/** @summary version id
* @desc For the JSROOT release the string in format 'major.minor.patch' like '7.0.0' */
const version_id = '7.8.1',
/** @summary version date
* @desc Release date in format day/month/year like '14/04/2022' */
version_date = '22/01/2025',
/** @summary version id and date
* @desc Produced by concatenation of {@link version_id} and {@link version_date}
* Like '7.0.0 14/04/2022' */
version = version_id + ' ' + version_date,
/** @summary Is node.js flag
* @private */
nodejs = !!((typeof process === 'object') && isObject(process.versions) && process.versions.node && process.versions.v8),
/** @summary internal data
* @private */
internals = {
/** @summary unique id counter, starts from 1 */
id_counter: 1
_src = import.meta?.url,
_src_dir = '$jsrootsys';
/** @summary Location of JSROOT modules
* @desc Automatically detected and used to dynamically load other modules
* @private */
let source_dir = '';
if (_src_dir[0] !== '$')
source_dir = _src_dir;
else if (_src && isStr(_src)) {
let pos = _src.indexOf('modules/core.mjs');
if (pos < 0)
pos = _src.indexOf('build/jsroot.js');
if (pos < 0)
pos = _src.indexOf('build/jsroot.min.js');
if (pos >= 0)
source_dir = _src.slice(0, pos);
internals.ignore_v6 = true;
if (!nodejs) {
if (source_dir)
console.log(`Set jsroot source_dir to ${source_dir}, ${version}`);
console.log(`jsroot bundle, ${version}`);
/** @summary Is batch mode flag
* @private */
let batch_mode = nodejs;
/** @summary Indicates if running in batch mode */
function isBatchMode() { return batch_mode; }
/** @summary Set batch mode
* @private */
function setBatchMode(on) { batch_mode = !!on; }
/** @summary Indicates if running inside Node.js */
function isNodeJs() { return nodejs; }
/** @summary atob function in all environments
* @private */
const atob_func = isNodeJs() ? str => Buffer.from(str, 'base64').toString('latin1') : globalThis?.atob,
/** @summary btoa function in all environments
* @private */
btoa_func = isNodeJs() ? str => Buffer.from(str, 'latin1').toString('base64') : globalThis?.btoa,
/** @summary browser detection flags
* @private */
browser = { isFirefox: true, isSafari: false, isChrome: false, isWin: false, touches: false, screenWidth: 1200 };
if ((typeof document !== 'undefined') && (typeof window !== 'undefined') && (typeof navigator !== 'undefined')) {
navigator.userAgentData?.brands?.forEach(item => {
if (item.brand === 'HeadlessChrome') {
browser.isChromeHeadless = true;
browser.chromeVersion = parseInt(item.version);
} else if (item.brand === 'Chromium') {
browser.isChrome = true;
browser.chromeVersion = parseInt(item.version);
if (browser.chromeVersion) {
browser.isFirefox = false;
browser.isWin = navigator.userAgentData.platform === 'Windows';
} else {
browser.isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') >= 0;
browser.isSafari = Object.prototype.toString.call(window.HTMLElement).indexOf('Constructor') > 0;
browser.isChrome = !!window.chrome;
browser.isChromeHeadless = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('HeadlessChrome') >= 0;
browser.chromeVersion = (browser.isChrome || browser.isChromeHeadless) ? parseInt(navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(?:e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/)[1]) : 0;
browser.isWin = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows') >= 0;
browser.android = /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
browser.touches = ('ontouchend' in document); // identify if touch events are supported
browser.screenWidth = window.screen?.width ?? 1200;
/** @summary Check if prototype string match to array (typed on untyped)
* @return {Number} 0 - not array, 1 - regular array, 2 - typed array
* @private */
function isArrayProto(proto) {
if ((proto.length < 14) || (proto.indexOf('[object ') !== 0)) return 0;
const p = proto.indexOf('Array]');
if ((p < 0) || (p !== proto.length - 6)) return 0;
// plain array has only '[object Array]', typed array type name inside
return proto.length === 14 ? 1 : 2;
/** @desc Specialized JSROOT constants, used in {@link settings}
* @namespace */
const constants = {
/** @summary Kind of 3D rendering, used for {@link settings.Render3D}
* @namespace */
Render3D: {
/** @summary Default 3D rendering, normally WebGL, if not supported - SVG */
Default: 0,
/** @summary Use normal WebGL rendering and place as interactive Canvas element on HTML page */
WebGL: 1,
/** @summary Use WebGL rendering, but convert into svg image, not interactive */
WebGLImage: 2,
/** @summary Use SVG rendering, slow, imprecise and not interactive, not recommended */
SVG: 3,
fromString(s) {
if ((s === 'webgl') || (s === 'gl')) return this.WebGL;
if (s === 'img') return this.WebGLImage;
if (s === 'svg') return this.SVG;
return this.Default;
/** @summary Way to embed 3D into SVG, used for {@link settings.Embed3D}
* @namespace */
Embed3D: {
/** @summary Do not embed 3D drawing, use complete space */
NoEmbed: -1,
/** @summary Default embedding mode - on Firefox and latest Chrome is real ```Embed```, on all other ```Overlay``` */
Default: 0,
/** @summary WebGL canvas not inserted into SVG, but just overlay. The only way how old Chrome browser can be used */
Overlay: 1,
/** @summary Really embed WebGL Canvas into SVG */
Embed: 2,
/** @summary Embedding, but when SVG rendering or SVG image conversion is used */
EmbedSVG: 3,
/** @summary Convert string values into number */
fromString(s) {
if (s === 'embed') return this.Embed;
if (s === 'overlay') return this.Overlay;
return this.Default;
/** @summary How to use latex in text drawing, used for {@link settings.Latex}
* @namespace */
Latex: {
/** @summary do not use Latex at all for text drawing */
Off: 0,
/** @summary convert only known latex symbols */
Symbols: 1,
/** @summary normal latex processing with svg */
Normal: 2,
/** @summary use MathJax for complex cases, otherwise simple SVG text */
MathJax: 3,
/** @summary always use MathJax for text rendering */
AlwaysMathJax: 4,
/** @summary Convert string values into number */
fromString(s) {
if (!s || !isStr(s))
return this.Normal;
switch (s) {
case 'off': return this.Off;
case 'symbols': return this.Symbols;
case 'normal':
case 'latex':
case 'exp':
case 'experimental': return this.Normal;
case 'MathJax':
case 'mathjax':
case 'math': return this.MathJax;
case 'AlwaysMathJax':
case 'alwaysmath':
case 'alwaysmathjax': return this.AlwaysMathJax;
const code = parseInt(s);
return (Number.isInteger(code) && (code >= this.Off) && (code <= this.AlwaysMathJax)) ? code : this.Normal;
/** @desc Global JSROOT settings
* @namespace */
settings = {
/** @summary Render of 3D drawing methods, see {@link constants.Render3D} for possible values */
Render3D: constants.Render3D.Default,
/** @summary 3D drawing methods in batch mode, see {@link constants.Render3D} for possible values */
Render3DBatch: constants.Render3D.Default,
/** @summary Way to embed 3D drawing in SVG, see {@link constants.Embed3D} for possible values */
Embed3D: constants.Embed3D.Default,
/** @summary Default canvas width */
CanvasWidth: 1200,
/** @summary Default canvas height */
CanvasHeight: 800,
/** @summary Enable or disable tooltips, default on */
Tooltip: !nodejs,
/** @summary Time in msec for appearance of tooltips, 0 - no animation */
TooltipAnimation: 500,
/** @summary Enables context menu usage */
ContextMenu: !nodejs,
/** @summary Global zooming flag, enable/disable any kind of interactive zooming */
Zooming: !nodejs,
/** @summary Zooming with the mouse events */
ZoomMouse: !nodejs,
/** @summary Zooming with mouse wheel */
ZoomWheel: !nodejs,
/** @summary Zooming on touch devices */
ZoomTouch: !nodejs,
/** @summary Enables move and resize of elements like statistic box, title, pave, colz */
MoveResize: !browser.touches && !nodejs,
/** @summary Configures keyboard key press handling
* @desc Can be disabled to prevent keys handling in complex HTML layouts
* @default true */
HandleKeys: !nodejs,
/** @summary enables drag and drop functionality */
DragAndDrop: !nodejs,
/** @summary Interactive dragging of TGraph points */
DragGraphs: true,
/** @summary Show progress box, can be false, true or 'modal' */
ProgressBox: !nodejs,
/** @summary Show additional tool buttons on the canvas, false - disabled, true - enabled, 'popup' - only toggle button */
ToolBar: nodejs ? false : 'popup',
