
import { httpRequest, browser, source_dir, settings, internals, constants, create, clone,
         findFunction, isBatchMode, isNodeJs, getDocument, isObject, isFunc, isStr, postponePromise, getPromise,
         prROOT, clTNamed, clTList, clTAxis, clTObjArray, clTPolyMarker3D, clTPolyLine3D,
         clTGeoVolume, clTGeoNode, clTGeoNodeMatrix, nsREX, nsSVG, kInspect } from '../core.mjs';
import { showProgress, injectStyle, ToolbarIcons } from '../gui/utils.mjs';
import { GUI } from '../gui/lil-gui.mjs';
import { THREE, assign3DHandler, disposeThreejsObject, createOrbitControl,
         createLineSegments, InteractiveControl, PointsCreator, importThreeJs,
         createRender3D, beforeRender3D, afterRender3D, getRender3DKind, cleanupRender3D,
         createTextGeometry } from '../base/base3d.mjs';
import { getColor, getRootColors } from '../base/colors.mjs';
import { DrawOptions } from '../base/BasePainter.mjs';
import { ObjectPainter } from '../base/ObjectPainter.mjs';
import { createMenu, closeMenu } from '../gui/menu.mjs';
import { TAxisPainter } from '../gpad/TAxisPainter.mjs';
import { ensureTCanvas } from '../gpad/TCanvasPainter.mjs';
import { kindGeo, kindEve,
         clTGeoBBox, clTGeoCompositeShape,
         geoCfg, geoBITS, ClonedNodes, testGeoBit, setGeoBit, toggleGeoBit, setInvisibleAll,
         countNumShapes, getNodeKind, produceRenderOrder, createServerGeometry,
         projectGeometry, countGeometryFaces, createMaterial, createFrustum, createProjectionMatrix,
         getBoundingBox, provideObjectInfo, isSameStack, checkDuplicates, getObjectName, cleanupShape, getShapeIcon } from './geobase.mjs';

const _ENTIRE_SCENE = 0, _BLOOM_SCENE = 1,
      clTGeoManager = 'TGeoManager', clTEveGeoShapeExtract = 'TEveGeoShapeExtract',
      clTGeoOverlap = 'TGeoOverlap', clTGeoVolumeAssembly = 'TGeoVolumeAssembly',
      clTEveTrack = 'TEveTrack', clTEvePointSet = 'TEvePointSet',
      clREveGeoShapeExtract = `${nsREX}REveGeoShapeExtract`;

/** @summary Function used to build hierarchy of elements of overlap object
  * @private */
function buildOverlapVolume(overlap) {
   const vol = create(clTGeoVolume);

   setGeoBit(vol, geoBITS.kVisDaughters, true);
   vol.$geoh = true; // workaround, let know browser that we are in volumes hierarchy
   vol.fName = '';

   const node1 = create(clTGeoNodeMatrix);
   node1.fName = overlap.fVolume1.fName || 'Overlap1';
   node1.fMatrix = overlap.fMatrix1;
   node1.fVolume = overlap.fVolume1;
   // node1.fVolume.fLineColor = 2; // color assigned with _splitColors

   const node2 = create(clTGeoNodeMatrix);
   node2.fName = overlap.fVolume2.fName || 'Overlap2';
   node2.fMatrix = overlap.fMatrix2;
   node2.fVolume = overlap.fVolume2;
   // node2.fVolume.fLineColor = 3;  // color assigned with _splitColors

   vol.fNodes = create(clTList);

   return vol;

let $comp_col_cnt = 0;

/** @summary Function used to build hierarchy of elements of composite shapes
  * @private */
function buildCompositeVolume(comp, maxlvl, side) {
   if (maxlvl === undefined) maxlvl = 1;
   if (!side) {
      $comp_col_cnt = 0;
      side = '';

   const vol = create(clTGeoVolume);
   setGeoBit(vol, geoBITS.kVisThis, true);
   setGeoBit(vol, geoBITS.kVisDaughters, true);

   if ((side && (comp._typename !== clTGeoCompositeShape)) || (maxlvl <= 0)) {
      vol.fName = side;
      vol.fLineColor = ($comp_col_cnt++ % 8) + 2;
      vol.fShape = comp;
      return vol;

   if (side) side += '/';
   vol.$geoh = true; // workaround, let know browser that we are in volumes hierarchy
   vol.fName = '';

   const node1 = create(clTGeoNodeMatrix);
   setGeoBit(node1, geoBITS.kVisThis, true);
   setGeoBit(node1, geoBITS.kVisDaughters, true);
   node1.fName = 'Left';
   node1.fMatrix = comp.fNode.fLeftMat;
   node1.fVolume = buildCompositeVolume(comp.fNode.fLeft, maxlvl-1, side + 'Left');

   const node2 = create(clTGeoNodeMatrix);
   setGeoBit(node2, geoBITS.kVisThis, true);
   setGeoBit(node2, geoBITS.kVisDaughters, true);
   node2.fName = 'Right';
   node2.fMatrix = comp.fNode.fRightMat;
   node2.fVolume = buildCompositeVolume(comp.fNode.fRight, maxlvl-1, side + 'Right');

   vol.fNodes = create(clTList);

   if (!side) $comp_col_cnt = 0;

   return vol;

/** @summary Provides 3D rendering configuration from histogram painter
  * @return {Object} with scene, renderer and other attributes
  * @private */
function getHistPainter3DCfg(painter) {
   const main = painter?.getFramePainter();
   if (painter?.mode3d && isFunc(main?.create3DScene) && main?.renderer) {
      let scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1, scale_z = 1,
          offset_x = 0, offset_y = 0, offset_z = 0;

      if (main.scale_xmax > main.scale_xmin) {
         scale_x = 2 * main.size_x3d/(main.scale_xmax - main.scale_xmin);
         offset_x = (main.scale_xmax + main.scale_xmin) / 2 * scale_x;

      if (main.scale_ymax > main.scale_ymin) {
         scale_y = 2 * main.size_y3d/(main.scale_ymax - main.scale_ymin);
         offset_y = (main.scale_ymax + main.scale_ymin) / 2 * scale_y;

      if (main.scale_zmax > main.scale_zmin) {
         scale_z = 2 * main.size_z3d/(main.scale_zmax - main.scale_zmin);
         offset_z = (main.scale_zmax + main.scale_zmin) / 2 * scale_z - main.size_z3d;

      return {
         webgl: main.webgl,
         scene: main.scene,
         scene_width: main.scene_width,
         scene_height: main.scene_height,
         toplevel: main.toplevel,
         renderer: main.renderer,
         scale_x, scale_y, scale_z,
         offset_x, offset_y, offset_z

/** @summary create list entity for geo object
  * @private */
function createList(parent, lst, name, title) {
   if (!lst?.arr?.length) return;

   const list_item = {
       _name: name,
       _kind: prROOT + clTList,
       _title: title,
       _more: true,
       _geoobj: lst,
       _parent: parent,
       _get(item /* , itemname */) {
          return Promise.resolve(item._geoobj || null);
       _expand(node, lst) {
          // only childs

          if (lst.fVolume)
             lst = lst.fVolume.fNodes;

          if (!lst.arr) return false;

          node._childs = [];

          checkDuplicates(null, lst.arr);

          for (const n in lst.arr)
             createItem(node, lst.arr[n]);

          return true;

   if (!parent._childs)
      parent._childs = [];

/** @summary Expand geo object
  * @private */
function expandGeoObject(parent, obj) {

   if (!parent || !obj) return false;

   const isnode = (obj._typename.indexOf(clTGeoNode) === 0),
         isvolume = (obj._typename.indexOf(clTGeoVolume) === 0),
         ismanager = (obj._typename === clTGeoManager),
         iseve = ((obj._typename === clTEveGeoShapeExtract) || (obj._typename === clREveGeoShapeExtract)),
         isoverlap = (obj._typename === clTGeoOverlap);

   if (!isnode && !isvolume && !ismanager && !iseve && !isoverlap) return false;

   if (parent._childs) return true;

   if (ismanager) {
      createList(parent, obj.fMaterials, 'Materials', 'list of materials');
      createList(parent, obj.fMedia, 'Media', 'list of media');
      createList(parent, obj.fTracks, 'Tracks', 'list of tracks');
      createList(parent, obj.fOverlaps, 'Overlaps', 'list of detected overlaps');
      createItem(parent, obj.fMasterVolume);
      return true;

   if (isoverlap) {
      createItem(parent, obj.fVolume1);
      createItem(parent, obj.fVolume2);
      createItem(parent, obj.fMarker, 'Marker');
      return true;

   let volume, subnodes, shape;

   if (iseve) {
      subnodes = obj.fElements?.arr;
      shape = obj.fShape;
   } else {
      volume = isnode ? obj.fVolume : obj;
      subnodes = volume?.fNodes?.arr;
      shape = volume?.fShape;

   if (!subnodes && (shape?._typename === clTGeoCompositeShape) && shape?.fNode) {
      if (!parent._childs) {
         createItem(parent, shape.fNode.fLeft, 'Left');
         createItem(parent, shape.fNode.fRight, 'Right');

      return true;

   if (!subnodes) return false;

   checkDuplicates(obj, subnodes);

   for (let i = 0; i < subnodes.length; ++i)
      createItem(parent, subnodes[i]);

   return true;

/** @summary find item with 3d painter
  * @private */
function findItemWithPainter(hitem, funcname) {
   while (hitem) {
      if (hitem._painter?._camera) {
         if (funcname && isFunc(hitem._painter[funcname]))
         return hitem;
      hitem = hitem._parent;
   return null;

/** @summary provide css style for geo object
  * @private */
function provideVisStyle(obj) {
   if ((obj._typename === clTEveGeoShapeExtract) || (obj._typename === clREveGeoShapeExtract))
      return obj.fRnrSelf ? ' geovis_this' : '';

   const vis = !testGeoBit(obj, geoBITS.kVisNone) && testGeoBit(obj, geoBITS.kVisThis);
   let chld = testGeoBit(obj, geoBITS.kVisDaughters);

   if (chld && !obj.fNodes?.arr?.length) chld = false;

   if (vis && chld) return ' geovis_all';
   if (vis) return ' geovis_this';
   if (chld) return ' geovis_daughters';
   return '';

/** @summary update icons
  * @private */
function updateBrowserIcons(obj, hpainter) {
   if (!obj || !hpainter) return;

   hpainter.forEachItem(m => {
      // update all items with that volume
      if ((obj === m._volume) || (obj === m._geoobj)) {
         m._icon = m._icon.split(' ')[0] + provideVisStyle(obj);

/** @summary Return stack for the item from list of intersection
  * @private */
function getIntersectStack(item) {
   const obj = item?.object;
   if (!obj) return null;
   if (obj.stack)
      return obj.stack;
   if (obj.stacks && item.instanceId !== undefined && item.instanceId < obj.stacks.length)
      return obj.stacks[item.instanceId];

  * @summary Toolbar for geometry painter
  * @private

class Toolbar {

   /** @summary constructor */
   constructor(container, bright, buttons) {
      this.bright = bright;
      this.buttons = buttons;
      this.element = container.append('div').attr('style', 'float: left; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; bottom: 23px; vertical-align: middle; padding-left: 5px');

   /** @summary add buttons */
   createButtons() {
      const buttonsNames = [];

      this.buttons.forEach(buttonConfig => {
         const buttonName =;
         if (!buttonName)
            throw new Error('must provide button name in button config');
         if (buttonsNames.indexOf(buttonName) !== -1)
            throw new Error(`button name ${buttonName} is taken`);


         const title = buttonConfig.title ||;

         if (!isFunc(
            throw new Error('must provide button click() function in button config');

         ToolbarIcons.createSVG(this.element, ToolbarIcons[buttonConfig.icon], 16, title, this.bright)
              .style('position', 'relative')
              .style('padding', '3px 1px');

   /** @summary change brightness */
   changeBrightness(bright) {
      if (this.bright === bright) return;
      this.bright = bright;

   /** @summary cleanup toolbar */
   cleanup() {
      delete this.element;

} // class ToolBar

  * @summary geometry drawing control
  * @private

class GeoDrawingControl extends InteractiveControl {

   constructor(mesh, bloom) {
      this.mesh = mesh?.material ? mesh : null;
      this.bloom = bloom;

   /** @summary set highlight */
   setHighlight(col, indx) {
      return this.drawSpecial(col, indx);

   /** @summary draw special */
   drawSpecial(col, indx) {
      const c = this.mesh;
      if (!c?.material) return;

      if (c.isInstancedMesh) {
         if (c._highlight_mesh) {
            delete c._highlight_mesh;

         if (col && indx !== undefined) {
            const h = new THREE.Mesh(c.geometry, c.material.clone());

            if (this.bloom) {
               h.material.emissive = new THREE.Color(0x00ff00);
            } else {
               h.material.color = new THREE.Color(col);
               h.material.opacity = 1.0;
            const m = new THREE.Matrix4();
            c.getMatrixAt(indx, m);

            h.jsroot_special = true; // exclude from intersections

            c._highlight_mesh = h;
         return true;

      if (col) {
         if (!c.origin) {
            c.origin = {
              color: c.material.color,
              emissive: c.material.emissive,
              opacity: c.material.opacity,
              width: c.material.linewidth,
              size: c.material.size
         if (this.bloom) {
            c.material.emissive = new THREE.Color(0x00ff00);
         } else {
            c.material.color = new THREE.Color(col);
            c.material.opacity = 1.0;

         if (c.hightlightWidthScale && !browser.isWin)
            c.material.linewidth = c.origin.width * c.hightlightWidthScale;
         if (c.highlightScale)
            c.material.size = c.origin.size * c.highlightScale;
         return true;
      } else if (c.origin) {
         if (this.bloom) {
            c.material.emissive = c.origin.emissive;
         } else {
            c.material.color = c.origin.color;
            c.material.opacity = c.origin.opacity;
         if (c.hightlightWidthScale)
            c.material.linewidth = c.origin.width;
         if (c.highlightScale)
            c.material.size = c.origin.size;
         return true;

} // class GeoDrawingControl

const stageInit = 0, stageCollect = 1, stageWorkerCollect = 2, stageAnalyze = 3, stageCollShapes = 4,
      stageStartBuild = 5, stageWorkerBuild = 6, stageBuild = 7, stageBuildReady = 8, stageWaitMain = 9, stageBuildProj = 10;

 * @summary Painter class for geometries drawing
 * @private

class TGeoPainter extends ObjectPainter {

   /** @summary Constructor
     * @param {object|string} dom - DOM element for drawing or element id
     * @param {object} obj - supported TGeo object */
   constructor(dom, obj) {
      let gm;
      if (obj?._typename === clTGeoManager) {
         gm = obj;
         obj = obj.fMasterVolume;

      if (obj?._typename && (obj._typename.indexOf(clTGeoVolume) === 0))
         obj = { _typename: clTGeoNode, fVolume: obj, fName: obj.fName, $geoh: obj.$geoh, _proxy: true };

      super(dom, obj);

      if (getHistPainter3DCfg(this.getMainPainter()))
         this.superimpose = true;

      if (gm) this.geo_manager = gm;

      this.no_default_title = true; // do not set title to main DIV
      this.mode3d = true; // indication of 3D mode
      this.drawing_stage = stageInit; //
      this.drawing_log = 'Init';
      this.ctrl = {
         clipIntersect: true,
         clipVisualize: false,
         clip: [{ name: 'x', enabled: false, value: 0, min: -100, max: 100, step: 1 },
                { name: 'y', enabled: false, value: 0, min: -100, max: 100, step: 1 },
                { name: 'z', enabled: false, value: 0, min: -100, max: 100, step: 1 }],
         _highlight: 0,
         highlight: 0,
         highlight_bloom: 0,
         highlight_scene: 0,
         highlight_color: '#00ff00',
         bloom_strength: 1.5,
         more: 1,
         maxfaces: 0,
         vislevel: undefined,
         maxnodes: undefined,
         dflt_colors: false,

         info: { num_meshes: 0, num_faces: 0, num_shapes: 0 },
         depthTest: true,
         depthMethod: 'dflt',
         select_in_view: false,
         update_browser: true,
         use_fog: false,
         light: { kind: 'points', top: false, bottom: false, left: false, right: false, front: false, specular: true, power: 1 },
         lightKindItems: [
            { name: 'AmbientLight', value: 'ambient' },
            { name: 'DirectionalLight', value: 'points' },
            { name: 'HemisphereLight', value: 'hemisphere' },
            { name: 'Ambient + Point', value: 'mix' }
         trans_radial: 0,
         trans_z: 0,
         scale: new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1),
         zoom: 1.0, rotatey: 0, rotatez: 0,
         depthMethodItems: [
            { name: 'Default', value: 'dflt' },
            { name: 'Raytraicing', value: 'ray' },
            { name: 'Boundary box', value: 'box' },
            { name: 'Mesh size', value: 'size' },
            { name: 'Central point', value: 'pnt' }
          cameraKindItems: [
            { name: 'Perspective', value: 'perspective' },
            { name: 'Perspective (Floor XOZ)', value: 'perspXOZ' },
            { name: 'Perspective (Floor YOZ)', value: 'perspYOZ' },
            { name: 'Perspective (Floor XOY)', value: 'perspXOY' },
            { name: 'Orthographic (XOY)', value: 'orthoXOY' },
            { name: 'Orthographic (XOZ)', value: 'orthoXOZ' },
            { name: 'Orthographic (ZOY)', value: 'orthoZOY' },
            { name: 'Orthographic (ZOX)', value: 'orthoZOX' },
            { name: 'Orthographic (XnOY)', value: 'orthoXNOY' },
            { name: 'Orthographic (XnOZ)', value: 'orthoXNOZ' },
            { name: 'Orthographic (ZnOY)', value: 'orthoZNOY' },
            { name: 'Orthographic (ZnOX)', value: 'orthoZNOX' }
         cameraOverlayItems: [
            { name: 'None', value: 'none' },
            { name: 'Bar', value: 'bar' },
            { name: 'Axis', value: 'axis' },
            { name: 'Grid', value: 'grid' },
            { name: 'Grid background', value: 'gridb' },
            { name: 'Grid foreground', value: 'gridf' }
         camera_kind: 'perspective',
         camera_overlay: 'gridb',
         rotate: false,
         background: settings.DarkMode ? '#000000' : '#ffffff',
         can_rotate: true,
         _axis: 0,
         instancing: 0,
         _count: false,
         // material properties
         wireframe: false,
         transparency: 0,
         flatShading: false,
         roughness: 0.5,
         metalness: 0.5,
         shininess: 0,
         reflectivity: 0.5,
         material_kind: 'lambert',
         materialKinds: [
            { name: 'MeshLambertMaterial', value: 'lambert', emissive: true, props: [{ name: 'flatShading' }] },
            { name: 'MeshBasicMaterial', value: 'basic' },
            { name: 'MeshStandardMaterial', value: 'standard', emissive: true,
                props: [{ name: 'flatShading' }, { name: 'roughness', min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.001 }, { name: 'metalness', min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.001 }] },
            { name: 'MeshPhysicalMaterial', value: 'physical', emissive: true,
               props: [{ name: 'flatShading' }, { name: 'roughness', min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.001 }, { name: 'metalness', min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.001 }, { name: 'reflectivity', min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.001 }] },
            { name: 'MeshPhongMaterial', value: 'phong', emissive: true,
                props: [{ name: 'flatShading' }, { name: 'shininess', min: 0, max: 100, step: 0.1 }] },
            { name: 'MeshNormalMaterial', value: 'normal', props: [{ name: 'flatShading' }] },
            { name: 'MeshDepthMaterial', value: 'depth' },
            { name: 'MeshMatcapMaterial', value: 'matcap' },
            { name: 'MeshToonMaterial', value: 'toon' }
         getMaterialCfg: function() {
             let cfg;
             this.materialKinds.forEach(item => {
                if (item.value === this.material_kind)
                   cfg = item;
             return cfg;


   /** @summary Function called by framework when dark mode is changed
     * @private */
   changeDarkMode(mode) {
      if ((this.ctrl.background === '#000000') || (this.ctrl.background === '#ffffff'))
         this.changedBackground((mode ?? settings.DarkMode) ? '#000000' : '#ffffff');

   /** @summary Change drawing stage
     * @private */
   changeStage(value, msg) {
      this.drawing_stage = value;
      if (!msg) {
         switch (value) {
            case stageInit: msg = 'Building done'; break;
            case stageCollect: msg = 'collect visibles'; break;
            case stageWorkerCollect: msg = 'worker collect visibles'; break;
            case stageAnalyze: msg = 'Analyse visibles'; break;
            case stageCollShapes: msg = 'collect shapes for building'; break;
            case stageStartBuild: msg = 'Start build shapes'; break;
            case stageWorkerBuild: msg = 'Worker build shapes'; break;
            case stageBuild: msg = 'Build shapes'; break;
            case stageBuildReady: msg = 'Build ready'; break;
            case stageWaitMain: msg = 'Wait for main painter'; break;
            case stageBuildProj: msg = 'Build projection'; break;
            default: msg = `stage ${value}`;
      this.drawing_log = msg;

   /** @summary Check drawing stage */
   isStage(value) { return value === this.drawing_stage; }

   isBatchMode() { return isBatchMode() || this.batch_mode; }

   /** @summary Create toolbar */
   createToolbar() {
      if (this._toolbar || !this._webgl || this.ctrl.notoolbar || this.isBatchMode()) return;
      const buttonList = [{
         name: 'toImage',
         title: 'Save as PNG',
         icon: 'camera',
         click: () => this.createSnapshot()
      }, {
         name: 'control',
         title: 'Toggle control UI',
         icon: 'rect',
         click: () => this.showControlGui('toggle')
      }, {
         name: 'enlarge',
         title: 'Enlarge geometry drawing',
         icon: 'circle',
         click: () => this.toggleEnlarge()

      // Only show VR icon if WebVR API available.
      if (navigator.getVRDisplays) {
            name: 'entervr',
            title: 'Enter VR (It requires a VR Headset connected)',
            icon: 'vrgoggles',
            click: () => this.toggleVRMode()

      if (settings.ContextMenu) {
            name: 'menu',
            title: 'Show context menu',
            icon: 'question',
            click: evnt => {

               if (closeMenu()) return;

               createMenu(evnt, this).then(menu => {

      const bkgr = new THREE.Color(this.ctrl.background);

      this._toolbar = new Toolbar(this.selectDom(), (bkgr.r + bkgr.g + bkgr.b) < 1, buttonList);


   /** @summary Initialize VR mode */
   initVRMode() {
      // Dolly contains camera and controllers in VR Mode
      // Allows moving the user in the scene
      this._dolly = new THREE.Group();
      this._standingMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();

      // Raycaster temp variables to avoid one per frame allocation.
      this._raycasterEnd = new THREE.Vector3();
      this._raycasterOrigin = new THREE.Vector3();

      navigator.getVRDisplays().then(displays => {
         const vrDisplay = displays[0];
         if (!vrDisplay) return;
         this._vrDisplay = vrDisplay;
         if (vrDisplay.stageParameters)


