parseAsArray(this.h._drawopt);

            if (('_layout' in this.h) && !layout && ((this.is_online !== 'draw') || (itemsarr.length > 1)))
               this.disp_kind = this.h._layout;

            if (('_toptitle' in this.h) && this.exclude_browser && (typeof document !== 'undefined'))
               document.title = this.h._toptitle;

            if (gui_div)
               this.prepareGuiDiv(gui_div.attr('id'), this.disp_kind);

            return openAllFiles();

      if (gui_div)
         this.prepareGuiDiv(gui_div.attr('id'), this.disp_kind);

      return openAllFiles();

   /** @summary Prepare div element - create layout and buttons
     * @private */
   prepareGuiDiv(myDiv, layout) {
      this.gui_div = isStr(myDiv) ? myDiv : myDiv.attr('id');

      this.brlayout = new BrowserLayout(this.gui_div, this);



      this.setDisplay(layout, this.brlayout.drawing_divid());

   /** @summary Create shortcut buttons */
   createButtons() {
      if (this.exclude_browser) return;

      const btns = this.brlayout?.createBrowserBtns();
      if (!btns) return;

      ToolbarIcons.createSVG(btns, ToolbarIcons.diamand, 15, 'toggle fix-pos browser', 'browser')
                  .style('margin', '3px').on('click', () => this.createBrowser('fix', true));

      if (!this.float_browser_disabled) {
         ToolbarIcons.createSVG(btns,, 15, 'toggle float browser', 'browser')
                     .style('margin', '3px').on('click', () => this.createBrowser('float', true));

      if (!this.status_disabled) {
         ToolbarIcons.createSVG(btns, ToolbarIcons.three_circles, 15, 'toggle status line', 'browser')
                     .style('margin', '3px').on('click', () => this.createStatusLine(0, 'toggle'));

   /** @summary Returns trus if status is exists */
   hasStatusLine() {
      if (this.status_disabled || !this.gui_div || !this.brlayout)
         return false;
      return this.brlayout.hasStatus();

   /** @summary Create status line
     * @param {number} [height] - size of the status line
     * @param [mode] - false / true / 'toggle'
     * @return {Promise} when ready */
   async createStatusLine(height, mode) {
      if (this.status_disabled || !this.gui_div || !this.brlayout)
         return '';
      return this.brlayout.createStatusLine(height, mode);

   /** @summary Redraw hierarchy
     * @desc works only when inspector or streamer info is displayed
     * @private */
   redrawObject(obj) {
      if (!this._inspector && !this._streamer_info) return false;
      if (this._streamer_info)
         this.h = createStreamerInfoContent(obj);
         this.h = createInspectorContent(obj);
      return this.refreshHtml().then(() => { this.setTopPainter(); });

   /** @summary Create browser elements
     * @return {Promise} when completed */
   async createBrowser(browser_kind, update_html) {
      if (!this.gui_div || this.exclude_browser || !this.brlayout)
         return false;

      const main = d3_select(`#${this.gui_div} .jsroot_browser`);
      // one requires top-level container
      if (main.empty())
         return false;

      if ((browser_kind === 'float') && this.float_browser_disabled)
         browser_kind = 'fix';

      if (!'.jsroot_browser_area').empty()) {
         // this is case when browser created,
         // if update_html specified, hidden state will be toggled

         if (update_html) this.brlayout.toggleKind(browser_kind);

         return true;

      let guiCode = `<p class="jsroot_browser_version"><a href="">JSROOT</a> version <span style="color:green"><b>${version}</b></span></p>`;

      if (this.is_online) {
         guiCode += '<p> Hierarchy in <a href="h.json">json</a> and <a href="h.xml">xml</a> format</p>' +
                    '<div style="display:inline; vertical-align:middle; white-space: nowrap;">' +
                    '<label style="margin-right:5px"><input type="checkbox" name="monitoring" class="gui_monitoring"/>Monitoring</label>';
      } else if (!this.no_select) {
         const myDiv = d3_select('#'+this.gui_div),
               files = myDiv.attr('files') || '../files/hsimple.root',
               path = decodeUrl().get('path') || myDiv.attr('path') || '',
               arrFiles = files.split(';');

