
import { constants, isFunc, isStr, getDocument } from '../core.mjs';
import { rgb as d3_rgb } from '../d3.mjs';
import { REVISION, DoubleSide, Object3D, Color, Vector2, Vector3, Matrix4, Line3,
         BufferGeometry, BufferAttribute, Mesh, MeshBasicMaterial, MeshLambertMaterial,
         LineSegments, LineDashedMaterial, LineBasicMaterial,
         TextGeometry, Plane, Scene, PerspectiveCamera, OrthographicCamera, DirectionalLight, ShapeUtils } from '../three.mjs';
import { assign3DHandler, disposeThreejsObject, createOrbitControl,
         createLineSegments, Box3D, getMaterialArgs,
         createRender3D, beforeRender3D, afterRender3D, getRender3DKind,
         cleanupRender3D, HelveticerRegularFont, createSVGRenderer, create3DLineMaterial } from '../base/base3d.mjs';
import { isPlainText, translateLaTeX, produceLatex } from '../base/latex.mjs';
import { kCARTESIAN, kPOLAR, kCYLINDRICAL, kSPHERICAL, kRAPIDITY } from '../hist2d/THistPainter.mjs';
import { buildHist2dContour, buildSurf3D } from '../hist2d/TH2Painter.mjs';

function createTextGeometry(painter, lbl, size) {
   if (isPlainText(lbl))
      return new TextGeometry(translateLaTeX(lbl), { font: HelveticerRegularFont, size, height: 0, curveSegments: 5 });

   const font_size = size * 100, geoms = [];
   let stroke_width = 5;

   class TextParseWrapper {

      constructor(kind, parent) {
         this.kind = kind ?? 'g';
         this.childs = [];
         this.x = 0;
         this.y = 0;
         this.font_size = parent?.font_size ?? font_size;

      append(kind) {
         if (kind === 'svg:g')
            return new TextParseWrapper('g', this);
         if (kind === 'svg:text')
            return new TextParseWrapper('text', this);
         if (kind === 'svg:path')
            return new TextParseWrapper('path', this);
         console.log('should create', kind);

      style(name, value) {
         // console.log(`style ${name} = ${value}`);
         if ((name === 'stroke-width') && value)
            stroke_width = Number.parseInt(value);
         return this;

      translate() {
         if (this.geom) {
            // special workaround for path elements, while 3d font is exact height, keep some space on the top
            // let dy = this.kind === 'path' ? this.font_size*0.002 : 0;
            this.geom.translate(this.x, this.y, 0);
         this.childs.forEach(chld => {
            chld.x += this.x;
            chld.y += this.y;

      attr(name, value) {
         // console.log(`attr ${name} = ${value}`);

         const get = () => {
                  if (!value) return '';
                  const res = value[0];
                  value = value.slice(1);
                  return res;
               }, getN = (skip) => {
                  let p = 0;
                  while (((value[p] >= '0') && (value[p] <= '9')) || (value[p] === '-')) p++;
                  const res = Number.parseInt(value.slice(0, p));
                  value = value.slice(p);
                  if (skip) get();
                  return res;

         if ((name === 'font-size') && value)
            this.font_size = Number.parseInt(value);
         else if ((name === 'transform') && isStr(value) && (value.indexOf('translate') === 0)) {
            const arr = value.slice(value.indexOf('(')+1, value.lastIndexOf(')')).split(',');
            this.x += arr[0] ? Number.parseInt(arr[0])*0.01 : 0;
            this.y -= arr[1] ? Number.parseInt(arr[1])*0.01 : 0;
         } else if ((name === 'x') && (this.kind === 'text'))
            this.x += Number.parseInt(value)*0.01;
         else if ((name === 'y') && (this.kind === 'text'))
            this.y -= Number.parseInt(value)*0.01;
         else if ((name === 'd') && (this.kind === 'path')) {
            if (get() !== 'M') return console.error('Not starts with M');
            const pnts = [];
            let x1 = getN(true), y1 = getN(), next;

            while ((next = get())) {
               let x2 = x1, y2 = y1;
               switch (next) {
                   case 'L': x2 = getN(true); y2 = getN(); break;
                   case 'l': x2 += getN(true); y2 += getN(); break;
                   case 'H': x2 = getN(); break;
                   case 'h': x2 += getN(); break;
                   case 'V': y2 = getN(); break;
                   case 'v': y2 += getN(); break;
                   default: console.log('not supported operator', next);

               const angle = Math.atan2(y2-y1, x2-x1),
                     dx = 0.5 * stroke_width * Math.sin(angle),
                     dy = -0.5 * stroke_width * Math.cos(angle);

               pnts.push(x1-dx, y1-dy, 0, x2-dx, y2-dy, 0, x2+dx, y2+dy, 0, x1-dx, y1-dy, 0, x2+dx, y2+dy, 0, x1+dx, y1+dy, 0);

               x1 = x2; y1 = y2;

            const pos = new Float32Array(pnts);

            this.geom = new BufferGeometry();
            this.geom.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(pos, 3));
            this.geom.scale(0.01, -0.01, 0.01);

         return this;

      text(v) {
         if (this.kind === 'text') {
            this.geom = new TextGeometry(v, { font: HelveticerRegularFont, size: Math.round(0.01*this.font_size), height: 0, curveSegments: 5 });


   const node = new TextParseWrapper(),
         arg = { font_size, latex: 1, x: 0, y: 0, text: lbl, align: ['start', 'top'], fast: true, font: { size: font_size, isMonospace: () => false, aver_width: 0.9 } };

   produceLatex(painter, node, arg);

   if (!geoms.length)
      return new TextGeometry(translateLaTeX(lbl), { font: HelveticerRegularFont, size, height: 0, curveSegments: 5 });

   node.translate(); // apply translate attributes

   if (geoms.length === 1)
      return geoms[0];

   let total_size = 0;
   geoms.forEach(geom => {
      total_size += geom.getAttribute('position').array.length;

   const pos = new Float32Array(total_size),
         norm = new Float32Array(total_size);
   let indx = 0;

   geoms.forEach(geom => {
      const p1 = geom.getAttribute('position').array,
          n1 = geom.getAttribute('normal').array;
      for (let i = 0; i < p1.length; ++i, ++indx) {
         pos[indx] = p1[i];
         norm[indx] = n1[i];

   const fullgeom = new BufferGeometry();
   fullgeom.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(pos, 3));
   fullgeom.setAttribute('normal', new BufferAttribute(norm, 3));
   return fullgeom;

/** @summary Text 3d axis visibility
  * @private */
function testAxisVisibility(camera, toplevel, fb = false, bb = false) {
   let top;
   if (toplevel?.children) {
      for (let n = 0; n < toplevel.children.length; ++n) {
         top = toplevel.children[n];
         if (top.axis_draw) break;
         top = undefined;

   if (!top) return;

   if (!camera) {
      // this is case when axis drawing want to be removed

   const pos = camera.position;
   let qudrant = 1;
   if ((pos.x < 0) && (pos.y >= 0)) qudrant = 2;
   if ((pos.x >= 0) && (pos.y >= 0)) qudrant = 3;
   if ((pos.x >= 0) && (pos.y < 0)) qudrant = 4;

   const testVisible = (id, range) => {
      if (id <= qudrant) id += 4;
      return (id > qudrant) && (id < qudrant+range);
   }, handleZoomMesh = obj3d => {
      for (let k = 0; k < obj3d.children?.length; ++k) {
         if (obj3d.children[k].zoom !== undefined)
            obj3d.children[k].zoom_disabled = !obj3d.visible;

   for (let n = 0; n < top.children.length; ++n) {
      const chld = top.children[n];
      if (chld.grid)
         chld.visible = bb && testVisible(chld.grid, 3);
      else if (chld.zid) {
         chld.visible = testVisible(chld.zid, 2);
      } else if (chld.xyid) {
         chld.visible = testVisible(chld.xyid, 3);
      } else if (chld.xyboxid) {
         let range = 5, shift = 0;
         if (bb && !fb) { range = 3; shift = -2; } else
         if (fb && !bb) range = 3; else
         if (!fb && !bb) range = (chld.bottom ? 3 : 0);
         chld.visible = testVisible(chld.xyboxid + shift, range);
         if (!chld.visible && chld.bottom && bb)
            chld.visible = testVisible(chld.xyboxid, 3);
      } else if (chld.zboxid) {
         let range = 2, shift = 0;
         if (fb && bb) range = 5; else
         if (bb && !fb) range = 4; else
         if (!bb && fb) { shift = -2; range = 4; }
         chld.visible = testVisible(chld.zboxid + shift, range);

function convertLegoBuf(painter, pos, binsx, binsy) {
   if (painter.options.System === kCARTESIAN)
      return pos;
   const fp = painter.getFramePainter();
   let kx = 1/fp.size_x3d, ky = 1/fp.size_y3d;
   if (binsx && binsy) {
      kx *= binsx/(binsx-1);
      ky *= binsy/(binsy-1);

   if (painter.options.System === kPOLAR) {
      for (let i = 0; i < pos.length; i += 3) {
         const angle = (1 - pos[i] * kx) * Math.PI,
             radius = 0.5 + 0.5 * pos[i + 1] * ky;

         pos[i] = Math.cos(angle) * radius * fp.size_x3d;
         pos[i+1] = Math.sin(angle) * radius * fp.size_y3d;
   } else if (painter.options.System === kCYLINDRICAL) {
      for (let i = 0; i < pos.length; i += 3) {
         const angle = (1 - pos[i] * kx) * Math.PI,
             radius = 0.5 + pos[i + 2]/fp.size_z3d/4;

         pos[i] = Math.cos(angle) * radius * fp.size_x3d;
         pos[i+2] = (1 + Math.sin(angle) * radius) * fp.size_z3d;
   } else if (painter.options.System === kSPHERICAL) {
      for (let i = 0; i < pos.length; i += 3) {
         const phi = (1 + pos[i] * kx) * Math.PI,
             theta = pos[i+1] * ky * Math.PI,
             radius = 0.5 + pos[i+2]/fp.size_z3d/4;

