import { isObject, isFunc, BIT } from '../core.mjs';
import { THREE } from '../base/base3d.mjs';
import { createBufferGeometry, createNormal,
Vertex as CsgVertex, Geometry as CsgGeometry, Polygon as CsgPolygon } from './csg.mjs';
const cfg = {
GradPerSegm: 6, // grad per segment in cylinder/spherical symmetry shapes
CompressComp: true // use faces compression in composite shapes
function geoCfg(name, value) {
if (value === undefined)
return cfg[name];
cfg[name] = value;
const kindGeo = 0, // TGeoNode / TGeoShape
kindEve = 1, // TEveShape / TEveGeoShapeExtract
kindShape = 2, // special kind for single shape handling
/** @summary TGeo-related bits
* @private */
geoBITS = {
kVisOverride: BIT(0), // volume's vis. attributes are overwritten
kVisNone: BIT(1), // the volume/node is invisible, as well as daughters
kVisThis: BIT(2), // this volume/node is visible
kVisDaughters: BIT(3), // all leaves are visible
kVisOneLevel: BIT(4), // first level daughters are visible (not used)
kVisStreamed: BIT(5), // true if attributes have been streamed
kVisTouched: BIT(6), // true if attributes are changed after closing geom
kVisOnScreen: BIT(7), // true if volume is visible on screen
kVisContainers: BIT(12), // all containers visible
kVisOnly: BIT(13), // just this visible
kVisBranch: BIT(14), // only a given branch visible
kVisRaytrace: BIT(15) // raytracing flag
clTGeoBBox = 'TGeoBBox',
clTGeoArb8 = 'TGeoArb8',
clTGeoCone = 'TGeoCone',
clTGeoConeSeg = 'TGeoConeSeg',
clTGeoTube = 'TGeoTube',
clTGeoTubeSeg = 'TGeoTubeSeg',
clTGeoCtub = 'TGeoCtub',
clTGeoTrd1 = 'TGeoTrd1',
clTGeoTrd2 = 'TGeoTrd2',
clTGeoPara = 'TGeoPara',
clTGeoParaboloid = 'TGeoParaboloid',
clTGeoPcon = 'TGeoPcon',
clTGeoPgon = 'TGeoPgon',
clTGeoShapeAssembly = 'TGeoShapeAssembly',
clTGeoSphere = 'TGeoSphere',
clTGeoTorus = 'TGeoTorus',
clTGeoXtru = 'TGeoXtru',
clTGeoTrap = 'TGeoTrap',
clTGeoGtra = 'TGeoGtra',
clTGeoEltu = 'TGeoEltu',
clTGeoHype = 'TGeoHype',
clTGeoCompositeShape = 'TGeoCompositeShape',
clTGeoHalfSpace = 'TGeoHalfSpace',
clTGeoScaledShape = 'TGeoScaledShape';
/** @summary Test fGeoAtt bits
* @private */
function testGeoBit(volume, f) {
const att = volume.fGeoAtt;
return att === undefined ? false : ((att & f) !== 0);
/** @summary Set fGeoAtt bit
* @private */
function setGeoBit(volume, f, value) {
if (volume.fGeoAtt === undefined) return;
volume.fGeoAtt = value ? (volume.fGeoAtt | f) : (volume.fGeoAtt & ~f);
/** @summary Toggle fGeoAttBit
* @private */
function toggleGeoBit(volume, f) {
if (volume.fGeoAtt !== undefined)
volume.fGeoAtt = volume.fGeoAtt ^ (f & 0xffffff);
/** @summary Implementation of TGeoVolume::InvisibleAll
* @private */
function setInvisibleAll(volume, flag) {
if (flag === undefined) flag = true;
setGeoBit(volume, geoBITS.kVisThis, !flag);
// setGeoBit(this, geoBITS.kVisDaughters, !flag);
if (volume.fNodes) {
for (let n = 0; n < volume.fNodes.arr.length; ++n) {
const sub = volume.fNodes.arr[n].fVolume;
setGeoBit(sub, geoBITS.kVisThis, !flag);
// setGeoBit(sub, geoBITS.kVisDaughters, !flag);
const _warn_msgs = {};
/** @summary method used to avoid duplication of warnings
* @private */
function geoWarn(msg) {
if (_warn_msgs[msg] !== undefined) return;
_warn_msgs[msg] = true;
/** @summary Analyze TGeo node kind
* @desc 0 - TGeoNode
* 1 - TEveGeoNode
* -1 - unsupported
* @return detected node kind
* @private */
function getNodeKind(obj) {
if (!isObject(obj)) return -1;
return ('fShape' in obj) && ('fTrans' in obj) ? kindEve : kindGeo;
/** @summary Returns number of shapes
* @desc Used to count total shapes number in composites
* @private */
function countNumShapes(shape) {
if (!shape) return 0;
if (shape._typename !== clTGeoCompositeShape) return 1;
return countNumShapes(shape.fNode.fLeft) + countNumShapes(shape.fNode.fRight);
/** @summary Returns geo object name
* @desc Can appends some special suffixes
* @private */
function getObjectName(obj) {
return obj?.fName ? (obj.fName + (obj.$geo_suffix || '')) : '';
/** @summary Check duplicates
* @private */
function checkDuplicates(parent, chlds) {
if (parent) {
if (parent.$geo_checked) return;
parent.$geo_checked = true;
const names = [], cnts = [];
for (let k = 0; k < chlds.length; ++k) {
const chld = chlds[k];
if (!chld?.fName) continue;
if (!chld.$geo_suffix) {
const indx = names.indexOf(chld.fName);
if (indx >= 0) {
let cnt = cnts[indx] || 1;
while (names.indexOf(chld.fName+'#'+cnt) >= 0) ++cnt;
chld.$geo_suffix = '#' + cnt;
cnts[indx] = cnt+1;
/** @summary Create normal to plane, defined with three points
* @private */
function produceNormal(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3) {
const pA = new THREE.Vector3(x1, y1, z1),
pB = new THREE.Vector3(x2, y2, z2),
pC = new THREE.Vector3(x3, y3, z3),
cb = new THREE.Vector3(),
ab = new THREE.Vector3();
cb.subVectors(pC, pB);
ab.subVectors(pA, pB);
return cb;
// ==========================================================================
* @summary Helper class for geometry creation
* @private
class GeometryCreator {
/** @summary Constructor
* @param numfaces - number of faces */
constructor(numfaces) {
this.nfaces = numfaces;
this.indx = 0;
this.pos = new Float32Array(numfaces*9);
this.norm = new Float32Array(numfaces*9);
/** @summary Add face with 3 vertices */
addFace3(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3) {
const indx = this.indx, pos = this.pos;
pos[indx] = x1;
pos[indx+1] = y1;
pos[indx+2] = z1;
pos[indx+3] = x2;
pos[indx+4] = y2;
pos[indx+5] = z2;
pos[indx+6] = x3;
pos[indx+7] = y3;
pos[indx+8] = z3;
this.last4 = false;
this.indx = indx + 9;
/** @summary Start polygon */
startPolygon() {}
/** @summary Stop polygon */
stopPolygon() {}
/** @summary Add face with 4 vertices
* @desc From four vertices one normally creates two faces (1,2,3) and (1,3,4)
* if (reduce === 1), first face is reduced
* if (reduce === 2), second face is reduced */
addFace4(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4, reduce) {
let indx = this.indx;
const pos = this.pos;
if (reduce !== 1) {
pos[indx] = x1;
pos[indx+1] = y1;
pos[indx+2] = z1;
pos[indx+3] = x2;
pos[indx+4] = y2;
pos[indx+5] = z2;
pos[indx+6] = x3;
pos[indx+7] = y3;
pos[indx+8] = z3;
if (reduce !== 2) {
pos[indx] = x1;
pos[indx+1] = y1;
pos[indx+2] = z1;
pos[indx+3] = x3;
pos[indx+4] = y3;
pos[indx+5] = z3;
pos[indx+6] = x4;
pos[indx+7] = y4;
pos[indx+8] = z4;
this.last4 = (indx !== this.indx + 9);
this.indx = indx;
/** @summary Specify normal for face with 4 vertices
* @desc same as addFace4, assign normals for each individual vertex
* reduce has same meaning and should be the same */
setNormal4(nx1, ny1, nz1, nx2, ny2, nz2, nx3, ny3, nz3, nx4, ny4, nz4, reduce) {
if (this.last4 && reduce)
return console.error('missmatch between addFace4 and setNormal4 calls');
let indx = this.indx - (this.last4 ? 18 : 9);
const norm = this.norm;
if (reduce !== 1) {
norm[indx] = nx1;
norm[indx+1] = ny1;
norm[indx+2] = nz1;
norm[indx+3] = nx2;
norm[indx+4] = ny2;
norm[indx+5] = nz2;
norm[indx+6] = nx3;
norm[indx+7] = ny3;
norm[indx+8] = nz3;
if (reduce !== 2) {
norm[indx] = nx1;
norm[indx+1] = ny1;
norm[indx+2] = nz1;
norm[indx+3] = nx3;
norm[indx+4] = ny3;
norm[indx+5] = nz3;
norm[indx+6] = nx4;
norm[indx+7] = ny4;
norm[indx+8] = nz4;
/** @summary Recalculate Z with provided func */
recalcZ(func) {
const pos = this.pos,
last = this.indx;
let indx = last - (this.last4 ? 18 : 9);
while (indx < last) {
pos[indx+2] = func(pos[indx], pos[indx+1], pos[indx+2]);
/** @summary Calculate normal */
calcNormal() {
if (!this.cb) {
this.pA = new THREE.Vector3();
this.pB = new THREE.Vector3();
this.pC = new THREE.Vector3();
this.cb = new THREE.Vector3();
this.ab = new THREE.Vector3();
this.pA.fromArray(this.pos, this.indx - 9);
this.pB.fromArray(this.pos, this.indx - 6);
this.pC.fromArray(this.pos, this.indx - 3);
this.cb.subVectors(this.pC, this.pB);
this.ab.subVectors(this.pA, this.pB);
this.setNormal(this.cb.x, this.cb.y, this.cb.z);
/** @summary Set normal */
setNormal(nx, ny, nz) {
let indx = this.indx - 9;
const norm = this.norm;
norm[indx] = norm[indx+3] = norm[indx+6] = nx;
norm[indx+1] = norm[indx+4] = norm[indx+7] = ny;
norm[indx+2] = norm[indx+5] = norm[indx+8] = nz;
if (this.last4) {
indx -= 9;
norm[indx] = norm[indx+3] = norm[indx+6] = nx;
norm[indx+1] = norm[indx+4] = norm[indx+7] = ny;
norm[indx+2] = norm[indx+5] = norm[indx+8] = nz;
/** @summary Set normal
* @desc special shortcut, when same normals can be applied for 1-2 point and 3-4 point */
setNormal_12_34(nx12, ny12, nz12, nx34, ny34, nz34, reduce) {
if (reduce === undefined) reduce = 0;
let indx = this.indx - ((reduce > 0) ? 9 : 18);
const norm = this.norm;
if (reduce !== 1) {
norm[indx] = nx12;
norm[indx+1] = ny12;
norm[indx+2] = nz12;
norm[indx+3] = nx12;
norm[indx+4] = ny12;
norm[indx+5] = nz12;
norm[indx+6] = nx34;
norm[indx+7] = ny34;
norm[indx+8] = nz34;
indx += 9;
if (reduce !== 2) {
norm[indx] = nx12;
norm[indx+1] = ny12;
norm[indx+2] = nz12;
norm[indx+3] = nx34;
norm[indx+4] = ny34;
norm[indx+5] = nz34;
norm[indx+6] = nx34;
norm[indx+7] = ny34;
norm[indx+8] = nz34;
/** @summary Create geometry */
create() {
if (this.nfaces !== this.indx/9)
console.error(`Mismatch with created ${this.nfaces} and filled ${this.indx/9} number of faces`);
const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(this.pos, 3));
geometry.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(this.norm, 3));
return geometry;
// ================================================================================
/** @summary Helper class for CsgGeometry creation
* @private
class PolygonsCreator {
/** @summary constructor */
constructor() {
this.polygons = [];
/** @summary Start polygon */
startPolygon(normal) {
this.multi = 1;
this.mnormal = normal;
/** @summary Stop polygon */
stopPolygon() {
if (!this.multi) return;
this.multi = 0;
console.error('Polygon should be already closed at this moment');
/** @summary Add face with 3 vertices */
addFace3(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3) {
this.addFace4(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x3, y3, z3, 2);