/** @summary Position of toolbar 'left' left-bottom corner on canvas, 'right' - right-bottom corner on canvas, opposite on sub-pads */
ToolBarSide: 'left',
/** @summary display tool bar vertical (default false) */
ToolBarVert: false,
/** @summary if drawing inside particular div can be enlarged on full window */
CanEnlarge: true,
/** @summary if frame position can be adjusted to let show axis or colz labels */
CanAdjustFrame: false,
/** @summary calculation of text size consumes time and can be skipped to improve performance (but with side effects on text adjustments) */
ApproxTextSize: false,
/** @summary Load symbol.ttf font to display greek labels. By default font file not loaded and unicode is used */
LoadSymbolTtf: false,
/** @summary Histogram drawing optimization: 0 - disabled, 1 - only for large (>5000 1d bins, >50 2d bins) histograms, 2 - always */
OptimizeDraw: 1,
/** @summary Automatically create stats box, default on */
AutoStat: true,
/** @summary Default frame position in NFC
* @deprecated Use gStyle.fPad[Left/Right/Top/Bottom]Margin values instead, to be removed in v8 */
FrameNDC: {},
/** @summary size of pad, where many features will be deactivated like text draw or zooming */
SmallPad: { width: 150, height: 100 },
/** @summary Default color palette id */
Palette: 57,
/** @summary Configures Latex usage, see {@link constants.Latex} for possible values */
Latex: constants.Latex.Normal,
/** @summary Grads per segment in TGeo spherical shapes like tube */
GeoGradPerSegm: 6,
/** @summary Enables faces compression after creation of composite shape */
GeoCompressComp: true,
/** @summary if true, ignore all kind of URL options in the browser URL */
IgnoreUrlOptions: false,
/** @summary how many items shown on one level of hierarchy */
HierarchyLimit: 250,
/** @summary default display kind for the hierarchy painter */
DislpayKind: 'simple',
/** @summary default left area width in browser layout */
BrowserWidth: 250,
/** @summary custom format for all X values, when not specified {@link gStyle.fStatFormat} is used */
XValuesFormat: undefined,
/** @summary custom format for all Y values, when not specified {@link gStyle.fStatFormat} is used */
YValuesFormat: undefined,
/** @summary custom format for all Z values, when not specified {@link gStyle.fStatFormat} is used */
ZValuesFormat: undefined,
/** @summary Let detect and solve problem when server returns wrong Content-Length header
* @desc See [jsroot#189]{@link https://github.com/root-project/jsroot/issues/189} for more info
* Can be enabled by adding 'wrong_http_response' parameter to URL when using JSROOT UI
* @default false */
HandleWrongHttpResponse: false,
/** @summary Tweak browser caching with stamp URL parameter
* @desc When specified, extra URL parameter like ```?stamp=unique_value``` append to each files loaded
* In such case browser will be forced to load file content disregards of server cache settings
* Can be disabled by providing &usestamp=false in URL or via Settings/Files sub-menu
* Disabled by default on node.js, enabled in the web browsers */
UseStamp: !nodejs,
/** @summary Maximal number of bytes ranges in http 'Range' header
* @desc Some http server has limitations for number of bytes ranges therefore let change maximal number via setting
* @default 200 */
MaxRanges: 200,
/** @summary Configure xhr.withCredentials = true when submitting http requests from JSROOT */
WithCredentials: false,
/** @summary Skip streamer infos from the GUI */
SkipStreamerInfos: false,
/** @summary Show only last cycle for objects in TFile */
OnlyLastCycle: false,
/** @summary Configures dark mode for the GUI */
DarkMode: false,
/** @summary Prefer to use saved points in TF1/TF2, avoids eval() and Function() when possible */
PreferSavedPoints: false,
/** @summary Angle in degree for axis labels tilt when available space is not enough */
AxisTiltAngle: 25,
/** @summary Strip axis labels trailing 0 or replace 10^0 by 1 */
StripAxisLabels: true,
/** @summary If true exclude (cut off) axis labels which may exceed graphical range, also axis name can be specified */
CutAxisLabels: false,
/** @summary Draw TF1 by default as curve or line */
FuncAsCurve: false,
/** @summary Time zone used for date/time display, local by default, can be 'UTC' or 'Europe/Berlin' or any other valid value */
TimeZone: '',
/** @summary Page URL which will be used to show item in new tab, jsroot main dir used by default */
NewTabUrl: '',
/** @summary Extra parameters which will be append to the url when item shown in new tab */
NewTabUrlPars: '',
/** @summary Export different settings in output URL */
NewTabUrlExportSettings: false
/** @namespace
* @summary Insiance of TStyle object like in ROOT
* @desc Includes default draw styles, can be changed after loading of JSRoot.core.js
* or can be load from the file providing style=itemname in the URL
* See [TStyle docu]{@link https://root.cern/doc/master/classTStyle.html} 'Private attributes' section for more detailed info about each value */
gStyle = {
fName: 'Modern',
/** @summary Default log x scale */
fOptLogx: 0,
/** @summary Default log y scale */
fOptLogy: 0,
/** @summary Default log z scale */
fOptLogz: 0,
fOptDate: 0,
fOptFile: 0,
fDateX: 0.01,
fDateY: 0.01,
/** @summary Draw histogram title */
fOptTitle: 1,
/** @summary Canvas fill color */
fCanvasColor: 0,
/** @summary Pad fill color */
fPadColor: 0,
fPadBottomMargin: 0.1,
fPadTopMargin: 0.1,
fPadLeftMargin: 0.1,
fPadRightMargin: 0.1,
/** @summary TPad.fGridx default value */
fPadGridX: false,
/** @summary TPad.fGridy default value */
fPadGridY: false,
fPadTickX: 0,
fPadTickY: 0,
fPadBorderSize: 2,
fPadBorderMode: 0,
fCanvasBorderSize: 2,
fCanvasBorderMode: 0,
/** @summary fill color for stat box */
fStatColor: 0,
/** @summary fill style for stat box */
fStatStyle: 1000,
/** @summary text color in stat box */
fStatTextColor: 1,
/** @summary text size in stat box */
fStatFontSize: 0,
/** @summary stat text font */
fStatFont: 42,
/** @summary Stat border size */
fStatBorderSize: 1,
/** @summary Printing format for stats */
fStatFormat: '6.4g',
fStatX: 0.98,
fStatY: 0.935,
fStatW: 0.2,
fStatH: 0.16,
fTitleAlign: 23,
fTitleColor: 0,
fTitleTextColor: 1,
fTitleBorderSize: 0,
fTitleFont: 42,
fTitleFontSize: 0.05,
fTitleStyle: 0,
/** @summary X position of top left corner of title box */
fTitleX: 0.5,
/** @summary Y position of top left corner of title box */
fTitleY: 0.995,
/** @summary Width of title box */
fTitleW: 0,
/** @summary Height of title box */
fTitleH: 0,
/** @summary Printing format for fit parameters */
fFitFormat: '5.4g',
fOptStat: 1111,
fOptFit: 0,
fNumberContours: 20,
fGridColor: 0,
fGridStyle: 3,
fGridWidth: 1,
fFrameFillColor: 0,
fFrameFillStyle: 1001,
fFrameLineColor: 1,
fFrameLineWidth: 1,
fFrameLineStyle: 1,
fFrameBorderSize: 1,
fFrameBorderMode: 0,
/** @summary size in pixels of end error for E1 draw options */
fEndErrorSize: 2,
/** @summary X size of the error marks for the histogram drawings */
fErrorX: 0.5,
/** @summary when true, BAR and LEGO drawing using base = 0 */
fHistMinimumZero: false,
/** @summary Margin between histogram's top and pad's top */
fHistTopMargin: 0.05,
fHistFillColor: 0,
fHistFillStyle: 1001,
fHistLineColor: 602,
fHistLineStyle: 1,
fHistLineWidth: 1,
/** @summary format for bin content */
fPaintTextFormat: 'g',
/** @summary default time offset, UTC time at 01/01/95 */
fTimeOffset: 788918400,
fLegendBorderSize: 1,
fLegendFont: 42,
fLegendTextSize: 0,
fLegendFillColor: 0,
fLegendFillStyle: 1001,
fHatchesLineWidth: 1,
fHatchesSpacing: 1,
fCandleWhiskerRange: 1.0,
fCandleBoxRange: 0.5,
fCandleScaled: false,
fViolinScaled: true,
fOrthoCamera: false,
fXAxisExpXOffset: 0,
fXAxisExpYOffset: 0,
fYAxisExpXOffset: 0,
fYAxisExpYOffset: 0,
fAxisMaxDigits: 5,
fStripDecimals: true,
fBarWidth: 1
/** @summary Method returns current document in use
* @private */
function getDocument() {
if (nodejs)
return internals.nodejs_document;
if (typeof document !== 'undefined')
return document;
if (typeof window === 'object')
return window.document;
return undefined;
/** @summary Inject javascript code
* @desc Replacement for eval
* @return {Promise} when code is injected
* @private */
async function injectCode(code) {
if (nodejs) {
let name, fs;
return import('tmp').then(tmp => {
name = tmp.tmpNameSync() + '.js';