         pos[i] = radius * Math.cos(theta) * Math.cos(phi) * fp.size_x3d;
         pos[i+1] = radius * Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(phi) * fp.size_y3d;
         pos[i+2] = (1 + radius * Math.sin(theta)) * fp.size_z3d;
   } else if (painter.options.System === kRAPIDITY) {
      for (let i = 0; i < pos.length; i += 3) {
         const phi = (1 - pos[i] * kx) * Math.PI,
             theta = pos[i+1] * ky * Math.PI,
             radius = 0.5 + pos[i+2]/fp.size_z3d/4;

         pos[i] = radius * Math.cos(phi) * fp.size_x3d;
         pos[i+1] = radius * Math.sin(theta) / Math.cos(theta) * fp.size_y3d / 2;
         pos[i+2] = (1 + radius * Math.sin(phi)) * fp.size_z3d;

   return pos;

function createLegoGeom(painter, positions, normals, binsx, binsy) {
   const geometry = new BufferGeometry();
   if (painter.options.System === kCARTESIAN) {
      geometry.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(positions, 3));
      if (normals)
         geometry.setAttribute('normal', new BufferAttribute(normals, 3));
   } else {
      convertLegoBuf(painter, positions, binsx, binsy);
      geometry.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(positions, 3));

   return geometry;

function create3DCamera(fp, orthographic) {
   if (fp.camera) {
      delete fp.camera;

   if (orthographic)
      fp.camera = new OrthographicCamera(-1.3*fp.size_x3d, 1.3*fp.size_x3d, 2.3*fp.size_z3d, -0.7*fp.size_z3d, 0.001, 40*fp.size_z3d);
      fp.camera = new PerspectiveCamera(45, fp.scene_width / fp.scene_height, 1, 40*fp.size_z3d);

   fp.camera.up.set(0, 0, 1);

   fp.pointLight = new DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 3);
   fp.pointLight.position.set(fp.size_x3d/2, fp.size_y3d/2, fp.size_z3d/2);
   fp.lookat = new Vector3(0, 0, orthographic ? 0.3*fp.size_z3d : 0.8*fp.size_z3d);

/** @summary Set default camera position
  * @private */
function setCameraPosition(fp, first_time) {
   const pad = fp.getPadPainter().getRootPad(true),
         kz = fp.camera.isOrthographicCamera ? 1 : 1.4;
   let max3dx = Math.max(0.75*fp.size_x3d, fp.size_z3d),
       max3dy = Math.max(0.75*fp.size_y3d, fp.size_z3d);

   if (first_time) {
      if (max3dx === max3dy)
         fp.camera.position.set(-1.6*max3dx, -3.5*max3dy, kz*fp.size_z3d);
      else if (max3dx > max3dy)
         fp.camera.position.set(-2*max3dx, -3.5*max3dy, kz*fp.size_z3d);
         fp.camera.position.set(-3.5*max3dx, -2*max3dy, kz*fp.size_z3d);

   if (pad && (first_time || !fp.zoomChangedInteractive())) {
      if (Number.isFinite(pad.fTheta) && Number.isFinite(pad.fPhi) && ((pad.fTheta !== fp.camera_Theta) || (pad.fPhi !== fp.camera_Phi))) {
         fp.camera_Phi = pad.fPhi;
         fp.camera_Theta = pad.fTheta;
         max3dx = 3*Math.max(fp.size_x3d, fp.size_z3d);
         max3dy = 3*Math.max(fp.size_y3d, fp.size_z3d);
         const phi = (270-pad.fPhi)/180*Math.PI, theta = (pad.fTheta-10)/180*Math.PI;
                                fp.size_z3d + (kz-0.9)*(max3dx+max3dy)*Math.sin(theta));
         first_time = true;

   if (first_time)

   if (first_time && fp.camera.isOrthographicCamera && fp.scene_width && fp.scene_height) {
      const screen_ratio = fp.scene_width / fp.scene_height,
          szx = fp.camera.right - fp.camera.left, szy = fp.camera.top - fp.camera.bottom;

      if (screen_ratio > szx / szy) {
         // screen wider than actual geometry
         const m = (fp.camera.right + fp.camera.left) / 2;
         fp.camera.left = m - szy * screen_ratio / 2;
         fp.camera.right = m + szy * screen_ratio / 2;
      } else {
         // screen heigher than actual geometry
         const m = (fp.camera.top + fp.camera.bottom) / 2;
         fp.camera.top = m + szx / screen_ratio / 2;
         fp.camera.bottom = m - szx / screen_ratio / 2;


function create3DControl(fp) {
   fp.control = createOrbitControl(fp, fp.camera, fp.scene, fp.renderer, fp.lookat);

   const frame_painter = fp, obj_painter = fp.getMainPainter();

   fp.control.processMouseMove = function(intersects) {
      let tip = null, mesh = null, zoom_mesh = null;
      const handle_tooltip = frame_painter.isTooltipAllowed();

      for (let i = 0; i < intersects.length; ++i) {
         if (handle_tooltip && isFunc(intersects[i].object?.tooltip)) {
            tip = intersects[i].object.tooltip(intersects[i]);
            if (tip) { mesh = intersects[i].object; break; }
         } else if (intersects[i].object?.zoom && !zoom_mesh)
            zoom_mesh = intersects[i].object;

      if (tip && !tip.use_itself) {
         const delta_x = 1e-4*frame_painter.size_x3d,
               delta_y = 1e-4*frame_painter.size_y3d,
               delta_z = 1e-4*frame_painter.size_z3d;
         if ((tip.x1 > tip.x2) || (tip.y1 > tip.y2) || (tip.z1 > tip.z2)) console.warn('check 3D hints coordinates');
         tip.x1 -= delta_x; tip.x2 += delta_x;
         tip.y1 -= delta_y; tip.y2 += delta_y;
         tip.z1 -= delta_z; tip.z2 += delta_z;

      frame_painter.highlightBin3D(tip, mesh);

      if (!tip && zoom_mesh && isFunc(frame_painter.get3dZoomCoord)) {
         let axis_name = zoom_mesh.zoom;
         const pnt = zoom_mesh.globalIntersect(this.raycaster),
               axis_value = frame_painter.get3dZoomCoord(pnt, axis_name);

         if ((axis_name === 'z') && zoom_mesh.use_y_for_z) axis_name = 'y';

         return { name: axis_name,
                  title: 'axis object',
                  line: axis_name + ' : ' + frame_painter.axisAsText(axis_name, axis_value),
                  only_status: true };

      return tip?.lines ? tip : '';

   fp.control.processMouseLeave = function() {

   fp.control.contextMenu = function(pos, intersects) {
      let kind = 'painter', p = obj_painter;
      if (intersects) {
         for (let n = 0; n < intersects.length; ++n) {
            const mesh = intersects[n].object;
            if (mesh.zoom) { kind = mesh.zoom; p = null; break; }
            if (isFunc(mesh.painter?.fillContextMenu)) {
               p = mesh.painter; break;

      const fp = obj_painter.getFramePainter();
      if (isFunc(fp?.showContextMenu))
         fp.showContextMenu(kind, pos, p);

/** @summary Create all necessary components for 3D drawings in frame painter
  * @return {Promise} when render3d !== -1
  * @private */
function create3DScene(render3d, x3dscale, y3dscale, orthographic) {
   if (render3d === -1) {
      if (!this.mode3d) return;

      if (!isFunc(this.clear3dCanvas)) {
         console.error(`Strange, why mode3d=${this.mode3d} is configured!!!!`);

      testAxisVisibility(null, this.toplevel);




      delete this.size_x3d;
      delete this.size_y3d;
      delete this.size_z3d;
      delete this.tooltip_mesh;
      delete this.scene;
      delete this.toplevel;
      delete this.camera;
      delete this.pointLight;
      delete this.renderer;
      delete this.control;
      if (this.render_tmout) {
         delete this.render_tmout;

      this.mode3d = false;


   this.mode3d = true; // indicate 3d mode as hist painter does

   if ('toplevel' in this) {
      // it is indication that all 3D object created, just replace it with empty
      delete this.tooltip_mesh;
      delete this.toplevel;
      if (this.control) this.control.HideTooltip();

      const newtop = new Object3D();
      this.toplevel = newtop;

      this.resize3D(); // set actual sizes

      setCameraPosition(this, false);

      return Promise.resolve(true);

   render3d = getRender3DKind(render3d, this.isBatchMode());


   const sz = this.getSizeFor3d(undefined, render3d);

   this.size_z3d = 100;
   this.size_x3d = this.size_y3d = (sz.height > 10) && (sz.width > 10) ? Math.round(sz.width/sz.height*this.size_z3d) : this.size_z3d;
   if (x3dscale) this.size_x3d *= x3dscale;
   if (y3dscale) this.size_y3d *= y3dscale;

   // three.js 3D drawing
   this.scene = new Scene();
   // scene.fog = new Fog(0xffffff, 500, 3000);

   this.toplevel = new Object3D();
   this.scene_width = sz.width;
   this.scene_height = sz.height;
   this.scene_x = sz.x ?? 0;
   this.scene_y = sz.y ?? 0;

   this.camera_Phi = 30;
   this.camera_Theta = 30;

   create3DCamera(this, orthographic);

   setCameraPosition(this, true);

   return createRender3D(this.scene_width, this.scene_height, render3d).then(r => {
      this.renderer = r;

      this.webgl = (render3d === constants.Render3D.WebGL);
      this.add3dCanvas(sz, this.renderer.jsroot_dom, this.webgl);

      this.first_render_tm = 0;
      this.enable_highlight = false;

      if (!this.isBatchMode() && this.webgl)

      return this;

/** @summary Change camera kind in frame painter
  * @private */
function change3DCamera(orthographic) {
   let has_control = false;
   if (this.control) {
       delete this.control;
       has_control = true;

   create3DCamera(this, orthographic);
   setCameraPosition(this, true);

   if (has_control)


/** @summary Add 3D mesh to frame painter
  * @private */
function add3DMesh(mesh, painter, the_only) {
   if (!mesh)
   if (!this.toplevel)
      return console.error('3D objects are not yet created in the frame');
   if (painter && the_only)
   mesh._painter = painter;