   /** @summary Init VR controllers geometry
     * @private */
   initVRControllersGeometry() {
      const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.025, 18, 36),
            material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 'grey', vertexColors: false }),
            rayMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 'fuchsia', vertexColors: false }),
            rayGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(0.001, 0.001, 2),
            ray1Mesh = new THREE.Mesh(rayGeometry, rayMaterial),
            ray2Mesh = new THREE.Mesh(rayGeometry, rayMaterial),
            sphere1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material),
            sphere2 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

      this._controllersMeshes = [];
      ray1Mesh.position.z -= 1;
      ray2Mesh.position.z -= 1;
      // Controller mesh hidden by default
      sphere1.visible = false;
      sphere2.visible = false;

   /** @summary Update VR controllers list
     * @private */
   updateVRControllersList() {
      const gamepads = navigator.getGamepads && navigator.getGamepads();
      // Has controller list changed?
      if (this.vrControllers && (gamepads.length === this.vrControllers.length)) return;
      // Hide meshes.
      this._controllersMeshes.forEach(mesh => { mesh.visible = false; });
      this._vrControllers = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < gamepads.length; ++i) {
         if (!gamepads[i] || !gamepads[i].pose) continue;
            gamepad: gamepads[i],
            mesh: this._controllersMeshes[i]
         this._controllersMeshes[i].visible = true;

   /** @summary Process VR controller intersection
     * @private */
   processVRControllerIntersections() {
      let intersects = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < this._vrControllers.length; ++i) {
         const controller = this._vrControllers[i].mesh,
               end = controller.localToWorld(this._raycasterEnd.set(0, 0, -1)),
               origin = controller.localToWorld(this._raycasterOrigin.set(0, 0, 0));
         intersects = intersects.concat(this._controls.getOriginDirectionIntersects(origin, end));
      // Remove duplicates.
      intersects = intersects.filter((item, pos) => { return intersects.indexOf(item) === pos; });

   /** @summary Update VR controllers
     * @private */
   updateVRControllers() {
      // Update pose.
      for (let i = 0; i < this._vrControllers.length; ++i) {
         const controller = this._vrControllers[i],
               orientation = controller.gamepad.pose.orientation,
               position = controller.gamepad.pose.position,
               controllerMesh = controller.mesh;
         if (orientation) controllerMesh.quaternion.fromArray(orientation);
         if (position) controllerMesh.position.fromArray(position);
         controllerMesh.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;

   /** @summary Toggle VR mode
     * @private */
   toggleVRMode() {
      if (!this._vrDisplay) return;
      // Toggle VR mode off
      if (this._vrDisplay.isPresenting) {
      this._previousCameraPosition = this._camera.position.clone();
      this._previousCameraRotation = this._camera.rotation.clone();
      this._vrDisplay.requestPresent([{ source: this._renderer.domElement }]).then(() => {
         this._previousCameraNear = this._camera.near;
         this._dolly.position.set(this._camera.position.x/4, -this._camera.position.y/8, -this._camera.position.z/4);
         this._camera.position.set(0, 0, 0);
         this._camera.near = 0.1;
         this._renderer.vr.enabled = true;
         this._renderer.setAnimationLoop(() => {
      this._renderer.vr.enabled = true;

      window.addEventListener('keydown', evnt => {
         // Esc Key turns VR mode off
         if (evnt.code === 'Escape') this.exitVRMode();

   /** @summary Exit VR mode
     * @private */
   exitVRMode() {
      if (!this._vrDisplay.isPresenting) return;
      this._renderer.vr.enabled = false;
      // Restore Camera pose
      this._previousCameraPosition = undefined;
      this._previousCameraRotation = undefined;
      this._camera.near = this._previousCameraNear;

   /** @summary Returns main geometry object */
   getGeometry() {
      return this.getObject();

   /** @summary Modify visibility of provided node by name */
   modifyVisisbility(name, sign) {
      if (getNodeKind(this.getGeometry()) !== 0) return;

      if (!name)
         return setGeoBit(this.getGeometry().fVolume, geoBITS.kVisThis, (sign === '+'));

      let regexp, exact = false;

      // arg.node.fVolume
      if (name.indexOf('*') < 0) {
         regexp = new RegExp('^'+name+'$');
         exact = true;
      } else {
         regexp = new RegExp('^' + name.split('*').join('.*') + '$');
         exact = false;

      this.findNodeWithVolume(regexp, arg => {
         setInvisibleAll(arg.node.fVolume, (sign !== '+'));
         return exact ? arg : null; // continue search if not exact expression provided

   /** @summary Decode drawing options */
   decodeOptions(opt) {
      if (!isStr(opt)) opt = '';

      if (this.superimpose && (opt.indexOf('same') === 0))
         opt = opt.slice(4);

      const res = this.ctrl,

       macro = opt.indexOf('macro:');
      if (macro >= 0) {
         let separ = opt.indexOf(';', macro+6);
         if (separ < 0) separ = opt.length;
         res.script_name = opt.slice(macro+6, separ);
         opt = opt.slice(0, macro) + opt.slice(separ+1);
         console.log(`script ${res.script_name} rest ${opt}`);

      while (true) {
         const pp = opt.indexOf('+'), pm = opt.indexOf('-');
         if ((pp < 0) && (pm < 0)) break;
         let p1 = pp, sign = '+';
         if ((p1 < 0) || ((pm >= 0) && (pm < pp))) { p1 = pm; sign = '-'; }

         let p2 = p1+1;
         const regexp = /[,; .]/;
         while ((p2 < opt.length) && !regexp.test(opt[p2]) && (opt[p2] !== '+') && (opt[p2] !== '-')) p2++;

         const name = opt.substring(p1+1, p2);
         opt = opt.slice(0, p1) + opt.slice(p2);

         this.modifyVisisbility(name, sign);

      const d = new DrawOptions(opt);

      if (d.check('MAIN')) res.is_main = true;

      if (d.check('TRACKS')) res.tracks = true; // only for TGeoManager
      if (d.check('SHOWTOP')) res.showtop = true; // only for TGeoManager
      if (d.check('NO_SCREEN')) res.no_screen = true; // ignore kVisOnScreen bits for visibility

      if (d.check('NOINSTANCING')) res.instancing = -1; // disable usage of InstancedMesh
      if (d.check('INSTANCING')) res.instancing = 1; // force usage of InstancedMesh

      if (d.check('ORTHO_CAMERA')) { res.camera_kind = 'orthoXOY'; res.can_rotate = 0; }
      if (d.check('ORTHO', true)) { res.camera_kind = 'ortho' + d.part; res.can_rotate = 0; }
      if (d.check('OVERLAY', true)) res.camera_overlay = d.part.toLowerCase();
      if (d.check('CAN_ROTATE')) res.can_rotate = true;
      if (d.check('PERSPECTIVE')) { res.camera_kind = 'perspective'; res.can_rotate = true; }
      if (d.check('PERSP', true)) { res.camera_kind = 'persp' + d.part; res.can_rotate = true; }
      if (d.check('MOUSE_CLICK')) res.mouse_click = true;

      if (d.check('DEPTHRAY') || d.check('DRAY')) res.depthMethod = 'ray';
      if (d.check('DEPTHBOX') || d.check('DBOX')) res.depthMethod = 'box';
      if (d.check('DEPTHPNT') || d.check('DPNT')) res.depthMethod = 'pnt';
      if (d.check('DEPTHSIZE') || d.check('DSIZE')) res.depthMethod = 'size';
      if (d.check('DEPTHDFLT') || d.check('DDFLT')) res.depthMethod = 'dflt';

      if (d.check('ZOOM', true)) res.zoom = d.partAsFloat(0, 100) / 100;
      if (d.check('ROTY', true)) res.rotatey = d.partAsFloat();
      if (d.check('ROTZ', true)) res.rotatez = d.partAsFloat();

      if (d.check('PHONG')) res.material_kind = 'phong';
      if (d.check('LAMBERT')) res.material_kind = 'lambert';
      if (d.check('MATCAP')) res.material_kind = 'matcap';
      if (d.check('TOON')) res.material_kind = 'toon';

      if (d.check('AMBIENT')) res.light.kind = 'ambient';

      const getCamPart = () => {
         let neg = 1;
         if (d.part[0] === 'N') {
            neg = -1;
            d.part = d.part.slice(1);
         return neg * d.partAsFloat();

      if (d.check('CAMX', true)) res.camx = getCamPart();
      if (d.check('CAMY', true)) res.camy = getCamPart();
      if (d.check('CAMZ', true)) res.camz = getCamPart();
      if (d.check('CAMLX', true)) res.camlx = getCamPart();
      if (d.check('CAMLY', true)) res.camly = getCamPart();
      if (d.check('CAMLZ', true)) res.camlz = getCamPart();

      if (d.check('BLACK')) res.background = '#000000';
      if (d.check('WHITE')) res.background = '#FFFFFF';

      if (d.check('BKGR_', true)) {
         let bckgr = null;
         if (d.partAsInt(1) > 0)
            bckgr = getColor(d.partAsInt());
          else {
            for (let col = 0; col < 8; ++col) {
               if (getColor(col).toUpperCase() === d.part)
                  bckgr = getColor(col);
         if (bckgr) res.background = '#' + new THREE.Color(bckgr).getHexString();

      if (d.check('R3D_', true))
         res.Render3D = constants.Render3D.fromString(d.part.toLowerCase());

      if (d.check('MORE', true)) res.more = d.partAsInt(0, 2) ?? 2;
      if (d.check('ALL')) { res.more = 100; res.vislevel = 99; }

      if (d.check('VISLVL', true)) res.vislevel = d.partAsInt();
      if (d.check('MAXNODES', true)) res.maxnodes = d.partAsInt();
      if (d.check('MAXFACES', true)) res.maxfaces = d.partAsInt();

      if (d.check('CONTROLS') || d.check('CTRL')) res.show_controls = true;

      if (d.check('CLIPXYZ')) res.clip[0].enabled = res.clip[1].enabled = res.clip[2].enabled = true;
      if (d.check('CLIPX')) res.clip[0].enabled = true;
      if (d.check('CLIPY')) res.clip[1].enabled = true;
      if (d.check('CLIPZ')) res.clip[2].enabled = true;
      if (d.check('CLIP')) res.clip[0].enabled = res.clip[1].enabled = res.clip[2].enabled = true;

      if (d.check('PROJX', true)) { res.project = 'x'; if (d.partAsInt(1) > 0) res.projectPos = d.partAsInt(); res.can_rotate = 0; }
      if (d.check('PROJY', true)) { res.project = 'y'; if (d.partAsInt(1) > 0) res.projectPos = d.partAsInt(); res.can_rotate = 0; }
      if (d.check('PROJZ', true)) { res.project = 'z'; if (d.partAsInt(1) > 0) res.projectPos = d.partAsInt(); res.can_rotate = 0; }

      if (d.check('DFLT_COLORS') || d.check('DFLT')) res.dflt_colors = true;
      d.check('SSAO'); // deprecated
      if (d.check('NOBLOOM')) res.highlight_bloom = false;
      if (d.check('BLOOM')) res.highlight_bloom = true;
      if (d.check('OUTLINE')) res.outline = true;

      if (d.check('NOWORKER')) res.use_worker = -1;
      if (d.check('WORKER')) res.use_worker = 1;

      if (d.check('NOFOG')) res.use_fog = false;
      if (d.check('FOG')) res.use_fog = true;

      if (d.check('NOHIGHLIGHT') || d.check('NOHIGH')) res.highlight_scene = res.highlight = false;
      if (d.check('HIGHLIGHT')) res.highlight_scene = res.highlight = true;
      if (d.check('HSCENEONLY')) { res.highlight_scene = true; res.highlight = false; }
      if (d.check('NOHSCENE')) res.highlight_scene = false;
      if (d.check('HSCENE')) res.highlight_scene = true;

      if (d.check('WIREFRAME') || d.check('WIRE')) res.wireframe = true;
      if (d.check('ROTATE')) res.rotate = true;

      if (d.check('INVX') || d.check('INVERTX')) res.scale.x = -1;
      if (d.check('INVY') || d.check('INVERTY')) res.scale.y = -1;
      if (d.check('INVZ') || d.check('INVERTZ')) res.scale.z = -1;

      if (d.check('COUNT')) res._count = true;

      if (d.check('TRANSP', true))
         res.transparency = d.partAsInt(0, 100)/100;

      if (d.check('OPACITY', true))
         res.transparency = 1 - d.partAsInt(0, 100)/100;

      if (d.check('AXISCENTER') || d.check('AXISC') || d.check('AC')) res._axis = 2;
      if (d.check('AXIS') || d.check('A')) res._axis = 1;

      if (d.check('TRR', true)) res.trans_radial = d.partAsInt()/100;
      if (d.check('TRZ', true)) res.trans_z = d.partAsInt()/100;

      if (d.check('W')) res.wireframe = true;
      if (d.check('Y')) res._yup = true;
      if (d.check('Z')) res._yup = false;

      // when drawing geometry without TCanvas, yup = true by default
      if (res._yup === undefined)
         res._yup = this.getCanvSvg().empty();

      // let reuse for storing origin options
      this.options = res;

   /** @summary Activate specified items in the browser */
   activateInBrowser(names, force) {
      if (isStr(names)) names = [names];

      if (this._hpainter) {
         // show browser if it not visible

         this._hpainter.activateItems(names, force);

         // if highlight in the browser disabled, suppress in few seconds
         if (!this.ctrl.update_browser)
            setTimeout(() => this._hpainter.activateItems([]), 2000);

   /** @summary  method used to check matrix calculations performance with current three.js model */
   testMatrixes() {
      let errcnt = 0, totalcnt = 0, totalmax = 0;

      const arg = {
            domatrix: true,
            func: (/* node */) => {
               let m2 = this.getmatrix();
               const entry = this.copyStack(),
                     mesh = this._clones.createObject3D(entry.stack, this._toplevel, 'mesh');
               if (!mesh) return true;


               const m1 = mesh.matrixWorld;
               if (m1.equals(m2)) return true;
               if ((m1.determinant() > 0) && (m2.determinant() < -0.9)) {
                  const flip = new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, -1);
                  m2 = m2.clone().scale(flip);
                  if (m1.equals(m2)) return true;

               let max = 0;
               for (let k = 0; k < 16; ++k)
                  max = Math.max(max, Math.abs(m1.elements[k] - m2.elements[k]));

               totalmax = Math.max(max, totalmax);

               if (max < 1e-4) return true;

               console.log(`${this._clones.resolveStack(entry.stack).name} maxdiff ${max} determ ${m1.determinant()} ${m2.determinant()}`);


               return false;

       tm1 = new Date().getTime();

      /* let cnt = */ this._clones.scanVisible(arg);

      const tm2 = new Date().getTime();

      console.log(`Compare matrixes total ${totalcnt} errors ${errcnt} takes ${tm2-tm1} maxdiff ${totalmax}`);

   /** @summary Fill context menu */
   fillContextMenu(menu) {
      menu.header('Draw options');

      menu.addchk(this.ctrl.update_browser, 'Browser update', () => {
         this.ctrl.update_browser = !this.ctrl.update_browser;
         if (!this.ctrl.update_browser) this.activateInBrowser([]);
      menu.addchk(this.ctrl.show_controls, 'Show Controls', () => this.showControlGui('toggle'));

      menu.sub('Show axes', () => this.setAxesDraw('toggle'));
      menu.addchk(this.ctrl._axis === 0, 'off', 0, arg => this.setAxesDraw(parseInt(arg)));
      menu.addchk(this.ctrl._axis === 1, 'side', 1, arg => this.setAxesDraw(parseInt(arg)));
      menu.addchk(this.ctrl._axis === 2, 'center', 2, arg => this.setAxesDraw(parseInt(arg)));

      if (this.geo_manager)
         menu.addchk(this.ctrl.showtop, 'Show top volume', () => this.setShowTop(!this.ctrl.showtop));

      menu.addchk(this.ctrl.wireframe, 'Wire frame', () => this.toggleWireFrame());

      if (!this.getCanvPainter())
         menu.addchk(this.isTooltipAllowed(), 'Show tooltips', () => this.setTooltipAllowed('toggle'));


      menu.addchk(!this.ctrl.highlight, 'Off', () => {
         this.ctrl.highlight = false;
      menu.addchk(this.ctrl.highlight && !this.ctrl.highlight_bloom, 'Normal', () => {
         this.ctrl.highlight = true;
         this.ctrl.highlight_bloom = false;
      menu.addchk(this.ctrl.highlight && this.ctrl.highlight_bloom, 'Bloom', () => {
         this.ctrl.highlight = true;
         this.ctrl.highlight_bloom = true;


      menu.addchk(this.ctrl.highlight_scene, 'Scene', flag => {
         this.ctrl.highlight_scene = flag;


      menu.add('Reset position', () => this.focusCamera());
      if (!this.ctrl.project)
          menu.addchk(this.ctrl.rotate, 'Autorotate', () => this.setAutoRotate(!this.ctrl.rotate));

      if (!this._geom_viewer) {
         menu.addchk(this.canRotateCamera(), 'Can rotate', () => this.changeCanRotate(!this.ctrl.can_rotate));

         menu.add('Get position', () =>'Position (as url)', '&opt=' + this.produceCameraUrl()));
         if (!this.isOrthoCamera()) {
            menu.add('Absolute position', () => {
               const url = this.produceCameraUrl(true), p = url.indexOf('camlx');
     'Position (as url)', '&opt=' + ((p < 0) ? url : url.slice(0, p) + '\n' + url.slice(p)));

         this.ctrl.cameraKindItems.forEach(item =>
            menu.addchk(this.ctrl.camera_kind === item.value,, item.value, arg => {
               this.ctrl.camera_kind = arg;

         if (this.isOrthoCamera()) {
            this.ctrl.cameraOverlayItems.forEach(item =>
               menu.addchk(this.ctrl.camera_overlay === item.value,, item.value, arg => {
                  this.ctrl.camera_overlay = arg;

      menu.addchk(this.ctrl.select_in_view, 'Select in view', () => {
         this.ctrl.select_in_view = !this.ctrl.select_in_view;
         if (this.ctrl.select_in_view) this.startDrawGeometry();

   /** @summary Method used to set transparency for all geometrical shapes
     * @param {number|Function} transparency - one could provide function
     * @param {boolean} [skip_render] - if specified, do not perform rendering */
   changedGlobalTransparency(transparency) {
      const func = isFunc(transparency) ? transparency : null;
      if (func || (transparency === undefined))
         transparency = this.ctrl.transparency;

      this._toplevel?.traverse(node => {
         // ignore all kind of extra elements
         if (node?.material?.inherentOpacity === undefined)

         const t = func ? func(node) : undefined;
         if (t !== undefined)
            node.material.opacity = 1 - t;
            node.material.opacity = Math.min(1 - (transparency || 0), node.material.inherentOpacity);

         node.material.depthWrite = node.material.opacity === 1;
         node.material.transparent = node.material.opacity < 1;


   /** @summary Method used to interactively change material kinds */
   changedMaterial() {
      this._toplevel?.traverse(node => {
         // ignore all kind of extra elements
         if (node.material?.inherentArgs !== undefined)
            node.material = createMaterial(this.ctrl, node.material.inherentArgs);


   /** @summary Change for all materials that property */
   changeMaterialProperty(name) {
      const value = this.ctrl[name];
      if (value === undefined)
         return console.error('No property ', name);

      this._toplevel?.traverse(node => {
         // ignore all kind of extra elements
         if (node.material?.inherentArgs === undefined) return;

         if (node.material[name] !== undefined) {
            node.material[name] = value;
            node.material.needsUpdate = true;


   /** @summary Reset transformation */
   resetTransformation() {

   /** @summary Method should be called when transformation parameters were changed */
   changedTransformation(arg) {
      if (!this._toplevel) return;

      const ctrl = this.ctrl,
            translation = new THREE.Matrix4(),
            vect2 = new THREE.Vector3();

      if (arg === 'reset')
         ctrl.trans_z = ctrl.trans_radial = 0;

      this._toplevel.traverse(mesh => {
         if (mesh.stack !== undefined) {
            const node = mesh.parent;

            if (arg === 'reset') {
               if (node.matrix0) {
                  node.matrix.decompose(node.position, node.quaternion, node.scale);
                  node.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;
               delete node.matrix0;
               delete node.vect0;
               delete node.vect1;
               delete node.minvert;

            if (node.vect0 === undefined) {
               node.matrix0 = node.matrix.clone();
               node.minvert = new THREE.Matrix4().copy(node.matrixWorld).invert();

               const box3 = getBoundingBox(mesh, null, true),
                   signz = mesh._flippedMesh ? -1 : 1;

               // real center of mesh in local coordinates
               node.vect0 = new THREE.Vector3((box3.max.x + box3.min.x) / 2, (box3.max.y + box3.min.y) / 2, signz * (box3.max.z + box3.min.z) / 2).applyMatrix4(node.matrixWorld);
               node.vect1 = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0).applyMatrix4(node.minvert);

            vect2.set(ctrl.trans_radial * node.vect0.x, ctrl.trans_radial * node.vect0.y, ctrl.trans_z * node.vect0.z).applyMatrix4(node.minvert).sub(node.vect1);

            node.matrix.multiplyMatrices(node.matrix0, translation.makeTranslation(vect2.x, vect2.y, vect2.z));
            node.matrix.decompose(node.position, node.quaternion, node.scale);
            node.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;
         } else if (mesh.stacks !== undefined) {
            mesh.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;

            if (arg === 'reset') {
               mesh.trans?.forEach((item, i) => {
                  mesh.setMatrixAt(i, item.matrix0);
               delete mesh.trans;

            if (mesh.trans === undefined) {
               mesh.trans = new Array(mesh.count);


               for (let i = 0; i < mesh.count; i++) {
                  const item = {
                     matrix0: new THREE.Matrix4(),
                     minvert: new THREE.Matrix4()

                  mesh.trans[i] = item;

                  mesh.getMatrixAt(i, item.matrix0);

                  const box3 = new THREE.Box3().copy(mesh.geometry.boundingBox).applyMatrix4(item.matrix0);

                  item.vect0 = new THREE.Vector3((box3.max.x + box3.min.x) / 2, (box3.max.y + box3.min.y) / 2, (box3.max.z + box3.min.z) / 2);
                  item.vect1 = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0).applyMatrix4(item.minvert);

            const mm = new THREE.Matrix4();

            mesh.trans?.forEach((item, i) => {
               vect2.set(ctrl.trans_radial * item.vect0.x, ctrl.trans_radial * item.vect0.y, ctrl.trans_z * item.vect0.z).applyMatrix4(item.minvert).sub(item.vect1);

               mm.multiplyMatrices(item.matrix0, translation.makeTranslation(vect2.x, vect2.y, vect2.z));

               mesh.setMatrixAt(i, mm);


      // axes drawing always triggers rendering
      if (arg !== 'norender')

   /** @summary Should be called when auto rotate property changed */
   changedAutoRotate() {

   /** @summary Method should be called when changing axes drawing */
   changedAxes() {
      if (isStr(this.ctrl._axis))
         this.ctrl._axis = parseInt(this.ctrl._axis);


   /** @summary Method should be called to change background color */
   changedBackground(val) {
      if (val !== undefined)
         this.ctrl.background = val;
      this._scene.background = new THREE.Color(this.ctrl.background);
      this._renderer.setClearColor(this._scene.background, 1);

      if (this._toolbar) {
         const bkgr = new THREE.Color(this.ctrl.background);
         this._toolbar.changeBrightness((bkgr.r + bkgr.g + bkgr.b) < 1);