         guiCode += '<input type="text" value="" style="width:95%; margin:5px;border:2px;" class="gui_urlToLoad" title="input file name"/>' +
                    '<div style="display:flex;flex-direction:row;padding-top:5px">' +
                    '<select class="gui_selectFileName" style="flex:1;padding:2px;" title="select file name"' +
                    '<option value="" selected="selected"></option>';
         arrFiles.forEach(fname => { guiCode += `<option value="${path + fname}">${fname}</option>`; });
         guiCode += '</select>' +
                    '<input type="file" class="gui_localFile" accept=".root" style="display:none"/><output id="list" style="display:none"></output>' +
                    '<input type="button" value="..." class="gui_fileBtn" style="min-width:3em;padding:3px;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;" title="select local file for reading"/><br/>' +
                    '</div>' +
                    '<p id="gui_fileCORS"><small><a href="">Read docu</a>' +
                    ' how to open files from other servers.</small></p>' +
                    '<div style="display:flex;flex-direction:row">' +
                    '<input style="padding:3px;margin-right:5px" class="gui_ReadFileBtn" type="button" title="Read the Selected File" value="Load"/>' +
                    '<input style="padding:3px;margin-right:5px" class="gui_ResetUIBtn" type="button" title="Close all opened files and clear drawings" value="Reset"/>';
      } else if (this.no_select === 'file')
         guiCode += '<div style="display:flex;flex-direction:row">';

      if (this.is_online || !this.no_select || this.no_select === 'file') {
         guiCode += '<select style="padding:2px;margin-right:5px;" title="layout kind" class="gui_layout"></select>' +

      guiCode += `<div id="${this.gui_div}_browser_hierarchy" class="jsroot_browser_hierarchy"></div>`;


      const title_elem = this.brlayout.setBrowserTitle(this.is_online ? 'ROOT online server' : 'Read a ROOT file');
      title_elem?.on('contextmenu', evnt => {
         createMenu(evnt).then(menu => {
            this.fillSettingsMenu(menu, true);
      }).on('dblclick', () => {
         this.createBrowser(this.brlayout?.browser_kind === 'float' ? 'fix' : 'float', true);

      if (!this.is_online && !this.no_select) {
         this.readSelectedFile = function() {
            const filename ='.gui_urlToLoad').property('value').trim();
            if (!filename) return;

            if (filename.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('.json') === filename.length - 5)
'.gui_selectFileName').property('value', '')
              .on('change', evnt =>'.gui_urlToLoad').property('value',;'.gui_fileBtn').on('click', () =>'.gui_localFile').node().click());
'.gui_ReadFileBtn').on('click', () => this.readSelectedFile());
'.gui_ResetUIBtn').on('click', () => this.clearHierarchy(true));
'.gui_urlToLoad').on('keyup', evnt => {
            if (evnt.code === 'Enter') this.readSelectedFile();
'.gui_localFile').on('change', evnt => {
            const files =;

            for (let n = 0; n < files.length; ++n) {
               const f = files[n];

      const layout ='.gui_layout');
      if (!layout.empty()) {
         ['simple', 'vert2', 'vert3', 'vert231', 'horiz2', 'horiz32', 'flex', 'tabs',
          'grid 2x2', 'grid 1x3', 'grid 2x3', 'grid 3x3', 'grid 4x4'].forEach(kind => layout.append('option').attr('value', kind).html(kind));

         layout.on('change', ev => {
            const kind = || 'flex';
            this.setDisplay(kind, this.gui_div + '_drawing');
            settings.DislpayKind = kind;

      this.setDom(this.gui_div + '_browser_hierarchy');

      if (update_html) {

      return this.brlayout.toggleBrowserKind(browser_kind || 'fix');