/** @summary Remove 3D meshed for specified painter
  * @private */
function remove3DMeshes(painter) {
   if (!painter || !this.toplevel)
   let i = this.toplevel.children.length;

   while (i > 0) {
      const mesh = this.toplevel.children[--i];
      if (mesh._painter === painter) {

/** @summary call 3D rendering of the frame
  * @param {number} tmout - specifies delay, after which actual rendering will be invoked
  * @desc Timeout used to avoid multiple rendering of the picture when several 3D drawings
  * superimposed with each other.
  * If tmeout <= 0, rendering performed immediately
  * If tmout === -1111, immediate rendering with SVG renderer is performed
  * @private */
function render3D(tmout) {
   if (tmout === -1111) {
      // special handling for direct SVG renderer
      const doc = getDocument(),
          rrr = createSVGRenderer(false, 0, doc);
      rrr.setSize(this.scene_width, this.scene_height);
      rrr.render(this.scene, this.camera);
      if (rrr.makeOuterHTML) {
         // use text mode, it is faster
         const d = doc.createElement('div');
         d.innerHTML = rrr.makeOuterHTML();
         return d.childNodes[0];
      return rrr.domElement;

   if (tmout === undefined) tmout = 5; // by default, rendering happens with timeout

   const batch_mode = this.isBatchMode();

   if ((tmout > 0) && !this.usesvg && !batch_mode) {
      if (!this.render_tmout)
         this.render_tmout = setTimeout(() => this.render3D(0), tmout);

   if (this.render_tmout) {
      delete this.render_tmout;

   if (!this.renderer) return;


   const tm1 = new Date();

   testAxisVisibility(this.camera, this.toplevel, this.opt3d?.FrontBox, this.opt3d?.BackBox);

   // do rendering, most consuming time
   this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);


   const tm2 = new Date();

   if (this.first_render_tm === 0) {
      this.first_render_tm = tm2.getTime() - tm1.getTime();
      this.enable_highlight = (this.first_render_tm < 1200) && this.isTooltipAllowed();
      if (this.first_render_tm > 500)
         console.log(`three.js r${REVISION}, first render tm = ${this.first_render_tm}`);

   if (this.processRender3D) {
      this.getPadPainter()?.painters?.forEach(objp => {
         if (isFunc(objp.handleRender3D))

/** @summary Check is 3D drawing need to be resized
  * @private */
function resize3D() {
   const sz = this.getSizeFor3d(this.access3dKind());


   if ((this.scene_width === sz.width) && (this.scene_height === sz.height)) return false;

   if ((sz.width < 10) || (sz.height < 10)) return false;

   this.scene_width = sz.width;
   this.scene_height = sz.height;

   this.camera.aspect = this.scene_width / this.scene_height;

   this.renderer.setSize(this.scene_width, this.scene_height);

   return true;

/** @summary Hilight bin in frame painter 3D drawing
  * @private */
function highlightBin3D(tip, selfmesh) {
   const want_remove = !tip || (tip.x1 === undefined) || !this.enable_highlight;
   let changed = false, tooltip_mesh = null, changed_self = true, mainp = this.getMainPainter();

   if (mainp && (!mainp.provideUserTooltip || !mainp.hasUserTooltip())) mainp = null;

   if (this.tooltip_selfmesh) {
      changed_self = (this.tooltip_selfmesh !== selfmesh);
      this.tooltip_selfmesh.material.color = this.tooltip_selfmesh.save_color;
      delete this.tooltip_selfmesh;
      changed = true;

   if (this.tooltip_mesh) {
      tooltip_mesh = this.tooltip_mesh;
      delete this.tooltip_mesh;
      changed = true;

   if (want_remove) {
      if (changed) this.render3D();
      if (changed && mainp) mainp.provideUserTooltip(null);

   if (tip.use_itself) {
      selfmesh.save_color = selfmesh.material.color;
      selfmesh.material.color = new Color(tip.color);
      this.tooltip_selfmesh = selfmesh;
      changed = changed_self;
   } else {
      changed = true;

      const indicies = Box3D.Indexes,
            normals = Box3D.Normals,
            vertices = Box3D.Vertices,
            color = new Color(tip.color ? tip.color : 0xFF0000),
            opacity = tip.opacity || 1;

      let pos, norm;

      if (!tooltip_mesh) {
         pos = new Float32Array(indicies.length*3);
         norm = new Float32Array(indicies.length*3);
         const geom = new BufferGeometry();
         geom.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(pos, 3));
         geom.setAttribute('normal', new BufferAttribute(norm, 3));
         const material = new MeshBasicMaterial({ color, opacity, vertexColors: false });
         tooltip_mesh = new Mesh(geom, material);
      } else {
         pos = tooltip_mesh.geometry.attributes.position.array;
         tooltip_mesh.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
         tooltip_mesh.material.color = color;
         tooltip_mesh.material.opacity = opacity;

      if (tip.x1 === tip.x2) console.warn(`same tip X ${tip.x1} ${tip.x2}`);
      if (tip.y1 === tip.y2) console.warn(`same tip Y ${tip.y1} ${tip.y2}`);
      if (tip.z1 === tip.z2) tip.z2 = tip.z1 + 0.0001;  // avoid zero faces

      for (let k = 0, nn = -3; k < indicies.length; ++k) {
         const vert = vertices[indicies[k]];
         pos[k*3] = tip.x1 + vert.x * (tip.x2 - tip.x1);
         pos[k*3+1] = tip.y1 + vert.y * (tip.y2 - tip.y1);
         pos[k*3+2] = tip.z1 + vert.z * (tip.z2 - tip.z1);

         if (norm) {
            if (k % 6 === 0) nn += 3;
            norm[k*3] = normals[nn];
            norm[k*3+1] = normals[nn+1];
            norm[k*3+2] = normals[nn+2];
      this.tooltip_mesh = tooltip_mesh;

      if (tip.$painter && tip.$painter.options.System !== kCARTESIAN) {
         convertLegoBuf(tip.$painter, pos);

   if (changed) this.render3D();

   if (changed && tip.$projection && isFunc(tip.$painter?.redrawProjection))
      tip.$painter.redrawProjection(tip.ix-1, tip.ix, tip.iy-1, tip.iy);

   if (changed && mainp?.getObject()) {
      mainp.provideUserTooltip({ obj: mainp.getObject(), name: mainp.getObject().fName,
                                 bin: tip.bin, cont: tip.value,
                                 binx: tip.ix, biny: tip.iy, binz: tip.iz,
                                 grx: (tip.x1+tip.x2)/2, gry: (tip.y1+tip.y2)/2, grz: (tip.z1+tip.z2)/2 });

/** @summary Set options used for 3D drawings
  * @private */
function set3DOptions(hopt) {
   this.opt3d = hopt;

/** @summary Draw axes in 3D mode
  * @private */
function drawXYZ(toplevel, AxisPainter, opts) {
   if (!opts) opts = {};

   if (opts.drawany === false)
      opts.draw = false;
      opts.drawany = true;

   const pad = opts.v7 ? null : this.getPadPainter().getRootPad(true);
   let grminx = -this.size_x3d, grmaxx = this.size_x3d,
       grminy = -this.size_y3d, grmaxy = this.size_y3d,
       grminz = 0, grmaxz = 2*this.size_z3d,
       scalingSize = this.size_z3d,
       xmin = this.xmin, xmax = this.xmax,
       ymin = this.ymin, ymax = this.ymax,
       zmin = this.zmin, zmax = this.zmax,
       y_zoomed = false, z_zoomed = false;

   if (!this.size_z3d) {
      grminx = this.xmin; grmaxx = this.xmax;
      grminy = this.ymin; grmaxy = this.ymax;
      grminz = this.zmin; grmaxz = this.zmax;
      scalingSize = (grmaxz - grminz);

   if (('zoom_xmin' in this) && ('zoom_xmax' in this) && (this.zoom_xmin !== this.zoom_xmax)) {
      xmin = this.zoom_xmin; xmax = this.zoom_xmax;
   if (('zoom_ymin' in this) && ('zoom_ymax' in this) && (this.zoom_ymin !== this.zoom_ymax)) {
      ymin = this.zoom_ymin; ymax = this.zoom_ymax; y_zoomed = true;
   if (('zoom_zmin' in this) && ('zoom_zmax' in this) && (this.zoom_zmin !== this.zoom_zmax)) {
      zmin = this.zoom_zmin; zmax = this.zoom_zmax; z_zoomed = true;

   if (opts.use_y_for_z) {
      this.zmin = this.ymin; this.zmax = this.ymax;
      zmin = ymin; zmax = ymax; z_zoomed = y_zoomed;
      // if (!z_zoomed && (this.hmin!==this.hmax)) { zmin = this.hmin; zmax = this.hmax; }
      ymin = 0; ymax = 1;

   // z axis range used for lego plot
   this.lego_zmin = zmin; this.lego_zmax = zmax;