   /** @summary Display control GUI */
   showControlGui(on) {
      // while complete geo drawing can be removed until dat is loaded - just check and ignore callback
      if (!this.ctrl) return;

      if (on === 'toggle')
         on = !this._gui;
       else if (on === undefined)
         on = this.ctrl.show_controls;

      this.ctrl.show_controls = on;

      if (this._gui) {
         if (!on) {
            delete this._gui;

      if (!on || !this._renderer)

      const main = this.selectDom();
      if ('position') === 'static')'position', 'relative');

      this._gui = new GUI({ container: main.node(), closeFolders: true, width: Math.min(300, this._scene_width / 2),
                            title: 'Settings' });

      const dom = this._gui.domElement; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0;

      this._gui.painter = this;

      const makeLil = items => {
         const lil = {};
         items.forEach(i => { lil[] = i.value; });
         return lil;

      if (!this.ctrl.project) {
         const selection = this._gui.addFolder('Selection');

         if (!this.ctrl.maxnodes)
            this.ctrl.maxnodes = this._clones?.getMaxVisNodes() ?? 10000;
         if (!this.ctrl.vislevel)
            this.ctrl.vislevel = this._clones?.getVisLevel() ?? 3;
         if (!this.ctrl.maxfaces)
            this.ctrl.maxfaces = 200000 * this.ctrl.more;
         this.ctrl.more = 1;

         selection.add(this.ctrl, 'vislevel', 1, 99, 1)
                     .name('Visibility level')
                     .listen().onChange(() => this.startRedraw(500));
         selection.add(this.ctrl, 'maxnodes', 0, 500000, 1000)
                  .name('Visible nodes')
                  .listen().onChange(() => this.startRedraw(500));
         selection.add(this.ctrl, 'maxfaces', 0, 5000000, 100000)
                  .name('Max faces')
                  .listen().onChange(() => this.startRedraw(500));

      if (this.ctrl.project) {
         const bound = this.getGeomBoundingBox(this.getProjectionSource(), 0.01),
             axis = this.ctrl.project;

         if (this.ctrl.projectPos === undefined)
            this.ctrl.projectPos = (bound.min[axis] + bound.max[axis])/2;

         this._gui.add(this.ctrl, 'projectPos', bound.min[axis], bound.max[axis])
             .name(axis.toUpperCase() + ' projection')
             .onChange(() => this.startDrawGeometry());
      } else {
         // Clipping Options

         const clipFolder = this._gui.addFolder('Clipping');

         for (let naxis = 0; naxis < 3; ++naxis) {
            const cc = this.ctrl.clip[naxis],
                axisC =;

            clipFolder.add(cc, 'enabled')
                .name('Enable ' + axisC)
                .listen().onChange(() => this.changedClipping(-1));

            clipFolder.add(cc, 'value', cc.min, cc.max, cc.step)
                .name(axisC + ' position')
                .listen().onChange(() => this.changedClipping(naxis));

         clipFolder.add(this.ctrl, 'clipIntersect').name('Clip intersection')
                   .onChange(() => this.changedClipping(-1));

         clipFolder.add(this.ctrl, 'clipVisualize').name('Visualize')
                   .onChange(() => this.changedClipping(-1));

      // Scene Options

      const scene = this._gui.addFolder('Scene');

      scene.add(this.ctrl.light, 'kind', makeLil(this.ctrl.lightKindItems)).name('Light')
           .listen().onChange(() => {
     === 'mix' || this.ctrl.light.kind === 'points');

      this.ctrl.light._pnts = this.ctrl.light.specular ? 0 : (this.ctrl.light.front ? 1 : 2);
      const light_pnts = scene.add(this.ctrl.light, '_pnts', { specular: 0, front: 1, box: 2 })
                .show(this.ctrl.light.kind === 'mix' || this.ctrl.light.kind === 'points')
                .onChange(v => {
                   this.ctrl.light.specular = (v === 0);
                   this.ctrl.light.front = (v === 1);
          = this.ctrl.light.bottom = this.ctrl.light.left = this.ctrl.light.right = (v === 2);

      scene.add(this.ctrl.light, 'power', 0, 10, 0.01).name('Power')
           .listen().onChange(() => this.changedLight());

      scene.add(this.ctrl, 'use_fog').name('Fog')
           .listen().onChange(() => this.changedUseFog());

      // Appearance Options

      const appearance = this._gui.addFolder('Appearance');

      this.ctrl._highlight = !this.ctrl.highlight ? 0 : this.ctrl.highlight_bloom ? 2 : 1;
      appearance.add(this.ctrl, '_highlight', { none: 0, normal: 1, bloom: 2 }).name('Highlight Selection')
                .listen().onChange(() => {
          === 2);
          === 1);

      const hcolor = appearance.addColor(this.ctrl, 'highlight_color').name('Hightlight color')
                         .show(this.ctrl._highlight === 1),
            strength = appearance.add(this.ctrl, 'bloom_strength', 0, 3).name('Bloom strength')
                           .listen().onChange(() => this.changedHighlight())
                           .show(this.ctrl._highlight === 2);

      appearance.addColor(this.ctrl, 'background').name('Background')
                .onChange(col => this.changedBackground(col));

      appearance.add(this.ctrl, '_axis', { none: 0, side: 1, center: 2 }).name('Axes')
                    .onChange(() => this.changedAxes());

      if (!this.ctrl.project) {
         appearance.add(this.ctrl, 'rotate').name('Autorotate')
                      .listen().onChange(() => this.changedAutoRotate());

      // Material options

      const material = this._gui.addFolder('Material');
      let material_props = [];

      const addMaterialProp = () => {
         material_props.forEach(f => f.destroy());
         material_props = [];

         const props = this.ctrl.getMaterialCfg()?.props;
         if (!props) return;

         props.forEach(prop => {
            const f = material.add(this.ctrl,, prop.min, prop.max, prop.step).onChange(() => {

      material.add(this.ctrl, 'material_kind', makeLil(this.ctrl.materialKinds)).name('Kind')
              .listen().onChange(() => {
            this.changedHighlight(); // for some materials bloom will not work

      material.add(this.ctrl, 'transparency', 0, 1, 0.001).name('Transparency')
              .listen().onChange(value => this.changedGlobalTransparency(value));

      material.add(this.ctrl, 'wireframe').name('Wireframe')
              .listen().onChange(() => this.changedWireFrame());

      material.add(this, 'showMaterialDocu').name('Docu from');


      // Camera options
      const camera = this._gui.addFolder('Camera');

      camera.add(this.ctrl, 'camera_kind', makeLil(this.ctrl.cameraKindItems))
            .name('Kind').listen().onChange(() => {
  'ortho') === 0);

      camera.add(this.ctrl, 'can_rotate').name('Can rotate')
                .listen().onChange(() => this.changeCanRotate());

      camera.add(this, 'focusCamera').name('Reset position');

      const overlay = camera.add(this.ctrl, 'camera_overlay', makeLil(this.ctrl.cameraOverlayItems))
                      .name('Overlay').listen().onChange(() => this.changeCamera())
                      .show(this.ctrl.camera_kind.indexOf('ortho') === 0);

      // Advanced Options
      if (this._webgl) {
         const advanced = this._gui.addFolder('Advanced');

         advanced.add(this.ctrl, 'depthTest').name('Depth test')
            .listen().onChange(() => this.changedDepthTest());

         advanced.add(this.ctrl, 'depthMethod', makeLil(this.ctrl.depthMethodItems))
             .name('Rendering order')
             .onChange(method => this.changedDepthMethod(method));

         advanced.add(this, 'resetAdvanced').name('Reset');

      // Transformation Options
      if (!this.ctrl.project) {
         const transform = this._gui.addFolder('Transform');
         transform.add(this.ctrl, 'trans_z', 0.0, 3.0, 0.01)
                     .name('Z axis')
                     .listen().onChange(() => this.changedTransformation());
         transform.add(this.ctrl, 'trans_radial', 0.0, 3.0, 0.01)
                  .listen().onChange(() => this.changedTransformation());

         transform.add(this, 'resetTransformation').name('Reset');

         if (this.ctrl.trans_z || this.ctrl.trans_radial);

   /** @summary show material documentation from  */
   showMaterialDocu() {
      const cfg = this.ctrl.getMaterialCfg();
      if (cfg?.name && typeof window !== 'undefined')'' +, '_blank');

   /** @summary Should be called when configuration of highlight is changed */
   changedHighlight(arg) {
      if (arg !== undefined) {
         this.ctrl.highlight = arg !== 0;
         if (this.ctrl.highlight)
            this.ctrl.highlight_bloom = (arg === 2);


      if (!this.ctrl.highlight)

      this._slave_painters?.forEach(p => {
         p.ctrl.highlight = this.ctrl.highlight;
         p.ctrl.highlight_bloom = this.ctrl.highlight_bloom;
         p.ctrl.bloom_strength = this.ctrl.bloom_strength;

   /** @summary Handle change of can rotate */
   changeCanRotate(on) {
      if (on !== undefined)
         this.ctrl.can_rotate = on;
      if (this._controls)
         this._controls.enableRotate = this.ctrl.can_rotate;

   /** @summary Change use fog property */
   changedUseFog() {
      this._scene.fog = this.ctrl.use_fog ? this._fog : null;


   /** @summary Handle change of camera kind */
   changeCamera() {
      // force control recreation
      if (this._controls) {
          delete this._controls;


      // recreate camera


      // set proper position

      // this.drawOverlay();



      // delete this._scene_size; // ensure reassign of camera position

      // this._first_drawing = true;
      // this.startDrawGeometry(true);

   /** @summary create bloom effect */
   ensureBloom(on) {
      if (on === undefined) {
         if (this.ctrl.highlight_bloom === 0)
             this.ctrl.highlight_bloom = this._webgl && !;

         on = this.ctrl.highlight_bloom && this.ctrl.getMaterialCfg()?.emissive;

      if (on && !this._bloomComposer) {
         this._bloomComposer = new THREE.EffectComposer(this._renderer);
         this._bloomComposer.addPass(new THREE.RenderPass(this._scene, this._camera));
         const pass = new THREE.UnrealBloomPass(new THREE.Vector2(this._scene_width, this._scene_height), 1.5, 0.4, 0.85);
         pass.threshold = 0;
         pass.radius = 0;
         pass.renderToScreen = true;
         this._renderer.autoClear = false;
      } else if (!on && this._bloomComposer) {
         delete this._bloomComposer;
         if (this._renderer)
            this._renderer.autoClear = true;

      if (this._bloomComposer?.passes)
         this._bloomComposer.passes[1].strength = this.ctrl.bloom_strength;

   /** @summary Show context menu for orbit control
     * @private */
   orbitContext(evnt, intersects) {
      createMenu(evnt, this).then(menu => {
         let numitems = 0, numnodes = 0, cnt = 0;
         if (intersects) {
            for (let n = 0; n < intersects.length; ++n) {
               if (getIntersectStack(intersects[n])) numnodes++;
               if (intersects[n].geo_name) numitems++;

         if (numnodes + numitems === 0)
          else {
            const many = (numnodes + numitems) > 1;

            if (many) menu.header((numitems > 0) ? 'Items' : 'Nodes');

            for (let n = 0; n < intersects.length; ++n) {
               const obj = intersects[n].object,
                     stack = getIntersectStack(intersects[n]);
               let name, itemname, hdr;

               if (obj.geo_name) {
                  itemname = obj.geo_name;
                  if (itemname.indexOf('<prnt>') === 0)
                     itemname = (this.getItemName() || 'top') + itemname.slice(6);
                  name = itemname.slice(itemname.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
                  if (!name) name = itemname;
                  hdr = name;
               } else if (stack) {
                  name = this._clones.getStackName(stack);
                  itemname = this.getStackFullName(stack);
                  hdr = this.getItemName();
                  if (name.indexOf('Nodes/') === 0)
                     hdr = name.slice(6);
                  else if (name)
                     hdr = name;
                  else if (!hdr)
                     hdr = 'header';
               } else


               menu.add((many ? 'sub:' : 'header:') + hdr, itemname, arg => this.activateInBrowser([arg], true));

               menu.add('Browse', itemname, arg => this.activateInBrowser([arg], true));

               if (this._hpainter)
                  menu.add('Inspect', itemname, arg => this._hpainter.display(arg, kInspect));

               if (isFunc(this.hidePhysicalNode)) {
                  menu.add('Hide', itemname, arg => this.hidePhysicalNode([arg]));
                  if (cnt > 1) {
                     menu.add('Hide all before', n, indx => {
                        const items = [];
                        for (let i = 0; i < indx; ++i) {
                           const stack = getIntersectStack(intersects[i]);
                           if (stack) items.push(this.getStackFullName(stack));
               } else if (obj.geo_name) {
                  menu.add('Hide', n, indx => {
                     const mesh = intersects[indx].object;
                     mesh.visible = false; // just disable mesh
                     if (mesh.geo_object) mesh.geo_object.$hidden_via_menu = true; // and hide object for further redraw
                  }, 'Hide this physical node');

                  if (many) menu.endsub();


               const wireframe = this.accessObjectWireFrame(obj);
               if (wireframe !== undefined) {
                  menu.addchk(wireframe, 'Wireframe', n, indx => {
                     const m = intersects[indx].object.material;
                     m.wireframe = !m.wireframe;
                  }, 'Toggle wireframe mode for the node');

               if (cnt > 1) {
                  menu.add('Manifest', n, indx => {
                     if (this._last_manifest)
                        this._last_manifest.wireframe = !this._last_manifest.wireframe;

                     if (this._last_hidden)
                        this._last_hidden.forEach(obj => { obj.visible = true; });

                     this._last_hidden = [];

                     for (let i = 0; i < indx; ++i)

                     this._last_hidden.forEach(obj => { obj.visible = false; });

                     this._last_manifest = intersects[indx].object.material;

                     this._last_manifest.wireframe = !this._last_manifest.wireframe;

                  }, 'Manifest selected node');

               menu.add('Focus', n, indx => {

               if (!this._geom_viewer) {
                  menu.add('Hide', n, indx => {
                     const resolve = this._clones.resolveStack(intersects[indx].object.stack);
                     if (resolve.obj && (resolve.node.kind === kindGeo) && resolve.obj.fVolume) {
                        setGeoBit(resolve.obj.fVolume, geoBITS.kVisThis, false);
                        updateBrowserIcons(resolve.obj.fVolume, this._hpainter);
                     } else if (resolve.obj && (resolve.node.kind === kindEve)) {
                        resolve.obj.fRnrSelf = false;
                        updateBrowserIcons(resolve.obj, this._hpainter);

                     this.testGeomChanges();// while many volumes may disappear, recheck all of them
                  }, 'Hide all logical nodes of that kind');
                  menu.add('Hide only this', n, indx => {
                     this._clones.setPhysNodeVisibility(getIntersectStack(intersects[indx]), false);
                  }, 'Hide only this physical node');
                  if (n > 1) {
                    menu.add('Hide all before', n, indx => {
                        for (let k = 0; k < indx; ++k)
                           this._clones.setPhysNodeVisibility(getIntersectStack(intersects[k]), false);
                     }, 'Hide all physical nodes before that');

               if (many) menu.endsub();

   /** @summary Filter some objects from three.js intersects array */
   filterIntersects(intersects) {
      if (!intersects?.length)
         return intersects;

      // check redirection
      for (let n = 0; n < intersects.length; ++n) {
         if (intersects[n].object.geo_highlight)
            intersects[n].object = intersects[n].object.geo_highlight;

      // remove all elements without stack - indicator that this is geometry object
      // also remove all objects which are mostly transparent
      for (let n = intersects.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
         const obj = intersects[n].object;
         let unique = obj.visible && (getIntersectStack(intersects[n]) || (obj.geo_name !== undefined));

         if (unique && obj.material && (obj.material.opacity !== undefined))
            unique = (obj.material.opacity >= 0.1);

         if (obj.jsroot_special) unique = false;

         for (let k = 0; (k < n) && unique; ++k) {
            if (intersects[k].object === obj)
               unique = false;

         if (!unique) intersects.splice(n, 1);

      const clip = this.ctrl.clip;

      if (clip[0].enabled || clip[1].enabled || clip[2].enabled) {
         const clippedIntersects = [];

         for (let i = 0; i < intersects.length; ++i) {
            const point = intersects[i].point, special = (intersects[i].object.type === 'Points');
            let clipped = true;

            if (clip[0].enabled && ((this._clipPlanes[0] > this._clipPlanes[0].constant) ^ special)) clipped = false;
            if (clip[1].enabled && ((this._clipPlanes[1] > this._clipPlanes[1].constant) ^ special)) clipped = false;
            if (clip[2].enabled && (this._clipPlanes[2] > this._clipPlanes[2].constant)) clipped = false;

            if (!clipped) clippedIntersects.push(intersects[i]);

         intersects = clippedIntersects;

      return intersects;

   /** @summary test camera position
     * @desc function analyzes camera position and start redraw of geometry
     *  if objects in view may be changed */
   testCameraPositionChange() {
      if (!this.ctrl.select_in_view || this._draw_all_nodes) return;

      const matrix = createProjectionMatrix(this._camera),
          frustum = createFrustum(matrix);

      // check if overall bounding box seen
      if (!frustum.CheckBox(this.getGeomBoundingBox()))

   /** @summary Resolve stack */
   resolveStack(stack) {
      return this._clones && stack ? this._clones.resolveStack(stack) : null;

   /** @summary Returns stack full name
     * @desc Includes item name of top geo object */
   getStackFullName(stack) {
      const mainitemname = this.getItemName(),
          sub = this.resolveStack(stack);
      if (!sub || !
         return mainitemname;
      return mainitemname ? mainitemname + '/' + :;

   /** @summary Add handler which will be called when element is highlighted in geometry drawing
     * @desc Handler should have highlightMesh function with same arguments as TGeoPainter  */
   addHighlightHandler(handler) {
      if (!isFunc(handler?.highlightMesh)) return;
      if (!this._highlight_handlers)
         this._highlight_handlers = [];

   /** @summary perform mesh highlight */
   highlightMesh(active_mesh, color, geo_object, geo_index, geo_stack, no_recursive) {
      if (geo_object) {
         active_mesh = active_mesh ? [active_mesh] : [];
         const extras = this.getExtrasContainer();
         if (extras) {
            extras.traverse(obj3d => {
               if ((obj3d.geo_object === geo_object) && (active_mesh.indexOf(obj3d) < 0))
      } else if (geo_stack && this._toplevel) {
         active_mesh = [];
         this._toplevel.traverse(mesh => {
            if ((mesh instanceof THREE.Mesh) && isSameStack(mesh.stack, geo_stack))
      } else
         active_mesh = active_mesh ? [active_mesh] : [];

      if (!active_mesh.length)
         active_mesh = null;

      if (active_mesh) {
         // check if highlight is disabled for correspondent objects kinds
         if (active_mesh[0].geo_object) {
            if (!this.ctrl.highlight_scene) active_mesh = null;
         } else
            if (!this.ctrl.highlight) active_mesh = null;

      if (!no_recursive) {
         // check all other painters

         if (active_mesh) {
            if (!geo_object) geo_object = active_mesh[0].geo_object;
            if (!geo_stack) geo_stack = active_mesh[0].stack;

         const lst = this._highlight_handlers || (!this._main_painter ? this._slave_painters : this._main_painter._slave_painters.concat([this._main_painter]));

         for (let k = 0; k < lst?.length; ++k) {
            if (lst[k] !== this)
               lst[k].highlightMesh(null, color, geo_object, geo_index, geo_stack, true);

      const curr_mesh = this._selected_mesh;

      if (!curr_mesh && !active_mesh) return false;

      const get_ctrl = mesh => mesh.get_ctrl ? mesh.get_ctrl() : new GeoDrawingControl(mesh, this.ctrl.highlight_bloom && this._bloomComposer);

      let same = false;

      // check if selections are the same
      if (curr_mesh && active_mesh && (curr_mesh.length === active_mesh.length)) {
         same = true;
         for (let k = 0; (k < curr_mesh.length) && same; ++k)
            if ((curr_mesh[k] !== active_mesh[k]) || get_ctrl(curr_mesh[k]).checkHighlightIndex(geo_index)) same = false;
      if (same) return !!curr_mesh;

      if (curr_mesh) {
         for (let k = 0; k < curr_mesh.length; ++k)

      this._selected_mesh = active_mesh;

      if (active_mesh) {
         for (let k = 0; k < active_mesh.length; ++k)
            get_ctrl(active_mesh[k]).setHighlight(color || new THREE.Color(this.ctrl.highlight_color), geo_index);


      return !!active_mesh;

   /** @summary handle mouse click event */
   processMouseClick(pnt, intersects, evnt) {
      if (!intersects.length) return;

      const mesh = intersects[0].object;
      if (!mesh.get_ctrl) return;

      const ctrl = mesh.get_ctrl(),
          click_indx = ctrl.extractIndex(intersects[0]);

      ctrl.evnt = evnt;

      if (ctrl.setSelected('blue', click_indx))

      ctrl.evnt = null;

   /** @summary Configure mouse delay, required for complex geometries */
   setMouseTmout(val) {
      if (this.ctrl)
         this.ctrl.mouse_tmout = val;

      if (this._controls)
         this._controls.mouse_tmout = val;

   /** @summary Configure depth method, used for render order production.
     * @param {string} method - Allowed values: 'ray', 'box','pnt', 'size', 'dflt' */
   setDepthMethod(method) {
      if (this.ctrl)
         this.ctrl.depthMethod = method;

   /** @summary Returns if camera can rotated */
   canRotateCamera() {
      if (this.ctrl.can_rotate === false)
         return false;
      if (!this.ctrl.can_rotate && (this.isOrthoCamera() || this.ctrl.project))
         return false;
      return true;

   /** @summary Add orbit control */
   addOrbitControls() {
      if (this._controls || !this._webgl || this.isBatchMode() || this.superimpose || isNodeJs()) return;

      if (!this.getCanvPainter())

      this._controls = createOrbitControl(this, this._camera, this._scene, this._renderer, this._lookat);

      this._controls.mouse_tmout = this.ctrl.mouse_tmout; // set larger timeout for geometry processing

      if (!this.canRotateCamera())
         this._controls.enableRotate = false;

      this._controls.contextMenu = this.orbitContext.bind(this);

      this._controls.processMouseMove = intersects => {
         // painter already cleaned up, ignore any incoming events
         if (!this.ctrl || !this._controls) return;

         let active_mesh = null, tooltip = null, resolve = null, names = [], geo_object, geo_index, geo_stack;