return import('fs');
}).then(_fs => {
fs = _fs;
fs.writeFileSync(name, code);
return import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ 'file://' + name);
}).finally(() => fs.unlinkSync(name));
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
// check if code already loaded - to avoid duplication
const scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (let n = 0; n < scripts.length; ++n) {
if (scripts[n].innerHTML === code)
return true;
// try to detect if code includes import and must be treated as module
const is_v6 = code.indexOf('JSROOT.require') >= 0,
is_mjs = !is_v6 && (code.indexOf('import {') > 0) && (code.indexOf('} from \'') > 0),
is_batch = !is_v6 && !is_mjs && (code.indexOf('JSROOT.ObjectPainter') >= 0),
promise = (is_v6 ? _ensureJSROOT() : Promise.resolve(true));
if (is_batch && !globalThis.JSROOT)
globalThis.JSROOT = internals.jsroot;
return promise.then(() => {
const element = document.createElement('script');
element.setAttribute('type', is_mjs ? 'module' : 'text/javascript');
element.innerHTML = code;
// while onload event not fired, just postpone resolve
return isBatchMode() ? true : postponePromise(true, 10);
return false;
/** @summary Load ES6 modules
* @param {String} arg - single URL or array of URLs
* @return {Promise} */
async function loadModules(arg) {
if (isStr(arg))
arg = arg.split(';');
if (arg.length === 0)
return true;
return import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ arg.shift()).then(() => loadModules(arg));
/** @summary Load script or CSS file into the browser
* @param {String} url - script or css file URL (or array, in this case they all loaded sequentially)
* @return {Promise} */
async function loadScript(url) {
if (!url)
return true;
if (isStr(url) && (url.indexOf(';') >= 0))
url = url.split(';');
if (!isStr(url)) {
const scripts = url, loadNext = () => {
if (!scripts.length) return true;
return loadScript(scripts.shift()).then(loadNext, loadNext);
return loadNext();
if (url.indexOf('$$$') === 0) {
url = url.slice(3);
if ((url.indexOf('style/') === 0) && (url.indexOf('.css') < 0))
url += '.css';
url = source_dir + url;
const isstyle = url.indexOf('.css') > 0;
if (nodejs) {
if (isstyle)
return null;
if ((url.indexOf('http:') === 0) || (url.indexOf('https:') === 0))
return httpRequest(url, 'text').then(code => injectCode(code));
// local files, read and use it
if (url.indexOf('./') === 0)
return import('fs').then(fs => injectCode(fs.readFileSync(url)));
return import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ url);
const match_url = src => {
if (src === url) return true;
const indx = src.indexOf(url);
return (indx > 0) && (indx + url.length === src.length) && (src[indx-1] === '/');
if (isstyle) {
const styles = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
for (let n = 0; n < styles.length; ++n) {
if (!styles[n].href || (styles[n].type !== 'text/css') || (styles[n].rel !== 'stylesheet')) continue;
if (match_url(styles[n].href))
return true;
} else {
const scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (let n = 0; n < scripts.length; ++n) {
if (match_url(scripts[n].src))
return true;
let element;
if (isstyle) {
element = document.createElement('link');
element.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
element.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
element.setAttribute('href', url);
} else {
element = document.createElement('script');
element.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
element.setAttribute('src', url);
return new Promise((resolveFunc, rejectFunc) => {
element.onload = () => resolveFunc(true);
element.onerror = () => { element.remove(); rejectFunc(Error(`Fail to load ${url}`)); };
/** @summary Generate mask for given bit
* @param {number} n bit number
* @return {Number} produced mask
* @private */
function BIT(n) { return 1 << n; }
/** @summary Make deep clone of the object, including all sub-objects
* @return {object} cloned object
* @private */
function clone(src, map, nofunc) {
if (!src) return null;
if (!map)
map = { obj: [], clones: [], nofunc };
else {
const i = map.obj.indexOf(src);
if (i >= 0) return map.clones[i];
const arr_kind = isArrayProto(Object.prototype.toString.apply(src));
// process normal array
if (arr_kind === 1) {
const tgt = [];
for (let i = 0; i < src.length; ++i)
tgt.push(isObject(src[i]) ? clone(src[i], map) : src[i]);
return tgt;
// process typed array
if (arr_kind === 2) {
const tgt = [];
for (let i = 0; i < src.length; ++i)
return tgt;
const tgt = {};
for (const k in src) {
if (isObject(src[k]))
tgt[k] = clone(src[k], map);
else if (!map.nofunc || !isFunc(src[k]))
tgt[k] = src[k];
return tgt;
// used very often - keep shortcut
const extend = Object.assign;
/** @summary Adds specific methods to the object.
* @desc JSROOT implements some basic methods for different ROOT classes.
* @param {object} obj - object where methods are assigned
* @param {string} [typename] - optional typename, if not specified, obj._typename will be used
* @private */
function addMethods(obj, typename) {
extend(obj, getMethods(typename || obj._typename, obj));
/** @summary Should be used to parse JSON string produced with TBufferJSON class
* @desc Replace all references inside object like { "$ref": "1" }
* @param {object|string} json object where references will be replaced
* @return {object} parsed object */
function parse(json) {
if (!json) return null;
const obj = isStr(json) ? JSON.parse(json) : json, map = [];
let newfmt;
const unref_value = value => {
if ((value === null) || (value === undefined)) return;
if (isStr(value)) {
if (newfmt || (value.length < 6) || (value.indexOf('$ref:') !== 0)) return;
const ref = parseInt(value.slice(5));
if (!Number.isInteger(ref) || (ref < 0) || (ref >= map.length)) return;
newfmt = false;
return map[ref];
if (typeof value !== 'object') return;
const proto = Object.prototype.toString.apply(value);
// scan array - it can contain other objects
if (isArrayProto(proto) > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
const res = unref_value(value[i]);
if (res !== undefined) value[i] = res;
const ks = Object.keys(value), len = ks.length;
if ((newfmt !== false) && (len === 1) && (ks[0] === '$ref')) {
const ref = parseInt(value.$ref);
if (!Number.isInteger(ref) || (ref < 0) || (ref >= map.length)) return;
newfmt = true;
return map[ref];
if ((newfmt !== false) && (len > 1) && (ks[0] === '$arr') && (ks[1] === 'len')) {
// this is ROOT-coded array
let arr;
switch (value.$arr) {
case 'Int8': arr = new Int8Array(value.len); break;
case 'Uint8': arr = new Uint8Array(value.len); break;
case 'Int16': arr = new Int16Array(value.len); break;
case 'Uint16': arr = new Uint16Array(value.len); break;
case 'Int32': arr = new Int32Array(value.len); break;
case 'Uint32': arr = new Uint32Array(value.len); break;
case 'Float32': arr = new Float32Array(value.len); break;
case 'Int64':
case 'Uint64':
case 'Float64': arr = new Float64Array(value.len); break;
default: arr = new Array(value.len);
arr.fill((value.$arr === 'Bool') ? false : 0);
if (value.b !== undefined) {
// base64 coding
const buf = atob_func(value.b);
if (arr.buffer) {
const dv = new DataView(arr.buffer, value.o || 0),
len = Math.min(buf.length, dv.byteLength);
for (let k = 0; k < len; ++k)
dv.setUint8(k, buf.charCodeAt(k));
} else
throw new Error('base64 coding supported only for native arrays with binary data');
} else {
// compressed coding
let nkey = 2, p = 0;
while (nkey < len) {
if (ks[nkey][0] === 'p') p = value[ks[nkey++]]; // position
if (ks[nkey][0] !== 'v') throw new Error(`Unexpected member ${ks[nkey]} in array decoding`);
const v = value[ks[nkey++]]; // value
if (typeof v === 'object') {
for (let k = 0; k < v.length; ++k)
arr[p++] = v[k];
} else {
arr[p++] = v;
if ((nkey < len) && (ks[nkey][0] === 'n')) {
let cnt = value[ks[nkey++]]; // counter
while (--cnt) arr[p++] = v;
return arr;
if ((newfmt !== false) && (len === 3) && (ks[0] === '$pair') && (ks[1] === 'first') && (ks[2] === 'second')) {
newfmt = true;
const f1 = unref_value(value.first),
s1 = unref_value(value.second);
if (f1 !== undefined) value.first = f1;
if (s1 !== undefined) value.second = s1;
value._typename = value.$pair;
delete value.$pair;
return; // pair object is not counted in the objects map
// prevent endless loop