   // factor 1.1 used in ROOT for lego plots
   if ((opts.zmult !== undefined) && !z_zoomed) zmax *= opts.zmult;

   this.x_handle = new AxisPainter(null, this.xaxis);
   if (opts.v7) {
      this.x_handle.snapid = this.snapid;
   this.x_handle.configureAxis('xaxis', this.xmin, this.xmax, xmin, xmax, false, [grminx, grmaxx],
                               { log: pad?.fLogx ?? 0, reverse: opts.reverse_x });
   this.x_handle.assignFrameMembers(this, 'x');

   this.y_handle = new AxisPainter(null, this.yaxis);
   if (opts.v7) {
      this.y_handle.snapid = this.snapid;
   this.y_handle.configureAxis('yaxis', this.ymin, this.ymax, ymin, ymax, false, [grminy, grmaxy],
                               { log: pad && !opts.use_y_for_z ? pad.fLogy : 0, reverse: opts.reverse_y });
   this.y_handle.assignFrameMembers(this, 'y');

   this.z_handle = new AxisPainter(null, this.zaxis);
   if (opts.v7) {
      this.z_handle.snapid = this.snapid;

   this.z_handle.configureAxis('zaxis', this.zmin, this.zmax, zmin, zmax, false, [grminz, grmaxz],
                               { log: ((opts.use_y_for_z || (opts.ndim === 2)) ? pad?.fLogv : undefined) ?? pad?.fLogz ?? 0,
                                  reverse: opts.reverse_z });
   this.z_handle.assignFrameMembers(this, 'z');

   this.setRootPadRange(pad, true); // set some coordinates typical for 3D projections in ROOT

   const textMaterials = {}, lineMaterials = {},
       xticks = this.x_handle.createTicks(false, true),
       yticks = this.y_handle.createTicks(false, true),
       zticks = this.z_handle.createTicks(false, true);
   let text_scale = 1;

   function getLineMaterial(handle, kind) {
      const col = ((kind === 'ticks') ? handle.ticksColor : handle.lineatt.color) || 'black',
          linewidth = (kind === 'ticks') ? handle.ticksWidth : handle.lineatt.width,
       name = `${col}_${linewidth}`;
      if (!lineMaterials[name])
         lineMaterials[name] = new LineBasicMaterial(getMaterialArgs(col, { linewidth, vertexColors: false }));
      return lineMaterials[name];

   function getTextMaterial(handle, kind, custom_color) {
      const col = custom_color || ((kind === 'title') ? handle.titleFont?.color : handle.labelsFont?.color) || 'black';
      if (!textMaterials[col])
         textMaterials[col] = new MeshBasicMaterial(getMaterialArgs(col, { vertexColors: false }));
      return textMaterials[col];

   // main element, where all axis elements are placed
   const top = new Object3D();
   top.axis_draw = true; // mark element as axis drawing

   let ticks = [], lbls = [], maxtextheight = 0;

   while (xticks.next()) {
      const grx = xticks.grpos;
      let is_major = xticks.kind === 1,
          lbl = this.x_handle.format(xticks.tick, 2);

      if (xticks.last_major()) {
         if (!this.x_handle.fTitle) lbl = 'x';
      } else if (lbl === null) {
         is_major = false; lbl = '';

      if (is_major && lbl && opts.draw) {
         const mod = xticks.get_modifier();
         if (mod?.fLabText) lbl = mod.fLabText;

         const text3d = createTextGeometry(this, lbl, this.x_handle.labelsFont.size);
         const draw_width = text3d.boundingBox.max.x - text3d.boundingBox.min.x,
               draw_height = text3d.boundingBox.max.y - text3d.boundingBox.min.y;
         text3d.center = true; // place central

         text3d.offsety = this.x_handle.labelsOffset + (grmaxy - grminy) * 0.005;

         maxtextheight = Math.max(maxtextheight, draw_height);

         if (mod?.fTextColor) text3d.color = this.getColor(mod.fTextColor);
         text3d.grx = grx;

         let space = 0;
         if (!xticks.last_major()) {
            space = Math.abs(xticks.next_major_grpos() - grx);
            if ((draw_width > 0) && (space > 0))
               text_scale = Math.min(text_scale, 0.9*space/draw_width);

         if (this.x_handle.isCenteredLabels()) {
            if (!space) space = Math.min(grx - grminx, grmaxx - grx);
            text3d.grx += space/2;

      ticks.push(grx, 0, 0, grx, this.x_handle.ticksSize*(is_major ? -1 : -0.6), 0);

   if (this.x_handle.fTitle && opts.draw) {
      const text3d = createTextGeometry(this, this.x_handle.fTitle, this.x_handle.titleFont.size);
      text3d.center = this.x_handle.titleCenter;
      text3d.opposite = this.x_handle.titleOpposite;
      text3d.offsety = 1.6 * this.x_handle.titleOffset + (grmaxy - grminy) * 0.005;
      text3d.grx = (grminx + grmaxx)/2; // default position for centered title
      text3d.kind = 'title';

   this.get3dZoomCoord = function(point, kind) {
      // return axis coordinate from intersection point with axis geometry
      const min = this[`scale_${kind}min`], max = this[`scale_${kind}max`];
      let pos = point[kind];

      switch (kind) {
         case 'x': pos = (pos + this.size_x3d)/2/this.size_x3d; break;
         case 'y': pos = (pos + this.size_y3d)/2/this.size_y3d; break;
         case 'z': pos = pos/2/this.size_z3d; break;
      if (this['log'+kind])
         pos = Math.exp(Math.log(min) + pos*(Math.log(max)-Math.log(min)));
         pos = min + pos*(max-min);

      return pos;

   const createZoomMesh = (kind, size_3d, use_y_for_z) => {
      const geom = new BufferGeometry(), tsz = Math.max(this[kind+'_handle'].ticksSize, 0.005 * size_3d);
      let positions;
      if (kind === 'z')
         positions = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, tsz*4, 0, 2*size_3d, tsz*4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2*size_3d, tsz*4, 0, 2*size_3d]);
         positions = new Float32Array([-size_3d, 0, 0, size_3d, -tsz*4, 0, size_3d, 0, 0, -size_3d, 0, 0, -size_3d, -tsz*4, 0, size_3d, -tsz*4, 0]);

      geom.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(positions, 3));

      const material = new MeshBasicMaterial({ transparent: true, vertexColors: false, side: DoubleSide, opacity: 0 }),
          mesh = new Mesh(geom, material);
      mesh.zoom = kind;
      mesh.size_3d = size_3d;
      mesh.tsz = tsz;
      mesh.use_y_for_z = use_y_for_z;
      if (kind === 'y') mesh.rotateZ(Math.PI/2).rotateX(Math.PI);

      mesh.v1 = new Vector3(positions[0], positions[1], positions[2]);
      mesh.v2 = new Vector3(positions[6], positions[7], positions[8]);
      mesh.v3 = new Vector3(positions[3], positions[4], positions[5]);

      mesh.globalIntersect = function(raycaster) {
         if (!this.v1 || !this.v2 || !this.v3) return undefined;

         const plane = new Plane();
         plane.setFromCoplanarPoints(this.v1, this.v2, this.v3);

         const v1 = raycaster.ray.origin.clone(),
             v2 = v1.clone().addScaledVector(raycaster.ray.direction, 1e10),
             pnt = plane.intersectLine(new Line3(v1, v2), new Vector3());

         if (!pnt) return undefined;

         let min = -this.size_3d, max = this.size_3d;
         if (this.zoom === 'z') { min = 0; max = 2*this.size_3d; }

         if (pnt[this.zoom] < min)
            pnt[this.zoom] = min;
         else if (pnt[this.zoom] > max)
            pnt[this.zoom] = max;

         return pnt;

      mesh.showSelection = function(pnt1, pnt2) {
         // used to show selection

         const kind = this.zoom;
         let tgtmesh = this.children ? this.children[0] : null, gg;
         if (!pnt1 || !pnt2) {
            if (tgtmesh) {
            return tgtmesh;

         if (!this.geometry) return false;

         if (!tgtmesh) {
            gg = this.geometry.clone();
            const pos = gg.getAttribute('position').array;

            // original vertices [0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2]
            if (kind === 'z') pos[6] = pos[3] = pos[15] = this.tsz;
                         else pos[4] = pos[16] = pos[13] = -this.tsz;
            tgtmesh = new Mesh(gg, new MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xFF00, side: DoubleSide, vertexColors: false }));
         } else
            gg = tgtmesh.geometry;

         const pos = gg.getAttribute('position').array;

         if (kind === 'z') {
            pos[2] = pos[11] = pos[8] = pnt1[kind];
            pos[5] = pos[17] = pos[14] = pnt2[kind];
         } else {
            pos[0] = pos[9] = pos[12] = pnt1[kind];
            pos[6] = pos[3] = pos[15] = pnt2[kind];

         gg.getAttribute('position').needsUpdate = true;

         return true;

      return mesh;

   let xcont = new Object3D(), xtickslines;
   xcont.position.set(0, grminy, grminz);
   xcont.rotation.x = 1/4*Math.PI;
   xcont.xyid = 2;

   if (opts.draw) {
      xtickslines = createLineSegments(ticks, getLineMaterial(this.x_handle, 'ticks'));

   lbls.forEach(lbl => {
      const w = lbl.boundingBox.max.x - lbl.boundingBox.min.x,
          posx = lbl.center ? lbl.grx - w/2 : (lbl.opposite ? grminx : grmaxx - w),
          m = new Matrix4();

      // matrix to swap y and z scales and shift along z to its position
      m.set(text_scale, 0, 0, posx,
            0, text_scale, 0, -maxtextheight*text_scale - this.x_handle.ticksSize - lbl.offsety,
            0, 0, 1, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 1);

      const mesh = new Mesh(lbl, getTextMaterial(this.x_handle, lbl.kind, lbl.color));

   if (opts.zoom && opts.drawany)
      xcont.add(createZoomMesh('x', this.size_x3d));

   xcont = new Object3D();
   xcont.position.set(0, grmaxy, grminz);
   xcont.rotation.x = 3/4*Math.PI;

   if (opts.draw)
      xcont.add(new LineSegments(xtickslines.geometry, xtickslines.material));

   lbls.forEach(lbl => {
      const w = lbl.boundingBox.max.x - lbl.boundingBox.min.x,
            posx = (lbl.center ? lbl.grx + w/2 : lbl.opposite ? grminx + w : grmaxx),
            m = new Matrix4();