         // try to find mesh from intersections
         for (let k = 0; k < intersects.length; ++k) {
            const obj = intersects[k].object, stack = getIntersectStack(intersects[k]);
            if (!obj || !obj.visible) continue;
            let info = null;
            if (obj.geo_object)
               info = obj.geo_name;
            else if (stack)
               info = this.getStackFullName(stack);
            if (!info) continue;

            if (info.indexOf('<prnt>') === 0)
               info = this.getItemName() + info.slice(6);


            if (!active_mesh) {
               active_mesh = obj;
               tooltip = info;
               geo_object = obj.geo_object;
               if (obj.get_ctrl) {
                  geo_index = obj.get_ctrl().extractIndex(intersects[k]);
                  if ((geo_index !== undefined) && isStr(tooltip))
                     tooltip += ' indx:' + JSON.stringify(geo_index);
               geo_stack = stack;

               if (geo_stack) {
                  resolve = this.resolveStack(geo_stack);
                  if (obj.stacks) geo_index = intersects[k].instanceId;

         this.highlightMesh(active_mesh, undefined, geo_object, geo_index);

         if (this.ctrl.update_browser) {
            if (this.ctrl.highlight && tooltip) names = [tooltip];

         if (!resolve?.obj)
            return tooltip;

         const lines = provideObjectInfo(resolve.obj);

         return { name: resolve.obj.fName, title: resolve.obj.fTitle || resolve.obj._typename, lines };

      this._controls.processMouseLeave = function() {
         this.processMouseMove([]); // to disable highlight and reset browser

      this._controls.processDblClick = () => {
         // painter already cleaned up, ignore any incoming events
         if (!this.ctrl || !this._controls) return;

         if (this._last_manifest) {
            this._last_manifest.wireframe = !this._last_manifest.wireframe;
            if (this._last_hidden)
               this._last_hidden.forEach(obj => { obj.visible = true; });
            delete this._last_hidden;
            delete this._last_manifest;
         } else


   /** @summary Main function in geometry creation loop
     * @desc Returns:
     * - false when nothing todo
     * - true if one could perform next action immediately
     * - 1 when call after short timeout required
     * - 2 when call must be done from processWorkerReply */
   nextDrawAction() {
      if (!this._clones || this.isStage(stageInit)) return false;

      if (this.isStage(stageCollect)) {
         if (this._geom_viewer) {
            this._draw_all_nodes = false;
            return true;

         // wait until worker is really started
         if (this.ctrl.use_worker > 0) {
            if (!this._worker) { this.startWorker(); return 1; }
            if (!this._worker_ready) return 1;

         // first copy visibility flags and check how many unique visible nodes exists
         let numvis = this._first_drawing ? this._clones.countVisibles() : 0,
             matrix = null, frustum = null;

         if (!numvis)
            numvis = this._clones.markVisibles(false, false, !!this.geo_manager && !this.ctrl.showtop);

         if (this.ctrl.select_in_view && !this._first_drawing) {
            // extract camera projection matrix for selection

            matrix = createProjectionMatrix(this._camera);

            frustum = createFrustum(matrix);

            // check if overall bounding box seen
            if (frustum.CheckBox(this.getGeomBoundingBox())) {
               matrix = null; // not use camera for the moment
               frustum = null;

         this._current_face_limit = this.ctrl.maxfaces;
         if (matrix) this._current_face_limit *= 1.25;

         // here we decide if we need worker for the drawings
         // main reason - too large geometry and large time to scan all camera positions
         let need_worker = !this.isBatchMode() && browser.isChrome && ((numvis > 10000) || (matrix && (this._clones.scanVisible() > 1e5)));

         // worker does not work when starting from file system
         if (need_worker && source_dir.indexOf('file://') === 0) {
            console.log('disable worker for jsroot from file system');
            need_worker = false;

         if (need_worker && !this._worker && (this.ctrl.use_worker >= 0))
            this.startWorker(); // we starting worker, but it may not be ready so fast

         if (!need_worker || !this._worker_ready) {
            const res = this._clones.collectVisibles(this._current_face_limit, frustum);
            this._new_draw_nodes = res.lst;
            this._draw_all_nodes = res.complete;
            return true;

         const job = {
            collect: this._current_face_limit,   // indicator for the command
            flags: this._clones.getVisibleFlags(),
            matrix: matrix ? matrix.elements : null,
            vislevel: this._clones.getVisLevel(),
            maxvisnodes: this._clones.getMaxVisNodes()



         return 2; // we now waiting for the worker reply

      if (this.isStage(stageWorkerCollect)) {
         // do nothing, we are waiting for worker reply
         return 2;

      if (this.isStage(stageAnalyze)) {
         // here we merge new and old list of nodes for drawing,
         // normally operation is fast and can be implemented with one c

         if (this._new_append_nodes) {
            this._new_draw_nodes = this._draw_nodes.concat(this._new_append_nodes);

            delete this._new_append_nodes;
         } else if (this._draw_nodes) {
            let del;
            if (this._geom_viewer)
               del = this._draw_nodes;
               del = this._clones.mergeVisibles(this._new_draw_nodes, this._draw_nodes);

            // remove should be fast, do it here
            for (let n = 0; n < del.length; ++n)
               this._clones.createObject3D(del[n].stack, this._toplevel, 'delete_mesh');

            if (del.length > 0)
               this.drawing_log = `Delete ${del.length} nodes`;

         this._draw_nodes = this._new_draw_nodes;
         delete this._new_draw_nodes;
         return true;

      if (this.isStage(stageCollShapes)) {
         // collect shapes
         const shapes = this._clones.collectShapes(this._draw_nodes);

         // merge old and new list with produced shapes
         this._build_shapes = this._clones.mergeShapesLists(this._build_shapes, shapes);

         return true;

      if (this.isStage(stageStartBuild)) {
         // this is building of geometries,
         // one can ask worker to build them or do it ourself

         if (this.canSubmitToWorker()) {
            const job = { limit: this._current_face_limit, shapes: [] };
            let cnt = 0;
            for (let n = 0; n < this._build_shapes.length; ++n) {
               let cl = null;
               const item = this._build_shapes[n];
               // only submit not-done items
               if (item.ready || item.geom) {
                  // this is place holder for existing geometry
                  cl = { id:, ready: true, nfaces: countGeometryFaces(item.geom), refcnt: item.refcnt };
               } else {
                  cl = clone(item, null, true);


            if (cnt > 0) {
               // only if some geom missing, submit job to the worker
               return 2;


      if (this.isStage(stageWorkerBuild)) {
         // waiting shapes from the worker, worker should activate our code
         return 2;

      if (this.isStage(stageBuild) || this.isStage(stageBuildReady)) {
         if (this.isStage(stageBuild)) {
            // building shapes

            const res = this._clones.buildShapes(this._build_shapes, this._current_face_limit, 500);
            if (res.done) {
      = this._build_shapes.length;
            } else {
      = res.shapes;
               this.drawing_log = `Creating: ${res.shapes} / ${this._build_shapes.length} shapes,  ${res.faces} faces`;
               return true;
               // if (res.notusedshapes < 30) return true;

         // final stage, create all meshes

         const tm0 = new Date().getTime(),
               toplevel = this.ctrl.project ? this._full_geom : this._toplevel;
         let build_instanced = false, ready = true;

         if (!this.ctrl.project)
            build_instanced = this._clones.createInstancedMeshes(this.ctrl, toplevel, this._draw_nodes, this._build_shapes, getRootColors());

         if (!build_instanced) {
            for (let n = 0; n < this._draw_nodes.length; ++n) {
               const entry = this._draw_nodes[n];
               if (entry.done) continue;

               // shape can be provided with entry itself
               const shape = entry.server_shape || this._build_shapes[entry.shapeid];

               this.createEntryMesh(entry, shape, toplevel);

               const tm1 = new Date().getTime();
               if (tm1 - tm0 > 500) { ready = false; break; }

         if (ready) {
            if (this.ctrl.project) {
               return true;
            return false;

         if (!this.isStage(stageBuild))
            this.drawing_log = `Building meshes ${} / ${}`;
         return true;

      if (this.isStage(stageWaitMain)) {
         // wait for main painter to be ready

         if (!this._main_painter) {
            this.changeStage(stageInit, 'Lost main painter');
            return false;
         if (!this._main_painter._drawing_ready) return 1;

         this.changeStage(stageBuildProj); // just do projection

      if (this.isStage(stageBuildProj)) {
         return false;

      console.error(`never come here, stage ${this.drawing_stage}`);

      return false;

   /** @summary Insert appropriate mesh for given entry */
   createEntryMesh(entry, shape, toplevel) {
      // workaround for the TGeoOverlap, where two branches should get predefined color
      if (this._splitColors && entry.stack) {
         if (entry.stack[0] === 0)
            entry.custom_color = 'green';
         else if (entry.stack[0] === 1)
            entry.custom_color = 'blue';

      this._clones.createEntryMesh(this.ctrl, toplevel, entry, shape, getRootColors());

      return true;

   /** @summary used by geometry viewer to show more nodes
     * @desc These nodes excluded from selection logic and always inserted into the model
     * Shape already should be created and assigned to the node */
   appendMoreNodes(nodes, from_drawing) {
      if (!this.isStage(stageInit) && !from_drawing) {
         this._provided_more_nodes = nodes;

      // delete old nodes
      if (this._more_nodes) {
         for (let n = 0; n < this._more_nodes.length; ++n) {
            const entry = this._more_nodes[n],
                obj3d = this._clones.createObject3D(entry.stack, this._toplevel, 'delete_mesh');
            delete entry.server_shape;

      delete this._more_nodes;

      if (!nodes) return;

      const real_nodes = [];

      for (let k = 0; k < nodes.length; ++k) {
         const entry = nodes[k],
             shape = entry.server_shape;
         if (!shape?.ready) continue;

         if (this.createEntryMesh(entry, shape, this._toplevel))

      // remember additional nodes only if they include shape - otherwise one can ignore them
      if (real_nodes.length > 0)
         this._more_nodes = real_nodes;

      if (!from_drawing) this.render3D();

   /** @summary Returns hierarchy of 3D objects used to produce projection.
     * @desc Typically external master painter is used, but also internal data can be used */
   getProjectionSource() {
      if (this._clones_owner)
         return this._full_geom;
      if (!this._main_painter) {
         console.warn('MAIN PAINTER DISAPPER');
         return null;
      if (!this._main_painter._drawing_ready) {
         return null;
      return this._main_painter._toplevel;

   /** @summary Extend custom geometry bounding box */
   extendCustomBoundingBox(box) {
      if (!box) return;
      if (!this._customBoundingBox)
         this._customBoundingBox = new THREE.Box3().makeEmpty();

      const origin = this._customBoundingBox.clone();

      if (!this._customBoundingBox.equals(origin))
         this._adjust_camera_with_render = true;

   /** @summary Calculate geometry bounding box */
   getGeomBoundingBox(topitem, scalar) {
      const box3 = new THREE.Box3(), check_any = !this._clones;
      if (topitem === undefined)
         topitem = this._toplevel;


      if (this._customBoundingBox && (topitem === this._toplevel)) {
         return box3;

      if (!topitem) {
         box3.min.x = box3.min.y = box3.min.z = -1;
         box3.max.x = box3.max.y = box3.max.z = 1;
         return box3;

      topitem.traverse(mesh => {
         if (check_any || (mesh.stack && (mesh instanceof THREE.Mesh)) ||
             (mesh.main_track && (mesh instanceof THREE.LineSegments)) || (mesh.stacks && (mesh instanceof THREE.InstancedMesh)))
            getBoundingBox(mesh, box3);

      if (scalar === 'original') {
         box3.translate(new THREE.Vector3(-topitem.position.x, -topitem.position.y, -topitem.position.z));
         box3.min.multiply(new THREE.Vector3(1/topitem.scale.x, 1/topitem.scale.y, 1/topitem.scale.z));
         box3.max.multiply(new THREE.Vector3(1/topitem.scale.x, 1/topitem.scale.y, 1/topitem.scale.z));
      } else if (scalar !== undefined)
         box3.expandByVector(box3.getSize(new THREE.Vector3()).multiplyScalar(scalar));

      return box3;

   /** @summary Create geometry projection */
   doProjection() {
      const toplevel = this.getProjectionSource();

      if (!toplevel) return false;

      disposeThreejsObject(this._toplevel, true);

      // let axis = this.ctrl.project;

      if (this.ctrl.projectPos === undefined) {
         const bound = this.getGeomBoundingBox(toplevel),
               min = bound.min[this.ctrl.project], max = bound.max[this.ctrl.project];
         let mean = (min + max)/2;

         if ((min < 0) && (max > 0) && (Math.abs(mean) < 0.2*Math.max(-min, max))) mean = 0; // if middle is around 0, use 0

         this.ctrl.projectPos = mean;

      toplevel.traverse(mesh => {
         if (!(mesh instanceof THREE.Mesh) || !mesh.stack) return;

         const geom2 = projectGeometry(mesh.geometry, mesh.parent.absMatrix || mesh.parent.matrixWorld, this.ctrl.project, this.ctrl.projectPos, mesh._flippedMesh);

         if (!geom2) return;

         const mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(geom2, mesh.material.clone());


         mesh2.stack = mesh.stack;

      return true;

   /** @summary Should be invoked when light configuration changed */
   changedLight(box) {
      if (!this._camera) return;

      const need_render = !box;

      if (!box) box = this.getGeomBoundingBox();

      const sizex = box.max.x - box.min.x,
          sizey = box.max.y - box.min.y,
          sizez = box.max.z - box.min.z,
          plights = [], p = (this.ctrl.light.power ?? 1) * 0.5;

      if (this._camera._lights !== this.ctrl.light.kind) {
         // remove all childs and recreate only necessary lights
         disposeThreejsObject(this._camera, true);

         this._camera._lights = this.ctrl.light.kind;

         switch (this._camera._lights) {
            case 'ambient' : this._camera.add(new THREE.AmbientLight(0xefefef, p)); break;
            case 'hemisphere' : this._camera.add(new THREE.HemisphereLight(0xffffbb, 0x080820, p)); break;
            case 'mix': this._camera.add(new THREE.AmbientLight(0xefefef, p)); // intentionally without break
            default: // 6 point lights
               for (let n = 0; n < 6; ++n) {
                  const l = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xefefef, p);
                  l._id = n;

      for (let k = 0; k < this._camera.children.length; ++k) {
         const light = this._camera.children[k];
         let enabled = false;
         if (light.isAmbientLight || light.isHemisphereLight) {
            light.intensity = p;
         if (!light.isDirectionalLight) continue;
         switch (light._id) {
            case 0: light.position.set(sizex/5, sizey/5, sizez/5); enabled = this.ctrl.light.specular; break;
            case 1: light.position.set(0, 0, sizez/2); enabled = this.ctrl.light.front; break;
            case 2: light.position.set(0, 2*sizey, 0); enabled =; break;
            case 3: light.position.set(0, -2*sizey, 0); enabled = this.ctrl.light.bottom; break;
            case 4: light.position.set(-2*sizex, 0, 0); enabled = this.ctrl.light.left; break;
            case 5: light.position.set(2*sizex, 0, 0); enabled = this.ctrl.light.right; break;
         light.power = enabled ? p*Math.PI*4 : 0;
         if (enabled) plights.push(light);

      // keep light power of all sources constant
      plights.forEach(ll => { ll.power = p*4*Math.PI/plights.length; });

      if (need_render) this.render3D();

   /** @summary Returns true if orthographic camera is used */
   isOrthoCamera() {
      return this.ctrl.camera_kind.indexOf('ortho') === 0;

   /** @summary Create configured camera */
   createCamera() {
      if (this._camera) {
          delete this._camera;

      if (this.isOrthoCamera())
         this._camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-this._scene_width/2, this._scene_width/2, this._scene_height/2, -this._scene_height/2, 1, 10000);
       else {
         this._camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(25, this._scene_width / this._scene_height, 1, 10000);
         this._camera.up = this.ctrl._yup ? new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0) : new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);

      // Light - add default directional light, adjust later
      const light = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xefefef, 0.1);
      light.position.set(10, 10, 10);


   /** @summary Create special effects */
   createSpecialEffects() {
      if (this._webgl && this.ctrl.outline && isFunc(this.createOutline)) {
         // code used with jsroot-based geometry drawing in EVE7, not important any longer
         this._effectComposer = new THREE.EffectComposer(this._renderer);
         this._effectComposer.addPass(new THREE.RenderPass(this._scene, this._camera));
         this.createOutline(this._scene_width, this._scene_height);


   /** @summary Initial scene creation */
   async createScene(w, h, render3d) {
      if (this.superimpose) {
         const cfg = getHistPainter3DCfg(this.getMainPainter());

         if (cfg?.renderer) {
            this._scene = cfg.scene;
            this._scene_width = cfg.scene_width;
            this._scene_height = cfg.scene_height;
            this._renderer = cfg.renderer;
            this._webgl = (this._renderer.jsroot_render3d === constants.Render3D.WebGL);

            this._toplevel = new THREE.Object3D();

            if (cfg.scale_x || cfg.scale_y || cfg.scale_z)
               this._toplevel.scale.set(cfg.scale_x, cfg.scale_y, cfg.scale_z);
            if (cfg.offset_x || cfg.offset_y || cfg.offset_z)
               this._toplevel.position.set(cfg.offset_x, cfg.offset_y, cfg.offset_z);

            this._camera =;

         return this._renderer?.jsroot_dom;

      return importThreeJs().then(() => {
         // three.js 3D drawing
         this._scene = new THREE.Scene();
         this._fog = new THREE.Fog(0xffffff, 1, 10000);
         this._scene.fog = this.ctrl.use_fog ? this._fog : null;

         this._scene.overrideMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0x7000ff, vertexColors: false, transparent: true, opacity: 0.2, depthTest: false });

         this._scene_width = w;
         this._scene_height = h;


         this._selected_mesh = null;

         this._overall_size = 10;

         this._toplevel = new THREE.Object3D();


         this._scene.background = new THREE.Color(this.ctrl.background);

         return createRender3D(w, h, render3d, { antialias: true, logarithmicDepthBuffer: false, preserveDrawingBuffer: true });
      }).then(r => {
         this._renderer = r;

         if (this.batch_format)
            r.jsroot_image_format = this.batch_format;

         this._webgl = (r.jsroot_render3d === constants.Render3D.WebGL);

         if (isFunc(r.setPixelRatio) && !isNodeJs() && !
         r.setSize(w, h, !this._fit_main_area);
         r.localClippingEnabled = true;

         r.setClearColor(this._scene.background, 1);

         if (this._fit_main_area && this._webgl) {
   = '100%';
   = '100%';
            const main = this.selectDom();
            if ('position') === 'static')
     'position', 'relative');

         this._animating = false;

         this.ctrl.doubleside = false; // both sides need for clipping

         if (this._fit_main_area && !this._webgl) {
            // create top-most SVG for geometry drawings
            const doc = getDocument(),
                  svg = doc.createElementNS(nsSVG, 'svg');
            svg.setAttribute('width', w);
            svg.setAttribute('height', h);
            return svg;

         return this._renderer.jsroot_dom;

   /** @summary Start geometry drawing */
   startDrawGeometry(force) {
      if (!force && !this.isStage(stageInit)) {
         this._draw_nodes_again = true;

      if (this._clones_owner && this._clones)

      this._startm = new Date().getTime();
      this._last_render_tm = this._startm;
      this._last_render_meshes = 0;
      this._drawing_ready = false; = 0; = 0; = 0;
      this._selected_mesh = null;

      if (this.ctrl.project) {
         if (this._clones_owner) {
            if (this._full_geom)
               this._full_geom = new THREE.Object3D();
         } else

      delete this._last_manifest;
      delete this._last_hidden; // clear list of hidden objects

      delete this._draw_nodes_again; // forget about such flag


   /** @summary reset all kind of advanced features like depth test */
   resetAdvanced() {
      this.ctrl.depthTest = true;
      this.ctrl.clipIntersect = true;
      this.ctrl.depthMethod = 'ray';


   /** @summary returns maximal dimension */
   getOverallSize(force) {
      if (!this._overall_size || force || this._customBoundingBox) {
         const box = this.getGeomBoundingBox();

         // if detect of coordinates fails - ignore
         if (!Number.isFinite(box.min.x)) return 1000;

         this._overall_size = 2 * Math.max(box.max.x - box.min.x, box.max.y - box.min.y, box.max.z - box.min.z);

      return this._overall_size;

   /** @summary Create png image with drawing snapshot. */
   createSnapshot(filename) {
      if (!this._renderer) return;
      const dataUrl = this._renderer.domElement.toDataURL('image/png');
      if (filename === 'asis') return dataUrl;
      dataUrl.replace('image/png', 'image/octet-stream');
      const doc = getDocument(),
            link = doc.createElement('a');
      if (isStr( {
         doc.body.appendChild(link); // Firefox requires the link to be in the body = filename || 'geometry.png';
         link.href = dataUrl;;
         doc.body.removeChild(link); // remove the link when done

   /** @summary Returns url parameters defining camera position.
     * @desc Either absolute position are provided (arg === true) or zoom, roty, rotz parameters */
   produceCameraUrl(arg) {
      if (!this._camera)
         return '';

      if (this._camera.isOrthographicCamera) {
         const zoom = Math.round(this._camera.zoom * 100);
         return this.ctrl.camera_kind + (zoom === 100 ? '' : `,zoom=${zoom}`);

      let kind = '';
      if (this.ctrl.camera_kind !== 'perspective')
        kind = this.ctrl.camera_kind + ',';

      if (arg === true) {
         const p = this._camera?.position, t = this._controls?.target;
         if (!p || !t) return '';

         const conv = v => {
            let s = '';
            if (v < 0) { s = 'n'; v = -v; }
            return s + v.toFixed(0);

         let res = `${kind}camx${conv(p.x)},camy${conv(p.y)},camz${conv(p.z)}`;
         if (t.x || t.y || t.z) res += `,camlx${conv(t.x)},camly${conv(t.y)},camlz${conv(t.z)}`;
         return res;

      if (!this._lookat || !this._camera0pos)
         return '';

      const pos1 = new THREE.Vector3().add(this._camera0pos).sub(this._lookat),
            pos2 = new THREE.Vector3().add(this._camera.position).sub(this._lookat),
            zoom = Math.min(10000, Math.max(1, this.ctrl.zoom * pos2.length() / pos1.length() * 100));


      const quat = new THREE.Quaternion(), euler = new THREE.Euler();

      quat.setFromUnitVectors(pos1, pos2);
      euler.setFromQuaternion(quat, 'YZX');

      let roty = euler.y / Math.PI * 180,
          rotz = euler.z / Math.PI * 180;

      if (roty < 0) roty += 360;
      if (rotz < 0) rotz += 360;
      return `${kind}roty${roty.toFixed(0)},rotz${rotz.toFixed(0)},zoom${zoom.toFixed(0)}`;

   /** @summary Calculates current zoom factor */
   calculateZoom() {
      if (this._camera0pos && this._camera && this._lookat) {
         const pos1 = new THREE.Vector3().add(this._camera0pos).sub(this._lookat),
               pos2 = new THREE.Vector3().add(this._camera.position).sub(this._lookat);
         return pos2.length() / pos1.length();

      return 0;

   /** @summary Place camera to default position,
     * @param arg - true forces camera readjustment, 'first' is called when suppose to be first after complete drawing
     * @param keep_zoom - tries to keep zooming factor of the camera */
   adjustCameraPosition(arg, keep_zoom) {
      if (!this._toplevel || this.superimpose) return;

      const force = (arg === true),
          first_time = (arg === 'first') || force,
          only_set = (arg === 'only_set'),
          box = this.getGeomBoundingBox();