/** @summary Add face with 4 vertices
* @desc From four vertices one normally creates two faces (1,2,3) and (1,3,4)
* if (reduce === 1), first face is reduced
* if (reduce === 2), second face is reduced */
addFace4(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4, reduce) {
if (reduce === undefined) reduce = 0;
this.v1 = new CsgVertex(x1, y1, z1, 0, 0, 0);
this.v2 = (reduce === 1) ? null : new CsgVertex(x2, y2, z2, 0, 0, 0);
this.v3 = new CsgVertex(x3, y3, z3, 0, 0, 0);
this.v4 = (reduce === 2) ? null : new CsgVertex(x4, y4, z4, 0, 0, 0);
this.reduce = reduce;
if (this.multi) {
if (reduce !== 2) console.error('polygon not supported for not-reduced faces');
let polygon;
if (this.multi++ === 1) {
polygon = new CsgPolygon();
polygon.vertices.push(this.mnormal ? this.v2 : this.v3);
} else {
polygon = this.polygons[this.polygons.length-1];
// check that last vertex equals to v2
const last = this.mnormal ? polygon.vertices[polygon.vertices.length-1] : polygon.vertices[0],
comp = this.mnormal ? this.v2 : this.v3;
if (comp.diff(last) > 1e-12)
console.error('vertex missmatch when building polygon');
const first = this.mnormal ? polygon.vertices[0] : polygon.vertices[polygon.vertices.length-1],
next = this.mnormal ? this.v3 : this.v2;
if (next.diff(first) < 1e-12) {
// console.log(`polygon closed!!! nvertices = ${polygon.vertices.length}`);
this.multi = 0;
} else
if (this.mnormal)
const polygon = new CsgPolygon();
switch (reduce) {
case 0: polygon.vertices.push(this.v1, this.v2, this.v3, this.v4); break;
case 1: polygon.vertices.push(this.v1, this.v3, this.v4); break;
case 2: polygon.vertices.push(this.v1, this.v2, this.v3); break;
/** @summary Specify normal for face with 4 vertices
* @desc same as addFace4, assign normals for each individual vertex
* reduce has same meaning and should be the same */
setNormal4(nx1, ny1, nz1, nx2, ny2, nz2, nx3, ny3, nz3, nx4, ny4, nz4) {
this.v1.setnormal(nx1, ny1, nz1);
if (this.v2) this.v2.setnormal(nx2, ny2, nz2);
this.v3.setnormal(nx3, ny3, nz3);
if (this.v4) this.v4.setnormal(nx4, ny4, nz4);
/** @summary Set normal
* @desc special shortcut, when same normals can be applied for 1-2 point and 3-4 point */
setNormal_12_34(nx12, ny12, nz12, nx34, ny34, nz34) {
this.v1.setnormal(nx12, ny12, nz12);
if (this.v2) this.v2.setnormal(nx12, ny12, nz12);
this.v3.setnormal(nx34, ny34, nz34);
if (this.v4) this.v4.setnormal(nx34, ny34, nz34);
/** @summary Calculate normal */
calcNormal() {
if (!this.cb) {
this.pA = new THREE.Vector3();
this.pB = new THREE.Vector3();
this.pC = new THREE.Vector3();
this.cb = new THREE.Vector3();
this.ab = new THREE.Vector3();
this.pA.set(this.v1.x, this.v1.y, this.v1.z);
if (this.reduce !== 1) {
this.pB.set(this.v2.x, this.v2.y, this.v2.z);
this.pC.set(this.v3.x, this.v3.y, this.v3.z);
} else {
this.pB.set(this.v3.x, this.v3.y, this.v3.z);
this.pC.set(this.v4.x, this.v4.y, this.v4.z);
this.cb.subVectors(this.pC, this.pB);
this.ab.subVectors(this.pA, this.pB);
this.setNormal(this.cb.x, this.cb.y, this.cb.z);
/** @summary Set normal */
setNormal(nx, ny, nz) {
this.v1.setnormal(nx, ny, nz);
if (this.v2) this.v2.setnormal(nx, ny, nz);
this.v3.setnormal(nx, ny, nz);
if (this.v4) this.v4.setnormal(nx, ny, nz);
/** @summary Recalculate Z with provided func */
recalcZ(func) {
this.v1.z = func(this.v1.x, this.v1.y, this.v1.z);
if (this.v2) this.v2.z = func(this.v2.x, this.v2.y, this.v2.z);
this.v3.z = func(this.v3.x, this.v3.y, this.v3.z);
if (this.v4) this.v4.z = func(this.v4.x, this.v4.y, this.v4.z);
/** @summary Create geometry
* @private */
create() {
return { polygons: this.polygons };
// ================= all functions to create geometry ===================================
/** @summary Creates cube geometry
* @private */
function createCubeBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
if (faces_limit < 0) return 12;
const dx = shape.fDX, dy = shape.fDY, dz = shape.fDZ,
creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(12);
creator.addFace4(dx, dy, dz, dx, -dy, dz, dx, -dy, -dz, dx, dy, -dz); creator.setNormal(1, 0, 0);
creator.addFace4(-dx, dy, -dz, -dx, -dy, -dz, -dx, -dy, dz, -dx, dy, dz); creator.setNormal(-1, 0, 0);
creator.addFace4(-dx, dy, -dz, -dx, dy, dz, dx, dy, dz, dx, dy, -dz); creator.setNormal(0, 1, 0);
creator.addFace4(-dx, -dy, dz, -dx, -dy, -dz, dx, -dy, -dz, dx, -dy, dz); creator.setNormal(0, -1, 0);
creator.addFace4(-dx, dy, dz, -dx, -dy, dz, dx, -dy, dz, dx, dy, dz); creator.setNormal(0, 0, 1);
creator.addFace4(dx, dy, -dz, dx, -dy, -dz, -dx, -dy, -dz, -dx, dy, -dz); creator.setNormal(0, 0, -1);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates 8 edges geometry
* @private */
function create8edgesBuffer(v, faces_limit) {
const indicies = [4, 7, 6, 5, 0, 3, 7, 4, 4, 5, 1, 0, 6, 2, 1, 5, 7, 3, 2, 6, 1, 2, 3, 0],
creator = (faces_limit > 0) ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(12);
for (let n = 0; n < indicies.length; n += 4) {
const i1 = indicies[n]*3,
i2 = indicies[n+1]*3,
i3 = indicies[n+2]*3,
i4 = indicies[n+3]*3;
creator.addFace4(v[i1], v[i1+1], v[i1+2], v[i2], v[i2+1], v[i2+2],
v[i3], v[i3+1], v[i3+2], v[i4], v[i4+1], v[i4+2]);
if (n === 0)
creator.setNormal(0, 0, 1);
else if (n === 20)
creator.setNormal(0, 0, -1);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates PARA geometry
* @private */
function createParaBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
if (faces_limit < 0) return 12;
const txy = shape.fTxy, txz = shape.fTxz, tyz = shape.fTyz, v = [
-shape.fZ*txz-txy*shape.fY-shape.fX, -shape.fY-shape.fZ*tyz, -shape.fZ,
-shape.fZ*txz+txy*shape.fY-shape.fX, shape.fY-shape.fZ*tyz, -shape.fZ,
-shape.fZ*txz+txy*shape.fY+shape.fX, shape.fY-shape.fZ*tyz, -shape.fZ,
-shape.fZ*txz-txy*shape.fY+shape.fX, -shape.fY-shape.fZ*tyz, -shape.fZ,
shape.fZ*txz-txy*shape.fY-shape.fX, -shape.fY+shape.fZ*tyz, shape.fZ,
shape.fZ*txz+txy*shape.fY-shape.fX, shape.fY+shape.fZ*tyz, shape.fZ,
shape.fZ*txz+txy*shape.fY+shape.fX, shape.fY+shape.fZ*tyz, shape.fZ,
shape.fZ*txz-txy*shape.fY+shape.fX, -shape.fY+shape.fZ*tyz, shape.fZ];
return create8edgesBuffer(v, faces_limit);
/** @summary Creates trapezoid geometry
* @private */
function createTrapezoidBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
if (faces_limit < 0) return 12;
let y1, y2;
if (shape._typename === clTGeoTrd1)
y1 = y2 = shape.fDY;
else {
y1 = shape.fDy1; y2 = shape.fDy2;
const v = [
-shape.fDx1, y1, -shape.fDZ,
shape.fDx1, y1, -shape.fDZ,
shape.fDx1, -y1, -shape.fDZ,
-shape.fDx1, -y1, -shape.fDZ,
-shape.fDx2, y2, shape.fDZ,
shape.fDx2, y2, shape.fDZ,
shape.fDx2, -y2, shape.fDZ,
-shape.fDx2, -y2, shape.fDZ
return create8edgesBuffer(v, faces_limit);
/** @summary Creates arb8 geometry
* @private */
function createArb8Buffer(shape, faces_limit) {
if (faces_limit < 0) return 12;
const vertices = [
shape.fXY[0][0], shape.fXY[0][1], -shape.fDZ,
shape.fXY[1][0], shape.fXY[1][1], -shape.fDZ,
shape.fXY[2][0], shape.fXY[2][1], -shape.fDZ,
shape.fXY[3][0], shape.fXY[3][1], -shape.fDZ,
shape.fXY[4][0], shape.fXY[4][1], shape.fDZ,
shape.fXY[5][0], shape.fXY[5][1], shape.fDZ,
shape.fXY[6][0], shape.fXY[6][1], shape.fDZ,
shape.fXY[7][0], shape.fXY[7][1], shape.fDZ
indicies = [
4, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 7, 4, 4, 0, 3,
5, 1, 0, 0, 4, 5, 6, 2, 1, 1, 5, 6,
7, 3, 2, 2, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 3, 0, 1];
// detect same vertices on both Z-layers
for (let side = 0; side < vertices.length; side += vertices.length/2) {
for (let n1 = side; n1 < side + vertices.length/2 - 3; n1+=3) {
for (let n2 = n1+3; n2 < side + vertices.length/2; n2+=3) {
if ((vertices[n1] === vertices[n2]) &&
(vertices[n1+1] === vertices[n2+1]) &&
(vertices[n1+2] === vertices[n2+2])) {
for (let k=0; k<indicies.length; ++k)
if (indicies[k] === n2/3) indicies[k] = n1/3;
const map = []; // list of existing faces (with all rotations)
let numfaces = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < indicies.length; k += 3) {
const id1 = indicies[k]*100 + indicies[k+1]*10 + indicies[k+2],
id2 = indicies[k+1]*100 + indicies[k+2]*10 + indicies[k],
id3 = indicies[k+2]*100 + indicies[k]*10 + indicies[k+1];
if ((indicies[k] === indicies[k+1]) || (indicies[k] === indicies[k+2]) || (indicies[k+1] === indicies[k+2]) ||
(map.indexOf(id1) >= 0) || (map.indexOf(id2) >= 0) || (map.indexOf(id3) >= 0))
indicies[k] = indicies[k+1] = indicies[k+2] = -1;
else {
map.push(id1, id2, id3);
const creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(numfaces);
for (let n = 0; n < indicies.length; n += 6) {
const i1 = indicies[n] * 3,
i2 = indicies[n+1] * 3,
i3 = indicies[n+2] * 3,
i4 = indicies[n+3] * 3,
i5 = indicies[n+4] * 3,
i6 = indicies[n+5] * 3;
let norm = null;
if ((i1 >= 0) && (i4 >= 0) && faces_limit) {
// try to identify two faces with same normal - very useful if one can create face4
if (n === 0)
norm = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
else if (n === 30)
norm = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1);
else {
const norm1 = produceNormal(vertices[i1], vertices[i1+1], vertices[i1+2],
vertices[i2], vertices[i2+1], vertices[i2+2],
vertices[i3], vertices[i3+1], vertices[i3+2]);
const norm2 = produceNormal(vertices[i4], vertices[i4+1], vertices[i4+2],
vertices[i5], vertices[i5+1], vertices[i5+2],
vertices[i6], vertices[i6+1], vertices[i6+2]);
if (norm1.distanceToSquared(norm2) < 1e-12) norm = norm1;
if (norm !== null) {
creator.addFace4(vertices[i1], vertices[i1+1], vertices[i1+2],
vertices[i2], vertices[i2+1], vertices[i2+2],
vertices[i3], vertices[i3+1], vertices[i3+2],
vertices[i5], vertices[i5+1], vertices[i5+2]);
creator.setNormal(norm.x, norm.y, norm.z);
} else {
if (i1 >= 0) {
creator.addFace3(vertices[i1], vertices[i1+1], vertices[i1+2],
vertices[i2], vertices[i2+1], vertices[i2+2],
vertices[i3], vertices[i3+1], vertices[i3+2]);
if (i4 >= 0) {
creator.addFace3(vertices[i4], vertices[i4+1], vertices[i4+2],
vertices[i5], vertices[i5+1], vertices[i5+2],
vertices[i6], vertices[i6+1], vertices[i6+2]);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates sphere geometry