if (map.indexOf(value) >= 0) return;
// add object to object map
// add methods to all objects, where _typename is specified
if (value._typename) addMethods(value);
for (let k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
const i = ks[k], res = unref_value(value[i]);
if (res !== undefined) value[i] = res;
return obj;
/** @summary Parse response from multi.json request
* @desc Method should be used to parse JSON code, produced by multi.json request of THttpServer
* @param {string} json string to parse
* @return {Array} array of parsed elements */
function parseMulti(json) {
if (!json) return null;
const arr = JSON.parse(json);
if (arr?.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i)
arr[i] = parse(arr[i]);
return arr;
/** @summary Method converts JavaScript object into ROOT-like JSON
* @desc When performed properly, JSON can be used in [TBufferJSON::fromJSON()]{@link https://root.cern/doc/master/classTBufferJSON.html#a2ecf0daacdad801e60b8093a404c897d} method to read data back with C++
* Or one can again parse json with {@link parse} function
* @param {object} obj - JavaScript object to convert
* @param {number} [spacing] - optional line spacing in JSON
* @return {string} produced JSON code
* @example
* import { openFile, draw, toJSON } from 'https://root.cern/js/latest/modules/main.mjs';
* let file = await openFile('https://root.cern/js/files/hsimple.root');
* let obj = await file.readObject('hpxpy;1');
* obj.fTitle = 'New histogram title';
* let json = toJSON(obj); */
function toJSON(obj, spacing) {
if (!isObject(obj)) return '';
const map = [], // map of stored objects
copy_value = value => {
if (isFunc(value)) return undefined;
if ((value === undefined) || (value === null) || !isObject(value)) return value;
// typed array need to be converted into normal array, otherwise looks strange
if (isArrayProto(Object.prototype.toString.apply(value)) > 0) {
const arr = new Array(value.length);
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; ++i)
arr[i] = copy_value(value[i]);
return arr;
// this is how reference is code
const refid = map.indexOf(value);
if (refid >= 0) return { $ref: refid };
const ks = Object.keys(value), len = ks.length, tgt = {};
if ((len === 3) && (ks[0] === '$pair') && (ks[1] === 'first') && (ks[2] === 'second')) {
// special handling of pair objects which does not included into objects map
tgt.$pair = value.$pair;
tgt.first = copy_value(value.first);
tgt.second = copy_value(value.second);
return tgt;
for (let k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
const name = ks[k];
if (name && (name[0] !== '$'))
tgt[name] = copy_value(value[name]);
return tgt;
tgt = copy_value(obj);
return JSON.stringify(tgt, null, spacing);
/** @summary decodes URL options after '?' mark
* @desc Following options supported ?opt1&opt2=3
* @param {string} [url] URL string with options, document.URL will be used when not specified
* @return {Object} with ```.has(opt)``` and ```.get(opt,dflt)``` methods
* @example
* import { decodeUrl } from 'https://root.cern/js/latest/modules/core.mjs';
* let d = decodeUrl('any?opt1&op2=3');
* console.log(`Has opt1 ${d.has('opt1')}`); // true
* console.log(`Get opt1 ${d.get('opt1')}`); // ''
* console.log(`Get opt2 ${d.get('opt2')}`); // '3'
* console.log(`Get opt3 ${d.get('opt3','-')}`); // '-' */
function decodeUrl(url) {
const res = {
opts: {},
has(opt) { return this.opts[opt] !== undefined; },
get(opt, dflt) { const v = this.opts[opt]; return v !== undefined ? v : dflt; }
if (!url || !isStr(url)) {
if (settings.IgnoreUrlOptions || (typeof document === 'undefined')) return res;
url = document.URL;
res.url = url;
const p1 = url.indexOf('?');
if (p1 < 0) return res;
url = decodeURI(url.slice(p1+1));
while (url) {
// try to correctly handle quotes in the URL
let pos = 0, nq = 0, eq = -1, firstq = -1;
while ((pos < url.length) && ((nq !== 0) || ((url[pos] !== '&') && (url[pos] !== '#')))) {
switch (url[pos]) {
case '\'': if (nq >= 0) nq = (nq+1) % 2; if (firstq < 0) firstq = pos; break;
case '"': if (nq <= 0) nq = (nq-1) % 2; if (firstq < 0) firstq = pos; break;
case '=': if ((firstq < 0) && (eq < 0)) eq = pos; break;
if ((eq < 0) && (firstq < 0))
res.opts[url.slice(0, pos)] = '';
else if (eq > 0) {
let val = url.slice(eq + 1, pos);
if (((val[0] === '\'') || (val[0] === '"')) && (val[0] === val[val.length-1])) val = val.slice(1, val.length-1);
res.opts[url.slice(0, eq)] = val;
if ((pos >= url.length) || (url[pos] === '#')) break;
url = url.slice(pos+1);
return res;
/** @summary Find function with given name
* @private */
function findFunction(name) {
if (isFunc(name)) return name;
if (!isStr(name)) return null;
const names = name.split('.');
let elem = globalThis;
for (let n = 0; elem && (n < names.length); ++n)
elem = elem[names[n]];
return isFunc(elem) ? elem : null;
/** @summary Method to create http request, without promise can be used only in browser environment
* @private */
function createHttpRequest(url, kind, user_accept_callback, user_reject_callback, use_promise) {
function configureXhr(xhr) {
xhr.http_callback = isFunc(user_accept_callback) ? user_accept_callback.bind(xhr) : () => {};
xhr.error_callback = isFunc(user_reject_callback) ? user_reject_callback.bind(xhr) : function(err) { console.warn(err.message); this.http_callback(null); }.bind(xhr);
if (!kind) kind = 'buf';
let method = 'GET', is_async = true;
const p = kind.indexOf(';sync');
if (p > 0) { kind = kind.slice(0, p); is_async = false; }
switch (kind) {
case 'head': method = 'HEAD'; break;
case 'posttext': method = 'POST'; kind = 'text'; break;
case 'postbuf': method = 'POST'; kind = 'buf'; break;
case 'post':
case 'multi': method = 'POST'; break;
xhr.kind = kind;
if (settings.WithCredentials)
xhr.withCredentials = true;
if (settings.HandleWrongHttpResponse && (method === 'GET') && isFunc(xhr.addEventListener)) {
xhr.addEventListener('progress', function(oEvent) {
if (oEvent.lengthComputable && this.expected_size && (oEvent.loaded > this.expected_size)) {
this.did_abort = true;
this.error_callback(Error(`Server sends more bytes ${oEvent.loaded} than expected ${this.expected_size}. Abort I/O operation`), 598);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.did_abort) return;
if ((this.readyState === 2) && this.expected_size) {
const len = parseInt(this.getResponseHeader('Content-Length'));
if (Number.isInteger(len) && (len > this.expected_size) && !settings.HandleWrongHttpResponse) {
this.did_abort = true;
return this.error_callback(Error(`Server response size ${len} larger than expected ${this.expected_size}. Abort I/O operation`), 599);
if (this.readyState !== 4) return;
if ((this.status !== 200) && (this.status !== 206) && !browser.qt5 &&
// in these special cases browsers not always set status
!((this.status === 0) && ((url.indexOf('file://') === 0) || (url.indexOf('blob:') === 0))))
return this.error_callback(Error(`Fail to load url ${url}`), this.status);
if (this.nodejs_checkzip && (this.getResponseHeader('content-encoding') === 'gzip')) {
// special handling of gzip JSON objects in Node.js
return import('zlib').then(handle => {
const res = handle.unzipSync(Buffer.from(this.response)),
obj = JSON.parse(res); // zlib returns Buffer, use JSON to parse it
return this.http_callback(parse(obj));
switch (this.kind) {
case 'xml': return this.http_callback(this.responseXML);
case 'text': return this.http_callback(this.responseText);
case 'object': return this.http_callback(parse(this.responseText));
case 'multi': return this.http_callback(parseMulti(this.responseText));
case 'head': return this.http_callback(this);
// if no response type is supported, return as text (most probably, will fail)
if (this.responseType === undefined)
return this.http_callback(this.responseText);
if ((this.kind === 'bin') && ('byteLength' in this.response)) {
// if string representation in requested - provide it
const u8Arr = new Uint8Array(this.response);
let filecontent = '';
for (let i = 0; i < u8Arr.length; ++i)
filecontent += String.fromCharCode(u8Arr[i]);
return this.http_callback(filecontent);
xhr.open(method, url, is_async);
if ((kind === 'bin') || (kind === 'buf'))
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
if (nodejs && (method === 'GET') && (kind === 'object') && (url.indexOf('.json.gz') > 0)) {
xhr.nodejs_checkzip = true;