      // matrix to swap y and z scales and shift along z to its position
      m.set(-text_scale, 0, 0, posx,
            0, text_scale, 0, -maxtextheight*text_scale - this.x_handle.ticksSize - lbl.offsety,
            0, 0, -1, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 1);
      const mesh = new Mesh(lbl, getTextMaterial(this.x_handle, lbl.kind, lbl.color));

   xcont.xyid = 4;
   if (opts.zoom && opts.drawany)
      xcont.add(createZoomMesh('x', this.size_x3d));

   lbls = []; text_scale = 1; maxtextheight = 0; ticks = [];

   while (yticks.next()) {
      const gry = yticks.grpos;
      let is_major = (yticks.kind === 1),
          lbl = this.y_handle.format(yticks.tick, 2);

      if (yticks.last_major()) {
         if (!this.y_handle.fTitle) lbl = 'y';
      } else if (lbl === null) {
         is_major = false; lbl = '';

      if (is_major && lbl && opts.draw) {
         const mod = yticks.get_modifier();
         if (mod?.fLabText) lbl = mod.fLabText;

         const text3d = createTextGeometry(this, lbl, this.y_handle.labelsFont.size);
         const draw_width = text3d.boundingBox.max.x - text3d.boundingBox.min.x,
             draw_height = text3d.boundingBox.max.y - text3d.boundingBox.min.y;
         text3d.center = true;

         maxtextheight = Math.max(maxtextheight, draw_height);

         if (mod?.fTextColor) text3d.color = this.getColor(mod.fTextColor);
         text3d.gry = gry;
         text3d.offsetx = this.y_handle.labelsOffset + (grmaxx - grminx) * 0.005;

         let space = 0;
         if (!yticks.last_major()) {
            space = Math.abs(yticks.next_major_grpos() - gry);
            if (draw_width > 0)
               text_scale = Math.min(text_scale, 0.9*space/draw_width);
         if (this.y_handle.isCenteredLabels()) {
            if (!space) space = Math.min(gry - grminy, grmaxy - gry);
            text3d.gry += space/2;
      ticks.push(0, gry, 0, this.y_handle.ticksSize*(is_major ? -1 : -0.6), gry, 0);

   if (this.y_handle.fTitle && opts.draw) {
      const text3d = createTextGeometry(this, this.y_handle.fTitle, this.y_handle.titleFont.size);
      text3d.center = this.y_handle.titleCenter;
      text3d.opposite = this.y_handle.titleOpposite;
      text3d.offsetx = 1.6 * this.y_handle.titleOffset + (grmaxx - grminx) * 0.005;
      text3d.gry = (grminy + grmaxy)/2; // default position for centered title
      text3d.kind = 'title';

   if (!opts.use_y_for_z) {
      let yticksline, ycont = new Object3D();
      ycont.position.set(grminx, 0, grminz);
      ycont.rotation.y = -1/4*Math.PI;
      if (opts.draw) {
         yticksline = createLineSegments(ticks, getLineMaterial(this.y_handle, 'ticks'));

      lbls.forEach(lbl => {
         const w = lbl.boundingBox.max.x - lbl.boundingBox.min.x,
             posy = lbl.center ? lbl.gry + w/2 : (lbl.opposite ? grminy + w : grmaxy),
             m = new Matrix4();
         // matrix to swap y and z scales and shift along z to its position
         m.set(0, text_scale, 0, -maxtextheight*text_scale - this.y_handle.ticksSize - lbl.offsetx,
               -text_scale, 0, 0, posy,
               0, 0, 1, 0,
               0, 0, 0, 1);

         const mesh = new Mesh(lbl, getTextMaterial(this.y_handle, lbl.kind, lbl.color));

      ycont.xyid = 3;
      if (opts.zoom && opts.drawany)
         ycont.add(createZoomMesh('y', this.size_y3d));

      ycont = new Object3D();
      ycont.position.set(grmaxx, 0, grminz);
      ycont.rotation.y = -3/4*Math.PI;
      if (opts.draw)
         ycont.add(new LineSegments(yticksline.geometry, yticksline.material));

      lbls.forEach(lbl => {
         const w = lbl.boundingBox.max.x - lbl.boundingBox.min.x,
             posy = lbl.center ? lbl.gry - w/2 : (lbl.opposite ? grminy : grmaxy - w),
             m = new Matrix4();
         m.set(0, text_scale, 0, -maxtextheight*text_scale - this.y_handle.ticksSize - lbl.offsetx,
               text_scale, 0, 0, posy,
               0, 0, -1, 0,
               0, 0, 0, 1);

         const mesh = new Mesh(lbl, getTextMaterial(this.y_handle, lbl.kind, lbl.color));
      ycont.xyid = 1;
      if (opts.zoom && opts.drawany)
         ycont.add(createZoomMesh('y', this.size_y3d));

   lbls = []; text_scale = 1; ticks = []; // just array, will be used for the buffer geometry

   let zgridx = null, zgridy = null, lastmajorz = null, maxzlblwidth = 0;

   if (this.size_z3d && opts.drawany) {
      zgridx = []; zgridy = [];

   while (zticks.next()) {
      const grz = zticks.grpos;
      let is_major = (zticks.kind === 1),
          lbl = this.z_handle.format(zticks.tick, 2);

      if (lbl === null) { is_major = false; lbl = ''; }

      if (is_major && lbl && opts.draw) {
         const mod = zticks.get_modifier();
         if (mod?.fLabText) lbl = mod.fLabText;

         const text3d = createTextGeometry(this, lbl, this.z_handle.labelsFont.size);
         const draw_width = text3d.boundingBox.max.x - text3d.boundingBox.min.x,
             draw_height = text3d.boundingBox.max.y - text3d.boundingBox.min.y;
         text3d.translate(-draw_width, -draw_height/2, 0);

        if (mod?.fTextColor) text3d.color = this.getColor(mod.fTextColor);
         text3d.grz = grz;

         if ((lastmajorz !== null) && (draw_height > 0))
            text_scale = Math.min(text_scale, 0.9*(grz - lastmajorz)/draw_height);

         maxzlblwidth = Math.max(maxzlblwidth, draw_width);

         lastmajorz = grz;

      // create grid
      if (zgridx && is_major)
         zgridx.push(grminx, 0, grz, grmaxx, 0, grz);

      if (zgridy && is_major)
         zgridy.push(0, grminy, grz, 0, grmaxy, grz);

      ticks.push(0, 0, grz, this.z_handle.ticksSize*(is_major ? 1 : 0.6), 0, grz);

   if (zgridx && (zgridx.length > 0)) {
      const material = new LineDashedMaterial({ color: this.x_handle.ticksColor, dashSize: 2, gapSize: 2 }),
            lines1 = createLineSegments(zgridx, material);

      lines1.position.set(0, grmaxy, 0);
      lines1.grid = 2; // mark as grid
      lines1.visible = false;

      const lines2 = new LineSegments(lines1.geometry, material);
      lines2.position.set(0, grminy, 0);
      lines2.grid = 4; // mark as grid
      lines2.visible = false;

   if (zgridy && (zgridy.length > 0)) {
      const material = new LineDashedMaterial({ color: this.y_handle.ticksColor, dashSize: 2, gapSize: 2 }),
            lines1 = createLineSegments(zgridy, material);

      lines1.position.set(grmaxx, 0, 0);
      lines1.grid = 3; // mark as grid
      lines1.visible = false;

      const lines2 = new LineSegments(lines1.geometry, material);
      lines2.position.set(grminx, 0, 0);
      lines2.grid = 1; // mark as grid
      lines2.visible = false;

   const zcont = [], zticksline = opts.draw ? createLineSegments(ticks, getLineMaterial(this.z_handle, 'ticks')) : null;
   for (let n = 0; n < 4; ++n) {
      zcont.push(new Object3D());

      lbls.forEach((lbl, indx) => {
         const m = new Matrix4();
         let grz = lbl.grz;

         if (this.z_handle.isCenteredLabels()) {
            if (indx < lbls.length - 1)
               grz = (grz + lbls[indx+1].grz) / 2;
            else if (indx > 0)
               grz = Math.min(1.5*grz - lbls[indx-1].grz*0.5, grmaxz);

         // matrix to swap y and z scales and shift along z to its position
         m.set(-text_scale, 0, 0, this.z_handle.ticksSize + (grmaxx - grminx) * 0.005 + this.z_handle.labelsOffset,
                         0, 0, 1, 0,
                         0, text_scale, 0, grz);
         const mesh = new Mesh(lbl, getTextMaterial(this.z_handle));

      if (this.z_handle.fTitle && opts.draw) {
         const text3d = createTextGeometry(this, this.z_handle.fTitle, this.z_handle.titleFont.size);
         const draw_width = text3d.boundingBox.max.x - text3d.boundingBox.min.x,
             posz = this.z_handle.titleCenter ? (grmaxz + grminz - draw_width)/2 : (this.z_handle.titleOpposite ? grminz : grmaxz - draw_width);


         const m = new Matrix4();
         m.set(-text_scale, 0, 0, this.z_handle.ticksSize + (grmaxx - grminx) * 0.005 + maxzlblwidth + this.z_handle.titleOffset,
                         0, 0, 1, 0,
                         0, text_scale, 0, posz);
         const mesh = new Mesh(text3d, getTextMaterial(this.z_handle, 'title'));

      if (opts.draw && zticksline)
         zcont[n].add(n === 0 ? zticksline : new LineSegments(zticksline.geometry, zticksline.material));

      if (opts.zoom && opts.drawany)
         zcont[n].add(createZoomMesh('z', this.size_z3d, opts.use_y_for_z));

      zcont[n].zid = n + 2;

   zcont[0].position.set(grminx, grmaxy, 0);
   zcont[0].rotation.z = 3/4*Math.PI;

   zcont[1].position.set(grmaxx, grmaxy, 0);
   zcont[1].rotation.z = 1/4*Math.PI;

   zcont[2].position.set(grmaxx, grminy, 0);
   zcont[2].rotation.z = -1/4*Math.PI;

   zcont[3].position.set(grminx, grminy, 0);
   zcont[3].rotation.z = -3/4*Math.PI;

   if (!opts.drawany)

   const linex_material = getLineMaterial(this.x_handle),
       linex_geom = createLineSegments([grminx, 0, 0, grmaxx, 0, 0], linex_material, null, true);
   for (let n = 0; n < 2; ++n) {
      let line = new LineSegments(linex_geom, linex_material);
      line.position.set(0, grminy, n === 0 ? grminz : grmaxz);
      line.xyboxid = 2; line.bottom = (n === 0);

      line = new LineSegments(linex_geom, linex_material);
      line.position.set(0, grmaxy, n === 0 ? grminz : grmaxz);
      line.xyboxid = 4; line.bottom = (n === 0);

   const liney_material = getLineMaterial(this.y_handle),
       liney_geom = createLineSegments([0, grminy, 0, 0, grmaxy, 0], liney_material, null, true);
   for (let n = 0; n < 2; ++n) {
      let line = new LineSegments(liney_geom, liney_material);
      line.position.set(grminx, 0, n === 0 ? grminz : grmaxz);
      line.xyboxid = 3; line.bottom = (n === 0);

      line = new LineSegments(liney_geom, liney_material);
      line.position.set(grmaxx, 0, n === 0 ? grminz : grmaxz);
      line.xyboxid = 1; line.bottom = (n === 0);

   const linez_material = getLineMaterial(this.z_handle),
       linez_geom = createLineSegments([0, 0, grminz, 0, 0, grmaxz], linez_material, null, true);
   for (let n = 0; n < 4; ++n) {
      const line = new LineSegments(linez_geom, linez_material);
      line.zboxid = zcont[n].zid;