      // let box2 = new THREE.Box3().makeEmpty();
      // box2.expandByObject(this._toplevel, true);
      // console.log('min,max', box.min.x, box.max.x, box.min.y, box.max.y, box.min.z, box.max.z );

      // if detect of coordinates fails - ignore
      if (!Number.isFinite(box.min.x)) {
         console.log('FAILS to get geometry bounding box');

      const sizex = box.max.x - box.min.x,
            sizey = box.max.y - box.min.y,
            sizez = box.max.z - box.min.z,
            midx = (box.max.x + box.min.x)/2,
            midy = (box.max.y + box.min.y)/2,
            midz = (box.max.z + box.min.z)/2,
            more = this.ctrl._axis || (this.ctrl.camera_overlay === 'bar') ? 0.2 : 0.1;

      if (this._scene_size && !force) {
         const d = this._scene_size, test = (v1, v2, scale) => {
            if (!scale) scale = Math.abs((v1+v2)/2);
            return scale <= 1e-20 ? true : Math.abs(v2-v1)/scale > 0.01;
          large_change = test(sizex, d.sizex) || test(sizey, d.sizey) || test(sizez, d.sizez) ||
                            test(midx, d.midx, d.sizex) || test(midy, d.midy, d.sizey) || test(midz, d.midz, d.sizez);
         if (!large_change) {
            if (this.ctrl.select_in_view)

      this._scene_size = { sizex, sizey, sizez, midx, midy, midz };

      this._overall_size = 2 * Math.max(sizex, sizey, sizez);

      this._camera.near = this._overall_size / 350;
      this._camera.far = this._overall_size * 100;
      this._fog.near = this._overall_size * 0.5;
      this._fog.far = this._overall_size * 5;

      if (first_time) {
         for (let naxis = 0; naxis < 3; ++naxis) {
            const cc = this.ctrl.clip[naxis];
            cc.min = box.min[];
            cc.max = box.max[];
            const sz = cc.max - cc.min;
            cc.max += sz*0.01;
            cc.min -= sz*0.01;
            if (sz > 100)
               cc.step = 0.1;
            else if (sz > 1)
               cc.step = 0.001;
               cc.step = undefined;

            if (!cc.value)
               cc.value = (cc.min + cc.max) / 2;
            else if (cc.value < cc.min)
               cc.value = cc.min;
            else if (cc.value > cc.max)
               cc.value = cc.max;

      let k = 2*this.ctrl.zoom;
      const max_all = Math.max(sizex, sizey, sizez),
            sign = this.ctrl.camera_kind.indexOf('N') > 0 ? -1 : 1;

      this._lookat = new THREE.Vector3(midx, midy, midz);
      this._camera0pos = new THREE.Vector3(-2*max_all, 0, 0); // virtual 0 position, where rotation starts


      if ((this.ctrl.rotatey || this.ctrl.rotatez) && this.ctrl.can_rotate) {
         const prev_zoom = this.calculateZoom();
         if (keep_zoom && prev_zoom) k = 2*prev_zoom;

         const euler = new THREE.Euler(0, this.ctrl.rotatey/180*Math.PI, this.ctrl.rotatez/180*Math.PI, 'YZX');

         this._camera.position.set(-k*max_all, 0, 0);
         this._camera.position.add(new THREE.Vector3(midx, midy, midz));

         if (keep_zoom && prev_zoom) {
            const actual_zoom = this.calculateZoom();
            k *= prev_zoom/actual_zoom;

            this._camera.position.set(-k*max_all, 0, 0);
            this._camera.position.add(new THREE.Vector3(midx, midy, midz));
      } else if (this.ctrl.camx !== undefined && this.ctrl.camy !== undefined && this.ctrl.camz !== undefined) {
         this._camera.position.set(this.ctrl.camx, this.ctrl.camy, this.ctrl.camz);
         this._lookat.set(this.ctrl.camlx || 0, this.ctrl.camly || 0, this.ctrl.camlz || 0);
         this.ctrl.camx = this.ctrl.camy = this.ctrl.camz = this.ctrl.camlx = this.ctrl.camly = this.ctrl.camlz = undefined;
      } else if ((this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'orthoXOY') || (this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'orthoXNOY')) {
         this._camera.up.set(0, 1, 0);
         this._camera.position.set(sign < 0 ? midx*2 : 0, 0, midz + sign*sizez*2);
         this._lookat.set(sign < 0 ? midx*2 : 0, 0, midz);
         this._camera.left = box.min.x - more*sizex;
         this._camera.right = box.max.x + more*sizex; = box.max.y + more*sizey;
         this._camera.bottom = box.min.y - more*sizey;
         if (!keep_zoom) this._camera.zoom = this.ctrl.zoom || 1;
         this._camera.orthoSign = sign;
         this._camera.orthoZ = [midz, sizez/2];
      } else if ((this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'orthoXOZ') || (this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'orthoXNOZ')) {
         this._camera.up.set(0, 0, 1);
         this._camera.position.set(sign < 0 ? midx*2 : 0, midy - sign*sizey*2, 0);
         this._lookat.set(sign < 0 ? midx*2 : 0, midy, 0);
         this._camera.left = box.min.x - more*sizex;
         this._camera.right = box.max.x + more*sizex; = box.max.z + more*sizez;
         this._camera.bottom = box.min.z - more*sizez;
         if (!keep_zoom) this._camera.zoom = this.ctrl.zoom || 1;
         this._camera.orthoIndicies = [0, 2, 1];
         this._camera.orthoRotation = geom => geom.rotateX(Math.PI/2);
         this._camera.orthoSign = sign;
         this._camera.orthoZ = [midy, -sizey/2];
      } else if ((this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'orthoZOY') || (this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'orthoZNOY')) {
         this._camera.up.set(0, 1, 0);
         this._camera.position.set(midx - sign*sizex*2, 0, sign < 0 ? midz*2 : 0);
         this._lookat.set(midx, 0, sign < 0 ? midz*2 : 0);
         this._camera.left = box.min.z - more*sizez;
         this._camera.right = box.max.z + more*sizez; = box.max.y + more*sizey;
         this._camera.bottom = box.min.y - more*sizey;
         if (!keep_zoom) this._camera.zoom = this.ctrl.zoom || 1;
         this._camera.orthoIndicies = [2, 1, 0];
         this._camera.orthoRotation = geom => geom.rotateY(-Math.PI/2);
         this._camera.orthoSign = sign;
         this._camera.orthoZ = [midx, -sizex/2];
      } else if ((this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'orthoZOX') || (this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'orthoZNOX')) {
         this._camera.up.set(1, 0, 0);
         this._camera.position.set(0, midy - sign*sizey*2, sign > 0 ? midz*2 : 0);
         this._lookat.set(0, midy, sign > 0 ? midz*2 : 0);
         this._camera.left = box.min.z - more*sizez;
         this._camera.right = box.max.z + more*sizez; = box.max.x + more*sizex;
         this._camera.bottom = box.min.x - more*sizex;
         if (!keep_zoom) this._camera.zoom = this.ctrl.zoom || 1;
         this._camera.orthoIndicies = [2, 0, 1];
         this._camera.orthoRotation = geom => geom.rotateX(Math.PI/2).rotateY(Math.PI/2);
         this._camera.orthoSign = sign;
         this._camera.orthoZ = [midy, -sizey/2];
      } else if (this.ctrl.project) {
         switch (this.ctrl.project) {
            case 'x': this._camera.position.set(k*1.5*Math.max(sizey, sizez), 0, 0); break;
            case 'y': this._camera.position.set(0, k*1.5*Math.max(sizex, sizez), 0); break;
            case 'z': this._camera.position.set(0, 0, k*1.5*Math.max(sizex, sizey)); break;
      } else if (this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'perspXOZ') {
         this._camera.up.set(0, 1, 0);
         this._camera.position.set(midx - 3*max_all, midy, midz);
      } else if (this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'perspYOZ') {
         this._camera.up.set(1, 0, 0);
         this._camera.position.set(midx, midy - 3*max_all, midz);
      } else if (this.ctrl.camera_kind === 'perspXOY') {
         this._camera.up.set(0, 0, 1);
         this._camera.position.set(midx - 3*max_all, midy, midz);
      } else if (this.ctrl._yup) {
         this._camera.up.set(0, 1, 0);
         this._camera.position.set(midx-k*Math.max(sizex, sizez), midy+k*sizey, midz-k*Math.max(sizex, sizez));
      } else {
         this._camera.up.set(0, 0, 1);
         this._camera.position.set(midx-k*Math.max(sizex, sizey), midy-k*Math.max(sizex, sizey), midz+k*sizez);

      if (this._camera.isOrthographicCamera && this.isOrthoCamera() && this._scene_width && this._scene_height) {
         const screen_ratio = this._scene_width / this._scene_height,
             szx = this._camera.right - this._camera.left, szy = - this._camera.bottom;

         if (screen_ratio > szx / szy) {
            // screen wider than actual geometry
            const m = (this._camera.right + this._camera.left) / 2;
            this._camera.left = m - szy * screen_ratio / 2;
            this._camera.right = m + szy * screen_ratio / 2;
         } else {
            // screen higher than actual geometry
            const m = ( + this._camera.bottom) / 2;
   = m + szx / screen_ratio / 2;
            this._camera.bottom = m - szx / screen_ratio / 2;



      if (this._controls) {;
         if (!only_set) this._controls.update();

      // recheck which elements to draw
      if (this.ctrl.select_in_view && !only_set)

   /** @summary Specifies camera position as rotation around geometry center */
   setCameraPosition(rotatey, rotatez, zoom) {
      if (!this.ctrl) return;
      this.ctrl.rotatey = rotatey || 0;
      this.ctrl.rotatez = rotatez || 0;
      let preserve_zoom = false;
      if (zoom && Number.isFinite(zoom))
         this.ctrl.zoom = zoom;
         preserve_zoom = true;

      this.adjustCameraPosition(false, preserve_zoom);

   /** @summary Specifies camera position and point to which it looks to
       @desc Both specified in absolute coordinates */
   setCameraPositionAndLook(camx, camy, camz, lookx, looky, lookz) {
      if (!this.ctrl)
      this.ctrl.camx = camx;
      this.ctrl.camy = camy;
      this.ctrl.camz = camz;
      this.ctrl.camlx = lookx;
      this.ctrl.camly = looky;
      this.ctrl.camlz = lookz;

   /** @summary focus on item */
   focusOnItem(itemname) {
      if (!itemname || !this._clones) return;

      const stack = this._clones.findStackByName(itemname);

      if (stack)
         this.focusCamera(this._clones.resolveStack(stack, true), false);

   /** @summary focus camera on specified position */
   focusCamera(focus, autoClip) {
      if (this.ctrl.project || this.isOrthoCamera()) {
         return this.render3D();

      let box = new THREE.Box3();
      if (focus === undefined)
         box = this.getGeomBoundingBox();
       else if (focus instanceof THREE.Mesh)
       else {
         const center = new THREE.Vector3().setFromMatrixPosition(focus.matrix),
             node = focus.node,
             halfDelta = new THREE.Vector3(node.fDX, node.fDY, node.fDZ).multiplyScalar(0.5);
         box.min = center.clone().sub(halfDelta);
         box.max = center.clone().add(halfDelta);

      const sizex = box.max.x - box.min.x,
          sizey = box.max.y - box.min.y,
          sizez = box.max.z - box.min.z,
          midx = (box.max.x + box.min.x)/2,
          midy = (box.max.y + box.min.y)/2,
          midz = (box.max.z + box.min.z)/2;

      let position, frames = 50, step = 0;
      if (this.ctrl._yup)
         position = new THREE.Vector3(midx-2*Math.max(sizex, sizez), midy+2*sizey, midz-2*Math.max(sizex, sizez));
         position = new THREE.Vector3(midx-2*Math.max(sizex, sizey), midy-2*Math.max(sizex, sizey), midz+2*sizez);

      const target = new THREE.Vector3(midx, midy, midz),
            oldTarget =,
            // Amount to change camera position at each step
            posIncrement = position.sub(this._camera.position).divideScalar(frames),
            // Amount to change 'lookAt' so it will end pointed at target
            targetIncrement = target.sub(oldTarget).divideScalar(frames);

      autoClip = autoClip && this._webgl;

      // Automatic Clipping
      if (autoClip) {
         for (let axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis) {
            const cc = this.ctrl.clip[axis];
            if (!cc.enabled) { cc.value = cc.min; cc.enabled = true; }
   = ((cc.min + cc.max) / 2 - cc.value) / frames;

      this._animating = true;

      // Interpolate //

      const animate = () => {
         if (this._animating === undefined) return;

         if (this._animating)
          else {
            if (!this._geom_viewer)
         const smoothFactor = -Math.cos((2.0*Math.PI*step)/frames) + 1.0;
         this._lookat = oldTarget;

         const tm1 = new Date().getTime();
         if (autoClip) {
            for (let axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis)
               this.ctrl.clip[axis].value += this.ctrl.clip[axis].inc * smoothFactor;
         } else

         const tm2 = new Date().getTime();
         if ((step === 0) && (tm2-tm1 > 200)) frames = 20;
         this._animating = step < frames;


   //   this._controls.update();

   /** @summary activate auto rotate */
   autorotate(speed) {
      const rotSpeed = (speed === undefined) ? 2.0 : speed;
      let last = new Date();

      const animate = () => {
         if (!this._renderer || !this.ctrl) return;

         const current = new Date();

         if (this.ctrl.rotate)

         if (this._controls) {
            this._controls.autoRotate = this.ctrl.rotate;
            this._controls.autoRotateSpeed = rotSpeed * (current.getTime() - last.getTime()) / 16.6666;
         last = new Date();

      if (this._webgl) animate();

   /** @summary called at the end of scene drawing */
   completeScene() {

   /** @summary Drawing with 'count' option
     * @desc Scans hierarchy and check for unique nodes
     * @return {Promise} with object drawing ready */
   async drawCount(unqievis, clonetm) {
      const makeTime = tm => (this.isBatchMode() ? 'anytime' : tm.toString()) + ' ms',

       res = ['Unique nodes: ' + this._clones.nodes.length,
                  'Unique visible: ' + unqievis,
                  'Time to clone: ' + makeTime(clonetm)];

      // need to fill cached value line numvischld

      let nshapes = 0;
      const arg = {
         clones: this._clones,
         cnt: [],
         func(node) {
            if (this.cnt[this.last] === undefined)
               this.cnt[this.last] = 1;

            nshapes += countNumShapes(this.clones.getNodeShape(;
            return true;

      let tm1 = new Date().getTime(),
          numvis = this._clones.scanVisible(arg),
          tm2 = new Date().getTime();

      res.push(`Total visible nodes: ${numvis}`, `Total shapes: ${nshapes}`);

      for (let lvl = 0; lvl < arg.cnt.length; ++lvl) {
         if (arg.cnt[lvl] !== undefined)
            res.push(`  lvl${lvl}: ${arg.cnt[lvl]}`);

      res.push(`Time to scan: ${makeTime(tm2-tm1)}`, '', 'Check timing for matrix calculations ...');

      const elem = this.selectDom().style('overflow', 'auto');

      if (this.isBatchMode())'_json_object_', res);
         res.forEach(str => elem.append('p').text(str));

      return postponePromise(() => {
         arg.domatrix = true;
         tm1 = new Date().getTime();
         numvis = this._clones.scanVisible(arg);
         tm2 = new Date().getTime();

         const last_str = `Time to scan with matrix: ${makeTime(tm2-tm1)}`;
         if (this.isBatchMode())
         return this;
      }, 100);

   /** @summary Handle drop operation
     * @desc opt parameter can include function name like opt$func_name
     * Such function should be possible to find via {@link findFunction}
     * Function has to return Promise with objects to draw on geometry
     * By default function with name 'extract_geo_tracks' is checked
     * @return {Promise} handling of drop operation */
   async performDrop(obj, itemname, hitem, opt) {
      if (obj?.$kind === 'TTree') {
         // drop tree means function call which must extract tracks from provided tree

         let funcname = 'extract_geo_tracks';

         if (opt && opt.indexOf('$') > 0) {
            funcname = opt.slice(0, opt.indexOf('$'));
            opt = opt.slice(opt.indexOf('$')+1);

         const func = findFunction(funcname);

         if (!func) return Promise.reject(Error(`Function ${funcname} not found`));

         return func(obj, opt).then(tracks => {
            if (!tracks) return this;

            // FIXME: probably tracks should be remembered?
            return this.drawExtras(tracks, '', false).then(() => {
               return this.render3D(100);

      return this.drawExtras(obj, itemname).then(is_any => {
         if (!is_any) return this;

         if (hitem) hitem._painter = this; // set for the browser item back pointer

         return this.render3D(100);

   /** @summary function called when mouse is going over the item in the browser */
   mouseOverHierarchy(on, itemname, hitem) {
      if (!this.ctrl) return; // protection for cleaned-up painter

      const obj = hitem._obj;

      // let's highlight tracks and hits only for the time being
      if (!obj || (obj._typename !== clTEveTrack && obj._typename !== clTEvePointSet && obj._typename !== clTPolyMarker3D)) return;

      this.highlightMesh(null, 0x00ff00, on ? obj : null);

   /** @summary clear extra drawn objects like tracks or hits */
   clearExtras() {
      delete this._extraObjects; // workaround, later will be normal function

   /** @summary Register extra objects like tracks or hits
    * @desc Rendered after main geometry volumes are created
    * Check if object already exists to prevent duplication */
   addExtra(obj, itemname) {
      if (this._extraObjects === undefined)
         this._extraObjects = create(clTList);

      if (this._extraObjects.arr.indexOf(obj) >= 0)
         return false;

      this._extraObjects.Add(obj, itemname);

      delete obj.$hidden_via_menu; // remove previous hidden property

      return true;

   /** @summary manipulate visibility of extra objects, used for HierarchyPainter
     * @private */
   extraObjectVisible(hpainter, hitem, toggle) {
      if (!this._extraObjects) return;

      const itemname = hpainter.itemFullName(hitem);
      let indx = this._extraObjects.opt.indexOf(itemname);

      if ((indx < 0) && hitem._obj) {
         indx = this._extraObjects.arr.indexOf(hitem._obj);
         // workaround - if object found, replace its name
         if (indx >= 0) this._extraObjects.opt[indx] = itemname;

      if (indx < 0) return;

      const obj = this._extraObjects.arr[indx];
      let res = !!obj.$hidden_via_menu;

      if (toggle) {
         obj.$hidden_via_menu = res;
         res = !res;

         let mesh = null;
         // either found painted object or just draw once again
         this._toplevel.traverse(node => { if (node.geo_object === obj) mesh = node; });

         if (mesh) {
            mesh.visible = res;
         } else if (res) {
            this.drawExtras(obj, '', false).then(() => {

      return res;

   /** @summary Draw extra object like tracks
     * @return {Promise} for ready */
   async drawExtras(obj, itemname, add_objects, not_wait_render) {
      // if object was hidden via menu, do not redraw it with next draw call
      if (!obj?._typename || (!add_objects && obj.$hidden_via_menu))
         return false;

      let do_render = false;
      if (add_objects === undefined) {
         add_objects = true;
         do_render = true;
      } else if (not_wait_render)
         do_render = true;

      let promise = false;

      if ((obj._typename === clTList) || (obj._typename === clTObjArray)) {
         if (!obj.arr) return false;
         const parr = [];
         for (let n = 0; n < obj.arr.length; ++n) {
            const sobj = obj.arr[n];
            let sname = obj.opt ? obj.opt[n] : '';
            if (!sname) sname = (itemname || '<prnt>') + `/[${n}]`;
            parr.push(this.drawExtras(sobj, sname, add_objects));
         promise = Promise.all(parr).then(ress => ress.indexOf(true) >= 0);
      } else if (obj._typename === 'Mesh') {
         // adding mesh as is
         promise = Promise.resolve(true);
      } else if (obj._typename === 'TGeoTrack') {
         if (!add_objects || this.addExtra(obj, itemname))
            promise = this.drawGeoTrack(obj, itemname);
      } else if (obj._typename === clTPolyLine3D) {
         if (!add_objects || this.addExtra(obj, itemname))
            promise = this.drawPolyLine(obj, itemname);
      } else if ((obj._typename === clTEveTrack) || (obj._typename === `${nsREX}REveTrack`)) {
         if (!add_objects || this.addExtra(obj, itemname))
            promise = this.drawEveTrack(obj, itemname);
      } else if ((obj._typename === clTEvePointSet) || (obj._typename === `${nsREX}REvePointSet`) || (obj._typename === clTPolyMarker3D)) {
         if (!add_objects || this.addExtra(obj, itemname))
            promise = this.drawHit(obj, itemname);
      } else if ((obj._typename === clTEveGeoShapeExtract) || (obj._typename === clREveGeoShapeExtract)) {
         if (!add_objects || this.addExtra(obj, itemname))
            promise = this.drawExtraShape(obj, itemname);

      return getPromise(promise).then(is_any => {
         if (!is_any || !do_render)
            return is_any;


         const pr = this.render3D(100, not_wait_render ? 'nopromise' : false);

         return not_wait_render ? this : pr;

   /** @summary returns container for extra objects */
   getExtrasContainer(action, name) {
      if (!this._toplevel) return null;

      if (!name) name = 'tracks';

      let extras = null;
      const lst = [];
      for (let n = 0; n < this._toplevel.children.length; ++n) {
         const chld = this._toplevel.children[n];
         if (!chld._extras) continue;
         if (action === 'collect') { lst.push(chld); continue; }
         if (chld._extras === name) { extras = chld; break; }

      if (action === 'collect') {
         for (let k = 0; k < lst.length; ++k)
         return lst;

      if (action === 'delete') {
         if (extras) this._toplevel.remove(extras);
         return null;

      if ((action !== 'get') && !extras) {
         extras = new THREE.Object3D();
         extras._extras = name;

      return extras;

   /** @summary add object to extras container.
     * @desc If fail, dispose object */
   addToExtrasContainer(obj, name) {
      const container = this.getExtrasContainer('', name);
      if (container)
       else {
         console.warn('Fail to add object to extras');

   /** @summary drawing TGeoTrack */
   drawGeoTrack(track, itemname) {
      if (!track?.fNpoints) return false;

      const linewidth = browser.isWin ? 1 : (track.fLineWidth || 1), // line width not supported on windows
            color = getColor(track.fLineColor) || '#ff00ff',
            npoints = Math.round(track.fNpoints/4), // each track point has [x,y,z,t] coordinate
            buf = new Float32Array((npoints-1)*6),
            projv = this.ctrl.projectPos,
            projx = (this.ctrl.project === 'x'),
            projy = (this.ctrl.project === 'y'),
            projz = (this.ctrl.project === 'z');

      for (let k = 0, pos = 0; k < npoints-1; ++k, pos+=6) {
         buf[pos] = projx ? projv : track.fPoints[k*4];
         buf[pos+1] = projy ? projv : track.fPoints[k*4+1];
         buf[pos+2] = projz ? projv : track.fPoints[k*4+2];
         buf[pos+3] = projx ? projv : track.fPoints[k*4+4];
         buf[pos+4] = projy ? projv : track.fPoints[k*4+5];
         buf[pos+5] = projz ? projv : track.fPoints[k*4+6];

      const lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color, linewidth }),
            line = createLineSegments(buf, lineMaterial);

      line.defaultOrder = line.renderOrder = 1000000; // to bring line to the front
      line.geo_name = itemname;
      line.geo_object = track;
      line.hightlightWidthScale = 2;

      if (itemname?.indexOf('<prnt>/Tracks') === 0)
         line.main_track = true;


      return true;