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
return xhr;
if (isNodeJs()) {
if (!use_promise)
throw Error('Not allowed to create http requests in node.js without promise');
return import('xhr2').then(h => configureXhr(new h.default()));
const xhr = configureXhr(new XMLHttpRequest());
return use_promise ? Promise.resolve(xhr) : xhr;
/** @summary Submit asynchronous http request
* @desc Following requests kind can be specified:
* - 'bin' - abstract binary data, result as string
* - 'buf' - abstract binary data, result as ArrayBuffer (default)
* - 'text' - returns req.responseText
* - 'object' - returns parse(req.responseText)
* - 'multi' - returns correctly parsed multi.json request
* - 'xml' - returns req.responseXML
* - 'head' - returns request itself, uses 'HEAD' request method
* - 'post' - creates post request, submits req.send(post_data)
* - 'postbuf' - creates post request, expects binary data as response
* @param {string} url - URL for the request
* @param {string} kind - kind of requested data
* @param {string} [post_data] - data submitted with post kind of request
* @return {Promise} Promise for requested data, result type depends from the kind
* @example
* import { httpRequest } from 'https://root.cern/js/latest/modules/core.mjs';
* httpRequest('https://root.cern/js/files/thstack.json.gz', 'object')
* .then(obj => console.log(`Get object of type ${obj._typename}`))
* .catch(err => console.error(err.message)); */
async function httpRequest(url, kind, post_data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
createHttpRequest(url, kind, resolve, reject, true).then(xhr => xhr.send(post_data || null));
const prROOT = 'ROOT.', clTObject = 'TObject', clTNamed = 'TNamed', clTString = 'TString', clTObjString = 'TObjString',
clTKey = 'TKey', clTFile = 'TFile',
clTList = 'TList', clTHashList = 'THashList', clTMap = 'TMap', clTObjArray = 'TObjArray', clTClonesArray = 'TClonesArray',
clTAttLine = 'TAttLine', clTAttFill = 'TAttFill', clTAttMarker = 'TAttMarker', clTAttText = 'TAttText',
clTHStack = 'THStack', clTGraph = 'TGraph', clTMultiGraph = 'TMultiGraph', clTCutG = 'TCutG',
clTGraph2DErrors = 'TGraph2DErrors', clTGraph2DAsymmErrors = 'TGraph2DAsymmErrors',
clTGraphPolar = 'TGraphPolar', clTGraphPolargram = 'TGraphPolargram', clTGraphTime = 'TGraphTime',
clTPave = 'TPave', clTPaveText = 'TPaveText', clTPaveStats = 'TPaveStats', clTPavesText = 'TPavesText',
clTPaveLabel = 'TPaveLabel', clTPaveClass = 'TPaveClass', clTDiamond = 'TDiamond',
clTLegend = 'TLegend', clTLegendEntry = 'TLegendEntry',
clTPaletteAxis = 'TPaletteAxis', clTImagePalette = 'TImagePalette',
clTText = 'TText', clTLatex = 'TLatex', clTMathText = 'TMathText', clTAnnotation = 'TAnnotation',
clTColor = 'TColor', clTLine = 'TLine', clTBox = 'TBox', clTPolyLine = 'TPolyLine',
clTPolyLine3D = 'TPolyLine3D', clTPolyMarker3D = 'TPolyMarker3D',
clTAttPad = 'TAttPad', clTPad = 'TPad', clTCanvas = 'TCanvas', clTFrame = 'TFrame', clTAttCanvas = 'TAttCanvas',
clTGaxis = 'TGaxis', clTAttAxis = 'TAttAxis', clTAxis = 'TAxis', clTStyle = 'TStyle',
clTH1 = 'TH1', clTH1I = 'TH1I', clTH1D = 'TH1D', clTH2 = 'TH2', clTH2I = 'TH2I', clTH2F = 'TH2F', clTH3 = 'TH3',
clTF1 = 'TF1', clTF2 = 'TF2', clTF3 = 'TF3', clTProfile = 'TProfile', clTProfile2D = 'TProfile2D', clTProfile3D = 'TProfile3D',
clTGeoVolume = 'TGeoVolume', clTGeoNode = 'TGeoNode', clTGeoNodeMatrix = 'TGeoNodeMatrix',
nsREX = 'ROOT::Experimental::', nsSVG = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
kNoZoom = -1111, kNoStats = BIT(9), kInspect = 'inspect', kTitle = 'title',
urlClassPrefix = 'https://root.cern/doc/master/class';
/** @summary Create some ROOT classes
* @desc Supported classes: `TObject`, `TNamed`, `TList`, `TAxis`, `TLine`, `TText`, `TLatex`, `TPad`, `TCanvas`
* @param {string} typename - ROOT class name
* @example
* import { create } from 'https://root.cern/js/latest/modules/core.mjs';
* let obj = create('TNamed');
* obj.fName = 'name';
* obj.fTitle = 'title'; */
function create(typename, target) {
const obj = target || {};
switch (typename) {
case clTObject:
extend(obj, { fUniqueID: 0, fBits: 0 });
case clTNamed:
extend(obj, { fUniqueID: 0, fBits: 0, fName: '', fTitle: '' });
case clTList:
case clTHashList:
extend(obj, { name: typename, arr: [], opt: [] });
case clTObjArray:
extend(obj, { name: typename, arr: [] });
case clTAttAxis:
extend(obj, { fNdivisions: 510, fAxisColor: 1,
fLabelColor: 1, fLabelFont: 42, fLabelOffset: 0.005, fLabelSize: 0.035, fTickLength: 0.03,
fTitleOffset: 1, fTitleSize: 0.035, fTitleColor: 1, fTitleFont: 42 });
case clTAxis:
create(clTNamed, obj);
create(clTAttAxis, obj);
extend(obj, { fNbins: 1, fXmin: 0, fXmax: 1, fXbins: [], fFirst: 0, fLast: 0,
fBits2: 0, fTimeDisplay: false, fTimeFormat: '', fLabels: null, fModLabs: null });
case clTAttLine:
extend(obj, { fLineColor: 1, fLineStyle: 1, fLineWidth: 1 });
case clTAttFill:
extend(obj, { fFillColor: 0, fFillStyle: 0 });
case clTAttMarker:
extend(obj, { fMarkerColor: 1, fMarkerStyle: 1, fMarkerSize: 1 });
case clTLine:
create(clTObject, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
extend(obj, { fX1: 0, fX2: 1, fY1: 0, fY2: 1 });
case clTBox:
create(clTObject, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
create(clTAttFill, obj);
extend(obj, { fX1: 0, fX2: 1, fY1: 0, fY2: 1 });
case clTPave:
create(clTBox, obj);
extend(obj, { fX1NDC: 0, fY1NDC: 0, fX2NDC: 1, fY2NDC: 1,
fBorderSize: 0, fInit: 1, fShadowColor: 1,
fCornerRadius: 0, fOption: 'brNDC', fName: '' });
case clTAttText:
extend(obj, { fTextAngle: 0, fTextSize: 0, fTextAlign: 22, fTextColor: 1, fTextFont: 42 });
case clTPaveText:
create(clTPave, obj);
create(clTAttText, obj);
extend(obj, { fLabel: '', fLongest: 27, fMargin: 0.05, fLines: create(clTList) });
case clTPaveStats:
create(clTPaveText, obj);
extend(obj, { fFillColor: gStyle.fStatColor, fFillStyle: gStyle.fStatStyle,
fTextFont: gStyle.fStatFont, fTextSize: gStyle.fStatFontSize, fTextColor: gStyle.fStatTextColor,
fBorderSize: gStyle.fStatBorderSize,
fOptFit: 0, fOptStat: 0, fFitFormat: '', fStatFormat: '', fParent: null });
case clTLegend:
create(clTPave, obj);
create(clTAttText, obj);
extend(obj, { fColumnSeparation: 0, fEntrySeparation: 0.1, fMargin: 0.25, fNColumns: 1, fPrimitives: create(clTList), fName: clTPave,
fBorderSize: gStyle.fLegendBorderSize, fTextFont: gStyle.fLegendFont, fTextSize: gStyle.fLegendTextSize,
fFillColor: gStyle.fLegendFillColor, fFillStyle: gStyle.fLegendFillStyle });
case clTPaletteAxis:
create(clTPave, obj);
extend(obj, { fAxis: create(clTGaxis), fH: null, fName: clTPave });
case clTLegendEntry:
create(clTObject, obj);
create(clTAttText, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
create(clTAttFill, obj);
create(clTAttMarker, obj);
extend(obj, { fLabel: '', fObject: null, fOption: '', fTextAlign: 0, fTextColor: 0, fTextFont: 0 });
case clTText:
create(clTNamed, obj);
create(clTAttText, obj);
extend(obj, { fLimitFactorSize: 3, fOriginSize: 0.04 });
case clTLatex:
create(clTText, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
extend(obj, { fX: 0, fY: 0 });
case clTObjString:
create(clTObject, obj);
extend(obj, { fString: '' });
case clTH1:
create(clTNamed, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
create(clTAttFill, obj);
create(clTAttMarker, obj);
extend(obj, { fBits: 8, fNcells: 0,
fXaxis: create(clTAxis), fYaxis: create(clTAxis), fZaxis: create(clTAxis),
fFillColor: gStyle.fHistFillColor, fFillStyle: gStyle.fHistFillStyle,
fLineColor: gStyle.fHistLineColor, fLineStyle: gStyle.fHistLineStyle, fLineWidth: gStyle.fHistLineWidth,
fBarOffset: 0, fBarWidth: 1000, fEntries: 0,
fTsumw: 0, fTsumw2: 0, fTsumwx: 0, fTsumwx2: 0,
fMaximum: kNoZoom, fMinimum: kNoZoom, fNormFactor: 0, fContour: [],
fSumw2: [], fOption: '', fFunctions: create(clTList),
fBufferSize: 0, fBuffer: [], fBinStatErrOpt: 0, fStatOverflows: 2 });
case clTH1I:
case clTH1D:
case 'TH1L64':
case 'TH1F':
case 'TH1S':
case 'TH1C':
create(clTH1, obj);
obj.fArray = [];
case clTH2:
create(clTH1, obj);
extend(obj, { fScalefactor: 1, fTsumwy: 0, fTsumwy2: 0, fTsumwxy: 0 });
case clTH2I:
case 'TH2L64':
case clTH2F:
case 'TH2D':
case 'TH2S':
case 'TH2C':
create(clTH2, obj);
obj.fArray = [];
case clTH3:
create(clTH1, obj);
extend(obj, { fTsumwy: 0, fTsumwy2: 0, fTsumwz: 0, fTsumwz2: 0, fTsumwxy: 0, fTsumwxz: 0, fTsumwyz: 0 });