* @private */
function createSphereBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
const radius = [shape.fRmax, shape.fRmin],
phiStart = shape.fPhi1,
phiLength = shape.fPhi2 - shape.fPhi1,
thetaStart = shape.fTheta1,
thetaLength = shape.fTheta2 - shape.fTheta1,
noInside = (radius[1] <= 0);
let widthSegments = shape.fNseg,
heightSegments = shape.fNz;
if (faces_limit > 0) {
const fact = (noInside ? 2 : 4) * widthSegments * heightSegments / faces_limit;
if (fact > 1.0) {
widthSegments = Math.max(4, Math.floor(widthSegments/Math.sqrt(fact)));
heightSegments = Math.max(4, Math.floor(heightSegments/Math.sqrt(fact)));
let numoutside = widthSegments * heightSegments * 2,
numtop = widthSegments * (noInside ? 1 : 2),
numbottom = widthSegments * (noInside ? 1 : 2);
const numcut = (phiLength === 360) ? 0 : heightSegments * (noInside ? 2 : 4),
epsilon = 1e-10;
if (faces_limit < 0) return numoutside * (noInside ? 1 : 2) + numtop + numbottom + numcut;
const _sinp = new Float32Array(widthSegments+1),
_cosp = new Float32Array(widthSegments+1),
_sint = new Float32Array(heightSegments+1),
_cost = new Float32Array(heightSegments+1);
for (let n = 0; n <= heightSegments; ++n) {
const theta = (thetaStart + thetaLength/heightSegments*n)*Math.PI/180;
_sint[n] = Math.sin(theta);
_cost[n] = Math.cos(theta);
for (let n = 0; n <= widthSegments; ++n) {
const phi = (phiStart + phiLength/widthSegments*n)*Math.PI/180;
_sinp[n] = Math.sin(phi);
_cosp[n] = Math.cos(phi);
if (Math.abs(_sint[0]) <= epsilon) { numoutside -= widthSegments; numtop = 0; }
if (Math.abs(_sint[heightSegments]) <= epsilon) { numoutside -= widthSegments; numbottom = 0; }
const numfaces = numoutside * (noInside ? 1 : 2) + numtop + numbottom + numcut,
creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(numfaces);
for (let side = 0; side < 2; ++side) {
if ((side === 1) && noInside) break;
const r = radius[side],
s = (side === 0) ? 1 : -1,
d1 = 1 - side, d2 = 1 - d1;
// use direct algorithm for the sphere - here normals and position can be calculated directly
for (let k = 0; k < heightSegments; ++k) {
const k1 = k + d1, k2 = k + d2;
let skip = 0;
if (Math.abs(_sint[k1]) <= epsilon) skip = 1; else
if (Math.abs(_sint[k2]) <= epsilon) skip = 2;
for (let n = 0; n < widthSegments; ++n) {
r*_sint[k1]*_cosp[n], r*_sint[k1] *_sinp[n], r*_cost[k1],
r*_sint[k1]*_cosp[n+1], r*_sint[k1] *_sinp[n+1], r*_cost[k1],
r*_sint[k2]*_cosp[n+1], r*_sint[k2] *_sinp[n+1], r*_cost[k2],
r*_sint[k2]*_cosp[n], r*_sint[k2] *_sinp[n], r*_cost[k2],
s*_sint[k1]*_cosp[n], s*_sint[k1] *_sinp[n], s*_cost[k1],
s*_sint[k1]*_cosp[n+1], s*_sint[k1] *_sinp[n+1], s*_cost[k1],
s*_sint[k2]*_cosp[n+1], s*_sint[k2] *_sinp[n+1], s*_cost[k2],
s*_sint[k2]*_cosp[n], s*_sint[k2] *_sinp[n], s*_cost[k2],
// top/bottom
for (let side = 0; side <= heightSegments; side += heightSegments) {
if (Math.abs(_sint[side]) >= epsilon) {
const ss = _sint[side], cc = _cost[side],
d1 = (side === 0) ? 0 : 1, d2 = 1 - d1;
for (let n = 0; n < widthSegments; ++n) {
radius[1] * ss * _cosp[n+d1], radius[1] * ss * _sinp[n+d1], radius[1] * cc,
radius[0] * ss * _cosp[n+d1], radius[0] * ss * _sinp[n+d1], radius[0] * cc,
radius[0] * ss * _cosp[n+d2], radius[0] * ss * _sinp[n+d2], radius[0] * cc,
radius[1] * ss * _cosp[n+d2], radius[1] * ss * _sinp[n+d2], radius[1] * cc,
noInside ? 2 : 0);
// cut left/right sides
if (phiLength < 360) {
for (let side = 0; side <= widthSegments; side += widthSegments) {
const ss = _sinp[side], cc = _cosp[side],
d1 = (side === 0) ? 1 : 0, d2 = 1 - d1;
for (let k=0; k<heightSegments; ++k) {
radius[1] * _sint[k+d1] * cc, radius[1] * _sint[k+d1] * ss, radius[1] * _cost[k+d1],
radius[0] * _sint[k+d1] * cc, radius[0] * _sint[k+d1] * ss, radius[0] * _cost[k+d1],
radius[0] * _sint[k+d2] * cc, radius[0] * _sint[k+d2] * ss, radius[0] * _cost[k+d2],
radius[1] * _sint[k+d2] * cc, radius[1] * _sint[k+d2] * ss, radius[1] * _cost[k+d2],
noInside ? 2 : 0);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates tube geometry
* @private */
function createTubeBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
let outerR, innerR; // inner/outer tube radius
if ((shape._typename === clTGeoCone) || (shape._typename === clTGeoConeSeg)) {
outerR = [shape.fRmax2, shape.fRmax1];
innerR = [shape.fRmin2, shape.fRmin1];
} else {
outerR = [shape.fRmax, shape.fRmax];
innerR = [shape.fRmin, shape.fRmin];
const hasrmin = (innerR[0] > 0) || (innerR[1] > 0);
let thetaStart = 0, thetaLength = 360;
if ((shape._typename === clTGeoConeSeg) || (shape._typename === clTGeoTubeSeg) || (shape._typename === clTGeoCtub)) {
thetaStart = shape.fPhi1;
thetaLength = shape.fPhi2 - shape.fPhi1;
const radiusSegments = Math.max(4, Math.round(thetaLength/cfg.GradPerSegm));
// external surface
let numfaces = radiusSegments * (((outerR[0] <= 0) || (outerR[1] <= 0)) ? 1 : 2);
// internal surface
if (hasrmin)
numfaces += radiusSegments * (((innerR[0] <= 0) || (innerR[1] <= 0)) ? 1 : 2);
// upper cap
if (outerR[0] > 0) numfaces += radiusSegments * ((innerR[0] > 0) ? 2 : 1);
// bottom cup
if (outerR[1] > 0) numfaces += radiusSegments * ((innerR[1] > 0) ? 2 : 1);
if (thetaLength < 360)
numfaces += ((outerR[0] > innerR[0]) ? 2 : 0) + ((outerR[1] > innerR[1]) ? 2 : 0);
if (faces_limit < 0) return numfaces;
const phi0 = thetaStart*Math.PI/180,
dphi = thetaLength/radiusSegments*Math.PI/180,
_sin = new Float32Array(radiusSegments+1),
_cos = new Float32Array(radiusSegments+1);
for (let seg = 0; seg <= radiusSegments; ++seg) {
_cos[seg] = Math.cos(phi0+seg*dphi);
_sin[seg] = Math.sin(phi0+seg*dphi);
const creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(numfaces),
calcZ = (shape._typename !== clTGeoCtub)
? null
: (x, y, z) => {
const arr = (z < 0) ? shape.fNlow : shape.fNhigh;
return ((z < 0) ? -shape.fDz : shape.fDz) - (x*arr[0] + y*arr[1]) / arr[2];
// create outer/inner tube
for (let side = 0; side < 2; ++side) {
if ((side === 1) && !hasrmin) break;
const R = (side === 0) ? outerR : innerR, d1 = side, d2 = 1 - side;
let nxy = 1, nz = 0;
if (R[0] !== R[1]) {
const angle = Math.atan2((R[1]-R[0]), 2*shape.fDZ);
nxy = Math.cos(angle);
nz = Math.sin(angle);
if (side === 1) { nxy *= -1; nz *= -1; }
const reduce = (R[0] <= 0) ? 2 : ((R[1] <= 0) ? 1 : 0);
for (let seg = 0; seg < radiusSegments; ++seg) {
R[0] * _cos[seg+d1], R[0] * _sin[seg+d1], shape.fDZ,
R[1] * _cos[seg+d1], R[1] * _sin[seg+d1], -shape.fDZ,
R[1] * _cos[seg+d2], R[1] * _sin[seg+d2], -shape.fDZ,
R[0] * _cos[seg+d2], R[0] * _sin[seg+d2], shape.fDZ,
if (calcZ) creator.recalcZ(calcZ);
creator.setNormal_12_34(nxy*_cos[seg+d1], nxy*_sin[seg+d1], nz,
nxy*_cos[seg+d2], nxy*_sin[seg+d2], nz,
// create upper/bottom part
for (let side = 0; side < 2; ++side) {
if (outerR[side] <= 0) continue;
const d1 = side, d2 = 1- side,
sign = (side === 0) ? 1 : -1,
reduce = (innerR[side] <= 0) ? 2 : 0;
if ((reduce === 2) && (thetaLength === 360) && !calcZ)
creator.startPolygon(side === 0);
for (let seg = 0; seg < radiusSegments; ++seg) {
innerR[side] * _cos[seg+d1], innerR[side] * _sin[seg+d1], sign*shape.fDZ,
outerR[side] * _cos[seg+d1], outerR[side] * _sin[seg+d1], sign*shape.fDZ,
outerR[side] * _cos[seg+d2], outerR[side] * _sin[seg+d2], sign*shape.fDZ,
innerR[side] * _cos[seg+d2], innerR[side] * _sin[seg+d2], sign*shape.fDZ,
if (calcZ) {
} else
creator.setNormal(0, 0, sign);
// create cut surfaces
if (thetaLength < 360) {
creator.addFace4(innerR[1] * _cos[0], innerR[1] * _sin[0], -shape.fDZ,
outerR[1] * _cos[0], outerR[1] * _sin[0], -shape.fDZ,
outerR[0] * _cos[0], outerR[0] * _sin[0], shape.fDZ,
innerR[0] * _cos[0], innerR[0] * _sin[0], shape.fDZ,
(outerR[0] === innerR[0]) ? 2 : ((innerR[1] === outerR[1]) ? 1 : 0));
if (calcZ) creator.recalcZ(calcZ);
creator.addFace4(innerR[0] * _cos[radiusSegments], innerR[0] * _sin[radiusSegments], shape.fDZ,
outerR[0] * _cos[radiusSegments], outerR[0] * _sin[radiusSegments], shape.fDZ,
outerR[1] * _cos[radiusSegments], outerR[1] * _sin[radiusSegments], -shape.fDZ,
innerR[1] * _cos[radiusSegments], innerR[1] * _sin[radiusSegments], -shape.fDZ,
(outerR[0] === innerR[0]) ? 1 : ((innerR[1] === outerR[1]) ? 2 : 0));
if (calcZ) creator.recalcZ(calcZ);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates eltu geometry
* @private */
function createEltuBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
const radiusSegments = Math.max(4, Math.round(360/cfg.GradPerSegm));
if (faces_limit < 0) return radiusSegments*4;
// calculate all sin/cos tables in advance
const x = new Float32Array(radiusSegments+1),
y = new Float32Array(radiusSegments+1);
for (let seg=0; seg<=radiusSegments; ++seg) {
const phi = seg/radiusSegments*2*Math.PI;
x[seg] = shape.fRmin*Math.cos(phi);
y[seg] = shape.fRmax*Math.sin(phi);
const creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(radiusSegments*4);
let nx1, ny1, nx2 = 1, ny2 = 0;
// create tube faces
for (let seg = 0; seg < radiusSegments; ++seg) {
creator.addFace4(x[seg], y[seg], +shape.fDZ,
x[seg], y[seg], -shape.fDZ,
x[seg+1], y[seg+1], -shape.fDZ,
x[seg+1], y[seg+1], shape.fDZ);
// calculate normals ourself
nx1 = nx2; ny1 = ny2;
nx2 = x[seg+1] * shape.fRmax / shape.fRmin;
ny2 = y[seg+1] * shape.fRmin / shape.fRmax;
const dist = Math.sqrt(nx2**2 + ny2**2);
nx2 = nx2 / dist; ny2 = ny2/dist;
creator.setNormal_12_34(nx1, ny1, 0, nx2, ny2, 0);
// create top/bottom sides
for (let side = 0; side < 2; ++side) {
const sign = (side === 0) ? 1 : -1, d1 = side, d2 = 1 - side;
for (let seg=0; seg<radiusSegments; ++seg) {
creator.addFace3(0, 0, sign*shape.fDZ,
x[seg+d1], y[seg+d1], sign*shape.fDZ,
x[seg+d2], y[seg+d2], sign*shape.fDZ);
creator.setNormal(0, 0, sign);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates torus geometry
* @private */
function createTorusBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
const radius = shape.fR;
let radialSegments = Math.max(6, Math.round(360/cfg.GradPerSegm)),
tubularSegments = Math.max(8, Math.round(shape.fDphi/cfg.GradPerSegm)),
numfaces = (shape.fRmin > 0 ? 4 : 2) * radialSegments * (tubularSegments + (shape.fDphi !== 360 ? 1 : 0));