/** @summary Converts 3D coordiante to the pad NDC
  * @private */
function convert3DtoPadNDC(x, y, z) {
   x = this.x_handle.gr(x);
   y = this.y_handle.gr(y);
   z = this.z_handle.gr(z);

   const vector = new Vector3().set(x, y, z);

   // map to normalized device coordinate (NDC) space

   vector.x = (vector.x + 1) / 2;
   vector.y = (vector.y + 1) / 2;

   const pp = this.getPadPainter(),
       pw = pp?.getPadWidth(),
       ph = pp?.getPadHeight();

   if (pw && ph) {
      vector.x = (this.scene_x + vector.x * this.scene_width) / pw;
      vector.y = (this.scene_y + vector.y * this.scene_height) / ph;

   return vector;

/** @summary Assign 3D methods for frame painter
  * @private */
function assignFrame3DMethods(fpainter) {
   Object.assign(fpainter, { create3DScene, add3DMesh, remove3DMeshes, render3D, resize3D, change3DCamera, highlightBin3D, set3DOptions, drawXYZ, convert3DtoPadNDC });

/** @summary Draw histograms in 3D mode
  * @private */
function drawBinsLego(painter, is_v7 = false) {
   if (!painter.draw_content) return;

   // Perform TH1/TH2 lego plot with BufferGeometry

   const vertices = Box3D.Vertices,
         indicies = Box3D.Indexes,
         vnormals = Box3D.Normals,
         segments = Box3D.Segments,
         // reduced line segments
         rsegments = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0],
         // reduced vertices
         rvertices = [new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 0), new Vector3(1, 0, 0)],
         main = painter.getFramePainter(),
         handle = painter.prepareDraw({ rounding: false, use3d: true, extra: 1 }),
         test_cutg = painter.options.cutg,
         i1 = handle.i1, i2 = handle.i2, j1 = handle.j1, j2 = handle.j2,
         histo = painter.getHisto(),
         basehisto = histo.$baseh,
         split_faces = (painter.options.Lego === 11) || (painter.options.Lego === 13), // split each layer on two parts
         use16indx = (histo.getBin(i2, j2) < 0xFFFF); // if bin ID fit into 16 bit, use smaller arrays for intersect indexes

   if ((i1 >= i2) || (j1 >= j2)) return;

   let zmin, zmax, i, j, k, vert, x1, x2, y1, y2, binz1, binz2, reduced, nobottom, notop,
       axis_zmin = main.z_handle.getScaleMin(),
       axis_zmax = main.z_handle.getScaleMax();

   const getBinContent = (ii, jj, level) => {
      // return bin content in binz1, binz2, reduced flags
      // return true if bin should be displayed

      binz2 = histo.getBinContent(ii+1, jj+1);
      if (basehisto)
         binz1 = basehisto.getBinContent(ii+1, jj+1);
      else if (painter.options.BaseLine !== false)
         binz1 = painter.options.BaseLine;
         binz1 = painter.options.Zero ? axis_zmin : 0;
      if (binz2 < binz1)
         [binz1, binz2] = [binz2, binz1];

      if ((binz1 >= zmax) || (binz2 < zmin)) return false;

      if (test_cutg && !test_cutg.IsInside(histo.fXaxis.GetBinCoord(ii + 0.5),
                 histo.fYaxis.GetBinCoord(jj + 0.5))) return false;

      reduced = (binz2 === zmin) || (binz1 >= binz2);

      if (!reduced || (level > 0)) return true;

      if (basehisto) return false; // do not draw empty bins on top of other bins

      if (painter.options.Zero || (axis_zmin > 0)) return true;

      return painter._show_empty_bins;

   let levels = [axis_zmin, axis_zmax], palette = null;


   if ((painter.options.Lego === 12) || (painter.options.Lego === 14)) {
      // drawing colors levels, axis can not exceed palette

      if (is_v7) {
         palette = main.getHistPalette();
         painter.createContour(main, palette, { full_z_range: true });
         levels = palette.getContour();
         axis_zmin = levels[0];
         axis_zmax = levels[levels.length-1];
      } else {
         const cntr = painter.createContour(histo.fContour ? histo.fContour.length : 20, main.lego_zmin, main.lego_zmax);
         levels = cntr.arr;
         palette = painter.getHistPalette();
         // axis_zmin = levels[0];
         // axis_zmax = levels[levels.length-1];

   for (let nlevel = 0; nlevel < levels.length-1; ++nlevel) {
      zmin = levels[nlevel];
      zmax = levels[nlevel+1];

      // artificially extend last level of color palette to maximal visible value
      if (palette && (nlevel === levels.length-2) && zmax < axis_zmax) zmax = axis_zmax;

      const grzmin = main.grz(zmin), grzmax = main.grz(zmax);
      let z1 = 0, z2 = 0, numvertices = 0, num2vertices = 0;

      // now calculate size of buffer geometry for boxes

      for (i = i1; i < i2; ++i) {
         for (j = j1; j < j2; ++j) {
            if (!getBinContent(i, j, nlevel)) continue;

            nobottom = !reduced && (nlevel > 0);
            notop = !reduced && (binz2 > zmax) && (nlevel < levels.length-2);

            numvertices += (reduced ? 12 : indicies.length);
            if (nobottom) numvertices -= 6;
            if (notop) numvertices -= 6;

            if (split_faces && !reduced) {
               numvertices -= 12;
               num2vertices += 12;

      const positions = new Float32Array(numvertices*3),
            normals = new Float32Array(numvertices*3),
            face_to_bins_index = use16indx ? new Uint16Array(numvertices/3) : new Uint32Array(numvertices/3),
            pos2 = (num2vertices === 0) ? null : new Float32Array(num2vertices*3),
            norm2 = (num2vertices === 0) ? null : new Float32Array(num2vertices*3),
            face_to_bins_indx2 = (num2vertices === 0) ? null : (use16indx ? new Uint16Array(num2vertices/3) : new Uint32Array(num2vertices/3));

      let v = 0, v2 = 0, vert, k, nn;

      for (i = i1; i < i2; ++i) {
         x1 = handle.grx[i] + handle.xbar1*(handle.grx[i+1] - handle.grx[i]);
         x2 = handle.grx[i] + handle.xbar2*(handle.grx[i+1] - handle.grx[i]);
         for (j = j1; j < j2; ++j) {
            if (!getBinContent(i, j, nlevel)) continue;

            nobottom = !reduced && (nlevel > 0);
            notop = !reduced && (binz2 > zmax) && (nlevel < levels.length-2);

            y1 = handle.gry[j] + handle.ybar1*(handle.gry[j+1] - handle.gry[j]);
            y2 = handle.gry[j] + handle.ybar2*(handle.gry[j+1] - handle.gry[j]);

            z1 = (binz1 <= zmin) ? grzmin : main.grz(binz1);
            z2 = (binz2 > zmax) ? grzmax : main.grz(binz2);

            nn = 0; // counter over the normals, each normals correspond to 6 vertices
            k = 0; // counter over vertices

            if (reduced) {
               // we skip all side faces, keep only top and bottom
               nn += 12;
               k += 24;

            const bin_index = histo.getBin(i+1, j+1);
            let size = indicies.length;
            if (nobottom) size -= 6;

            // array over all vertices of the single bin
            while (k < size) {
               vert = vertices[indicies[k]];

               if (split_faces && (k < 12)) {
                  pos2[v2] = x1 + vert.x * (x2 - x1);
                  pos2[v2+1] = y1 + vert.y * (y2 - y1);
                  pos2[v2+2] = z1 + vert.z * (z2 - z1);

                  norm2[v2] = vnormals[nn];
                  norm2[v2+1] = vnormals[nn+1];
                  norm2[v2+2] = vnormals[nn+2];
                  if (v2 % 9 === 0) face_to_bins_indx2[v2/9] = bin_index; // remember which bin corresponds to the face
                  v2 += 3;
               } else {
                  positions[v] = x1 + vert.x * (x2 - x1);
                  positions[v+1] = y1 + vert.y * (y2 - y1);
                  positions[v+2] = z1 + vert.z * (z2 - z1);

                  normals[v] = vnormals[nn];
                  normals[v+1] = vnormals[nn+1];
                  normals[v+2] = vnormals[nn+2];
                  if (v % 9 === 0) face_to_bins_index[v/9] = bin_index; // remember which bin corresponds to the face
                  v += 3;


               if (k % 6 === 0) {
                  nn += 3;
                  if (notop && (k === indicies.length - 12)) {
                     k += 6; nn += 3; // jump over notop indexes

      const geometry = createLegoGeom(painter, positions, normals);
      let rootcolor = is_v7 ? 3 : histo.fFillColor,
          fcolor = painter.getColor(rootcolor);

      if (palette)
         fcolor = is_v7 ? palette.getColor(nlevel) : palette.calcColor(nlevel, levels.length);
       else if ((painter.options.Lego === 1) || (rootcolor < 2)) {
         rootcolor = 1;
         fcolor = 'white';

      const material = new MeshBasicMaterial(getMaterialArgs(fcolor, { vertexColors: false })),
          mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material);

      mesh.face_to_bins_index = face_to_bins_index;
      mesh.painter = painter;
      mesh.zmin = axis_zmin;
      mesh.zmax = axis_zmax;
      mesh.baseline = (painter.options.BaseLine !== false) ? painter.options.BaseLine : (painter.options.Zero ? axis_zmin : 0);
      mesh.tip_color = (rootcolor=== 3) ? 0xFF0000 : 0x00FF00;
      mesh.handle = handle;