   /** @summary drawing TPolyLine3D */
   drawPolyLine(line, itemname) {
      if (!line) return false;

      const linewidth = browser.isWin ? 1 : (line.fLineWidth || 1),
            color = getColor(line.fLineColor) || '#ff00ff',
            npoints = line.fN,
            fP = line.fP,
            buf = new Float32Array((npoints-1)*6),
            projv = this.ctrl.projectPos,
            projx = (this.ctrl.project === 'x'),
            projy = (this.ctrl.project === 'y'),
            projz = (this.ctrl.project === 'z');

      for (let k = 0, pos = 0; k < npoints-1; ++k, pos += 6) {
         buf[pos] = projx ? projv : fP[k*3];
         buf[pos+1] = projy ? projv : fP[k*3+1];
         buf[pos+2] = projz ? projv : fP[k*3+2];
         buf[pos+3] = projx ? projv : fP[k*3+3];
         buf[pos+4] = projy ? projv : fP[k*3+4];
         buf[pos+5] = projz ? projv : fP[k*3+5];

      const lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color, linewidth }),
          line3d = createLineSegments(buf, lineMaterial);

      line3d.defaultOrder = line3d.renderOrder = 1000000; // to bring line to the front
      line3d.geo_name = itemname;
      line3d.geo_object = line;
      line3d.hightlightWidthScale = 2;


      return true;

   /** @summary Drawing TEveTrack */
   drawEveTrack(track, itemname) {
      if (!track || (track.fN <= 0)) return false;

      const linewidth = browser.isWin ? 1 : (track.fLineWidth || 1),
            color = getColor(track.fLineColor) || '#ff00ff',
            buf = new Float32Array((track.fN-1)*6),
            projv = this.ctrl.projectPos,
            projx = (this.ctrl.project === 'x'),
            projy = (this.ctrl.project === 'y'),
            projz = (this.ctrl.project === 'z');

      for (let k = 0, pos = 0; k < track.fN-1; ++k, pos+=6) {
         buf[pos] = projx ? projv : track.fP[k*3];
         buf[pos+1] = projy ? projv : track.fP[k*3+1];
         buf[pos+2] = projz ? projv : track.fP[k*3+2];
         buf[pos+3] = projx ? projv : track.fP[k*3+3];
         buf[pos+4] = projy ? projv : track.fP[k*3+4];
         buf[pos+5] = projz ? projv : track.fP[k*3+5];

      const lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color, linewidth }),
            line = createLineSegments(buf, lineMaterial);

      line.defaultOrder = line.renderOrder = 1000000; // to bring line to the front
      line.geo_name = itemname;
      line.geo_object = track;
      line.hightlightWidthScale = 2;


      return true;

   /** @summary Drawing different hits types like TPolyMarker3D */
   async drawHit(hit, itemname) {
      if (!hit || !hit.fN || (hit.fN < 0))
         return false;

      // make hit size scaling factor of overall geometry size
      // otherwise it is not possible to correctly see hits at all
      const nhits = hit.fN,
            projv = this.ctrl.projectPos,
            projx = (this.ctrl.project === 'x'),
            projy = (this.ctrl.project === 'y'),
            projz = (this.ctrl.project === 'z'),
            hit_scale = Math.max(hit.fMarkerSize * this.getOverallSize() * (this._dummy ? 0.015 : 0.005), 0.2),
            pnts = new PointsCreator(nhits, this._webgl, hit_scale);

      for (let i = 0; i < nhits; i++) {
         pnts.addPoint(projx ? projv : hit.fP[i*3],
                       projy ? projv : hit.fP[i*3+1],
                       projz ? projv : hit.fP[i*3+2]);

      return pnts.createPoints({ color: getColor(hit.fMarkerColor) || '#0000ff', style: hit.fMarkerStyle }).then(mesh => {
         mesh.defaultOrder = mesh.renderOrder = 1000000; // to bring points to the front
         mesh.highlightScale = 2;
         mesh.geo_name = itemname;
         mesh.geo_object = hit;
         return true; // indicate that rendering should be done

   /** @summary Draw extra shape on the geometry */
   drawExtraShape(obj, itemname) {
      const mesh = build(obj);
      if (!mesh) return false;

      mesh.geo_name = itemname;
      mesh.geo_object = obj;

      return true;

   /** @summary Search for specified node
     * @private */
   findNodeWithVolume(name, action, prnt, itemname, volumes) {
      let first_level = false, res = null;

      if (!prnt) {
         prnt = this.getGeometry();
         if (!prnt && (getNodeKind(prnt) !== 0)) return null;
         itemname = this.geo_manager ? prnt.fName : '';
         first_level = true;
         volumes = [];
      } else {
         if (itemname) itemname += '/';
         itemname += prnt.fName;

      if (!prnt.fVolume || prnt.fVolume._searched) return null;

      if (name.test(prnt.fVolume.fName)) {
         res = action({ node: prnt, item: itemname });
         if (res) return res;

      prnt.fVolume._searched = true;

      if (prnt.fVolume.fNodes) {
         for (let n = 0, len = prnt.fVolume.fNodes.arr.length; n < len; ++n) {
            res = this.findNodeWithVolume(name, action, prnt.fVolume.fNodes.arr[n], itemname, volumes);
            if (res) break;

      if (first_level) {
         for (let n = 0, len = volumes.length; n < len; ++n)
            delete volumes[n]._searched;

      return res;

   /** @summary Process script option - load and execute some gGeoManager-related calls */
   async loadMacro(script_name) {
      const result = { obj: this.getGeometry(), prefix: '' };

      if (this.geo_manager)
         result.prefix = result.obj.fName;

      if (!script_name || (script_name.length < 3) || (getNodeKind(result.obj) !== 0))
         return result;

      const mgr = {
            GetVolume: name => {
               const regexp = new RegExp('^'+name+'$'),
                   currnode = this.findNodeWithVolume(regexp, arg => arg);

               if (!currnode) console.log(`Did not found ${name} volume`);

               // return proxy object with several methods, typically used in ROOT geom scripts
               return {
                   found: currnode,
                   fVolume: currnode?.node?.fVolume,
                   InvisibleAll(flag) {
                      setInvisibleAll(this.fVolume, flag);
                   Draw() {
                      if (!this.found || !this.fVolume) return;
                      result.obj = this.found.node;
                      result.prefix = this.found.item;
                      console.log(`Select volume for drawing ${this.fVolume.fName} ${result.prefix}`);
                   SetTransparency(lvl) {
                     if (this.fVolume?.fMedium?.fMaterial)
                        this.fVolume.fMedium.fMaterial.fFillStyle = 3000 + lvl;
                   SetLineColor(col) {
                      if (this.fVolume) this.fVolume.fLineColor = col;

            DefaultColors: () => {
               this.ctrl.dflt_colors = true;

            SetMaxVisNodes: limit => {
               if (!this.ctrl.maxnodes)
                  this.ctrl.maxnodes = parseInt(limit) || 0;

            SetVisLevel: limit => {
               if (!this.ctrl.vislevel)
                  this.ctrl.vislevel = parseInt(limit) || 0;

      showProgress(`Loading macro ${script_name}`);

      return httpRequest(script_name, 'text').then(script => {
         const lines = script.split('\n');
         let indx = 0;

         while (indx < lines.length) {
            let line = lines[indx++].trim();

            if (line.indexOf('//') === 0) continue;

            if (line.indexOf('gGeoManager') < 0) continue;
            line = line.replace('->GetVolume', '.GetVolume');
            line = line.replace('->InvisibleAll', '.InvisibleAll');
            line = line.replace('->SetMaxVisNodes', '.SetMaxVisNodes');
            line = line.replace('->DefaultColors', '.DefaultColors');
            line = line.replace('->Draw', '.Draw');
            line = line.replace('->SetTransparency', '.SetTransparency');
            line = line.replace('->SetLineColor', '.SetLineColor');
            line = line.replace('->SetVisLevel', '.SetVisLevel');
            if (line.indexOf('->') >= 0) continue;

            try {
               const func = new Function('gGeoManager', line);
            } catch (err) {
               console.error(`Problem by processing ${line}`);

         return result;
      }).catch(() => {
         console.error(`Fail to load ${script_name}`);
         return result;

   /** @summary Assign clones, created outside.
     * @desc Used by geometry painter, where clones are handled by the server */
   assignClones(clones) {
      this._clones_owner = true;
      this._clones = clones;

    /** @summary Extract shapes from draw message of geometry painter
      * @desc For the moment used in batch production */
   extractRawShapes(draw_msg, recreate) {
      let nodes = null, old_gradpersegm = 0;

      // array for descriptors for each node
      // if array too large (>1M), use JS object while only ~1K nodes are expected to be used
      if (recreate) {
         // if (draw_msg.kind !== 'draw') return false;
         nodes = (draw_msg.numnodes > 1e6) ? { length: draw_msg.numnodes } : new Array(draw_msg.numnodes); // array for all nodes

      draw_msg.nodes.forEach(node => {
         node = ClonedNodes.formatServerElement(node);
         if (nodes)
            nodes[] = node;

      if (recreate) {
         this._clones_owner = true;
         this._clones = new ClonedNodes(null, nodes);
         this._clones.name_prefix = this._clones.getNodeName(0);

         // normally only need when making selection, not used in geo viewer
         // this.geo_clones.setMaxVisNodes(draw_msg.maxvisnodes);
         // this.geo_clones.setVisLevel(draw_msg.vislevel);
         // TODO: provide from server
         this._clones.maxdepth = 20;

      let nsegm = 0;
      if (draw_msg.cfg)
         nsegm = draw_msg.cfg.nsegm;

      if (nsegm) {
         old_gradpersegm = geoCfg('GradPerSegm');
         geoCfg('GradPerSegm', 360 / Math.max(nsegm, 6));

      for (let cnt = 0; cnt < draw_msg.visibles.length; ++cnt) {
         const item = draw_msg.visibles[cnt], rd = item.ri;

         // entry may be provided without shape - it is ok
         if (rd)
            item.server_shape = rd.server_shape = createServerGeometry(rd, nsegm);

      if (old_gradpersegm)
         geoCfg('GradPerSegm', old_gradpersegm);

      return true;

   /** @summary Prepare drawings
     * @desc Return value used as promise for painter */
   async prepareObjectDraw(draw_obj, name_prefix) {
      // if did cleanup - ignore all kind of activity
      if (this.did_cleanup)
         return null;

      if (name_prefix === '__geom_viewer_append__') {
         this._new_append_nodes = draw_obj;
         this.ctrl.use_worker = 0;
         this._geom_viewer = true; // indicate that working with geom viewer
      } else if ((name_prefix === '__geom_viewer_selection__') && this._clones) {
         // these are selection done from geom viewer
         this._new_draw_nodes = draw_obj;
         this.ctrl.use_worker = 0;
         this._geom_viewer = true; // indicate that working with geom viewer
      } else if (this._main_painter) {
         this._clones_owner = false;
         this._clones = this._main_painter._clones;
         console.log(`Reuse clones ${this._clones.nodes.length} from main painter`);
      } else if (!draw_obj) {
         this._clones_owner = false;
         this._clones = null;
      } else {
         this._start_drawing_time = new Date().getTime();
         this._clones_owner = true;
         this._clones = new ClonedNodes(draw_obj);
         let lvl = this.ctrl.vislevel, maxnodes = this.ctrl.maxnodes;
         if (this.geo_manager) {
            if (!lvl && this.geo_manager.fVisLevel)
               lvl = this.geo_manager.fVisLevel;
            if (!maxnodes)
               maxnodes = this.geo_manager.fMaxVisNodes;

         this._clones.setMaxVisNodes(maxnodes, this.ctrl.more);

         this._clones.name_prefix = name_prefix;

         const hide_top_volume = !!this.geo_manager && !this.ctrl.showtop;
         let uniquevis = this.ctrl.no_screen ? 0 : this._clones.markVisibles(true, false, hide_top_volume);

         if (uniquevis <= 0)
            uniquevis = this._clones.markVisibles(false, false, hide_top_volume);
            uniquevis = this._clones.markVisibles(true, true, hide_top_volume); // copy bits once and use normal visibility bits


         const spent = new Date().getTime() - this._start_drawing_time;

         if (!this._scene)
            console.log(`Creating clones ${this._clones.nodes.length} takes ${spent} ms uniquevis ${uniquevis}`);

         if (this.ctrl._count)
            return this.drawCount(uniquevis, spent);

      let promise = Promise.resolve(true);

      if (!this._scene) {
         this._first_drawing = true;

         const pp = this.getPadPainter();

         this._on_pad = !!pp;

         if (this._on_pad) {
            let size, render3d, fp;
            promise = ensureTCanvas(this, '3d').then(() => {
               if (pp.fillatt?.color)
                  this.ctrl.background = pp.fillatt.color;
               fp = this.getFramePainter();

               this.batch_mode = pp.isBatchMode();

               render3d = getRender3DKind(undefined, this.batch_mode);
               fp.mode3d = true;

               size = fp.getSizeFor3d(undefined, render3d);

               this._fit_main_area = (size.can3d === -1);

               return this.createScene(size.width, size.height, render3d)
                          .then(dom => fp.add3dCanvas(size, dom, render3d === constants.Render3D.WebGL));
         } else {
            const dom = this.selectDom('origin');

            this.batch_mode = isBatchMode() || (!dom.empty() &&'_batch_mode'));
            this.batch_format ='_batch_format');

            const render3d = getRender3DKind(this.options.Render3D, this.batch_mode);

            // activate worker
            if ((this.ctrl.use_worker > 0) && !this.batch_mode)


            const size = this.getSizeFor3d(undefined, render3d);

            this._fit_main_area = (size.can3d === -1);

            promise = this.createScene(size.width, size.height, render3d)
                          .then(dom => this.add3dCanvas(size, dom, this._webgl));

      return promise.then(() => {
         // this is limit for the visible faces, number of volumes does not matter
         if (this._first_drawing && !this.ctrl.maxfaces)
            this.ctrl.maxfaces = 200000 * this.ctrl.more;

         // set top painter only when first child exists


         // just draw extras and complete drawing if there are no main model
         if (!this._clones)
            return this.completeDraw();

         return new Promise(resolveFunc => {
            this._resolveFunc = resolveFunc;
            this.showDrawInfo('Drawing geometry');

   /** @summary methods show info when first geometry drawing is performed */
   showDrawInfo(msg) {
      if (this.isBatchMode() || !this._first_drawing || !this._start_drawing_time) return;

      const main = this._renderer.domElement.parentNode;
      if (!main) return;

      let info = main.querySelector('.geo_info');

      if (!msg)
       else {
         const spent = (new Date().getTime() - this._start_drawing_time)*1e-3;
         if (!info) {
            info = getDocument().createElement('p');
            info.setAttribute('class', 'geo_info');
            info.setAttribute('style', 'position: absolute; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; top: 45%; left: 40%; color: red; font-size: 150%;');
         info.innerHTML = `${msg}, ${spent.toFixed(1)}s`;

   /** @summary Reentrant method to perform geometry drawing step by step */
   continueDraw() {
      // nothing to do - exit
      if (this.isStage(stageInit)) return;

      const tm0 = new Date().getTime(),
            interval = this._first_drawing ? 1000 : 200;
      let now = tm0;

      while (true) {
         const res = this.nextDrawAction();
         if (!res) break;

         now = new Date().getTime();

         // stop creation after 100 sec, render as is
         if (now - this._startm > 1e5) {
            this.changeStage(stageInit, 'Abort build after 100s');

         // if we are that fast, do next action
         if ((res === true) && (now - tm0 < interval)) continue;

         if ((now - tm0 > interval) || (res === 1) || (res === 2)) {


            if (this._first_drawing && this._webgl && (this._num_meshes - this._last_render_meshes > 100) && (now - this._last_render_tm > 2.5*interval)) {
               this._last_render_meshes =;
            if (res !== 2) setTimeout(() => this.continueDraw(), (res === 1) ? 100 : 1);


      const take_time = now - this._startm;

      if (this._first_drawing || this._full_redrawing)
         console.log(`Create tm = ${take_time} meshes ${} faces ${}`);

      if (take_time > 300) {
         showProgress('Rendering geometry');
         return setTimeout(() => this.completeDraw(true), 10);


   /** @summary Checks camera position and recalculate rendering order if needed
     * @param force - if specified, forces calculations of render order */
   testCameraPosition(force) {


      const origin = this._camera.position.clone();
      if (!force && this._last_camera_position) {
         // if camera position does not changed a lot, ignore such change
         const dist = this._last_camera_position.distanceTo(origin);
         if (dist < (this._overall_size || 1000)*1e-4) return;

      this._last_camera_position = origin; // remember current camera position

      if (this.ctrl._axis) {
         const vect = (this._controls?.target || this._lookat).clone().sub(this._camera.position).normalize();
         this.getExtrasContainer('get', 'axis')?.traverse(obj3d => {
            if (isFunc(obj3d._axis_flip))

      if (!this.ctrl.project)
         produceRenderOrder(this._toplevel, origin, this.ctrl.depthMethod, this._clones);

   /** @summary Call 3D rendering of the geometry
     * @param tmout - specifies delay, after which actual rendering will be invoked
     * @param [measure] - when true, for the first time printout rendering time
     * @return {Promise} when tmout bigger than 0 is specified
     * @desc Timeout used to avoid multiple rendering of the picture when several 3D drawings
     * superimposed with each other. If tmout <= 0, rendering performed immediately
     * Several special values are used:
     *   -1    - force recheck of rendering order based on camera position */
   render3D(tmout, measure) {
      if (!this._renderer) {
         if (!this.did_cleanup)
            console.warn('renderer object not exists - check code');
            console.warn('try to render after cleanup');
         return this;

      const ret_promise = (tmout !== undefined) && (tmout > 0) && (measure !== 'nopromise');

      if (tmout === undefined) tmout = 5; // by default, rendering happens with timeout

      if ((tmout > 0) && this._webgl) {
         if (this.isBatchMode()) tmout = 1; // use minimal timeout in batch mode
         if (ret_promise) {
            return new Promise(resolveFunc => {
               if (!this._render_resolveFuncs)
                  this._render_resolveFuncs = [];
               if (!this.render_tmout)
                  this.render_tmout = setTimeout(() => this.render3D(0), tmout);

         if (!this.render_tmout)
            this.render_tmout = setTimeout(() => this.render3D(0), tmout);
         return this;

      if (this.render_tmout) {
         delete this.render_tmout;


      const tm1 = new Date();

      if (this._adjust_camera_with_render) {
         delete this._adjust_camera_with_render;

      this.testCameraPosition(tmout === -1);

      // its needed for outlinePass - do rendering, most consuming time
      if (this._webgl && this._effectComposer && (this._effectComposer.passes.length > 0))
       else if (this._webgl && this._bloomComposer && (this._bloomComposer.passes.length > 0)) {
         this._renderer.render(this._scene, this._camera);
      } else
         this._renderer.render(this._scene, this._camera);

      const tm2 = new Date();

      this.last_render_tm = tm2.getTime();

      if ((this.first_render_tm === 0) && (measure === true)) {
         this.first_render_tm = tm2.getTime() - tm1.getTime();
         if (this.first_render_tm > 500)
            console.log(`three.js r${THREE.REVISION}, first render tm = ${this.first_render_tm}`);


      if (this._render_resolveFuncs) {
         const arr = this._render_resolveFuncs;
         delete this._render_resolveFuncs;
         arr.forEach(func => func(this));

   /** @summary Start geo worker */
   startWorker() {
      if (this._worker) return;

      this._worker_ready = false;
      this._worker_jobs = 0; // counter how many requests send to worker

      // TODO: modules not yet working, see
      this._worker = new Worker(source_dir + 'scripts/geoworker.js' /* , { type: 'module' } */);

      this._worker.onmessage = e => {
         if (!isObject( return;

         if ('log' in
            return console.log(`geo: ${}`);

         if ('progress' in
            return showProgress(;
 = new Date().getTime();

         if ('init' in {
            this._worker_ready = true;
            console.log(`Worker ready: ${ -}`);
         } else

      // send initialization message with clones
         init: true,   // indicate init command for worker
         tm0: new Date().getTime(),
         vislevel: this._clones.getVisLevel(),
         maxvisnodes: this._clones.getMaxVisNodes(),
         clones: this._clones.nodes,
         sortmap: this._clones.sortmap

   /** @summary check if one can submit request to worker
     * @private */
   canSubmitToWorker(force) {
      if (!this._worker) return false;

      return this._worker_ready && ((this._worker_jobs === 0) || force);

   /** @summary submit request to worker
     * @private */
   submitToWorker(job) {
      if (!this._worker) return false;

      job.tm0 = new Date().getTime();

   /** @summary process reply from worker
     * @private */
   processWorkerReply(job) {

      if ('collect' in job) {
         this._new_draw_nodes = job.new_nodes;
         this._draw_all_nodes = job.complete;
         // invoke methods immediately
         return this.continueDraw();

      if ('shapes' in job) {
         for (let n=0; n<job.shapes.length; ++n) {
            const item = job.shapes[n],
                origin = this._build_shapes[n];

            // let shape = this._clones.getNodeShape(item.nodeid);

            if (item.buf_pos && item.buf_norm) {
               if (item.buf_pos.length === 0)
                  origin.geom = null;
                else if (item.buf_pos.length !== item.buf_norm.length) {
                  console.error(`item.buf_pos.length ${item.buf_pos.length} !== item.buf_norm.length ${item.buf_norm.length}`);
                  origin.geom = null;
               } else {
                  origin.geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry();

                  origin.geom.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(item.buf_pos, 3));
                  origin.geom.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(item.buf_norm, 3));

               origin.ready = true;
               origin.nfaces = item.nfaces;

         job.tm4 = new Date().getTime();

         this.changeStage(stageBuild); // first check which shapes are used, than build meshes

         // invoke methods immediately
         return this.continueDraw();

   /** @summary start draw geometries on master and all slaves
     * @private */
   testGeomChanges() {
      if (this._main_painter) {
         console.warn('Get testGeomChanges call for slave painter');
         return this._main_painter.testGeomChanges();
      for (let k = 0; k < this._slave_painters.length; ++k)

   /** @summary Draw axes and camera overlay */
   drawAxesAndOverlay(norender) {
      const res1 = this.drawAxes(),
          res2 = this.drawOverlay();

      if (!res1 && !res2)
         return norender ? null : this.render3D();
         return this.changedDepthMethod(norender ? 'norender' : undefined);