if (faces_limit < 0) return numfaces;
if ((faces_limit > 0) && (numfaces > faces_limit)) {
radialSegments = Math.floor(radialSegments/Math.sqrt(numfaces / faces_limit));
tubularSegments = Math.floor(tubularSegments/Math.sqrt(numfaces / faces_limit));
numfaces = (shape.fRmin > 0 ? 4 : 2) * radialSegments * (tubularSegments + (shape.fDphi !== 360 ? 1 : 0));
const _sinr = new Float32Array(radialSegments+1),
_cosr = new Float32Array(radialSegments+1),
_sint = new Float32Array(tubularSegments+1),
_cost = new Float32Array(tubularSegments+1);
for (let n = 0; n <= radialSegments; ++n) {
_sinr[n] = Math.sin(n/radialSegments*2*Math.PI);
_cosr[n] = Math.cos(n/radialSegments*2*Math.PI);
for (let t = 0; t <= tubularSegments; ++t) {
const angle = (shape.fPhi1 + shape.fDphi*t/tubularSegments)/180*Math.PI;
_sint[t] = Math.sin(angle);
_cost[t] = Math.cos(angle);
const creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(numfaces),
// use vectors for normals calculation
p1 = new THREE.Vector3(), p2 = new THREE.Vector3(), p3 = new THREE.Vector3(), p4 = new THREE.Vector3(),
n1 = new THREE.Vector3(), n2 = new THREE.Vector3(), n3 = new THREE.Vector3(), n4 = new THREE.Vector3(),
center1 = new THREE.Vector3(), center2 = new THREE.Vector3();
for (let side = 0; side < 2; ++side) {
if ((side > 0) && (shape.fRmin <= 0)) break;
const tube = (side > 0) ? shape.fRmin : shape.fRmax,
d1 = 1 - side, d2 = 1 - d1, ns = side > 0 ? -1 : 1;
for (let t = 0; t < tubularSegments; ++t) {
const t1 = t + d1, t2 = t + d2;
center1.x = radius * _cost[t1]; center1.y = radius * _sint[t1];
center2.x = radius * _cost[t2]; center2.y = radius * _sint[t2];
for (let n = 0; n < radialSegments; ++n) {
p1.x = (radius + tube * _cosr[n]) * _cost[t1]; p1.y = (radius + tube * _cosr[n]) * _sint[t1]; p1.z = tube*_sinr[n];
p2.x = (radius + tube * _cosr[n+1]) * _cost[t1]; p2.y = (radius + tube * _cosr[n+1]) * _sint[t1]; p2.z = tube*_sinr[n+1];
p3.x = (radius + tube * _cosr[n+1]) * _cost[t2]; p3.y = (radius + tube * _cosr[n+1]) * _sint[t2]; p3.z = tube*_sinr[n+1];
p4.x = (radius + tube * _cosr[n]) * _cost[t2]; p4.y = (radius + tube * _cosr[n]) * _sint[t2]; p4.z = tube*_sinr[n];
creator.addFace4(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z,
p2.x, p2.y, p2.z,
p3.x, p3.y, p3.z,
p4.x, p4.y, p4.z);
n1.subVectors(p1, center1).normalize();
n2.subVectors(p2, center1).normalize();
n3.subVectors(p3, center2).normalize();
n4.subVectors(p4, center2).normalize();
creator.setNormal4(ns*n1.x, ns*n1.y, ns*n1.z,
ns*n2.x, ns*n2.y, ns*n2.z,
ns*n3.x, ns*n3.y, ns*n3.z,
ns*n4.x, ns*n4.y, ns*n4.z);
if (shape.fDphi !== 360) {
for (let t = 0; t <= tubularSegments; t += tubularSegments) {
const tube1 = shape.fRmax, tube2 = shape.fRmin,
d1 = t > 0 ? 0 : 1, d2 = 1 - d1,
skip = shape.fRmin > 0 ? 0 : 1,
nsign = t > 0 ? 1 : -1;
for (let n = 0; n < radialSegments; ++n) {
creator.addFace4((radius + tube1 * _cosr[n+d1]) * _cost[t], (radius + tube1 * _cosr[n+d1]) * _sint[t], tube1*_sinr[n+d1],
(radius + tube2 * _cosr[n+d1]) * _cost[t], (radius + tube2 * _cosr[n+d1]) * _sint[t], tube2*_sinr[n+d1],
(radius + tube2 * _cosr[n+d2]) * _cost[t], (radius + tube2 * _cosr[n+d2]) * _sint[t], tube2*_sinr[n+d2],
(radius + tube1 * _cosr[n+d2]) * _cost[t], (radius + tube1 * _cosr[n+d2]) * _sint[t], tube1*_sinr[n+d2], skip);
creator.setNormal(-nsign * _sint[t], nsign * _cost[t], 0);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates polygon geometry
* @private */
function createPolygonBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
const thetaStart = shape.fPhi1,
thetaLength = shape.fDphi;
let radiusSegments, factor;
if (shape._typename === clTGeoPgon) {
radiusSegments = shape.fNedges;
factor = 1.0 / Math.cos(Math.PI/180 * thetaLength / radiusSegments / 2);
} else {
radiusSegments = Math.max(5, Math.round(thetaLength/cfg.GradPerSegm));
factor = 1;
const usage = new Int16Array(2*shape.fNz);
let numusedlayers = 0, hasrmin = false;
for (let layer = 0; layer < shape.fNz; ++layer)
hasrmin = hasrmin || (shape.fRmin[layer] > 0);
// return very rough estimation, number of faces may be much less
if (faces_limit < 0)
return (hasrmin ? 4 : 2) * radiusSegments * (shape.fNz-1);
// coordinate of point on cut edge (x,z)
const pnts = (thetaLength === 360) ? null : [];
// first analyze levels - if we need to create all of them
for (let side = 0; side < 2; ++side) {
const rside = (side === 0) ? 'fRmax' : 'fRmin';
for (let layer=0; layer < shape.fNz; ++layer) {
// first create points for the layer
const layerz = shape.fZ[layer], rad = shape[rside][layer];
usage[layer*2+side] = 0;
if ((layer > 0) && (layer < shape.fNz-1)) {
if (((shape.fZ[layer-1] === layerz) && (shape[rside][layer-1] === rad)) ||
((shape[rside][layer+1] === rad) && (shape[rside][layer-1] === rad))) {
// same Z and R as before - ignore
// or same R before and after
if ((layer > 0) && ((side === 0) || hasrmin)) {
usage[layer*2+side] = 1;
if (pnts !== null) {
if (side === 0)
pnts.push(new THREE.Vector2(factor*rad, layerz));
else if (rad < shape.fRmax[layer])
pnts.unshift(new THREE.Vector2(factor*rad, layerz));
let numfaces = numusedlayers*radiusSegments*2;
if (shape.fRmin[0] !== shape.fRmax[0])
numfaces += radiusSegments * (hasrmin ? 2 : 1);
if (shape.fRmin[shape.fNz-1] !== shape.fRmax[shape.fNz-1])
numfaces += radiusSegments * (hasrmin ? 2 : 1);
let cut_faces = null;
if (pnts !== null) {
if (pnts.length === shape.fNz * 2) {
// special case - all layers are there, create faces ourself
cut_faces = [];
for (let layer = shape.fNz-1; layer > 0; --layer) {
if (shape.fZ[layer] === shape.fZ[layer-1]) continue;
const right = 2*shape.fNz - 1 - layer;
cut_faces.push([right, layer - 1, layer]);
cut_faces.push([right, right + 1, layer-1]);
} else {
// let three.js calculate our faces
// console.log(`triangulate polygon ${shape.fShapeId}`);
cut_faces = THREE.ShapeUtils.triangulateShape(pnts, []);
numfaces += cut_faces.length*2;
const phi0 = thetaStart*Math.PI/180,
dphi = thetaLength/radiusSegments*Math.PI/180,
// calculate all sin/cos tables in advance
_sin = new Float32Array(radiusSegments+1),
_cos = new Float32Array(radiusSegments+1);
for (let seg = 0; seg <= radiusSegments; ++seg) {
_cos[seg] = Math.cos(phi0+seg*dphi);
_sin[seg] = Math.sin(phi0+seg*dphi);
const creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(numfaces);
// add sides
for (let side = 0; side < 2; ++side) {
const rside = (side === 0) ? 'fRmax' : 'fRmin',
d1 = 1 - side, d2 = side;
let z1 = shape.fZ[0], r1 = factor*shape[rside][0];
for (let layer = 0; layer < shape.fNz; ++layer) {
if (usage[layer*2+side] === 0) continue;
const z2 = shape.fZ[layer], r2 = factor*shape[rside][layer];
let nxy = 1, nz = 0;
if ((r2 !== r1)) {
const angle = Math.atan2((r2-r1), (z2-z1));
nxy = Math.cos(angle);
nz = Math.sin(angle);
if (side > 0) { nxy*=-1; nz*=-1; }
for (let seg = 0; seg < radiusSegments; ++seg) {
creator.addFace4(r1 * _cos[seg+d1], r1 * _sin[seg+d1], z1,
r2 * _cos[seg+d1], r2 * _sin[seg+d1], z2,
r2 * _cos[seg+d2], r2 * _sin[seg+d2], z2,
r1 * _cos[seg+d2], r1 * _sin[seg+d2], z1);
creator.setNormal_12_34(nxy*_cos[seg+d1], nxy*_sin[seg+d1], nz, nxy*_cos[seg+d2], nxy*_sin[seg+d2], nz);
z1 = z2; r1 = r2;
// add top/bottom
for (let layer = 0; layer < shape.fNz; layer += (shape.fNz-1)) {
const rmin = factor*shape.fRmin[layer], rmax = factor*shape.fRmax[layer];
if (rmin === rmax) continue;
const layerz = shape.fZ[layer],
d1 = (layer === 0) ? 1 : 0, d2 = 1 - d1,
normalz = (layer === 0) ? -1: 1;
if (!hasrmin && !cut_faces)
creator.startPolygon(layer > 0);
for (let seg = 0; seg < radiusSegments; ++seg) {
creator.addFace4(rmin * _cos[seg+d1], rmin * _sin[seg+d1], layerz,
rmax * _cos[seg+d1], rmax * _sin[seg+d1], layerz,
rmax * _cos[seg+d2], rmax * _sin[seg+d2], layerz,
rmin * _cos[seg+d2], rmin * _sin[seg+d2], layerz,
hasrmin ? 0 : 2);
creator.setNormal(0, 0, normalz);
if (cut_faces) {
for (let seg = 0; seg <= radiusSegments; seg += radiusSegments) {
const d1 = (seg === 0) ? 1 : 2, d2 = 3 - d1;
for (let n=0; n<cut_faces.length; ++n) {
const a = pnts[cut_faces[n][0]],
b = pnts[cut_faces[n][d1]],
c = pnts[cut_faces[n][d2]];
creator.addFace3(a.x * _cos[seg], a.x * _sin[seg], a.y,
b.x * _cos[seg], b.x * _sin[seg], b.y,
c.x * _cos[seg], c.x * _sin[seg], c.y);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates xtru geometry
* @private */
function createXtruBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
let nfaces = (shape.fNz-1) * shape.fNvert * 2;
if (faces_limit < 0)
return nfaces + shape.fNvert*3;
// create points
const pnts = [];
for (let vert = 0; vert < shape.fNvert; ++vert)
pnts.push(new THREE.Vector2(shape.fX[vert], shape.fY[vert]));
let faces = THREE.ShapeUtils.triangulateShape(pnts, []);
if (faces.length < pnts.length-2) {
geoWarn(`Problem with XTRU shape ${shape.fName} with ${pnts.length} vertices`);
faces = [];
} else
nfaces += faces.length * 2;
const creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(nfaces);
for (let layer = 0; layer < shape.fNz-1; ++layer) {
const z1 = shape.fZ[layer], scale1 = shape.fScale[layer],
z2 = shape.fZ[layer+1], scale2 = shape.fScale[layer+1],
x01 = shape.fX0[layer], x02 = shape.fX0[layer+1],
y01 = shape.fY0[layer], y02 = shape.fY0[layer+1];
for (let vert1 = 0; vert1 < shape.fNvert; ++vert1) {
const vert2 = (vert1+1) % shape.fNvert;
creator.addFace4(scale1 * shape.fX[vert1] + x01, scale1 * shape.fY[vert1] + y01, z1,
scale2 * shape.fX[vert1] + x02, scale2 * shape.fY[vert1] + y02, z2,
scale2 * shape.fX[vert2] + x02, scale2 * shape.fY[vert2] + y02, z2,
scale1 * shape.fX[vert2] + x01, scale1 * shape.fY[vert2] + y01, z1);
for (let layer = 0; layer <= shape.fNz-1; layer += (shape.fNz-1)) {
const z = shape.fZ[layer], scale = shape.fScale[layer],
x0 = shape.fX0[layer], y0 = shape.fY0[layer];
for (let n = 0; n < faces.length; ++n) {
const face = faces[n],
pnt1 = pnts[face[0]],
pnt2 = pnts[face[layer === 0 ? 2 : 1]],
pnt3 = pnts[face[layer === 0 ? 1 : 2]];
creator.addFace3(scale * pnt1.x + x0, scale * pnt1.y + y0, z,
scale * pnt2.x + x0, scale * pnt2.y + y0, z,