      mesh.tooltip = function(intersect) {
         if ((intersect.faceIndex < 0) || (intersect.faceIndex >= this.face_to_bins_index.length)) return null;

         const p = this.painter,
               handle = this.handle,
               main = p.getFramePainter(),
               histo = p.getHisto(),
               tip = p.get3DToolTip(this.face_to_bins_index[intersect.faceIndex]),
               x1 = Math.min(main.size_x3d, Math.max(-main.size_x3d, handle.grx[tip.ix-1] + handle.xbar1*(handle.grx[tip.ix] - handle.grx[tip.ix-1]))),
               x2 = Math.min(main.size_x3d, Math.max(-main.size_x3d, handle.grx[tip.ix-1] + handle.xbar2*(handle.grx[tip.ix] - handle.grx[tip.ix-1]))),
               y1 = Math.min(main.size_y3d, Math.max(-main.size_y3d, handle.gry[tip.iy-1] + handle.ybar1*(handle.gry[tip.iy] - handle.gry[tip.iy-1]))),
               y2 = Math.min(main.size_y3d, Math.max(-main.size_y3d, handle.gry[tip.iy-1] + handle.ybar2*(handle.gry[tip.iy] - handle.gry[tip.iy-1])));

         tip.x1 = Math.min(x1, x2);
         tip.x2 = Math.max(x1, x2);
         tip.y1 = Math.min(y1, y2);
         tip.y2 = Math.max(y1, y2);

         let binz1 = this.baseline, binz2 = tip.value;
         if (histo.$baseh) binz1 = histo.$baseh.getBinContent(tip.ix, tip.iy);
         if (binz2 < binz1) [binz1, binz2] = [binz2, binz1];

         tip.z1 = main.grz(Math.max(this.zmin, binz1));
         tip.z2 = main.grz(Math.min(this.zmax, binz2));

         tip.color = this.tip_color;
         tip.$painter = p;
         tip.$projection = p.is_projection && (p.getDimension() === 2);

         return tip;


      if (num2vertices > 0) {
         const geom2 = createLegoGeom(painter, pos2, norm2),
               color2 = (rootcolor < 2) ? new Color(0xFF0000) : new Color(d3_rgb(fcolor).darker(0.5).toString()),
               material2 = new MeshBasicMaterial({ color: color2, vertexColors: false }),
               mesh2 = new Mesh(geom2, material2);
         mesh2.face_to_bins_index = face_to_bins_indx2;
         mesh2.painter = painter;
         mesh2.handle = mesh.handle;
         mesh2.tooltip = mesh.tooltip;
         mesh2.zmin = mesh.zmin;
         mesh2.zmax = mesh.zmax;
         mesh2.baseline = mesh.baseline;
         mesh2.tip_color = mesh.tip_color;


   // lego3 or lego4 do not draw border lines
   if (painter.options.Lego > 12) return;


   let numlinevertices = 0, numsegments = 0;

   zmax = axis_zmax; zmin = axis_zmin;

   for (i = i1; i < i2; ++i) {
      for (j = j1; j < j2; ++j) {
         if (!getBinContent(i, j, 0)) continue;

         // calculate required buffer size for line segments
         numlinevertices += (reduced ? rvertices.length : vertices.length);
         numsegments += (reduced ? rsegments.length : segments.length);

   // On some platforms vertex index required to be Uint16 array
   // While we cannot use index for large vertex list
   // skip index usage at all. It happens for relatively large histograms (100x100 bins)
   const uselineindx = (numlinevertices <= 0xFFF0);

   if (!uselineindx) numlinevertices = numsegments*3;

   const lpositions = new Float32Array(numlinevertices * 3),
         lindicies = uselineindx ? new Uint16Array(numsegments) : null,
         grzmin = main.grz(axis_zmin),
         grzmax = main.grz(axis_zmax);
   let z1 = 0, z2 = 0, ll = 0, ii = 0;

   for (i = i1; i < i2; ++i) {
      x1 = handle.grx[i] + handle.xbar1*(handle.grx[i+1] - handle.grx[i]);
      x2 = handle.grx[i] + handle.xbar2*(handle.grx[i+1] - handle.grx[i]);
      for (j = j1; j < j2; ++j) {
         if (!getBinContent(i, j, 0)) continue;

         y1 = handle.gry[j] + handle.ybar1*(handle.gry[j+1] - handle.gry[j]);
         y2 = handle.gry[j] + handle.ybar2*(handle.gry[j+1] - handle.gry[j]);

         z1 = (binz1 <= axis_zmin) ? grzmin : main.grz(binz1);
         z2 = (binz2 > axis_zmax) ? grzmax : main.grz(binz2);

         const seg = reduced ? rsegments : segments,
               vvv = reduced ? rvertices : vertices;

         if (uselineindx) {
            // array of indicies for the lines, to avoid duplication of points
            for (k = 0; k < seg.length; ++k) {
               // intersect_index[ii] = bin_index;
               lindicies[ii++] = ll/3 + seg[k];

            for (k = 0; k < vvv.length; ++k) {
               vert = vvv[k];
               lpositions[ll] = x1 + vert.x * (x2 - x1);
               lpositions[ll+1] = y1 + vert.y * (y2 - y1);
               lpositions[ll+2] = z1 + vert.z * (z2 - z1);
               ll += 3;
         } else {
            // copy only vertex positions
            for (k = 0; k < seg.length; ++k) {
               vert = vvv[seg[k]];
               lpositions[ll] = x1 + vert.x * (x2 - x1);
               lpositions[ll+1] = y1 + vert.y * (y2 - y1);
               lpositions[ll+2] = z1 + vert.z * (z2 - z1);
               // intersect_index[ll/3] = bin_index;
               ll += 3;

   // create boxes
   const lcolor = is_v7 ? painter.v7EvalColor('line_color', 'lightblue') : painter.getColor(histo.fLineColor),
         material = new LineBasicMaterial(getMaterialArgs(lcolor, { linewidth: is_v7 ? painter.v7EvalAttr('line_width', 1) : histo.fLineWidth })),
         line = createLineSegments(convertLegoBuf(painter, lpositions), material, uselineindx ? lindicies : null);

   line.painter = painter;
   line.intersect_index = intersect_index;
   line.tooltip = function(intersect) {
      if ((intersect.index < 0) || (intersect.index >= this.intersect_index.length)) return null;
      return this.painter.get3DToolTip(this.intersect_index[intersect.index]);


/** @summary Draw TH2 histogram in error mode
  * @private */
function drawBinsError3D(painter, is_v7 = false) {
   const main = painter.getFramePainter(),
         histo = painter.getHisto(),
         handle = painter.prepareDraw({ rounding: false, use3d: true, extra: 1 }),
         zmin = main.z_handle.getScaleMin(),
         zmax = main.z_handle.getScaleMax(),
         test_cutg = painter.options.cutg;
   let i, j, bin, binz, binerr, x1, y1, x2, y2, z1, z2,
       nsegments = 0, lpos = null, binindx = null, lindx = 0;

   const check_skip_min = () => {
       // return true if minimal histogram value should be skipped
       if (painter.options.Zero || (zmin > 0)) return false;
       return !painter._show_empty_bins;

    // loop over the points - first loop counts points, second fill arrays
   for (let loop = 0; loop < 2; ++loop) {
      for (i = handle.i1; i < handle.i2; ++i) {
         x1 = handle.grx[i];
         x2 = handle.grx[i + 1];
         for (j = handle.j1; j < handle.j2; ++j) {
            binz = histo.getBinContent(i + 1, j + 1);
            if ((binz < zmin) || (binz > zmax)) continue;
            if ((binz === zmin) && check_skip_min()) continue;

            if (test_cutg && !test_cutg.IsInside(histo.fXaxis.GetBinCoord(i + 0.5),
                 histo.fYaxis.GetBinCoord(j + 0.5))) continue;

            // just count number of segments
            if (loop === 0) { nsegments += 3; continue; }

            bin = histo.getBin(i + 1, j + 1);
            binerr = histo.getBinError(bin);
            binindx[lindx / 18] = bin;

            y1 = handle.gry[j];
            y2 = handle.gry[j + 1];

            z1 = main.grz((binz - binerr < zmin) ? zmin : binz - binerr);
            z2 = main.grz((binz + binerr > zmax) ? zmax : binz + binerr);

            lpos[lindx] = x1; lpos[lindx + 3] = x2;
            lpos[lindx + 1] = lpos[lindx + 4] = (y1 + y2) / 2;
            lpos[lindx + 2] = lpos[lindx + 5] = (z1 + z2) / 2;
            lindx += 6;

            lpos[lindx] = lpos[lindx + 3] = (x1 + x2) / 2;
            lpos[lindx + 1] = y1; lpos[lindx + 4] = y2;
            lpos[lindx + 2] = lpos[lindx + 5] = (z1 + z2) / 2;
            lindx += 6;

            lpos[lindx] = lpos[lindx + 3] = (x1 + x2) / 2;
            lpos[lindx + 1] = lpos[lindx + 4] = (y1 + y2) / 2;
            lpos[lindx + 2] = z1; lpos[lindx + 5] = z2;
            lindx += 6;

      if (loop === 0) {
         if (nsegments === 0) return;
         lpos = new Float32Array(nsegments * 6);
         binindx = new Int32Array(nsegments / 3);