   /** @summary Draw overlay for the orthographic cameras */
   drawOverlay() {
      this.getExtrasContainer('delete', 'overlay');
      if (!this.isOrthoCamera() || (this.ctrl.camera_overlay === 'none'))
         return false;

      const zoom = 0.5 / this._camera.zoom,
          midx = (this._camera.left + this._camera.right) / 2,
          midy = (this._camera.bottom + / 2,
          xmin = midx - (this._camera.right - this._camera.left) * zoom,
          xmax = midx + (this._camera.right - this._camera.left) * zoom,
          ymin = midy - ( - this._camera.bottom) * zoom,
          ymax = midy + ( - this._camera.bottom) * zoom,
          tick_size = (ymax - ymin) * 0.02,
          text_size = (ymax - ymin) * 0.015,
          grid_gap = (ymax - ymin) * 0.001,
          x1 = xmin + text_size * 5, x2 = xmax - text_size * 5,
          y1 = ymin + text_size * 3, y2 = ymax - text_size * 3,
          x_handle = new TAxisPainter(null, create(clTAxis));

      x_handle.configureAxis('xaxis', x1, x2, x1, x2, false, [x1, x2],
                             { log: 0, reverse: false });
      const y_handle = new TAxisPainter(null, create(clTAxis));
      y_handle.configureAxis('yaxis', y1, y2, y1, y2, false, [y1, y2],
                              { log: 0, reverse: false });

      const ii = this._camera.orthoIndicies ?? [0, 1, 2];
      let buf, pos, midZ = 0, gridZ = 0;

      if (this._camera.orthoZ)
         gridZ = midZ = this._camera.orthoZ[0];

      const addPoint = (x, y, z) => {
         buf[pos+ii[0]] = x;
         buf[pos+ii[1]] = y;
         buf[pos+ii[2]] = z ?? gridZ;
         pos += 3;
      }, createText = (lbl, size) => {
         const text3d = createTextGeometry(lbl, size);
         text3d._width = text3d.boundingBox.max.x - text3d.boundingBox.min.x;
         text3d._height = text3d.boundingBox.max.y - text3d.boundingBox.min.y;

         text3d.translate(-text3d._width/2, -text3d._height/2, 0);
         if (this._camera.orthoSign < 0)

         if (isFunc(this._camera.orthoRotation))

         return text3d;
      }, createTextMesh = (geom, material, x, y, z) => {
         const tgt = [0, 0, 0];
         tgt[ii[0]] = x;
         tgt[ii[1]] = y;
         tgt[ii[2]] = z ?? gridZ;
         const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, material);
         return mesh;

      if (this.ctrl.camera_overlay === 'bar') {
         const container = this.getExtrasContainer('create', 'overlay');

         let x1 = xmin * 0.15 + xmax * 0.85,
             x2 = xmin * 0.05 + xmax * 0.95;
         const y1 = ymax * 0.9 + ymin * 0.1,
               y2 = ymax * 0.86 + ymin * 0.14,
               ticks = x_handle.createTicks();

         if (ticks.major?.length > 1) {
            x1 = ticks.major[ticks.major.length-2];
            x2 = ticks.major[ticks.major.length-1];

         buf = new Float32Array(3*6); pos = 0;

         addPoint(x1, y1, midZ);
         addPoint(x1, y2, midZ);

         addPoint(x1, (y1 + y2) / 2, midZ);
         addPoint(x2, (y1 + y2) / 2, midZ);

         addPoint(x2, y1, midZ);
         addPoint(x2, y2, midZ);

         const lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 'green' }),
               textMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 'green', vertexColors: false });

         container.add(createLineSegments(buf, lineMaterial));

         const text3d = createText(x_handle.format(x2-x1, true), Math.abs(y2-y1));

         container.add(createTextMesh(text3d, textMaterial, (x2 + x1) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2 + text3d._height * 0.8, midZ));
         return true;

      const show_grid = this.ctrl.camera_overlay.indexOf('grid') === 0;

      if (show_grid && this._camera.orthoZ) {
         if (this.ctrl.camera_overlay === 'gridf')
            gridZ += this._camera.orthoSign * this._camera.orthoZ[1];
         else if (this.ctrl.camera_overlay === 'gridb')
            gridZ -= this._camera.orthoSign * this._camera.orthoZ[1];

      if ((this.ctrl.camera_overlay === 'axis') || show_grid) {
         const container = this.getExtrasContainer('create', 'overlay'),
               lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color('black') }),
               gridMaterial1 = show_grid ? new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color(0xbbbbbb) }) : null,
               gridMaterial2 = show_grid ? new THREE.LineDashedMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color(0xdddddd), dashSize: grid_gap, gapSize: grid_gap }) : null,
               textMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 'black', vertexColors: false }),
               xticks = x_handle.createTicks();

         while ( {
            const x = xticks.tick, k = (xticks.kind === 1) ? 1.0 : 0.6;

            if (show_grid) {
               buf = new Float32Array(2*3); pos = 0;
               addPoint(x, ymax - k*tick_size - grid_gap);
               addPoint(x, ymin + k*tick_size + grid_gap);
               container.add(createLineSegments(buf, xticks.kind === 1 ? gridMaterial1 : gridMaterial2));

            buf = new Float32Array(4*3); pos = 0;
            addPoint(x, ymax);
            addPoint(x, ymax - k*tick_size);
            addPoint(x, ymin);
            addPoint(x, ymin + k*tick_size);

            container.add(createLineSegments(buf, lineMaterial));

            if (xticks.kind !== 1) continue;

            const text3d = createText(x_handle.format(x, true), text_size);

            container.add(createTextMesh(text3d, textMaterial, x, ymax - tick_size - text_size/2 - text3d._height/2));

            container.add(createTextMesh(text3d, textMaterial, x, ymin + tick_size + text_size/2 + text3d._height/2));

         const yticks = y_handle.createTicks();

         while ( {
            const y = yticks.tick, k = (yticks.kind === 1) ? 1.0 : 0.6;

            if (show_grid) {
               buf = new Float32Array(2*3); pos = 0;
               addPoint(xmin + k*tick_size + grid_gap, y);
               addPoint(xmax - k*tick_size - grid_gap, y);
               container.add(createLineSegments(buf, yticks.kind === 1 ? gridMaterial1 : gridMaterial2));

            buf = new Float32Array(4*3); pos = 0;
            addPoint(xmin, y);
            addPoint(xmin + k*tick_size, y);
            addPoint(xmax, y);
            addPoint(xmax - k*tick_size, y);

            container.add(createLineSegments(buf, lineMaterial));

            if (yticks.kind !== 1) continue;

            const text3d = createText(y_handle.format(y, true), text_size);

            container.add(createTextMesh(text3d, textMaterial, xmin + tick_size + text_size/2 + text3d._width/2, y));

            container.add(createTextMesh(text3d, textMaterial, xmax - tick_size - text_size/2 - text3d._width/2, y));

         return true;

      return false;

   /** @summary Draw axes if configured, otherwise just remove completely */
   drawAxes() {
      this.getExtrasContainer('delete', 'axis');

      if (!this.ctrl._axis)
         return false;

      const box = this.getGeomBoundingBox(this._toplevel, this.superimpose ? 'original' : undefined),
          container = this.getExtrasContainer('create', 'axis'),
          text_size = 0.02 * Math.max(box.max.x - box.min.x, box.max.y - box.min.y, box.max.z - box.min.z),
          center = [0, 0, 0],
          names = ['x', 'y', 'z'],
          labels = ['X', 'Y', 'Z'],
          colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
          ortho = this.isOrthoCamera(),
          ckind = this.ctrl.camera_kind ?? 'perspective';

      if (this.ctrl._axis === 2) {
         for (let naxis = 0; naxis < 3; ++naxis) {
            const name = names[naxis];
            if ((box.min[name] <= 0) && (box.max[name] >= 0)) continue;
            center[naxis] = (box.min[name] + box.max[name])/2;

      for (let naxis = 0; naxis < 3; ++naxis) {
         // exclude axis which is not seen
         if (ortho && ckind.indexOf(labels[naxis]) < 0) continue;

         const buf = new Float32Array(6),
             color = colors[naxis],
             name = names[naxis],

          valueToString = val => {
            if (!val) return '0';
            const lg = Math.log10(Math.abs(val));
            if (lg < 0) {
               if (lg > -1) return val.toFixed(2);
               if (lg > -2) return val.toFixed(3);
            } else {
               if (lg < 2) return val.toFixed(1);
               if (lg < 4) return val.toFixed(0);
            return val.toExponential(2);

          lbl = valueToString(box.max[name]) + ' ' + labels[naxis];

         buf[0] = box.min.x;
         buf[1] = box.min.y;
         buf[2] = box.min.z;

         buf[3] = box.min.x;
         buf[4] = box.min.y;
         buf[5] = box.min.z;

         switch (naxis) {
           case 0: buf[3] = box.max.x; break;
           case 1: buf[4] = box.max.y; break;
           case 2: buf[5] = box.max.z; break;

         if (this.ctrl._axis === 2) {
            for (let k = 0; k < 6; ++k)
               if ((k % 3) !== naxis) buf[k] = center[k%3];

         const lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color });
         let mesh = createLineSegments(buf, lineMaterial);

         mesh._no_clip = true; // skip from clipping


         const textMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color, vertexColors: false });

         if ((center[naxis] === 0) && (center[naxis] >= box.min[name]) && (center[naxis] <= box.max[name])) {
            if ((this.ctrl._axis !== 2) || (naxis === 0)) {
               const geom = ortho ? new THREE.CircleGeometry(text_size*0.25) : new THREE.SphereGeometry(text_size*0.25);
               mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, textMaterial);
               mesh.translateX(naxis === 0 ? center[0] : buf[0]);
               mesh.translateY(naxis === 1 ? center[1] : buf[1]);
               mesh.translateZ(naxis === 2 ? center[2] : buf[2]);
               mesh._no_clip = true;

         let text3d = createTextGeometry(lbl, text_size);
         mesh = new THREE.Mesh(text3d, textMaterial);
         mesh._no_clip = true; // skip from clipping

         function setSideRotation(mesh, normal) {
            mesh._other_side = false;
            mesh._axis_norm = normal ?? new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            mesh._axis_flip = function(vect) {
               const other_side = < 0;
               if (this._other_side !== other_side) {
                  this._other_side = other_side;

         function setTopRotation(mesh, first_angle = -1) {
            mesh._last_angle = first_angle;
            mesh._axis_flip = function(vect) {
               let angle = 0;
               switch (this._axis_name) {
                  case 'x': angle = -Math.atan2(vect.y, vect.z); break;
                  case 'y': angle = -Math.atan2(vect.z, vect.x); break;
                  default: angle = Math.atan2(vect.y, vect.x);
               angle = Math.round(angle / Math.PI * 2 + 2) % 4;
               if (this._last_angle !== angle) {
                  this.rotateX((angle - this._last_angle) * Math.PI/2);
                  this._last_angle = angle;

         let textbox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mesh);

         text3d.translate(-textbox.max.x*0.5, -textbox.max.y/2, 0);


         mesh._axis_name = name;

         if (naxis === 0) {
            if (ortho && ckind.indexOf('OX') > 0)
               setTopRotation(mesh, 0);
             else if (ortho ? ckind.indexOf('OY') > 0 : this.ctrl._yup)
               setSideRotation(mesh, new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1));
             else {
               setSideRotation(mesh, new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0));

            mesh.translateX(text_size*0.5 + textbox.max.x*0.5);
         } else if (naxis === 1) {
            if (ortho ? ckind.indexOf('OY') > 0 : this.ctrl._yup) {
               setTopRotation(mesh, 2);
               mesh.translateX(text_size*0.5 + textbox.max.x*0.5);
            } else {
               mesh.translateX(-textbox.max.x*0.5 - text_size*0.5);
         } else if (naxis === 2) {
            if (ortho ? ckind.indexOf('OZ') < 0 : this.ctrl._yup) {
               const zox = ortho && (ckind.indexOf('ZOX') > 0 || ckind.indexOf('ZNOX') > 0);
               setSideRotation(mesh, zox ? new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0) : undefined);
               if (zox) mesh.rotateX(-Math.PI/2);
            } else {
            mesh.translateX(text_size*0.5 + textbox.max.x*0.5);


         text3d = createTextGeometry(valueToString(box.min[name]), text_size);

         mesh = new THREE.Mesh(text3d, textMaterial);
         mesh._no_clip = true; // skip from clipping
         textbox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mesh);

         text3d.translate(-textbox.max.x*0.5, -textbox.max.y/2, 0);

         mesh._axis_name = name;


         if (naxis === 0) {
            if (ortho && ckind.indexOf('OX') > 0)
               setTopRotation(mesh, 0);
             else if (ortho ? ckind.indexOf('OY') > 0 : this.ctrl._yup)
               setSideRotation(mesh, new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1));
             else {
               setSideRotation(mesh, new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0));
            mesh.translateX(-text_size*0.5 - textbox.max.x*0.5);
         } else if (naxis === 1) {
            if (ortho ? ckind.indexOf('OY') > 0 : this.ctrl._yup) {
               setTopRotation(mesh, 2);
               mesh.translateX(-textbox.max.x*0.5 - text_size*0.5);
            } else {
               mesh.translateX(textbox.max.x*0.5 + text_size*0.5);
         } else if (naxis === 2) {
            if (ortho ? ckind.indexOf('OZ') < 0 : this.ctrl._yup) {
               const zox = ortho && (ckind.indexOf('ZOX') > 0 || ckind.indexOf('ZNOX') > 0);
               setSideRotation(mesh, zox ? new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0) : undefined);
               if (zox) mesh.rotateX(-Math.PI/2);
            } else {
            mesh.translateX(-textbox.max.x*0.5 - text_size*0.5);


      // after creating axes trigger rendering and recalculation of depth
      return true;

   /** @summary Set axes visibility 0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - centered */
   setAxesDraw(on) {
      if (on === 'toggle')
         this.ctrl._axis = this.ctrl._axis ? 0 : 1;
         this.ctrl._axis = (typeof on === 'number') ? on : (on ? 1 : 0);
      return this.drawAxesAndOverlay();

   /** @summary Set auto rotate mode */
   setAutoRotate(on) {
      if (this.ctrl.project) return;
      if (on !== undefined) this.ctrl.rotate = on;

   /** @summary Toggle wireframe mode */
   toggleWireFrame() {
      this.ctrl.wireframe = !this.ctrl.wireframe;

   /** @summary Specify wireframe mode */
   setWireFrame(on) {
      this.ctrl.wireframe = !!on;

   /** @summary Specify showtop draw options, relevant only for TGeoManager */
   setShowTop(on) {
      this.ctrl.showtop = !!on;

   /** @summary Should be called when configuration of particular axis is changed */
   changedClipping(naxis = -1) {
      if ((naxis < 0) || this.ctrl.clip[naxis]?.enabled)
         this.updateClipping(false, true);

   /** @summary Should be called when depth test flag is changed */
   changedDepthTest() {
      if (!this._toplevel) return;
      const flag = this.ctrl.depthTest;
      this._toplevel.traverse(node => {
         if (node instanceof THREE.Mesh)
            node.material.depthTest = flag;


   /** @summary Should be called when depth method is changed */
   changedDepthMethod(arg) {
      // force recalculation of render order
      delete this._last_camera_position;
      if (arg !== 'norender')
         return this.render3D();

   /** @summary Assign clipping attributes to the meshes - supported only for webgl */
   updateClipping(without_render, force_traverse) {
      // do not try clipping with SVG renderer
      if (this._renderer?.jsroot_render3d === constants.Render3D.SVG) return;

      if (!this._clipPlanes) {
         this._clipPlanes = [new THREE.Plane(new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0), 0),
                             new THREE.Plane(new THREE.Vector3(0, this.ctrl._yup ? -1 : 1, 0), 0),
                             new THREE.Plane(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, this.ctrl._yup ? 1 : -1), 0)];

      const clip = this.ctrl.clip,
            clip_constants = [-1 * clip[0].value, clip[1].value, (this.ctrl._yup ? -1 : 1) * clip[2].value],
            container = this.getExtrasContainer(this.ctrl.clipVisualize ? '' : 'delete', 'clipping');
      let panels = [], changed = false,
          clip_cfg = this.ctrl.clipIntersect ? 16 : 0;

      for (let k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
         if (clip[k].enabled)
            clip_cfg += 2 << k;
         if (this._clipPlanes[k].constant !== clip_constants[k]) {
            if (clip[k].enabled) changed = true;
            this._clipPlanes[k].constant = clip_constants[k];
         if (clip[k].enabled)

         if (container && clip[k].enabled) {
            const helper = new THREE.PlaneHelper(this._clipPlanes[k], (clip[k].max - clip[k].min));
            helper._no_clip = true;
      if (panels.length === 0)
         panels = null;

      if (this._clipCfg !== clip_cfg)
         changed = true;

      this._clipCfg = clip_cfg;

      const any_clipping = !!panels, ci = this.ctrl.clipIntersect,
          material_side = any_clipping ? THREE.DoubleSide : THREE.FrontSide;

      if (force_traverse || changed) {
         this._scene.traverse(node => {
            if (!node._no_clip && (node.material?.clippingPlanes !== undefined)) {
               if (node.material.clippingPlanes !== panels) {
                  node.material.clipIntersection = ci;
                  node.material.clippingPlanes = panels;
                  node.material.needsUpdate = true;

               if (node.material.emissive !== undefined) {
                  if (node.material.side !== material_side) {
                     node.material.side = material_side;
                     node.material.needsUpdate = true;

      this.ctrl.doubleside = any_clipping;

      if (!without_render) this.render3D(0);

      return changed;

   /** @summary Assign callback, invoked every time when drawing is completed
     * @desc Used together with web-based geometry viewer
     * @private */
   setCompleteHandler(callback) {
      this._complete_handler = callback;

   /** @summary Completes drawing procedure
     * @return {Promise} for ready */
   async completeDraw(close_progress) {
      let first_time = false, full_redraw = false, check_extras = true;

      if (!this.ctrl) {
         console.warn('ctrl object does not exist in completeDraw - something went wrong');
         return this;

      let promise = Promise.resolve(true);

      if (!this._clones) {
         check_extras = false;
         // if extra object where append, redraw them at the end
         this.getExtrasContainer('delete'); // delete old container
         const extras = (this._main_painter ? this._main_painter._extraObjects : null) || this._extraObjects;
         promise = this.drawExtras(extras, '', false);
      } else if (this._first_drawing || this._full_redrawing) {
         if (this.ctrl.tracks && this.geo_manager)
            promise = this.drawExtras(this.geo_manager.fTracks, '<prnt>/Tracks');

      return promise.then(() => {
         if (this._full_redrawing) {
            this._full_redrawing = false;
            full_redraw = true;

         if (this._first_drawing) {
            this._first_drawing = false;
            first_time = true;
            full_redraw = true;

         if (first_time)

         if (full_redraw && (this.ctrl.trans_radial || this.ctrl.trans_z))

         if (full_redraw)
            return this.drawAxesAndOverlay(true);
      }).then(() => {
         this._scene.overrideMaterial = null;

         if (this._provided_more_nodes !== undefined) {
            this.appendMoreNodes(this._provided_more_nodes, true);
            delete this._provided_more_nodes;

         if (check_extras) {
            // if extra object where append, redraw them at the end
            this.getExtrasContainer('delete'); // delete old container
            const extras = this._main_painter?._extraObjects || this._extraObjects;
            return this.drawExtras(extras, '', false);
      }).then(() => {
         this.updateClipping(true); // do not render

         this.render3D(0, true);

         if (close_progress) showProgress();


         if (first_time && !this.isBatchMode()) {
            // after first draw check if highlight can be enabled
            if (this.ctrl.highlight === 0)
               this.ctrl.highlight = (this.first_render_tm < 1000);

            // also highlight of scene object can be assigned at the first draw
            if (this.ctrl.highlight_scene === 0)
               this.ctrl.highlight_scene = this.ctrl.highlight;

            // if rotation was enabled, do it
            if (this._webgl && this.ctrl.rotate && !this.ctrl.project) this.autorotate(2.5);
            if (this._webgl && this.ctrl.show_controls) this.showControlGui(true);


         if (isFunc(this._resolveFunc)) {
            delete this._resolveFunc;

         if (isFunc(this._complete_handler))

         if (this._draw_nodes_again)
            this.startDrawGeometry(); // relaunch drawing
            this._drawing_ready = true; // indicate that drawing is completed

         return this;

   /** @summary Returns true if geometry drawing is completed */
   isDrawingReady() {
      return this._drawing_ready || false;

   /** @summary Remove already drawn node. Used by geom viewer */
   removeDrawnNode(nodeid) {
      if (!this._draw_nodes) return;

      const new_nodes = [];

      for (let n = 0; n < this._draw_nodes.length; ++n) {
         const entry = this._draw_nodes[n];
         if ((entry.nodeid === nodeid) || this._clones.isIdInStack(nodeid, entry.stack))
            this._clones.createObject3D(entry.stack, this._toplevel, 'delete_mesh');

      if (new_nodes.length < this._draw_nodes.length) {
         this._draw_nodes = new_nodes;

   /** @summary Cleanup geometry painter */
   cleanup(first_time) {
      if (!first_time) {
         let can3d = 0;

         if (!this.superimpose) {
            this.clearTopPainter(); // remove as pointer

            if (this._on_pad) {
               const fp = this.getFramePainter();
               if (fp?.mode3d) {
                  fp.mode3d = false;
            } else
               can3d = this.clear3dCanvas(); // remove 3d canvas from main HTML element


         this._toolbar?.cleanup(); // remove toolbar



         if (this._context_menu)
            this._renderer.domElement.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this._context_menu, false);



         delete this._animating;

         const obj = this.getGeometry();
         if (obj && this.ctrl.is_main) {
            if (obj.$geo_painter === this)
               delete obj.$geo_painter;
            else if (obj.fVolume?.$geo_painter === this)
               delete obj.fVolume.$geo_painter;

         if (this._main_painter?._slave_painters) {
            const pos = this._main_painter._slave_painters.indexOf(this);
            if (pos >= 0) this._main_painter._slave_painters.splice(pos, 1);

         for (let k = 0; k < this._slave_painters?.length; ++k) {
            const slave = this._slave_painters[k];
            if (slave?._main_painter === this) slave._main_painter = null;

         delete this.geo_manager;
         delete this._highlight_handlers;


         delete this.ctrl;
         delete this.options;

         this.did_cleanup = true;

         if (can3d < 0) this.selectDom().html('');

      if (this._slave_painters) {
         for (const k in this._slave_painters) {
            const slave = this._slave_painters[k];
            slave._main_painter = null;
            if (slave._clones === this._clones) slave._clones = null;

      this._main_painter = null;
      this._slave_painters = [];

      if (this._render_resolveFuncs) {
         this._render_resolveFuncs.forEach(func => func(this));
         delete this._render_resolveFuncs;

      if (!this.superimpose)

      delete this._effectComposer;

      delete this._scene;
      delete this._scene_size;
      this._scene_width = 0;
      this._scene_height = 0;
      this._renderer = null;
      this._toplevel = null;
      delete this._full_geom;
      delete this._fog;
      delete this._camera;
      delete this._camera0pos;
      delete this._lookat;
      delete this._selected_mesh;

      if (this._clones && this._clones_owner)
         this._clones.cleanup(this._draw_nodes, this._build_shapes);
      delete this._clones;
      delete this._clones_owner;
      delete this._draw_nodes;
      delete this._drawing_ready;
      delete this._build_shapes;
      delete this._new_draw_nodes;
      delete this._new_append_nodes;
      delete this._last_camera_position;

      this.first_render_tm = 0; // time needed for first rendering
      this.last_render_tm = 0;

      this.changeStage(stageInit, 'cleanup');
      delete this.drawing_log;

      delete this._gui;
      delete this._controls;
      delete this._context_menu;
      delete this._toolbar;

      delete this._worker;