scale * pnt3.x + x0, scale * pnt3.y + y0, z);
creator.setNormal(0, 0, layer === 0 ? -1 : 1);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates para geometry
* @private */
function createParaboloidBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
let radiusSegments = Math.max(4, Math.round(360/cfg.GradPerSegm)),
heightSegments = 30;
if (faces_limit > 0) {
const fact = 2*radiusSegments*(heightSegments+1) / faces_limit;
if (fact > 1.0) {
radiusSegments = Math.max(5, Math.floor(radiusSegments/Math.sqrt(fact)));
heightSegments = Math.max(5, Math.floor(heightSegments/Math.sqrt(fact)));
const rmin = shape.fRlo, rmax = shape.fRhi;
let numfaces = (heightSegments+1) * radiusSegments*2;
if (rmin === 0) numfaces -= radiusSegments*2; // complete layer
if (rmax === 0) numfaces -= radiusSegments*2; // complete layer
if (faces_limit < 0) return numfaces;
let zmin = -shape.fDZ, zmax = shape.fDZ;
// if no radius at -z, find intersection
if (shape.fA >= 0)
zmin = Math.max(zmin, shape.fB);
zmax = Math.min(shape.fB, zmax);
const ttmin = Math.atan2(zmin, rmin),
ttmax = Math.atan2(zmax, rmax),
// calculate all sin/cos tables in advance
_sin = new Float32Array(radiusSegments+1),
_cos = new Float32Array(radiusSegments+1);
for (let seg = 0; seg <= radiusSegments; ++seg) {
_cos[seg] = Math.cos(seg/radiusSegments*2*Math.PI);
_sin[seg] = Math.sin(seg/radiusSegments*2*Math.PI);
const creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(numfaces);
let lastz = zmin, lastr = 0, lastnxy = 0, lastnz = -1;
for (let layer = 0; layer <= heightSegments + 1; ++layer) {
let layerz = 0, radius = 0, nxy = 0, nz = -1;
if ((layer === 0) && (rmin === 0)) continue;
if ((layer === heightSegments + 1) && (lastr === 0)) break;
switch (layer) {
case 0: layerz = zmin; radius = rmin; break;
case heightSegments: layerz = zmax; radius = rmax; break;
case heightSegments + 1: layerz = zmax; radius = 0; break;
default: {
const tt = Math.tan(ttmin + (ttmax-ttmin) * layer / heightSegments),
delta = tt**2 - 4*shape.fA*shape.fB; // should be always positive (a*b < 0)
radius = 0.5*(tt+Math.sqrt(delta))/shape.fA;
if (radius < 1e-6) radius = 0;
layerz = radius*tt;
nxy = shape.fA * radius;
nz = (shape.fA > 0) ? -1 : 1;
const skip = (lastr === 0) ? 1 : ((radius === 0) ? 2 : 0);
for (let seg = 0; seg < radiusSegments; ++seg) {
creator.addFace4(radius*_cos[seg], radius*_sin[seg], layerz,
lastr*_cos[seg], lastr*_sin[seg], lastz,
lastr*_cos[seg+1], lastr*_sin[seg+1], lastz,
radius*_cos[seg+1], radius*_sin[seg+1], layerz, skip);
// use analytic normal values when open/closing paraboloid around 0
// cut faces (top or bottom) set with simple normal
if ((skip === 0) || ((layer === 1) && (rmin === 0)) || ((layer === heightSegments+1) && (rmax === 0))) {
creator.setNormal4(nxy*_cos[seg], nxy*_sin[seg], nz,
lastnxy*_cos[seg], lastnxy*_sin[seg], lastnz,
lastnxy*_cos[seg+1], lastnxy*_sin[seg+1], lastnz,
nxy*_cos[seg+1], nxy*_sin[seg+1], nz, skip);
} else
creator.setNormal(0, 0, (layer < heightSegments) ? -1 : 1);
lastz = layerz; lastr = radius;
lastnxy = nxy; lastnz = nz;
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates hype geometry
* @private */
function createHypeBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
if ((shape.fTin === 0) && (shape.fTout === 0))
return createTubeBuffer(shape, faces_limit);
let radiusSegments = Math.max(4, Math.round(360/cfg.GradPerSegm)),
heightSegments = 30,
numfaces = radiusSegments * (heightSegments + 1) * ((shape.fRmin > 0) ? 4 : 2);
if (faces_limit < 0) return numfaces;
if ((faces_limit > 0) && (faces_limit > numfaces)) {
radiusSegments = Math.max(4, Math.floor(radiusSegments/Math.sqrt(numfaces/faces_limit)));
heightSegments = Math.max(4, Math.floor(heightSegments/Math.sqrt(numfaces/faces_limit)));
numfaces = radiusSegments * (heightSegments + 1) * ((shape.fRmin > 0) ? 4 : 2);
// calculate all sin/cos tables in advance
const _sin = new Float32Array(radiusSegments+1),
_cos = new Float32Array(radiusSegments+1);
for (let seg=0; seg<=radiusSegments; ++seg) {
_cos[seg] = Math.cos(seg/radiusSegments*2*Math.PI);
_sin[seg] = Math.sin(seg/radiusSegments*2*Math.PI);
const creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(numfaces);
// in-out side
for (let side = 0; side < 2; ++side) {
if ((side > 0) && (shape.fRmin <= 0)) break;
const r0 = (side > 0) ? shape.fRmin : shape.fRmax,
tsq = (side > 0) ? shape.fTinsq : shape.fToutsq,
d1 = 1- side, d2 = 1 - d1;
// vertical layers
for (let layer = 0; layer < heightSegments; ++layer) {
const z1 = -shape.fDz + layer/heightSegments*2*shape.fDz,
z2 = -shape.fDz + (layer+1)/heightSegments*2*shape.fDz,
r1 = Math.sqrt(r0**2 + tsq*z1**2),
r2 = Math.sqrt(r0**2 + tsq*z2**2);
for (let seg = 0; seg < radiusSegments; ++seg) {
creator.addFace4(r1 * _cos[seg+d1], r1 * _sin[seg+d1], z1,
r2 * _cos[seg+d1], r2 * _sin[seg+d1], z2,
r2 * _cos[seg+d2], r2 * _sin[seg+d2], z2,
r1 * _cos[seg+d2], r1 * _sin[seg+d2], z1);
// add caps
for (let layer = 0; layer < 2; ++layer) {
const z = (layer === 0) ? shape.fDz : -shape.fDz,
r1 = Math.sqrt(shape.fRmax**2 + shape.fToutsq*z**2),
r2 = (shape.fRmin > 0) ? Math.sqrt(shape.fRmin**2 + shape.fTinsq*z**2) : 0,
skip = (shape.fRmin > 0) ? 0 : 1,
d1 = 1 - layer, d2 = 1 - d1;
for (let seg = 0; seg < radiusSegments; ++seg) {
creator.addFace4(r1 * _cos[seg+d1], r1 * _sin[seg+d1], z,
r2 * _cos[seg+d1], r2 * _sin[seg+d1], z,
r2 * _cos[seg+d2], r2 * _sin[seg+d2], z,
r1 * _cos[seg+d2], r1 * _sin[seg+d2], z, skip);
creator.setNormal(0, 0, (layer === 0) ? 1 : -1);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates tessellated geometry
* @private */
function createTessellatedBuffer(shape, faces_limit) {
let numfaces = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < shape.fFacets.length; ++i)
numfaces += (shape.fFacets[i].fNvert === 4) ? 2 : 1;
if (faces_limit < 0) return numfaces;
const creator = faces_limit ? new PolygonsCreator() : new GeometryCreator(numfaces);
for (let i = 0; i < shape.fFacets.length; ++i) {
const f = shape.fFacets[i],
v0 = shape.fVertices[f.fIvert[0]].fVec,
v1 = shape.fVertices[f.fIvert[1]].fVec,
v2 = shape.fVertices[f.fIvert[2]].fVec;
if (f.fNvert === 4) {
const v3 = shape.fVertices[f.fIvert[3]].fVec;
creator.addFace4(v0[0], v0[1], v0[2], v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], v3[0], v3[1], v3[2]);
} else {
creator.addFace3(v0[0], v0[1], v0[2], v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2]);
return creator.create();
/** @summary Creates Matrix4 from TGeoMatrix
* @private */
function createMatrix(matrix) {
if (!matrix) return null;
let translation, rotation, scale;
switch (matrix._typename) {
case 'TGeoTranslation': translation = matrix.fTranslation; break;
case 'TGeoRotation': rotation = matrix.fRotationMatrix; break;
case 'TGeoScale': scale = matrix.fScale; break;
case 'TGeoGenTrans':
scale = matrix.fScale; // no break, translation and rotation follows
case 'TGeoCombiTrans':
translation = matrix.fTranslation;
if (matrix.fRotation) rotation = matrix.fRotation.fRotationMatrix;
case 'TGeoHMatrix':
translation = matrix.fTranslation;
rotation = matrix.fRotationMatrix;
scale = matrix.fScale;
case 'TGeoIdentity':
console.warn(`unsupported matrix ${matrix._typename}`);
if (!translation && !rotation && !scale) return null;
const res = new THREE.Matrix4();
if (rotation) {
res.set(rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], 0,
rotation[3], rotation[4], rotation[5], 0,
rotation[6], rotation[7], rotation[8], 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
if (translation)
res.setPosition(translation[0], translation[1], translation[2]);
if (scale)
res.scale(new THREE.Vector3(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]));
return res;
/** @summary Creates transformation matrix for TGeoNode
* @desc created after node visibility flag is checked and volume cut is performed
* @private */
function getNodeMatrix(kind, node) {
let matrix = null;
if (kind === kindEve) {
// special handling for EVE nodes
matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
if (node.fTrans) {
matrix.set(node.fTrans[0], node.fTrans[4], node.fTrans[8], 0,
node.fTrans[1], node.fTrans[5], node.fTrans[9], 0,
node.fTrans[2], node.fTrans[6], node.fTrans[10], 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
// second - set position with proper sign
matrix.setPosition(node.fTrans[12], node.fTrans[13], node.fTrans[14]);
} else if (node.fMatrix)
matrix = createMatrix(node.fMatrix);
else if ((node._typename === 'TGeoNodeOffset') && node.fFinder) {
const kPatternReflected = BIT(14),
finder = node.fFinder,
typ = finder._typename;
if ((finder.fBits & kPatternReflected) !== 0)
geoWarn(`Unsupported reflected pattern ${typ}`);
if (typ.indexOf('TGeoPattern') !== 0)
geoWarn(`Abnormal pattern type ${typ}`);
const part = typ.slice(11);
matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
switch (part) {
case 'X':
case 'Y':
case 'Z':
case 'ParaX':
case 'ParaY':
case 'ParaZ': {
const _shift = finder.fStart + (node.fIndex + 0.5) * finder.fStep;
switch (part[part.length-1]) {
case 'X': matrix.setPosition(_shift, 0, 0); break;
case 'Y': matrix.setPosition(0, _shift, 0); break;
case 'Z': matrix.setPosition(0, 0, _shift); break;
case 'CylPhi': {
const phi = (Math.PI/180)*(finder.fStart+(node.fIndex+0.5)*finder.fStep),
_cos = Math.cos(phi), _sin = Math.sin(phi);
matrix.set(_cos, -_sin, 0, 0,
_sin, _cos, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
case 'CylR':
// seems to be, require no transformation
case 'TrapZ': {
const dz = finder.fStart + (node.fIndex+0.5)*finder.fStep;
matrix.setPosition(finder.fTxz*dz, finder.fTyz*dz, dz);
// case 'CylR': break;
// case 'SphR': break;
// case 'SphTheta': break;
// case 'SphPhi': break;
// case 'Honeycomb': break;
geoWarn(`Unsupported pattern type ${typ}`);
return matrix;
/** @summary Returns number of faces for provided geometry
* @param {Object} geom - can be BufferGeometry, CsgGeometry or interim array of polygons
* @private */
function numGeometryFaces(geom) {
if (!geom) return 0;
if (geom instanceof CsgGeometry)