case 'TH3I':
case 'TH3L64':
case 'TH3F':
case 'TH3D':
case 'TH3S':
case 'TH3C':
create(clTH3, obj);
obj.fArray = [];
case clTHStack:
create(clTNamed, obj);
extend(obj, { fHists: create(clTList), fHistogram: null, fMaximum: kNoZoom, fMinimum: kNoZoom });
case clTGraph:
create(clTNamed, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
create(clTAttFill, obj);
create(clTAttMarker, obj);
extend(obj, { fFunctions: create(clTList), fHistogram: null,
fMaxSize: 0, fMaximum: kNoZoom, fMinimum: kNoZoom, fNpoints: 0, fX: [], fY: [] });
case 'TGraphAsymmErrors':
create(clTGraph, obj);
extend(obj, { fEXlow: [], fEXhigh: [], fEYlow: [], fEYhigh: [] });
case clTMultiGraph:
create(clTNamed, obj);
extend(obj, { fFunctions: create(clTList), fGraphs: create(clTList),
fHistogram: null, fMaximum: kNoZoom, fMinimum: kNoZoom });
case clTGraphPolargram:
create(clTNamed, obj);
create(clTAttText, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
extend(obj, { fRadian: true, fDegree: false, fGrad: false, fPolarLabelColor: 1, fRadialLabelColor: 1,
fAxisAngle: 0, fPolarOffset: 0.04, fPolarTextSize: 0.04, fRadialOffset: 0.025, fRadialTextSize: 0.035,
fRwrmin: 0, fRwrmax: 1, fRwtmin: 0, fRwtmax: 2*Math.PI, fTickpolarSize: 0.02,
fPolarLabelFont: 62, fRadialLabelFont: 62, fCutRadial: 0, fNdivRad: 508, fNdivPol: 508 });
case clTPolyLine:
create(clTObject, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
create(clTAttFill, obj);
extend(obj, { fLastPoint: -1, fN: 0, fOption: '', fX: null, fY: null });
case clTGaxis:
create(clTLine, obj);
create(clTAttText, obj);
extend(obj, { fChopt: '', fFunctionName: '', fGridLength: 0,
fLabelColor: 1, fLabelFont: 42, fLabelOffset: 0.005, fLabelSize: 0.035,
fName: '', fNdiv: 12, fTickSize: 0.02, fTimeFormat: '',
fTitle: '', fTitleOffset: 1, fTitleSize: 0.035,
fWmax: 100, fWmin: 0 });
case clTAttPad:
extend(obj, { fLeftMargin: gStyle.fPadLeftMargin,
fRightMargin: gStyle.fPadRightMargin,
fBottomMargin: gStyle.fPadBottomMargin,
fTopMargin: gStyle.fPadTopMargin,
fXfile: 2, fYfile: 2, fAfile: 1, fXstat: 0.99, fYstat: 0.99, fAstat: 2,
fFrameFillColor: gStyle.fFrameFillColor,
fFrameFillStyle: gStyle.fFrameFillStyle,
fFrameLineColor: gStyle.fFrameLineColor,
fFrameLineWidth: gStyle.fFrameLineWidth,
fFrameLineStyle: gStyle.fFrameLineStyle,
fFrameBorderSize: gStyle.fFrameBorderSize,
fFrameBorderMode: gStyle.fFrameBorderMode });
case clTPad:
create(clTObject, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
create(clTAttFill, obj);
create(clTAttPad, obj);
extend(obj, { fFillColor: gStyle.fPadColor, fFillStyle: 1001,
fX1: 0, fY1: 0, fX2: 1, fY2: 1, fXtoAbsPixelk: 1, fXtoPixelk: 1,
fXtoPixel: 1, fYtoAbsPixelk: 1, fYtoPixelk: 1, fYtoPixel: 1,
fUtoAbsPixelk: 1, fUtoPixelk: 1, fUtoPixel: 1, fVtoAbsPixelk: 1,
fVtoPixelk: 1, fVtoPixel: 1, fAbsPixeltoXk: 1, fPixeltoXk: 1,
fPixeltoX: 1, fAbsPixeltoYk: 1, fPixeltoYk: 1, fPixeltoY: 1,
fXlowNDC: 0, fYlowNDC: 0, fXUpNDC: 0, fYUpNDC: 0, fWNDC: 1, fHNDC: 1,
fAbsXlowNDC: 0, fAbsYlowNDC: 0, fAbsWNDC: 1, fAbsHNDC: 1,
fUxmin: 0, fUymin: 0, fUxmax: 0, fUymax: 0, fTheta: 30, fPhi: 30, fAspectRatio: 0,
fNumber: 0, fLogx: gStyle.fOptLogx, fLogy: gStyle.fOptLogy, fLogz: gStyle.fOptLogz,
fTickx: gStyle.fPadTickX, fTicky: gStyle.fPadTickY,
fPadPaint: 0, fCrosshair: 0, fCrosshairPos: 0, fBorderSize: gStyle.fPadBorderSize,
fBorderMode: gStyle.fPadBorderMode, fModified: false,
fGridx: gStyle.fPadGridX, fGridy: gStyle.fPadGridY,
fAbsCoord: false, fEditable: true, fFixedAspectRatio: false,
fPrimitives: create(clTList), fExecs: null,
fName: 'pad', fTitle: 'canvas' });
case clTAttCanvas:
extend(obj, { fXBetween: 2, fYBetween: 2, fTitleFromTop: 1.2,
fXdate: 0.2, fYdate: 0.3, fAdate: 1 });
case clTCanvas:
create(clTPad, obj);
extend(obj, { fFillColor: gStyle.fCanvasColor, fFillStyle: 1001,
fNumPaletteColor: 0, fNextPaletteColor: 0, fDISPLAY: '$DISPLAY',
fDoubleBuffer: 0, fRetained: true, fXsizeUser: 0,
fYsizeUser: 0, fXsizeReal: 20, fYsizeReal: 10,
fWindowTopX: 0, fWindowTopY: 0, fWindowWidth: 0, fWindowHeight: 0,
fBorderSize: gStyle.fCanvasBorderSize, fBorderMode: gStyle.fCanvasBorderMode,
fCw: settings.CanvasWidth, fCh: settings.CanvasHeight, fCatt: create(clTAttCanvas),
kMoveOpaque: true, kResizeOpaque: true, fHighLightColor: 5,
fBatch: true, kShowEventStatus: false, kAutoExec: true, kMenuBar: true });
case clTGeoVolume:
create(clTNamed, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
create(clTAttFill, obj);
extend(obj, { fGeoAtt: 0, fFinder: null, fMedium: null, fNodes: null, fNtotal: 0, fNumber: 0, fRefCount: 0, fShape: null, fVoxels: null });
case clTGeoNode:
create(clTNamed, obj);
extend(obj, { fGeoAtt: 0, fMother: null, fNovlp: 0, fNumber: 0, fOverlaps: null, fVolume: null });
case clTGeoNodeMatrix:
create(clTGeoNode, obj);
extend(obj, { fMatrix: null });
case 'TGeoTrack':
create(clTObject, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
create(clTAttMarker, obj);
extend(obj, { fGeoAtt: 0, fNpoints: 0, fPoints: [] });
case clTPolyLine3D:
create(clTObject, obj);
create(clTAttLine, obj);
extend(obj, { fLastPoint: -1, fN: 0, fOption: '', fP: [] });
case clTPolyMarker3D:
create(clTObject, obj);
create(clTAttMarker, obj);
extend(obj, { fLastPoint: -1, fN: 0, fName: '', fOption: '', fP: [] });
obj._typename = typename;
addMethods(obj, typename);
return obj;
/** @summary Create histogram object of specified type
* @param {string} typename - histogram typename like 'TH1I' or 'TH2F'
* @param {number} nbinsx - number of bins on X-axis
* @param {number} [nbinsy] - number of bins on Y-axis (for 2D/3D histograms)
* @param {number} [nbinsz] - number of bins on Z-axis (for 3D histograms)
* @return {Object} created histogram object
* @example
* import { createHistogram } from 'https://root.cern/js/latest/modules/core.mjs';
* let h1 = createHistogram('TH1I', 20);
* h1.fName = 'Hist1';
* h1.fTitle = 'Histogram title';
* h1.fXaxis.fTitle = 'xaxis';
* h1.fYaxis.fTitle = 'yaxis';
* h1.fXaxis.fLabelSize = 0.02; */
function createHistogram(typename, nbinsx, nbinsy, nbinsz) {
const histo = create(typename);
if (!histo.fXaxis || !histo.fYaxis || !histo.fZaxis) return null;
histo.fName = 'hist'; histo.fTitle = 'title';
if (nbinsx) extend(histo.fXaxis, { fNbins: nbinsx, fXmin: 0, fXmax: nbinsx });
if (nbinsy) extend(histo.fYaxis, { fNbins: nbinsy, fXmin: 0, fXmax: nbinsy });
if (nbinsz) extend(histo.fZaxis, { fNbins: nbinsz, fXmin: 0, fXmax: nbinsz });
switch (parseInt(typename[2])) {
case 1: if (nbinsx) histo.fNcells = nbinsx+2; break;
case 2: if (nbinsx && nbinsy) histo.fNcells = (nbinsx+2) * (nbinsy+2); break;
case 3: if (nbinsx && nbinsy && nbinsz) histo.fNcells = (nbinsx+2) * (nbinsy+2) * (nbinsz+2); break;
if (histo.fNcells > 0) {
switch (typename[3]) {
case 'C': histo.fArray = new Int8Array(histo.fNcells); break;
case 'S': histo.fArray = new Int16Array(histo.fNcells); break;
case 'I': histo.fArray = new Int32Array(histo.fNcells); break;
case 'F': histo.fArray = new Float32Array(histo.fNcells); break;
case 'L':
case 'D': histo.fArray = new Float64Array(histo.fNcells); break;
default: histo.fArray = new Array(histo.fNcells);
return histo;
/** @summary Set histogram title
* @desc Title may include axes titles, provided with ';' symbol like "Title;x;y;z" */
function setHistogramTitle(histo, title) {
if (!histo) return;
if (title.indexOf(';') < 0)
histo.fTitle = title;
else {
const arr = title.split(';');
histo.fTitle = arr[0];
if (arr.length > 1) histo.fXaxis.fTitle = arr[1];
if (arr.length > 2) histo.fYaxis.fTitle = arr[2];
if (arr.length > 3) histo.fZaxis.fTitle = arr[3];
/** @summary Creates TPolyLine object
* @param {number} npoints - number of points
* @param {boolean} [use_int32] - use Int32Array type for points, default is Float32Array */
function createTPolyLine(npoints, use_int32) {
const poly = create(clTPolyLine);
if (npoints) {
poly.fN = npoints;
if (use_int32) {
poly.fX = new Int32Array(npoints);
poly.fY = new Int32Array(npoints);
} else {
poly.fX = new Float32Array(npoints);
poly.fY = new Float32Array(npoints);
return poly;
/** @summary Creates TGraph object
* @param {number} npoints - number of points in TGraph
* @param {array} [xpts] - array with X coordinates
* @param {array} [ypts] - array with Y coordinates */
function createTGraph(npoints, xpts, ypts) {
const graph = extend(create(clTGraph), { fBits: 0x408, fName: 'graph', fTitle: 'title' });