    // create lines
    const lcolor = is_v7 ? painter.v7EvalColor('line_color', 'lightblue') : painter.getColor(histo.fLineColor),
          material = new LineBasicMaterial(getMaterialArgs(lcolor, { linewidth: is_v7 ? painter.v7EvalAttr('line_width', 1) : histo.fLineWidth })),
          line = createLineSegments(lpos, material);

    line.painter = painter;
    line.intersect_index = binindx;
    line.zmin = zmin;
    line.zmax = zmax;
    line.tip_color = (histo.fLineColor === 3) ? 0xFF0000 : 0x00FF00;

    line.tooltip = function(intersect) {
       const pos = Math.floor(intersect.index / 6);
       if ((pos < 0) || (pos >= this.intersect_index.length)) return null;
       const p = this.painter,
           histo = p.getHisto(),
           main = p.getFramePainter(),
           tip = p.get3DToolTip(this.intersect_index[pos]),
           x1 = Math.min(main.size_x3d, Math.max(-main.size_x3d, main.grx(histo.fXaxis.GetBinLowEdge(tip.ix)))),
           x2 = Math.min(main.size_x3d, Math.max(-main.size_x3d, main.grx(histo.fXaxis.GetBinLowEdge(tip.ix+1)))),
           y1 = Math.min(main.size_y3d, Math.max(-main.size_y3d, main.gry(histo.fYaxis.GetBinLowEdge(tip.iy)))),
           y2 = Math.min(main.size_y3d, Math.max(-main.size_y3d, main.gry(histo.fYaxis.GetBinLowEdge(tip.iy+1))));

       tip.x1 = Math.min(x1, x2);
       tip.x2 = Math.max(x1, x2);
       tip.y1 = Math.min(y1, y2);
       tip.y2 = Math.max(y1, y2);

       tip.z1 = main.grz(tip.value-tip.error < this.zmin ? this.zmin : tip.value-tip.error);
       tip.z2 = main.grz(tip.value+tip.error > this.zmax ? this.zmax : tip.value+tip.error);

       tip.color = this.tip_color;

       return tip;


/** @summary Draw TH2 as 3D contour plot
  * @private */
function drawBinsContour3D(painter, realz = false, is_v7 = false) {
   // for contour plots one requires handle with full range
   const main = painter.getFramePainter(),
         handle = painter.prepareDraw({ rounding: false, use3d: true, extra: 100, middle: 0 }),
         histo = painter.getHisto(), // get levels
         levels = painter.getContourLevels(), // init contour if not exists
         palette = painter.getHistPalette(),
         pnts = [];
   let layerz = 2*main.size_z3d;

   buildHist2dContour(histo, handle, levels, palette,
      (colindx, xp, yp, iminus, iplus, ilevel) => {
          // ignore less than three points
          if (iplus - iminus < 3) return;

          if (realz) {
             layerz = main.grz(levels[ilevel]);
             if ((layerz < 0) || (layerz > 2*main.size_z3d)) return;

          for (let i=iminus; i<iplus; ++i) {
             pnts.push(xp[i], yp[i], layerz);
             pnts.push(xp[i+1], yp[i+1], layerz);

   const lines = createLineSegments(pnts, create3DLineMaterial(painter, is_v7 ? 'line_' : histo));

/** @summary Draw TH2 histograms in surf mode
  * @private */
function drawBinsSurf3D(painter, is_v7 = false) {
   const histo = painter.getHisto(),
         main = painter.getFramePainter(),
         axis_zmin = main.z_handle.getScaleMin(),
         // axis_zmax = main.z_handle.getScaleMax();
         // first adjust ranges
         main_grz = !main.logz ? main.grz : value => (value < axis_zmin) ? -0.1 : main.grz(value),
         main_grz_min = 0, main_grz_max = 2*main.size_z3d;

   let handle = painter.prepareDraw({ rounding: false, use3d: true, extra: 1, middle: 0.5,
                                      cutg: isFunc(painter.options?.cutg?.IsInside) ? painter.options?.cutg : null });
   if ((handle.i2 - handle.i1 < 2) || (handle.j2 - handle.j1 < 2)) return;

   let ilevels = null, levels = null, palette = null;

   handle.dolines = true;

   if (is_v7) {
      let need_palette = 0;
      switch (painter.options.Surf) {
         case 11: need_palette = 2; break;
         case 12:
         case 15: // make surf5 same as surf2
         case 17: need_palette = 2; handle.dolines = false; break;
         case 14: handle.dolines = false; handle.donormals = true; break;
         case 16: need_palette = 1; handle.dogrid = true; handle.dolines = false; break;
         default: ilevels = main.z_handle.createTicks(true); handle.dogrid = true; break;

      if (need_palette > 0) {
         palette = main.getHistPalette();
         if (need_palette === 2)
            painter.createContour(main, palette, { full_z_range: true });
         ilevels = palette.getContour();
   } else {
      switch (painter.options.Surf) {
         case 11: ilevels = painter.getContourLevels(); palette = painter.getHistPalette(); break;
         case 12:
         case 15: // make surf5 same as surf2
         case 17: ilevels = painter.getContourLevels(); palette = painter.getHistPalette(); handle.dolines = false; break;
         case 14: handle.dolines = false; handle.donormals = true; break;
         case 16: ilevels = painter.getContourLevels(); handle.dogrid = true; handle.dolines = false; break;
         default: ilevels = main.z_handle.createTicks(true); handle.dogrid = true; break;

   if (ilevels) {
      // recalculate levels into graphical coordinates
      levels = new Float32Array(ilevels.length);
      for (let ll = 0; ll < ilevels.length; ++ll)
         levels[ll] = main_grz(ilevels[ll]);
   } else
      levels = [main_grz_min, main_grz_max]; // just cut top/bottom parts

   handle.grz = main_grz;
   handle.grz_min = main_grz_min;
   handle.grz_max = main_grz_max;

   buildSurf3D(histo, handle, ilevels, (lvl, pos, normindx) => {
      const geometry = createLegoGeom(painter, pos, null, handle.i2 - handle.i1, handle.j2 - handle.j1),
            normals = geometry.getAttribute('normal').array;

      // recalculate normals
      if (handle.donormals && (lvl === 1)) {
         for (let ii = handle.i1; ii < handle.i2; ++ii) {
            for (let jj = handle.j1; jj < handle.j2; ++jj) {
               const bin = ((ii-handle.i1) * (handle.j2 - handle.j1) + (jj - handle.j1)) * 8;

               if (normindx[bin] === -1) continue; // nothing there

               const beg = (normindx[bin] >= 0) ? bin : bin + 9 + normindx[bin],
                     end = bin + 8;
               let sumx = 0, sumy = 0, sumz = 0;

               for (let kk = beg; kk < end; ++kk) {
                  const indx = normindx[kk];
                  if (indx < 0) return console.error('FAILURE in NORMALS RECALCULATIONS');
                  sumx += normals[indx];
                  sumy += normals[indx+1];
                  sumz += normals[indx+2];

               sumx = sumx/(end-beg); sumy = sumy/(end-beg); sumz = sumz/(end-beg);

               for (let kk = beg; kk < end; ++kk) {
                  const indx = normindx[kk];
                  normals[indx] = sumx;
                  normals[indx+1] = sumy;
                  normals[indx+2] = sumz;

      let color, material;
      if (is_v7)
         color = palette?.getColor(lvl-1) ?? painter.getColor(5);
       else if (palette)
         color = palette.calcColor(lvl, levels.length);
       else {
         color = histo.fFillColor > 1 ? painter.getColor(histo.fFillColor) : 'white';
         if ((painter.options.Surf === 14) && (histo.fFillColor < 2)) color = painter.getColor(48);

      if (!color) color = 'white';
      if (painter.options.Surf === 14)
         material = new MeshLambertMaterial(getMaterialArgs(color, { side: DoubleSide, vertexColors: false }));
         material = new MeshBasicMaterial(getMaterialArgs(color, { side: DoubleSide, vertexColors: false }));

      const mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material);


      mesh.painter = painter; // to let use it with context menu
   }, (isgrid, lpos) => {
      const color = painter.getColor(histo.fLineColor) ?? 'white';
      let material;

      if (isgrid) {
         material = (painter.options.Surf === 1)
                      ? new LineDashedMaterial({ color: 0x0, dashSize: 2, gapSize: 2 })
                      : new LineBasicMaterial(getMaterialArgs(color));
      } else
         material = new LineBasicMaterial(getMaterialArgs(color, { linewidth: histo.fLineWidth }));

      const line = createLineSegments(convertLegoBuf(painter, lpos, handle.i2 - handle.i1, handle.j2 - handle.j1), material);
      line.painter = painter;

   if (painter.options.Surf === 17)
      drawBinsContour3D(painter, false, is_v7);

   if (painter.options.Surf === 13) {
      handle = painter.prepareDraw({ rounding: false, use3d: true, extra: 100, middle: 0 });

      // get levels
      const levels = painter.getContourLevels(), // init contour
            palette = painter.getHistPalette();
      let lastcolindx = -1, layerz = main_grz_max;

      buildHist2dContour(histo, handle, levels, palette,
         (colindx, xp, yp, iminus, iplus) => {
             // no need for duplicated point
             if ((xp[iplus] === xp[iminus]) && (yp[iplus] === yp[iminus])) iplus--;

             // ignore less than three points
             if (iplus - iminus < 3) return;

             const pnts = [];

             for (let i = iminus; i <= iplus; ++i) {
                if ((i === iminus) || (xp[i] !== xp[i-1]) || (yp[i] !== yp[i-1]))
                   pnts.push(new Vector2(xp[i], yp[i]));

             if (pnts.length < 3) return;

             const faces = ShapeUtils.triangulateShape(pnts, []);

             if (!faces || (faces.length === 0)) return;

             if ((lastcolindx < 0) || (lastcolindx !== colindx)) {
                lastcolindx = colindx;
                layerz += 5e-5 * main_grz_max; // change layers Z

             const pos = new Float32Array(faces.length*9),
                   norm = new Float32Array(faces.length*9);
             let indx = 0;

             for (let n = 0; n < faces.length; ++n) {
                const face = faces[n];
                for (let v = 0; v < 3; ++v) {
                   const pnt = pnts[face[v]];
                   pos[indx] = pnt.x;
                   pos[indx+1] = pnt.y;
                   pos[indx+2] = layerz;
                   norm[indx] = 0;
                   norm[indx+1] = 0;
                   norm[indx+2] = 1;

                   indx += 3;

             const geometry = createLegoGeom(painter, pos, norm, handle.i2 - handle.i1, handle.j2 - handle.j1),
                   material = new MeshBasicMaterial(getMaterialArgs(palette.getColor(colindx), { side: DoubleSide, opacity: 0.5, vertexColors: false })),
                   mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material);
             mesh.painter = painter;

export { assignFrame3DMethods, drawBinsLego, drawBinsError3D, drawBinsContour3D, drawBinsSurf3D, convertLegoBuf, createLegoGeom };