return geom.tree.numPolygons();
// special array of polygons
if (geom.polygons)
return geom.polygons.length;
const attr = geom.getAttribute('position');
return attr?.count ? Math.round(attr.count / 3) : 0;
/** @summary Returns number of faces for provided geometry
* @param {Object} geom - can be BufferGeometry, CsgGeometry or interim array of polygons
* @private */
function numGeometryVertices(geom) {
if (!geom) return 0;
if (geom instanceof CsgGeometry)
return geom.tree.numPolygons() * 3;
if (geom.polygons)
return geom.polygons.length * 4;
return geom.getAttribute('position')?.count || 0;
/** @summary Returns geometry bounding box
* @private */
function geomBoundingBox(geom) {
if (!geom) return null;
let polygons = null;
if (geom instanceof CsgGeometry)
polygons = geom.tree.collectPolygons();
else if (geom.polygons)
polygons = geom.polygons;
if (polygons !== null) {
const box = new THREE.Box3();
for (let n = 0; n < polygons.length; ++n) {
const polygon = polygons[n], nvert = polygon.vertices.length;
for (let k = 0; k < nvert; ++k)
return box;
if (!geom.boundingBox)
return geom.boundingBox.clone();
/** @summary Creates half-space geometry for given shape
* @desc Just big-enough triangle to make BSP calculations
* @private */
function createHalfSpace(shape, geom) {
if (!shape?.fN || !shape?.fP) return null;
const vertex = new THREE.Vector3(shape.fP[0], shape.fP[1], shape.fP[2]),
normal = new THREE.Vector3(shape.fN[0], shape.fN[1], shape.fN[2]);
let sz = 1e10;
if (geom) {
// using real size of other geometry, we probably improve precision
const box = geomBoundingBox(geom);
if (box) sz = box.getSize(new THREE.Vector3()).length() * 1000;
const v0 = new THREE.Vector3(-sz, -sz/2, 0),
v1 = new THREE.Vector3(0, sz, 0),
v2 = new THREE.Vector3(sz, -sz/2, 0),
v3 = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -sz),
geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(),
positions = new Float32Array([v0.x, v0.y, v0.z, v2.x, v2.y, v2.z, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z,
v0.x, v0.y, v0.z, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z, v3.x, v3.y, v3.z,
v1.x, v1.y, v1.z, v2.x, v2.y, v2.z, v3.x, v3.y, v3.z,
v2.x, v2.y, v2.z, v0.x, v0.y, v0.z, v3.x, v3.y, v3.z]);
geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(positions, 3));
for (let k = 0; k < positions.length; k += 3) {
positions[k] = positions[k] + vertex.x;
positions[k+1] = positions[k+1] + vertex.y;
positions[k+2] = positions[k+2] + vertex.z;
return geometry;
/** @summary Returns number of faces for provided geometry
* @param geom - can be BufferGeometry, CsgGeometry or interim array of polygons
* @private */
function countGeometryFaces(geom) {
if (!geom) return 0;
if (geom instanceof CsgGeometry)
return geom.tree.numPolygons();
// special array of polygons
if (geom.polygons)
return geom.polygons.length;
const attr = geom.getAttribute('position');
return attr?.count ? Math.round(attr.count / 3) : 0;
/** @summary Creates geometry for composite shape
* @private */
function createComposite(shape, faces_limit) {
if (faces_limit < 0) {
return createGeometry(shape.fNode.fLeft, -1) +
createGeometry(shape.fNode.fRight, -1);
let geom1, geom2, return_bsp = false;
const matrix1 = createMatrix(shape.fNode.fLeftMat),
matrix2 = createMatrix(shape.fNode.fRightMat);
if (faces_limit === 0) faces_limit = 4000;
else return_bsp = true;
if (matrix1 && (matrix1.determinant() < -0.9))
geoWarn('Axis reflection in left composite shape - not supported');
if (matrix2 && (matrix2.determinant() < -0.9))
geoWarn('Axis reflections in right composite shape - not supported');
if (shape.fNode.fLeft._typename === clTGeoHalfSpace)
geom1 = createHalfSpace(shape.fNode.fLeft);
geom1 = createGeometry(shape.fNode.fLeft, faces_limit);
if (!geom1) return null;
let n1 = countGeometryFaces(geom1), n2 = 0;
if (geom1._exceed_limit) n1 += faces_limit;
if (n1 < faces_limit) {
if (shape.fNode.fRight._typename === clTGeoHalfSpace)
geom2 = createHalfSpace(shape.fNode.fRight, geom1);
geom2 = createGeometry(shape.fNode.fRight, faces_limit);
n2 = countGeometryFaces(geom2);
if ((n1 + n2 >= faces_limit) || !geom2) {
if (geom1.polygons)
geom1 = createBufferGeometry(geom1.polygons);
if (matrix1) geom1.applyMatrix4(matrix1);
geom1._exceed_limit = true;
return geom1;
let bsp1 = new CsgGeometry(geom1, matrix1, cfg.CompressComp ? 0 : undefined);
const bsp2 = new CsgGeometry(geom2, matrix2, bsp1.maxid);
// take over maxid from both geometries
bsp1.maxid = bsp2.maxid;
switch (shape.fNode._typename) {
case 'TGeoIntersection': bsp1.direct_intersect(bsp2); break; // '*'
case 'TGeoUnion': bsp1.direct_union(bsp2); break; // '+'
case 'TGeoSubtraction': bsp1.direct_subtract(bsp2); break; // '/'
geoWarn('unsupported bool operation ' + shape.fNode._typename + ', use first geom');
if (countGeometryFaces(bsp1) === 0) {
geoWarn('Zero faces in comp shape' +
` left: ${shape.fNode.fLeft._typename} ${countGeometryFaces(geom1)} faces` +
` right: ${shape.fNode.fRight._typename} ${countGeometryFaces(geom2)} faces` +
' use first');
bsp1 = new CsgGeometry(geom1, matrix1);
return return_bsp ? { polygons: bsp1.toPolygons() } : bsp1.toBufferGeometry();
/** @summary Try to create projected geometry
* @private */
function projectGeometry(geom, matrix, projection, position, flippedMesh) {
if (!geom.boundingBox) geom.computeBoundingBox();
const box = geom.boundingBox.clone();
if (!position) position = 0;
if (((box.min[projection] >= position) && (box.max[projection] >= position)) ||
((box.min[projection] <= position) && (box.max[projection] <= position)))
return null; // not interesting
const bsp1 = new CsgGeometry(geom, matrix, 0, flippedMesh),
sizex = 2*Math.max(Math.abs(box.min.x), Math.abs(box.max.x)),
sizey = 2*Math.max(Math.abs(box.min.y), Math.abs(box.max.y)),
sizez = 2*Math.max(Math.abs(box.min.z), Math.abs(box.max.z));
let size = 10000;
switch (projection) {
case 'x': size = Math.max(sizey, sizez); break;
case 'y': size = Math.max(sizex, sizez); break;
case 'z': size = Math.max(sizex, sizey); break;
const bsp2 = createNormal(projection, position, size);
return bsp2.toBufferGeometry();
/** @summary Creates geometry model for the provided shape
* @param {Object} shape - instance of TGeoShape object
* @param {Number} limit - defines return value, see details
* @desc
* - if limit === 0 (or undefined) returns BufferGeometry
* - if limit < 0 just returns estimated number of faces
* - if limit > 0 return list of CsgPolygons (used only for composite shapes)
* @private */
function createGeometry(shape, limit) {
if (limit === undefined) limit = 0;
try {
switch (shape._typename) {
case clTGeoBBox: return createCubeBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoPara: return createParaBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoTrd1:
case clTGeoTrd2: return createTrapezoidBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoArb8:
case clTGeoTrap:
case clTGeoGtra: return createArb8Buffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoSphere: return createSphereBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoCone:
case clTGeoConeSeg:
case clTGeoTube:
case clTGeoTubeSeg:
case clTGeoCtub: return createTubeBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoEltu: return createEltuBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoTorus: return createTorusBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoPcon:
case clTGeoPgon: return createPolygonBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoXtru: return createXtruBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoParaboloid: return createParaboloidBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoHype: return createHypeBuffer(shape, limit);
case 'TGeoTessellated': return createTessellatedBuffer(shape, limit);
case clTGeoCompositeShape: return createComposite(shape, limit);
case clTGeoShapeAssembly: break;
case clTGeoScaledShape: {
const res = createGeometry(shape.fShape, limit);
if (shape.fScale && (limit >= 0) && isFunc(res?.scale))
res.scale(shape.fScale.fScale[0], shape.fScale.fScale[1], shape.fScale.fScale[2]);
return res;
case clTGeoHalfSpace:
if (limit < 0) return 1; // half space if just plane used in composite
// no break here - warning may appear
geoWarn(`unsupported shape type ${shape._typename}`);
} catch (e) {
let place = '';
if (e.stack !== undefined) {
place = e.stack.split('\n')[0];
if (place.indexOf(e.message) >= 0) place = e.stack.split('\n')[1];
else place = 'at: ' + place;
geoWarn(`${shape._typename} err: ${e.message} ${place}`);
return limit < 0 ? 0 : null;
/** @summary Create single shape from EVE7 render date
* @private */
function makeEveGeometry(rd) {
let off = 0;
if ([0]) {
rd.vtxBuff = new Float32Array(rd.raw.buffer, off,[0]);
off +=[0]*4;
if ([1]) {
// normals were not used
// rd.nrmBuff = new Float32Array(rd.raw.buffer, off,[1]);
off +=[1]*4;
if ([2]) {
// these are special values in the buffer begin
rd.prefixBuf = new Uint32Array(rd.raw.buffer, off, 2);
off += 2*4;
rd.idxBuff = new Uint32Array(rd.raw.buffer, off,[2]-2);
// off += ([2]-2)*4;
const GL_TRIANGLES = 4; // same as in EVE7
if (rd.prefixBuf[0] !== GL_TRIANGLES)
throw Error('Expect triangles first.');
const nVert = 3 * rd.prefixBuf[1]; // number of vertices to draw
if (rd.idxBuff.length !== nVert)
throw Error('Expect single list of triangles in index buffer.');
const body = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
body.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(rd.vtxBuff, 3));
body.setIndex(new THREE.BufferAttribute(rd.idxBuff, 1));
return body;
/** @summary Create single shape from geometry viewer render date
* @private */
function makeViewerGeometry(rd) {
const vtxBuff = new Float32Array(rd.raw.buffer, 0, rd.raw.buffer.byteLength/4),
body = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
body.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(vtxBuff, 3));
body.setIndex(new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Uint32Array(rd.idx), 1));
return body;
/** @summary Create single shape from provided raw data from web viewer.