   /** @summary perform resize */
   performResize(width, height) {
      if ((this._scene_width === width) && (this._scene_height === height)) return false;
      if ((width < 10) || (height < 10)) return false;

      this._scene_width = width;
      this._scene_height = height;

      if (this._camera && this._renderer) {
         if (this._camera.isPerspectiveCamera)
            this._camera.aspect = this._scene_width / this._scene_height;
         else if (this._camera.isOrthographicCamera)
            this.adjustCameraPosition(true, true);
         this._renderer.setSize(this._scene_width, this._scene_height, !this._fit_main_area);
         this._effectComposer?.setSize(this._scene_width, this._scene_height);
         this._bloomComposer?.setSize(this._scene_width, this._scene_height);

         if (this.isStage(stageInit))

      return true;

   /** @summary Check if HTML element was resized and drawing need to be adjusted */
   checkResize(arg) {
      const cp = this.getCanvPainter();

      // firefox is the only browser which correctly supports resize of embedded canvas,
      // for others we should force canvas redrawing at every step
      if (cp && !cp.checkCanvasResize(arg)) return false;

      const sz = this.getSizeFor3d();

      return this.performResize(sz.width, sz.height);

   /** @summary Toggle enlarge state */
   toggleEnlarge() {
      if (this.enlargeMain('toggle'))

   /** @summary either change mesh wireframe or return current value
     * @return undefined when wireframe cannot be accessed
     * @private */
   accessObjectWireFrame(obj, on) {
      if (!obj?.material) return;

      if ((on !== undefined) && obj.stack)
         obj.material.wireframe = on;

      return obj.material.wireframe;

   /** @summary handle wireframe flag change in GUI
     * @private */
   changedWireFrame() {
      this._scene?.traverse(obj => this.accessObjectWireFrame(obj, this.ctrl.wireframe));


   /** @summary Update object in geo painter */
   updateObject(obj) {
      if ((obj === 'same') || !obj?._typename)
         return false;
      if (obj === this.getObject())
         return true;

      let gm;
      if (obj._typename === clTGeoManager) {
         gm = obj;
         obj = obj.fMasterVolume;

      if (obj._typename.indexOf(clTGeoVolume) === 0)
         obj = { _typename: clTGeoNode, fVolume: obj, fName: obj.fName, $geoh: obj.$geoh, _proxy: true };

      if (this.geo_manager && gm) {
         this.geo_manager = gm;
         this._did_update = true;
         return true;

      if (!this.matchObjectType(obj._typename))
         return false;

      this._did_update = true;
      return true;

   /** @summary Cleanup TGeo drawings */
   clearDrawings() {
      if (this._clones && this._clones_owner)
         this._clones.cleanup(this._draw_nodes, this._build_shapes);
      delete this._clones;
      delete this._clones_owner;
      delete this._draw_nodes;
      delete this._drawing_ready;
      delete this._build_shapes;

      delete this._extraObjects;
      delete this._clipCfg;

      // only remove all childs from top level object
      disposeThreejsObject(this._toplevel, true);

      this._full_redrawing = true;

    /** @summary Redraw TGeo object inside TPad */
   redraw() {
      if (this.superimpose) {
         const cfg = getHistPainter3DCfg(this.getMainPainter());

         if (cfg) {
            this._toplevel.scale.set(cfg.scale_x ?? 1, cfg.scale_y ?? 1, cfg.scale_z ?? 1);
            this._toplevel.position.set(cfg.offset_x ?? 0, cfg.offset_y ?? 0, cfg.offset_z ?? 0);

      if (this._did_update)
         return this.startRedraw();

      const main = this._on_pad ? this.getFramePainter() : null;
      if (!main)
         return Promise.resolve(false);
      const sz = main.getSizeFor3d(main.access3dKind());
      return this.performResize(sz.width, sz.height);

   /** @summary Redraw TGeo object */
   redrawObject(obj, opt) {
      if (!this.updateObject(obj, opt))
         return false;

      return this.startRedraw();

   /** @summary Start geometry redraw */
   startRedraw(tmout) {
      if (tmout) {
         if (this._redraw_timer)
         this._redraw_timer = setTimeout(() => this.startRedraw(), tmout);

      delete this._redraw_timer;
      delete this._did_update;

      const draw_obj = this.getGeometry(),
            name_prefix = this.geo_manager ? draw_obj.fName : '';
      return this.prepareObjectDraw(draw_obj, name_prefix);

  /** @summary draw TGeo object */
   static async draw(dom, obj, opt) {
      if (!obj) return null;

      let shape = null, extras = null, extras_path = '', is_eve = false;

      if (('fShapeBits' in obj) && ('fShapeId' in obj)) {
         shape = obj; obj = null;
      } else if ((obj._typename === clTGeoVolumeAssembly) || (obj._typename === clTGeoVolume))
         shape = obj.fShape;
      else if ((obj._typename === clTEveGeoShapeExtract) || (obj._typename === clREveGeoShapeExtract)) {
         shape = obj.fShape; is_eve = true;
      } else if (obj._typename === clTGeoManager)
         shape = obj.fMasterVolume.fShape;
      else if (obj._typename === clTGeoOverlap) {
         extras = obj.fMarker; extras_path = '<prnt>/Marker';
         obj = buildOverlapVolume(obj);
         if (!opt) opt = 'wire';
      } else if ('fVolume' in obj) {
         if (obj.fVolume) shape = obj.fVolume.fShape;
      } else
         obj = null;

      if (isStr(opt) && opt.indexOf('comp') === 0 && shape && (shape._typename === clTGeoCompositeShape) && shape.fNode) {
         let maxlvl = 1;
         opt = opt.slice(4);
         if (opt[0] === 'x') { maxlvl = 999; opt = opt.slice(1) + '_vislvl999'; }
         obj = buildCompositeVolume(shape, maxlvl);

      if (!obj && shape) {
         obj = Object.assign(create(clTNamed),
                   { _typename: clTEveGeoShapeExtract, fTrans: null, fShape: shape, fRGBA: [0, 1, 0, 1], fElements: null, fRnrSelf: true });

      if (!obj) return null;

      const painter = createGeoPainter(dom, obj, opt);

      if (painter.ctrl.is_main && !obj.$geo_painter)
         obj.$geo_painter = painter;

      if (!painter.ctrl.is_main && painter.ctrl.project && obj.$geo_painter) {
         painter._main_painter = obj.$geo_painter;

      if (is_eve && (!painter.ctrl.vislevel || (painter.ctrl.vislevel < 9)))
         painter.ctrl.vislevel = 9;

      if (extras) {
         painter._splitColors = true;
         painter.addExtra(extras, extras_path);

      return painter.loadMacro(painter.ctrl.script_name).then(arg => painter.prepareObjectDraw(arg.obj, arg.prefix));

} // class TGeoPainter

let add_settings = false;

/** @summary Create geo-related css entries
  * @private */
function injectGeoStyle() {
   if (!add_settings && isFunc(internals.addDrawFunc)) {
      add_settings = true;
      // indication that draw and hierarchy is loaded, create css
      internals.addDrawFunc({ name: clTEvePointSet, icon_get: getBrowserIcon, icon_click: browserIconClick });
      internals.addDrawFunc({ name: clTEveTrack, icon_get: getBrowserIcon, icon_click: browserIconClick });

   function img(name, code) {
      return `.jsroot .img_${name} { display: inline-block; height: 16px; width: 16px; background-image: url('${code}'); }`;

.jsroot .geovis_this { background-color: lightgreen; }
.jsroot .geovis_daughters { background-color: lightblue; }
.jsroot .geovis_all { background-color: yellow; }`);

/** @summary Create geo painter
  * @private */
function createGeoPainter(dom, obj, opt) {

   geoCfg('GradPerSegm', settings.GeoGradPerSegm);
   geoCfg('CompressComp', settings.GeoCompressComp);

   const painter = new TGeoPainter(dom, obj);

   painter.decodeOptions(opt); // indicator of initialization

   return painter;

/** @summary provide menu for geo object
  * @private */
function provideMenu(menu, item, hpainter) {
   if (!item._geoobj) return false;

   const obj = item._geoobj, vol = item._volume,
         iseve = ((obj._typename === clTEveGeoShapeExtract) || (obj._typename === clREveGeoShapeExtract));

   if (!vol && !iseve) return false;


   const scanEveVisible = (obj, arg, skip_this) => {
      if (!arg) arg = { visible: 0, hidden: 0 };

      if (!skip_this) {
         if (arg.assign !== undefined)
            obj.fRnrSelf = arg.assign;
         else if (obj.fRnrSelf)

      if (obj.fElements) {
         for (let n = 0; n < obj.fElements.arr.length; ++n)
            scanEveVisible(obj.fElements.arr[n], arg, false);

      return arg;
   }, toggleEveVisibility = arg => {
      if (arg === 'self') {
         obj.fRnrSelf = !obj.fRnrSelf;
         item._icon = item._icon.split(' ')[0] + provideVisStyle(obj);
      } else {
         scanEveVisible(obj, { assign: (arg === 'true') }, true);
         hpainter.forEachItem(m => {
            // update all child items
            if (m._geoobj && m._icon) {
               m._icon = item._icon.split(' ')[0] + provideVisStyle(m._geoobj);
         }, item);

      findItemWithPainter(item, 'testGeomChanges');
   }, toggleMenuBit = arg => {
      toggleGeoBit(vol, arg);
      const newname = item._icon.split(' ')[0] + provideVisStyle(vol);
      hpainter.forEachItem(m => {
         // update all items with that volume
         if (item._volume === m._volume) {
            m._icon = newname;

      findItemWithPainter(item, 'testGeomChanges');
   }, drawitem = findItemWithPainter(item),
      fullname = drawitem ? hpainter.itemFullName(item, drawitem) : '';

   if ((item._geoobj._typename.indexOf(clTGeoNode) === 0) && drawitem) {
      menu.add('Focus', () => {
        if (drawitem && isFunc(drawitem._painter?.focusOnItem))

   if (iseve) {
      menu.addchk(obj.fRnrSelf, 'Visible', 'self', toggleEveVisibility);
      const res = scanEveVisible(obj, undefined, true);
      if (res.hidden + res.visible > 0)
         menu.addchk((res.hidden === 0), 'Daughters', res.hidden !== 0 ? 'true' : 'false', toggleEveVisibility);
   } else {
      const stack = drawitem?._painter?._clones?.findStackByName(fullname),
          phys_vis = stack ? drawitem._painter._clones.getPhysNodeVisibility(stack) : null,
          is_visible = testGeoBit(vol, geoBITS.kVisThis);

      menu.addchk(testGeoBit(vol, geoBITS.kVisNone), 'Invisible', geoBITS.kVisNone, toggleMenuBit);
      if (stack) {
         const changePhysVis = arg => {
            drawitem._painter._clones.setPhysNodeVisibility(stack, (arg === 'off') ? false : arg);
            findItemWithPainter(item, 'testGeomChanges');

         menu.sub('Physical vis', 'Physical node visibility - only for this instance');
         menu.addchk(phys_vis?.visible, 'on', 'on', changePhysVis, 'Enable visibility of phys node');
         menu.addchk(phys_vis && !phys_vis.visible, 'off', 'off', changePhysVis, 'Disable visibility of physical node');
         menu.add('reset', 'clear', changePhysVis, 'Reset custom visibility of physical node');
         menu.add('reset all', 'clearall', changePhysVis, 'Reset all custom settings for all nodes');

      menu.addchk(is_visible, 'Logical vis',
            geoBITS.kVisThis, toggleMenuBit, 'Logical node visibility - all instances');
      menu.addchk(testGeoBit(vol, geoBITS.kVisDaughters), 'Daughters',
            geoBITS.kVisDaughters, toggleMenuBit, 'Logical node daugthers visibility');

   return true;

/** @summary handle click on browser icon
  * @private */
function browserIconClick(hitem, hpainter) {
   if (hitem._volume) {
      if (hitem._more && hitem._volume.fNodes?.arr?.length)
         toggleGeoBit(hitem._volume, geoBITS.kVisDaughters);
         toggleGeoBit(hitem._volume, geoBITS.kVisThis);

      updateBrowserIcons(hitem._volume, hpainter);

      findItemWithPainter(hitem, 'testGeomChanges');
      return false; // no need to update icon - we did it ourself

   if (hitem._geoobj && ((hitem._geoobj._typename === clTEveGeoShapeExtract) || (hitem._geoobj._typename === clREveGeoShapeExtract))) {
      hitem._geoobj.fRnrSelf = !hitem._geoobj.fRnrSelf;

      updateBrowserIcons(hitem._geoobj, hpainter);
      findItemWithPainter(hitem, 'testGeomChanges');
      return false; // no need to update icon - we did it ourself

   // first check that geo painter assigned with the item
   const drawitem = findItemWithPainter(hitem),
       newstate = drawitem?._painter?.extraObjectVisible(hpainter, hitem, true);

   // return true means browser should update icon for the item
   return newstate !== undefined;

/** @summary Get icon for the browser
  * @private */
function getBrowserIcon(hitem, hpainter) {
   let icon = '';
   switch (hitem._kind) {
      case prROOT + clTEveTrack: icon = 'img_evetrack'; break;
      case prROOT + clTEvePointSet: icon = 'img_evepoints'; break;
      case prROOT + clTPolyMarker3D: icon = 'img_evepoints'; break;
   if (icon) {
      const drawitem = findItemWithPainter(hitem);
      if (drawitem?._painter?.extraObjectVisible(hpainter, hitem))
         icon += ' geovis_this';
   return icon;

/** @summary create hierarchy item for geo object
  * @private */
function createItem(node, obj, name) {
   const sub = {
      _kind: prROOT + obj._typename,
      _name: name || getObjectName(obj),
      _title: obj.fTitle,
      _parent: node,
      _geoobj: obj,
      _get(item /* ,itemname */) {
          // mark object as belong to the hierarchy, require to
          if (item._geoobj) item._geoobj.$geoh = true;
          return Promise.resolve(item._geoobj);
   let volume, shape, subnodes, iseve = false;

   if (obj._typename === 'TGeoMaterial')
      sub._icon = 'img_geomaterial';
   else if (obj._typename === 'TGeoMedium')
      sub._icon = 'img_geomedium';
   else if (obj._typename === 'TGeoMixture')
      sub._icon = 'img_geomixture';
   else if ((obj._typename.indexOf(clTGeoNode) === 0) && obj.fVolume) {
      sub._title = 'node:' + obj._typename;
      if (obj.fTitle) sub._title += ' ' + obj.fTitle;
      volume = obj.fVolume;
   } else if (obj._typename.indexOf(clTGeoVolume) === 0)
      volume = obj;
   else if ((obj._typename === clTEveGeoShapeExtract) || (obj._typename === clREveGeoShapeExtract)) {
      iseve = true;
      shape = obj.fShape;
      subnodes = obj.fElements ? obj.fElements.arr : null;
   } else if ((obj.fShapeBits !== undefined) && (obj.fShapeId !== undefined))
      shape = obj;

   if (volume) {
      shape = volume.fShape;
      subnodes = volume.fNodes ? volume.fNodes.arr : null;

   if (volume || shape || subnodes) {
      if (volume) sub._volume = volume;

      if (subnodes) {
         sub._more = true;
         sub._expand = expandGeoObject;
      } else if (shape && (shape._typename === clTGeoCompositeShape) && shape.fNode) {
         sub._more = true;
         sub._shape = shape;
         sub._expand = function(node /* , obj */) {
            createItem(node, node._shape.fNode.fLeft, 'Left');
            createItem(node, node._shape.fNode.fRight, 'Right');
            return true;

      if (!sub._title && (obj._typename !== clTGeoVolume))
         sub._title = obj._typename;

      if (shape) {
         if (sub._title === '')
            sub._title = shape._typename;

         sub._icon = getShapeIcon(shape);
      } else
         sub._icon = sub._more ? 'img_geocombi' : 'img_geobbox';

      if (volume)
         sub._icon += provideVisStyle(volume);
      else if (iseve)
         sub._icon += provideVisStyle(obj);

      sub._menu = provideMenu;
      sub._icon_click = browserIconClick;

   if (!node._childs) node._childs = [];

   if (!sub._name) {
      if (isStr(node._name)) {
         sub._name = node._name;
         if (sub._name.lastIndexOf('s') === sub._name.length-1)
            sub._name = sub._name.slice(0, sub._name.length-1);
         sub._name += '_' + node._childs.length;
      } else
         sub._name = 'item_' + node._childs.length;


   return sub;

/** @summary Draw dummy geometry
  * @private */
async function drawDummy3DGeom(painter) {
   const shape = create(clTNamed);
   shape._typename = clTGeoBBox;
   shape.fDX = 1e-10;
   shape.fDY = 1e-10;
   shape.fDZ = 1e-10;
   shape.fShapeId = 1;
   shape.fShapeBits = 0;
   shape.fOrigin = [0, 0, 0];

   const obj = Object.assign(create(clTNamed),
                { _typename: clTEveGeoShapeExtract,
                  fTrans: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                  fShape: shape, fRGBA: [0, 0, 0, 0], fElements: null, fRnrSelf: false }),
         pp = painter.getPadPainter(),
         opt = (pp?.pad?.fFillColor && (pp?.pad?.fFillStyle > 1000)) ? 'bkgr_' + pp.pad.fFillColor : '';

   return TGeoPainter.draw(pp, obj, opt)
                     .then(geop => { geop._dummy = true; return geop; });

/** @summary Direct draw function for TAxis3D
  * @private */
function drawAxis3D() {
   const main = this.getMainPainter();

   if (isFunc(main?.setAxesDraw))
      return main.setAxesDraw(true);

   console.error('no geometry painter found to toggle TAxis3D drawing');

/** @summary Build three.js model for given geometry object
  * @param {Object} obj - TGeo-related object
  * @param {Object} [opt] - options
  * @param {Number} [opt.vislevel] - visibility level like TGeoManager, when not specified - show all
  * @param {Number} [opt.numnodes=1000] - maximal number of visible nodes
  * @param {Number} [opt.numfaces=100000] - approx maximal number of created triangles
  * @param {Number} [opt.instancing=-1] - <0 disable use of InstancedMesh, =0 only for large geometries, >0 enforce usage of InstancedMesh
  * @param {boolean} [opt.doubleside=false] - use double-side material
  * @param {boolean} [opt.wireframe=false] - show wireframe for created shapes
  * @param {boolean} [opt.transparency=0] - make nodes transparent
  * @param {boolean} [opt.dflt_colors=false] - use default ROOT colors
  * @param {boolean} [opt.set_names=true] - set names to all Object3D instances
  * @param {boolean} [opt.set_origin=false] - set TGeoNode/TGeoVolume as Object3D.userData
  * @return {object} Object3D with created model
  * @example
  * import { build } from '';
  * let obj3d = build(obj);
  * // this is three.js object and can be now inserted in the scene
function build(obj, opt) {
   if (!obj) return null;

   if (!opt) opt = {};
   if (!opt.numfaces) opt.numfaces = 100000;
   if (!opt.numnodes) opt.numnodes = 1000;
   if (!opt.frustum) opt.frustum = null;

   opt.res_mesh = opt.res_faces = 0;

   if (opt.instancing === undefined)
      opt.instancing = -1; = { num_meshes: 0, num_faces: 0 };

   let clones = null, visibles = null;

   if (obj.visibles && obj.nodes && obj.numnodes) {
      // case of draw message from geometry viewer

      const nodes = obj.numnodes > 1e6 ? { length: obj.numnodes } : new Array(obj.numnodes);

      obj.nodes.forEach(node => {
         nodes[] = ClonedNodes.formatServerElement(node);

      clones = new ClonedNodes(null, nodes);
      clones.name_prefix = clones.getNodeName(0);

      // normally only need when making selection, not used in geo viewer
      // this.geo_clones.setMaxVisNodes(draw_msg.maxvisnodes);
      // this.geo_clones.setVisLevel(draw_msg.vislevel);
      // TODO: provide from server
      clones.maxdepth = 20;

      const nsegm = obj.cfg?.nsegm || 30;

      for (let cnt = 0; cnt < obj.visibles.length; ++cnt) {
         const item = obj.visibles[cnt], rd = item.ri;

         // entry may be provided without shape - it is ok
         if (rd)
            item.server_shape = rd.server_shape = createServerGeometry(rd, nsegm);

      visibles = obj.visibles;
   } else {
      let shape = null, hide_top = false;

      if (('fShapeBits' in obj) && ('fShapeId' in obj)) {
         shape = obj; obj = null;
      } else if ((obj._typename === clTGeoVolumeAssembly) || (obj._typename === clTGeoVolume))
         shape = obj.fShape;
       else if ((obj._typename === clTEveGeoShapeExtract) || (obj._typename === clREveGeoShapeExtract))
         shape = obj.fShape;
       else if (obj._typename === clTGeoManager) {
         obj = obj.fMasterVolume;
         hide_top = !opt.showtop;
         shape = obj.fShape;
      } else if (obj.fVolume)
         shape = obj.fVolume.fShape;
         obj = null;

      if (opt.composite && shape && (shape._typename === clTGeoCompositeShape) && shape.fNode)
         obj = buildCompositeVolume(shape);

      if (!obj && shape)
         obj = Object.assign(create(clTNamed), { _typename: clTEveGeoShapeExtract, fTrans: null, fShape: shape, fRGBA: [0, 1, 0, 1], fElements: null, fRnrSelf: true });

      if (!obj) return null;

      if (obj._typename.indexOf(clTGeoVolume) === 0)
         obj = { _typename: clTGeoNode, fVolume: obj, fName: obj.fName, $geoh: obj.$geoh, _proxy: true };

      clones = new ClonedNodes(obj);

      if (opt.dflt_colors)

      const uniquevis = opt.no_screen ? 0 : clones.markVisibles(true);
      if (uniquevis <= 0)
         clones.markVisibles(false, false, hide_top);
         clones.markVisibles(true, true, hide_top); // copy bits once and use normal visibility bits


      // collect visible nodes
      const res = clones.collectVisibles(opt.numfaces, opt.frustum);

      visibles = res.lst;

   if (!opt.material_kind)
      opt.material_kind = 'lambert';
   if (opt.set_names === undefined)
      opt.set_names = true;


   // collect shapes
   const shapes = clones.collectShapes(visibles);

   clones.buildShapes(shapes, opt.numfaces);

   const toplevel = new THREE.Object3D();
   toplevel.clones = clones; // keep reference on JSROOT data

   const colors = getRootColors();

   if (clones.createInstancedMeshes(opt, toplevel, visibles, shapes, colors))
      return toplevel;

   for (let n = 0; n < visibles.length; ++n) {
      const entry = visibles[n];
      if (entry.done) continue;

      const shape = entry.server_shape || shapes[entry.shapeid];
      if (!shape.ready) {
         console.warn('shape marked as not ready when it should');

      clones.createEntryMesh(opt, toplevel, entry, shape, colors);

   return toplevel;

export { ClonedNodes, build, TGeoPainter, GeoDrawingControl,
         expandGeoObject, createGeoPainter, drawAxis3D, drawDummy3DGeom, produceRenderOrder };