if (npoints > 0) {
graph.fMaxSize = graph.fNpoints = npoints;
const usex = isObject(xpts) && (xpts.length === npoints),
usey = isObject(ypts) && (ypts.length === npoints);
for (let i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) {
graph.fX.push(usex ? xpts[i] : i/npoints);
graph.fY.push(usey ? ypts[i] : i/npoints);
return graph;
/** @summary Creates THStack object
* @desc As arguments one could specify any number of histograms objects
* @example
* import { createHistogram, createTHStack } from 'https://root.cern/js/latest/modules/core.mjs';
* let nbinsx = 20;
* let h1 = createHistogram('TH1F', nbinsx);
* let h2 = createHistogram('TH1F', nbinsx);
* let h3 = createHistogram('TH1F', nbinsx);
* let stack = createTHStack(h1, h2, h3); */
function createTHStack() {
const stack = create(clTHStack);
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
stack.fHists.Add(arguments[i], '');
return stack;
/** @summary Creates TMultiGraph object
* @desc As arguments one could specify any number of TGraph objects
* @example
* import { createTGraph, createTMultiGraph } from 'https://root.cern/js/latest/modules/core.mjs';
* let gr1 = createTGraph(100);
* let gr2 = createTGraph(100);
* let gr3 = createTGraph(100);
* let mgr = createTMultiGraph(gr1, gr2, gr3); */
function createTMultiGraph() {
const mgraph = create(clTMultiGraph);
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
mgraph.fGraphs.Add(arguments[i], '');
return mgraph;
/** @summary variable used to keep methods for known classes
* @private */
const methodsCache = {};
/** @summary Returns methods for given typename
* @private */
function getMethods(typename, obj) {
let m = methodsCache[typename];
const has_methods = (m !== undefined);
if (!has_methods) m = {};
// Due to binary I/O such TObject methods may not be set for derived classes
// Therefore when methods requested for given object, check also that basic methods are there
if ((typename === clTObject) || (typename === clTNamed) || (obj?.fBits !== undefined)) {
if (typeof m.TestBit === 'undefined') {
m.TestBit = function(f) { return (this.fBits & f) !== 0; };
m.InvertBit = function(f) { this.fBits = this.fBits ^ (f & 0xffffff); };
if (has_methods) return m;
if ((typename === clTList) || (typename === clTHashList)) {
m.Clear = function() {
this.arr = [];
this.opt = [];
m.Add = function(obj, opt) {
this.opt.push(isStr(opt) ? opt : '');
m.AddFirst = function(obj, opt) {
this.opt.unshift(isStr(opt) ? opt : '');
m.RemoveAt = function(indx) {
this.arr.splice(indx, 1);
this.opt.splice(indx, 1);
if ((typename === clTPaveText) || (typename === clTPaveStats)) {
m.AddText = function(txt) {
const line = create(clTLatex);
line.fTitle = txt;
line.fTextAlign = 0;
line.fTextColor = 0;
line.fTextFont = 0;
line.fTextSize = 0;
m.Clear = function() {
if ((typename.indexOf(clTF1) === 0) || (typename === clTF2)) {
m.addFormula = function(obj) {
if (!obj) return;
if (this.formulas === undefined) this.formulas = [];
m.GetParName = function(n) {
if (this.fParams?.fParNames)
return this.fParams.fParNames[n];
if (this.fFormula?.fParams) {
for (let k = 0, arr = this.fFormula.fParams; k < arr.length; ++k) {
if (arr[k].second === n)
return arr[k].first;
return (this.fNames && this.fNames[n]) ? this.fNames[n] : `p${n}`;
m.GetParValue = function(n) {
if (this.fParams?.fParameters) return this.fParams.fParameters[n];
if (this.fFormula?.fClingParameters) return this.fFormula.fClingParameters[n];
if (this.fParams) return this.fParams[n];
return undefined;
m.GetParError = function(n) {
return this.fParErrors ? this.fParErrors[n] : undefined;
m.GetNumPars = function() {
return this.fNpar;
if (((typename.indexOf(clTGraph) === 0) || (typename === clTCutG)) && (typename !== clTGraphPolargram) && (typename !== clTGraphTime)) {
// check if point inside figure specified by the TGraph
m.IsInside = function(xp, yp) {
const x = this.fX, y = this.fY;
let i = 0, j = this.fNpoints - 1, oddNodes = false;
for (; i < this.fNpoints; ++i) {
if ((y[i] < yp && y[j] >= yp) || (y[j] < yp && y[i] >= yp)) {
if (x[i] + (yp - y[i])/(y[j] - y[i])*(x[j] - x[i]) < xp)
oddNodes = !oddNodes;
j = i;
return oddNodes;
if (typename.indexOf(clTH1) === 0 || typename.indexOf(clTH2) === 0 || typename.indexOf(clTH3) === 0) {
m.getBinError = function(bin) {
// -*-*-*-*-*Return value of error associated to bin number bin*-*-*-*-*
// if the sum of squares of weights has been defined (via Sumw2),
// this function returns the sqrt(sum of w2).
// otherwise it returns the sqrt(contents) for this bin.
if (bin >= this.fNcells) bin = this.fNcells - 1;
if (bin < 0) bin = 0;
if (bin < this.fSumw2.length)
return Math.sqrt(this.fSumw2[bin]);
return Math.sqrt(Math.abs(this.fArray[bin]));
m.setBinContent = function(bin, content) {
// Set bin content - only trivial case, without expansion
this.fTsumw = 0;
if ((bin >= 0) && (bin < this.fArray.length))
this.fArray[bin] = content;
if (typename.indexOf(clTH1) === 0) {
m.getBin = function(x) { return x; };
m.getBinContent = function(bin) { return this.fArray[bin]; };
m.Fill = function(x, weight) {
const a = this.fXaxis,
bin = Math.max(0, 1 + Math.min(a.fNbins, Math.floor((x - a.fXmin) / (a.fXmax - a.fXmin) * a.fNbins)));
this.fArray[bin] += weight ?? 1;
if (typename.indexOf(clTH2) === 0) {
m.getBin = function(x, y) { return (x + (this.fXaxis.fNbins+2) * y); };
m.getBinContent = function(x, y) { return this.fArray[this.getBin(x, y)]; };
m.Fill = function(x, y, weight) {
const a1 = this.fXaxis, a2 = this.fYaxis,
bin1 = Math.max(0, 1 + Math.min(a1.fNbins, Math.floor((x - a1.fXmin) / (a1.fXmax - a1.fXmin) * a1.fNbins))),
bin2 = Math.max(0, 1 + Math.min(a2.fNbins, Math.floor((y - a2.fXmin) / (a2.fXmax - a2.fXmin) * a2.fNbins)));
this.fArray[bin1 + (a1.fNbins + 2)*bin2] += weight ?? 1;
if (typename.indexOf(clTH3) === 0) {
m.getBin = function(x, y, z) { return (x + (this.fXaxis.fNbins+2) * (y + (this.fYaxis.fNbins+2) * z)); };
m.getBinContent = function(x, y, z) { return this.fArray[this.getBin(x, y, z)]; };
m.Fill = function(x, y, z, weight) {
const a1 = this.fXaxis, a2 = this.fYaxis, a3 = this.fZaxis,
bin1 = Math.max(0, 1 + Math.min(a1.fNbins, Math.floor((x - a1.fXmin) / (a1.fXmax - a1.fXmin) * a1.fNbins))),
bin2 = Math.max(0, 1 + Math.min(a2.fNbins, Math.floor((y - a2.fXmin) / (a2.fXmax - a2.fXmin) * a2.fNbins))),
bin3 = Math.max(0, 1 + Math.min(a3.fNbins, Math.floor((z - a3.fXmin) / (a3.fXmax - a3.fXmin) * a3.fNbins)));
this.fArray[bin1 + (a1.fNbins + 2) * (bin2 + (a2.fNbins + 2)*bin3)] += weight ?? 1;
if (typename === clTPad || typename === clTCanvas) {
m.Divide = function(nx, ny, xmargin = 0.01, ymargin = 0.01) {
if (!ny) {
const ndiv = nx;
if (ndiv < 2) return this;
nx = ny = Math.round(Math.sqrt(ndiv));
if (nx * ny < ndiv) nx += 1;
if (nx*ny < 2)
return 0;
const dy = 1/ny, dx = 1/nx;
let n = 0;
for (let iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
const y2 = 1 - iy*dy - ymargin;
let y1 = y2 - dy + 2*ymargin;
if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0;
if (y1 > y2) continue;
for (let ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
const x1 = ix*dx + xmargin,
x2 = x1 + dx -2*xmargin;
if (x1 > x2) continue;
const pad = create(clTPad);
pad.fName = pad.fTitle = `${this.fName}_${n}`;
pad.fNumber = n;
if (this._typename !== clTCanvas) {
pad.fAbsWNDC = (x2-x1) * this.fAbsWNDC;
pad.fAbsHNDC = (y2-y1) * this.fAbsHNDC;
pad.fAbsXlowNDC = this.fAbsXlowNDC + x1 * this.fAbsWNDC;
pad.fAbsYlowNDC = this.fAbsYlowNDC + y1 * this.fAbsWNDC;
} else {
pad.fAbsWNDC = x2 - x1;
pad.fAbsHNDC = y2 - y1;
pad.fAbsXlowNDC = x1;
pad.fAbsYlowNDC = y1;
return nx * ny;
m.GetPad = function(number) {
return this.fPrimitives.arr.find(elem => { return elem._typename === clTPad && elem.fNumber === number; });
if (typename.indexOf(clTProfile) === 0) {
if (typename === clTProfile3D) {
m.getBin = function(x, y, z) { return (x + (this.fXaxis.fNbins+2) * (y + (this.fYaxis.fNbins+2) * z)); };
m.getBinContent = function(x, y, z) {
const bin = this.getBin(x, y, z);
if (bin < 0 || bin >= this.fNcells || this.fBinEntries[bin] < 1e-300) return 0;
return this.fArray ? this.fArray[bin]/this.fBinEntries[bin] : 0;
m.getBinEntries = function(x, y, z) {
const bin = this.getBin(x, y, z);
return (bin < 0) || (bin >= this.fNcells) ? 0 : this.fBinEntries[bin];
} else if (typename === clTProfile2D) {