* @desc If nsegm changed, shape will be recreated
* @private */
function createServerGeometry(rd, nsegm) {
if (rd.server_shape && ((rd.nsegm === nsegm) || !rd.shape))
return rd.server_shape;
rd.nsegm = nsegm;
let g = null;
if (rd.shape) {
// case when TGeoShape provided as is
g = createGeometry(rd.shape);
} else {
if (!rd.raw?.buffer) {
console.error('No raw data at all');
return null;
if (
g = makeEveGeometry(rd);
g = makeViewerGeometry(rd);
// shape handle is similar to created in TGeoPainter
return {
_typename: '$$Shape$$', // indicate that shape can be used as is
ready: true,
geom: g,
nfaces: numGeometryFaces(g)
/** @summary Provides info about geo object, used for tooltip info
* @param {Object} obj - any kind of TGeo-related object like shape or node or volume
* @private */
function provideObjectInfo(obj) {
let info = [], shape = null;
if (obj.fVolume !== undefined)
shape = obj.fVolume.fShape;
else if (obj.fShape !== undefined)
shape = obj.fShape;
else if ((obj.fShapeBits !== undefined) && (obj.fShapeId !== undefined))
shape = obj;
if (!shape) {
return info;
const sz = Math.max(shape.fDX, shape.fDY, shape.fDZ),
useexp = (sz > 1e7) || (sz < 1e-7),
conv = (v) => {
if (v === undefined) return '???';
if ((v === Math.round(v) && v < 1e7)) return Math.round(v);
return useexp ? v.toExponential(4) : v.toPrecision(7);
info.push(`DX=${conv(shape.fDX)} DY=${conv(shape.fDY)} DZ=${conv(shape.fDZ)}`);
switch (shape._typename) {
case clTGeoBBox: break;
case clTGeoPara: info.push(`Alpha=${shape.fAlpha} Phi=${shape.fPhi} Theta=${shape.fTheta}`); break;
case clTGeoTrd2: info.push(`Dy1=${conv(shape.fDy1)} Dy2=${conv(shape.fDy1)}`); // no break
case clTGeoTrd1: info.push(`Dx1=${conv(shape.fDx1)} Dx2=${conv(shape.fDx1)}`); break;
case clTGeoArb8: break;
case clTGeoTrap: break;
case clTGeoGtra: break;
case clTGeoSphere:
info.push(`Rmin=${conv(shape.fRmin)} Rmax=${conv(shape.fRmax)}`,
`Phi1=${shape.fPhi1} Phi2=${shape.fPhi2}`,
`Theta1=${shape.fTheta1} Theta2=${shape.fTheta2}`);
case clTGeoConeSeg:
info.push(`Phi1=${shape.fPhi1} Phi2=${shape.fPhi2}`);
// intentional no break;
case clTGeoCone:
info.push(`Rmin1=${conv(shape.fRmin1)} Rmax1=${conv(shape.fRmax1)}`,
`Rmin2=${conv(shape.fRmin2)} Rmax2=${conv(shape.fRmax2)}`);
case clTGeoCtub:
case clTGeoTubeSeg:
info.push(`Phi1=${shape.fPhi1} Phi2=${shape.fPhi2}`);
// intentional no break
case clTGeoEltu:
case clTGeoTube:
info.push(`Rmin=${conv(shape.fRmin)} Rmax=${conv(shape.fRmax)}`);
case clTGeoTorus:
info.push(`Rmin=${conv(shape.fRmin)} Rmax=${conv(shape.fRmax)}`,
`Phi1=${shape.fPhi1} Dphi=${shape.fDphi}`);
case clTGeoPcon:
case clTGeoPgon: break;
case clTGeoXtru: break;
case clTGeoParaboloid:
info.push(`Rlo=${conv(shape.fRlo)} Rhi=${conv(shape.fRhi)}`,
`A=${conv(shape.fA)} B=${conv(shape.fB)}`);
case clTGeoHype:
info.push(`Rmin=${conv(shape.fRmin)} Rmax=${conv(shape.fRmax)}`,
`StIn=${conv(shape.fStIn)} StOut=${conv(shape.fStOut)}`);
case clTGeoCompositeShape: break;
case clTGeoShapeAssembly: break;
case clTGeoScaledShape:
info = provideObjectInfo(shape.fShape);
if (shape.fScale)
info.unshift(`Scale X=${shape.fScale.fScale[0]} Y=${shape.fScale.fScale[1]} Z=${shape.fScale.fScale[2]}`);
return info;
/** @summary Creates projection matrix for the camera
* @private */
function createProjectionMatrix(camera) {
const cameraProjectionMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
cameraProjectionMatrix.multiplyMatrices(camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse);
return cameraProjectionMatrix;
/** @summary Creates frustum
* @private */
function createFrustum(source) {
if (!source) return null;
if (source instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera)
source = createProjectionMatrix(source);
const frustum = new THREE.Frustum();
frustum.corners = new Float32Array([
1, 1, 1,
1, 1, -1,
1, -1, 1,
1, -1, -1,
-1, 1, 1,
-1, 1, -1,
-1, -1, 1,
-1, -1, -1,
0, 0, 0 // also check center of the shape
frustum.test = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
frustum.CheckShape = function(matrix, shape) {
const pnt = this.test, len = this.corners.length, corners = this.corners;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i+=3) {
pnt.x = corners[i] * shape.fDX;
pnt.y = corners[i+1] * shape.fDY;
pnt.z = corners[i+2] * shape.fDZ;
if (this.containsPoint(pnt.applyMatrix4(matrix))) return true;
return false;
frustum.CheckBox = function(box) {
const pnt = this.test;
let cnt = 0;
pnt.set(box.min.x, box.min.y, box.min.z);
if (this.containsPoint(pnt)) cnt++;
pnt.set(box.min.x, box.min.y, box.max.z);
if (this.containsPoint(pnt)) cnt++;
pnt.set(box.min.x, box.max.y, box.min.z);
if (this.containsPoint(pnt)) cnt++;
pnt.set(box.min.x, box.max.y, box.max.z);
if (this.containsPoint(pnt)) cnt++;
pnt.set(box.max.x, box.max.y, box.max.z);
if (this.containsPoint(pnt)) cnt++;
pnt.set(box.max.x, box.min.y, box.max.z);
if (this.containsPoint(pnt)) cnt++;
pnt.set(box.max.x, box.max.y, box.min.z);
if (this.containsPoint(pnt)) cnt++;
pnt.set(box.max.x, box.max.y, box.max.z);
if (this.containsPoint(pnt)) cnt++;
return cnt > 5; // only if 6 edges and more are seen, we think that box is fully visible
return frustum;
/** @summary Create node material
* @private */
function createMaterial(cfg, args0) {
if (!cfg) cfg = { material_kind: 'lambert' };
const args = Object.assign({}, args0);
if (args.opacity === undefined)
args.opacity = 1;
if (cfg.transparency)
args.opacity = Math.min(1 - cfg.transparency, args.opacity);
args.wireframe = cfg.wireframe ?? false;
if (!args.color) args.color = 'red';
args.side = THREE.FrontSide;
args.transparent = args.opacity < 1;
args.depthWrite = args.opactity === 1;
let material;
if (cfg.material_kind === 'basic')
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial(args);
else if (cfg.material_kind === 'depth') {
delete args.color;
material = new THREE.MeshDepthMaterial(args);
} else if (cfg.material_kind === 'toon')
material = new THREE.MeshToonMaterial(args);
else if (cfg.material_kind === 'matcap') {
delete args.wireframe;
material = new THREE.MeshMatcapMaterial(args);
} else if (cfg.material_kind === 'standard') {
args.metalness = cfg.metalness ?? 0.5;
args.roughness = cfg.roughness ?? 0.1;
material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial(args);
} else if (cfg.material_kind === 'normal') {
delete args.color;
material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(args);
} else if (cfg.material_kind === 'physical') {
args.metalness = cfg.metalness ?? 0.5;
args.roughness = cfg.roughness ?? 0.1;
args.reflectivity = cfg.reflectivity ?? 0.5;
args.emissive = args.color;
material = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial(args);
} else if (cfg.material_kind === 'phong') {
args.shininess = cfg.shininess ?? 0.9;
material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(args);
} else {
args.vertexColors = false;
material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial(args);
if ((material.flatShading !== undefined) && (cfg.flatShading !== undefined))
material.flatShading = cfg.flatShading;
material.inherentOpacity = args0.opacity ?? 1;
material.inherentArgs = args0;
return material;
/** @summary Compares two stacks.
* @return {Number} 0 if same, -1 when stack1 < stack2, +1 when stack1 > stack2
* @private */
function compare_stacks(stack1, stack2) {
if (stack1 === stack2)
return 0;
const len1 = stack1?.length ?? 0,
len2 = stack2?.length ?? 0,
len = (len1 < len2) ? len1 : len2;
let indx = 0;
while (indx < len) {
if (stack1[indx] < stack2[indx])
return -1;
if (stack1[indx] > stack2[indx])
return 1;
return (len1 < len2) ? -1 : ((len1 > len2) ? 1 : 0);
/** @summary Checks if two stack arrays are identical
* @private */
function isSameStack(stack1, stack2) {
if (!stack1 || !stack2) return false;
if (stack1 === stack2) return true;
if (stack1.length !== stack2.length) return false;
for (let k = 0; k < stack1.length; ++k)
if (stack1[k] !== stack2[k]) return false;
return true;
* @summary class for working with cloned nodes
* @private
class ClonedNodes {
/** @summary Constructor */
constructor(obj, clones) {
this.toplevel = true; // indicate if object creates top-level structure with Nodes and Volumes folder
this.name_prefix = ''; // name prefix used for nodes names
this.maxdepth = 1; // maximal hierarchy depth, required for transparency
this.vislevel = 4; // maximal depth of nodes visibility aka gGeoManager->SetVisLevel, same default
this.maxnodes = 10000; // maximal number of visible nodes aka gGeoManager->fMaxVisNodes
if (obj) {
if (obj.$geoh) this.toplevel = false;
} else if (clones)
this.nodes = clones;
/** @summary Set maximal depth for nodes visibility */
setVisLevel(lvl) {
this.vislevel = lvl && Number.isInteger(lvl) ? lvl : 4;
/** @summary Returns maximal depth for nodes visibility */
getVisLevel() {
return this.vislevel;
/** @summary Set maximal number of visible nodes
* @desc By default 10000 nodes will be visualized */
setMaxVisNodes(v, more) {
this.maxnodes = (v === Infinity) ? 1e9 : (Number.isFinite(v) ? v : 10000);
if (more && Number.isFinite(more))
this.maxnodes *= more;
/** @summary Returns configured maximal number of visible nodes */
getMaxVisNodes() {
return this.maxnodes;
/** @summary Set geo painter configuration - used for material creation */
setConfig(cfg) {
this._cfg = cfg;
/** @summary Insert node into existing array */
updateNode(node) {
if (node && Number.isInteger( && ( < this.nodes.length))
this.nodes[] = node;
/** @summary Returns TGeoShape for element with given indx */
getNodeShape(indx) {
if (!this.origin || !this.nodes) return null;
const obj = this.origin[indx], clone = this.nodes[indx];
if (!obj || !clone) return null;
if (clone.kind === kindGeo) {
if (obj.fVolume) return obj.fVolume.fShape;
} else
return obj.fShape;
return null;
/** @summary function to cleanup as much as possible structures
* @desc Provided parameters drawnodes and drawshapes are arrays created during building of geometry */
cleanup(drawnodes, drawshapes) {
if (drawnodes) {
for (let n = 0; n < drawnodes.length; ++n) {
delete drawnodes[n].stack;
drawnodes[n] = undefined;
if (drawshapes) {
for (let n = 0; n < drawshapes.length; ++n) {
delete drawshapes[n].geom;
drawshapes[n] = undefined;
if (this.nodes) {
for (let n = 0; n < this.nodes.length; ++n) {
if (this.nodes[n])
delete this.nodes[n].chlds;
delete this.nodes;
delete this.origin;
delete this.sortmap;
/** @summary Create complete description for provided Geo object */
createClones(obj, sublevel, kind) {
if (!sublevel) {
if (obj?._typename === '$$Shape$$')
return this.createClonesForShape(obj);
this.origin = [];
sublevel = 1;
kind = getNodeKind(obj);
if ((kind < 0) || !obj || ('_refid' in obj)) return;
obj._refid = this.origin.length;
if (sublevel > this.maxdepth) this.maxdepth = sublevel;
let chlds = null;
if (kind === kindGeo)
chlds = obj.fVolume?.fNodes?.arr || null;
chlds = obj.fElements?.arr || null;
if (chlds !== null) {
checkDuplicates(obj, chlds);
for (let i = 0; i < chlds.length; ++i)
this.createClones(chlds[i], sublevel + 1, kind);
if (sublevel > 1) return;
this.nodes = [];
const sortarr = [];
// first create nodes objects
for (let id = 0; id < this.origin.length; ++id) {
// let obj = this.origin[id];
const node = { id, kind, vol: 0, nfaces: 0 };
sortarr.push(node); // array use to produce sortmap
// than fill children lists
for (let n = 0; n < this.origin.length; ++n) {
const obj = this.origin[n], clone = this.nodes[n];
let chlds = null, shape = null;
if (kind === kindEve) {
shape = obj.fShape;
if (obj.fElements) chlds = obj.fElements.arr;
} else if (obj.fVolume) {
shape = obj.fVolume.fShape;
if (obj.fVolume.fNodes) chlds = obj.fVolume.fNodes.arr;
const matrix = getNodeMatrix(kind, obj);
if (matrix) {
clone.matrix = matrix.elements; // take only matrix elements, matrix will be constructed in worker
if (clone.matrix && (clone.matrix[0] === 1)) {
let issimple = true;
for (let k = 1; (k < clone.matrix.length) && issimple; ++k)
issimple = (clone.matrix[k] === ((k === 5) || (k === 10) || (k === 15) ? 1 : 0));
if (issimple) delete clone.matrix;
if (clone.matrix && (kind === kindEve))
clone.abs_matrix = true;
if (shape) {
clone.fDX = shape.fDX;
clone.fDY = shape.fDY;
clone.fDZ = shape.fDZ;
clone.vol = Math.sqrt(shape.fDX**2 + shape.fDY**2 + shape.fDZ**2);
if (shape.$nfaces === undefined)
shape.$nfaces = createGeometry(shape, -1);
clone.nfaces = shape.$nfaces;
if (clone.nfaces <= 0) clone.vol = 0;
if (!chlds) continue;
// in cloned object children is only list of ids
clone.chlds = new Array(chlds.length);
for (let k = 0; k < chlds.length; ++k)
clone.chlds[k] = chlds[k]._refid;
// remove _refid identifiers from original objects
for (let n = 0; n < this.origin.length; ++n)
delete this.origin[n]._refid;
// do sorting once
sortarr.sort((a, b) => b.vol - a.vol);
// remember sort map and also sortid
this.sortmap = new Array(this.nodes.length);
for (let n = 0; n < this.nodes.length; ++n) {
this.sortmap[n] = sortarr[n].id;
sortarr[n].sortid = n;
/** @summary Create elementary item with single already existing shape
* @desc used by details view of geometry shape */
createClonesForShape(obj) {
this.origin = [];
// indicate that just plain shape is used
this.plain_shape = obj;
this.nodes = [{
id: 0, sortid: 0, kind: kindShape,
name: 'Shape',
nfaces: obj.nfaces,
fDX: 1, fDY: 1, fDZ: 1, vol: 1,
vis: true
/** @summary Count all visible nodes */
countVisibles() {
const len = this.nodes?.length || 0;
let cnt = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < len; ++k)
if (this.nodes[k].vis) cnt++;
return cnt;
/** @summary Mark visible nodes.