   /** @summary Initialize browser elements */
   initializeBrowser() {
      const main = d3_select(`#${this.gui_div} .jsroot_browser`);
      if (main.empty() || !this.brlayout) return;


      const selects ='.gui_layout').node();

      if (selects) {
         let found = false;
         for (const i in selects.options) {
            const s = selects.options[i].text;
            if (!isStr(s)) continue;
            if ((s === this.getLayout()) || (s.replace(/ /g, '') === this.getLayout())) {
               selects.selectedIndex = i; found = true;
         if (!found) {
            const opt = document.createElement('option');
            opt.innerHTML = opt.value = this.getLayout();
            selects.selectedIndex = selects.options.length - 1;

      if (this.is_online) {
         if (this.h?._toptitle)
           .property('checked', this.isMonitoring())
           .on('click', evnt => {
      } else if (!this.no_select) {
         let fname = '';
         this.forEachRootFile(item => { if (!fname) fname = item._fullurl; });'.gui_urlToLoad').property('value', fname);

   /** @summary Enable monitoring mode */
   enableMonitoring(on) {
      this.setMonitoring(undefined, on);

      const chkbox = d3_select(`#${this.gui_div} .jsroot_browser .gui_monitoring`);
      if (!chkbox.empty() && ('checked') !== on))'checked', on);

} // class HierarchyPainter

/** @summary Show object in inspector for provided object
  * @protected */
ObjectPainter.prototype.showInspector = function(opt, obj) {
   if (opt === 'check')
      return true;

   const main = this.selectDom(),
         rect = getElementRect(main),
         w = Math.round(rect.width * 0.05) + 'px',
         h = Math.round(rect.height * 0.05) + 'px',
         id = 'root_inspector_' + internals.id_counter++;

       .attr('id', id)
       .attr('class', 'jsroot_inspector')
       .style('position', 'absolute')
       .style('top', h)
       .style('bottom', h)
       .style('left', w)
       .style('right', w);

   if (!obj?._typename)
      obj = isFunc(this.getPrimaryObject) ? this.getPrimaryObject() : this.getObject();

   return drawInspector(id, obj, opt);

/** @summary Display streamer info
  * @private */
async function drawStreamerInfo(dom, lst) {
   const painter = new HierarchyPainter('sinfo', dom, '__as_dark_mode__');

   // in batch mode HTML drawing is not possible, just keep object reference for a minute
   if (isBatchMode()) {
      painter.selectDom().property('_json_object_', lst);
      return painter;

   painter._streamer_info = true;
   painter.h = createStreamerInfoContent(lst);

   // painter.selectDom().style('overflow','auto');

   return painter.refreshHtml().then(() => {
      return painter;

// ======================================================================================

/** @summary Display inspector
  * @private */
async function drawInspector(dom, obj, opt) {
   const painter = new HierarchyPainter('inspector', dom, '__as_dark_mode__');

   // in batch mode HTML drawing is not possible, just keep object reference for a minute
   if (isBatchMode()) {
      painter.selectDom().property('_json_object_', obj);
      return painter;

   painter.default_by_click = 'expand'; // default action
   painter.with_icons = false;
   painter._inspector = true; // keep
   let expand_level = 0;

   if (isStr(opt) && opt.indexOf(kInspect) === 0) {
      opt = opt.slice(kInspect.length);
      if (opt.length > 0)
         expand_level = Number.parseInt(opt);

   if (painter.selectDom().classed('jsroot_inspector')) {
      painter.removeInspector = function() {

   painter.fill_context = function(menu, hitem) {
      const sett = getDrawSettings(hitem._kind, 'nosame');
      if (sett.opts) {
         menu.addDrawMenu('nosub:Draw', sett.opts, arg => {
            if (!hitem?._obj) return;
            const obj = hitem._obj;
            let ddom = this.selectDom().node();
            if (isFunc(this.removeInspector)) {
               ddom = ddom.parentNode;
               if (arg.indexOf(kInspect) === 0)
                  return this.showInspector(arg, obj);
            draw(ddom, obj, arg);

   painter.h = createInspectorContent(obj);

   return painter.refreshHtml().then(() => {
      return painter.exapndToLevel(expand_level);

internals.drawInspector = drawInspector;

export { getHPainter, HierarchyPainter,
         drawInspector, drawStreamerInfo, drawList, markAsStreamerInfo,
         folderHierarchy, taskHierarchy, listHierarchy, objectHierarchy, keysHierarchy };