m.getBin = function(x, y) { return (x + (this.fXaxis.fNbins+2) * y); };
m.getBinContent = function(x, y) {
const bin = this.getBin(x, y);
if (bin < 0 || bin >= this.fNcells) return 0;
if (this.fBinEntries[bin] < 1e-300) return 0;
if (!this.fArray) return 0;
return this.fArray[bin]/this.fBinEntries[bin];
m.getBinEntries = function(x, y) {
const bin = this.getBin(x, y);
if (bin < 0 || bin >= this.fNcells) return 0;
return this.fBinEntries[bin];
} else {
m.getBin = function(x) { return x; };
m.getBinContent = function(bin) {
if (bin < 0 || bin >= this.fNcells) return 0;
if (this.fBinEntries[bin] < 1e-300) return 0;
if (!this.fArray) return 0;
return this.fArray[bin]/this.fBinEntries[bin];
m.getBinEntries = function(bin) {
return (bin < 0) || (bin >= this.fNcells) ? 0 : this.fBinEntries[bin];
m.getBinEffectiveEntries = function(bin) {
if (bin < 0 || bin >= this.fNcells) return 0;
const sumOfWeights = this.fBinEntries[bin];
if (!this.fBinSumw2 || this.fBinSumw2.length !== this.fNcells)
// this can happen when reading an old file
return sumOfWeights;
const sumOfWeightsSquare = this.fBinSumw2[bin];
return (sumOfWeightsSquare > 0) ? sumOfWeights * sumOfWeights / sumOfWeightsSquare : 0;
m.getBinError = function(bin) {
if (bin < 0 || bin >= this.fNcells) return 0;
const cont = this.fArray[bin], // sum of bin w *y
sum = this.fBinEntries[bin], // sum of bin weights
err2 = this.fSumw2[bin], // sum of bin w * y^2
neff = this.getBinEffectiveEntries(bin); // (sum of w)^2 / (sum of w^2)
if (sum < 1e-300) return 0; // for empty bins
// case the values y are gaussian distributed y +/- sigma and w = 1/sigma^2
if (this.fErrorMode === EErrorType.kERRORSPREADG)
return 1.0/Math.sqrt(sum);
// compute variance in y (eprim2) and standard deviation in y (eprim)
const contsum = cont/sum, eprim = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(err2/sum - contsum**2));
if (this.fErrorMode === EErrorType.kERRORSPREADI) {
if (eprim !== 0) return eprim/Math.sqrt(neff);
// in case content y is an integer (so each my has an error +/- 1/sqrt(12)
// when the std(y) is zero
return 1.0/Math.sqrt(12*neff);
// if approximate compute the sums (of w, wy and wy2) using all the bins
// when the variance in y is zero
// case option 'S' return standard deviation in y
if (this.fErrorMode === EErrorType.kERRORSPREAD) return eprim;
// default case : fErrorMode = kERRORMEAN
// return standard error on the mean of y
return eprim/Math.sqrt(neff);
if (typename === clTAxis) {
m.GetBinLowEdge = function(bin) {
if (this.fNbins <= 0) return 0;
if ((this.fXbins.length > 0) && (bin > 0) && (bin <= this.fNbins)) return this.fXbins[bin-1];
return this.fXmin + (bin-1) * (this.fXmax - this.fXmin) / this.fNbins;
m.GetBinCenter = function(bin) {
if (this.fNbins <= 0) return 0;
if ((this.fXbins.length > 0) && (bin > 0) && (bin < this.fNbins)) return (this.fXbins[bin-1] + this.fXbins[bin])/2;
return this.fXmin + (bin-0.5) * (this.fXmax - this.fXmin) / this.fNbins;
if (typename.indexOf('ROOT::Math::LorentzVector') === 0) {
m.Px = m.X = function() { return this.fCoordinates.Px(); };
m.Py = m.Y = function() { return this.fCoordinates.Py(); };
m.Pz = m.Z = function() { return this.fCoordinates.Pz(); };
m.E = m.T = function() { return this.fCoordinates.E(); };
m.M2 = function() { return this.fCoordinates.M2(); };
m.M = function() { return this.fCoordinates.M(); };
m.R = m.P = function() { return this.fCoordinates.R(); };
m.P2 = function() { return this.P() * this.P(); };
m.Pt = m.pt = function() { return Math.sqrt(this.P2()); };
m.Phi = m.phi = function() { return Math.atan2(this.fCoordinates.Py(), this.fCoordinates.Px()); };
m.Eta = m.eta = function() { return Math.atanh(this.Pz()/this.P()); };
if (typename.indexOf('ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D') === 0) {
m.Px = m.X = function() { return this.fX; };
m.Py = m.Y = function() { return this.fY; };
m.Pz = m.Z = function() { return this.fZ; };
m.E = m.T = function() { return this.fT; };
m.P2 = function() { return this.fX**2 + this.fY**2 + this.fZ**2; };
m.R = m.P = function() { return Math.sqrt(this.P2()); };
m.Mag2 = m.M2 = function() { return this.fT**2 - this.fX**2 - this.fY**2 - this.fZ**2; };
m.Mag = m.M = function() { return (this.M2() >= 0) ? Math.sqrt(this.M2()) : -Math.sqrt(-this.M2()); };
m.Perp2 = m.Pt2 = function() { return this.fX**2 + this.fY**2; };
m.Pt = m.pt = function() { return Math.sqrt(this.P2()); };
m.Phi = m.phi = function() { return Math.atan2(this.fY, this.fX); };
m.Eta = m.eta = function() { return Math.atanh(this.Pz/this.P()); };
methodsCache[typename] = m;
return m;
gStyle.fXaxis = create(clTAttAxis);
gStyle.fYaxis = create(clTAttAxis);
gStyle.fZaxis = create(clTAttAxis);
/** @summary Add methods for specified type.
* @desc Will be automatically applied when decoding JSON string
* @private */
function registerMethods(typename, m) {
methodsCache[typename] = m;
/** @summary Returns true if object represents basic ROOT collections
* @desc Checks if type is TList or TObjArray or TClonesArray or TMap or THashList
* @param {object} lst - object to check
* @param {string} [typename] - or just typename to check
* @private */
function isRootCollection(lst, typename) {
if (isObject(lst)) {
if ((lst.$kind === clTList) || (lst.$kind === clTObjArray)) return true;
if (!typename) typename = lst._typename;
return (typename === clTList) || (typename === clTHashList) || (typename === clTMap) ||
(typename === clTObjArray) || (typename === clTClonesArray);
/** @summary Check if argument is a not-null Object
* @private */
function isObject(arg) { return arg && typeof arg === 'object'; }
/** @summary Check if argument is a Function
* @private */
function isFunc(arg) { return typeof arg === 'function'; }
/** @summary Check if argument is a String
* @private */
function isStr(arg) { return typeof arg === 'string'; }
/** @summary Check if object is a Promise
* @private */
function isPromise(obj) { return isObject(obj) && isFunc(obj.then); }
/** @summary Postpone func execution and return result in promise
* @private */
function postponePromise(func, timeout) {
return new Promise(resolveFunc => {
setTimeout(() => {
const res = isFunc(func) ? func() : func;
}, timeout);
/** @summary Provide promise in any case
* @private */
function getPromise(obj) { return isPromise(obj) ? obj : Promise.resolve(obj); }
/** @summary Ensure global JSROOT and v6 support methods
* @private */
async function _ensureJSROOT() {
const pr = globalThis.JSROOT ? Promise.resolve(true) : loadScript(source_dir + 'scripts/JSRoot.core.js');
return pr.then(() => {
if (globalThis.JSROOT?._complete_loading)
return globalThis.JSROOT._complete_loading();
}).then(() => globalThis.JSROOT);
/** @summary Internal collection of functions potentially used by batch scripts
* @private */
internals.jsroot = { version, source_dir, settings, gStyle, parse, isBatchMode };
export { version_id, version_date, version, source_dir, isNodeJs, isBatchMode, setBatchMode,
browser, internals, constants, settings, gStyle, atob_func, btoa_func, prROOT,
clTObject, clTNamed, clTString, clTObjString,
clTKey, clTFile,
clTList, clTHashList, clTMap, clTObjArray, clTClonesArray,
clTAttLine, clTAttFill, clTAttMarker, clTAttText,
clTPave, clTPaveText, clTPavesText, clTPaveStats, clTPaveLabel, clTPaveClass, clTDiamond,
clTLegend, clTLegendEntry, clTPaletteAxis, clTImagePalette, clTText, clTLatex, clTMathText, clTAnnotation, clTMultiGraph,
clTColor, clTLine, clTBox, clTPolyLine, clTPad, clTCanvas, clTFrame, clTAttCanvas, clTGaxis,
clTAxis, clTStyle, clTH1, clTH1I, clTH1D, clTH2, clTH2I, clTH2F, clTH3, clTF1, clTF2, clTF3,
clTProfile, clTProfile2D, clTProfile3D, clTHStack,
clTGraph, clTGraph2DErrors, clTGraph2DAsymmErrors,
clTGraphPolar, clTGraphPolargram, clTGraphTime, clTCutG,
clTPolyLine3D, clTPolyMarker3D, clTGeoVolume, clTGeoNode, clTGeoNodeMatrix,
nsREX, nsSVG, kNoZoom, kNoStats, kInspect, kTitle, urlClassPrefix,
isArrayProto, getDocument, BIT, clone, addMethods, parse, parseMulti, toJSON,
decodeUrl, findFunction, createHttpRequest, httpRequest, loadModules, loadScript, injectCode,
create, createHistogram, setHistogramTitle, createTPolyLine, createTGraph, createTHStack, createTMultiGraph,
getMethods, registerMethods, isRootCollection, isObject, isFunc, isStr, isPromise, getPromise, postponePromise, _ensureJSROOT };