* @desc Set only basic flags, actual visibility depends from hierarchy */
markVisibles(on_screen, copy_bits, hide_top_volume) {
if (this.plain_shape)
return 1;
if (!this.origin || !this.nodes)
return 0;
let res = 0;
for (let n = 0; n < this.nodes.length; ++n) {
const clone = this.nodes[n], obj = this.origin[n];
clone.vis = 0; // 1 - only with last level
delete clone.nochlds;
if (clone.kind === kindGeo) {
if (obj.fVolume) {
if (on_screen) {
// on screen bits used always, childs always checked
clone.vis = testGeoBit(obj.fVolume, geoBITS.kVisOnScreen) ? 99 : 0;
if ((n === 0) && clone.vis && hide_top_volume) clone.vis = 0;
if (copy_bits) {
setGeoBit(obj.fVolume, geoBITS.kVisNone, false);
setGeoBit(obj.fVolume, geoBITS.kVisThis, (clone.vis > 0));
setGeoBit(obj.fVolume, geoBITS.kVisDaughters, true);
setGeoBit(obj, geoBITS.kVisDaughters, true);
} else {
clone.vis = !testGeoBit(obj.fVolume, geoBITS.kVisNone) && testGeoBit(obj.fVolume, geoBITS.kVisThis) ? 99 : 0;
if (!testGeoBit(obj, geoBITS.kVisDaughters) || !testGeoBit(obj.fVolume, geoBITS.kVisDaughters))
clone.nochlds = true;
// node with childs only shown in case if it is last level in hierarchy
if ((clone.vis > 0) && clone.chlds && !clone.nochlds)
clone.vis = 1;
// special handling for top node
if (n === 0) {
if (hide_top_volume) clone.vis = 0;
delete clone.nochlds;
} else {
clone.vis = obj.fRnrSelf ? 99 : 0;
// when the only node is selected, draw it
if ((n === 0) && (this.nodes.length === 1)) clone.vis = 99;
this.vislevel = 9999; // automatically take all volumes
// shape with zero volume or without faces will not be observed
if ((clone.vol <= 0) || (clone.nfaces <= 0)) clone.vis = 0;
if (clone.vis) res++;
return res;
/** @summary After visibility flags is set, produce id shifts for all nodes as it would be maximum level */
produceIdShifts() {
for (let k = 0; k < this.nodes.length; ++k)
this.nodes[k].idshift = -1;
function scan_func(nodes, node) {
if (node.idshift < 0) {
node.idshift = 0;
if (node.chlds) {
for (let k = 0; k<node.chlds.length; ++k)
node.idshift += scan_func(nodes, nodes[node.chlds[k]]);
return node.idshift + 1;
scan_func(this.nodes, this.nodes[0]);
/** @summary Extract only visibility flags
* @desc Used to transfer them to the worker */
getVisibleFlags() {
const res = new Array(this.nodes.length);
for (let n=0; n<this.nodes.length; ++n)
res[n] = { vis: this.nodes[n].vis, nochlds: this.nodes[n].nochlds };
return res;
/** @summary Assign only visibility flags, extracted with getVisibleFlags */
setVisibleFlags(flags) {
if (!this.nodes || !flags || !flags.length !== this.nodes.length)
return 0;
let res = 0;
for (let n = 0; n < this.nodes.length; ++n) {
const clone = this.nodes[n];
clone.vis = flags[n].vis;
clone.nochlds = flags[n].nochlds;
if (clone.vis) res++;
return res;
/** @summary Set visibility flag for physical node
* @desc Trying to reimplement functionality in the RGeomViewer */
setPhysNodeVisibility(stack, on) {
let do_clear = false;
if (on === 'clearall') {
delete this.fVisibility;
} else if (on === 'clear') {
do_clear = true;
if (!this.fVisibility) return;
} else
on = !!on;
if (!stack) return;
if (!this.fVisibility)
this.fVisibility = [];
for (let indx = 0; indx < this.fVisibility.length; ++indx) {
const item = this.fVisibility[indx],
res = compare_stacks(item.stack, stack);
if (res === 0) {
if (do_clear) {
this.fVisibility.splice(indx, 1);
if (this.fVisibility.length === 0)
delete this.fVisibility;
} else
item.visible = on;
if (res > 0) {
if (!do_clear)
this.fVisibility.splice(indx, 0, { visible: on, stack });
if (!do_clear)
this.fVisibility.push({ visible: on, stack });
/** @summary Get visibility item for physical node */
getPhysNodeVisibility(stack) {
if (!stack || !this.fVisibility)
return null;
for (let indx = 0; indx < this.fVisibility.length; ++indx) {
const item = this.fVisibility[indx],
res = compare_stacks(item.stack, stack);
if (res === 0)
return item;
if (res > 0)
return null;
return null;
/** @summary Scan visible nodes in hierarchy, starting from nodeid
* @desc Each entry in hierarchy get its unique id, which is not changed with visibility flags */
scanVisible(arg, vislvl) {
if (!this.nodes) return 0;
if (vislvl === undefined) {
if (!arg) arg = {};
vislvl = arg.vislvl || this.vislevel || 4; // default 3 in ROOT
if (vislvl > 88) vislvl = 88;
arg.stack = new Array(100); // current stack
arg.nodeid = 0;
arg.counter = 0; // sequence ID of the node, used to identify it later
arg.last = 0;
arg.copyStack = function(factor) {
const entry = { nodeid: this.nodeid, seqid: this.counter, stack: new Array(this.last) };
if (factor) entry.factor = factor; // factor used to indicate importance of entry, will be built as first
for (let n = 0; n < this.last; ++n)
entry.stack[n] = this.stack[n+1]; // copy stack
return entry;
if (arg.domatrix) {
arg.matrices = [];
arg.mpool = [new THREE.Matrix4()]; // pool of Matrix objects to avoid permanent creation
arg.getmatrix = function() { return this.matrices[this.last]; };
if (this.fVisibility?.length) {
arg.vindx = 0;
arg.varray = this.fVisibility;
arg.vstack = arg.varray[arg.vindx].stack;
arg.testPhysVis = function() {
if (!this.vstack || (this.vstack?.length !== this.last))
return undefined;
for (let n = 0; n < this.last; ++n) {
if (this.vstack[n] !== this.stack[n+1])
return undefined;
const res = this.varray[this.vindx++].visible;
this.vstack = this.vindx < this.varray.length ? this.varray[this.vindx].stack : null;
return res;
const node = this.nodes[arg.nodeid];
let res = 0;
if (arg.domatrix) {
if (!arg.mpool[arg.last+1])
arg.mpool[arg.last+1] = new THREE.Matrix4();
const prnt = (arg.last > 0) ? arg.matrices[arg.last-1] : new THREE.Matrix4();
if (node.matrix) {
arg.matrices[arg.last] = arg.mpool[arg.last].fromArray(prnt.elements);
} else
arg.matrices[arg.last] = prnt;
let node_vis = node.vis, node_nochlds = node.nochlds;
if ((arg.nodeid === 0) && arg.main_visible)
node_vis = vislvl + 1;
else if (arg.testPhysVis) {
const res = arg.testPhysVis();
if (res !== undefined) {
node_vis = res && !node.chlds ? vislvl + 1 : 0;
node_nochlds = !res;
if (node_nochlds)
vislvl = 0;
if (node_vis > vislvl) {
if (!arg.func || arg.func(node))
if ((vislvl > 0) && node.chlds) {
for (let i = 0; i < node.chlds.length; ++i) {
arg.nodeid = node.chlds[i];
arg.stack[arg.last] = i; // in the stack one store index of child, it is path in the hierarchy
res += this.scanVisible(arg, vislvl-1);
} else
arg.counter += (node.idshift || 0);
if (arg.last === 0) {
delete arg.last;
delete arg.stack;
delete arg.copyStack;
delete arg.counter;
delete arg.matrices;
delete arg.mpool;
delete arg.getmatrix;
delete arg.vindx;
delete arg.varray;
delete arg.vstack;
delete arg.testPhysVis;
return res;
/** @summary Return node name with given id.
* @desc Either original object or description is used */
getNodeName(nodeid) {
if (this.origin) {
const obj = this.origin[nodeid];
return obj ? getObjectName(obj) : '';
const node = this.nodes[nodeid];
return node ? : '';
/** @summary Returns description for provided stack
* @desc If specified, absolute matrix is also calculated */
resolveStack(stack, withmatrix) {
const res = { id: 0, obj: null, node: this.nodes[0], name: this.name_prefix || '' };
if (withmatrix) {
res.matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
if (res.node.matrix) res.matrix.fromArray(res.node.matrix);
if (this.origin)
res.obj = this.origin[0];
// if (!
// = this.getNodeName(0);
if (stack) {
for (let lvl = 0; lvl < stack.length; ++lvl) { = res.node.chlds[stack[lvl]];
res.node = this.nodes[];
if (this.origin)
res.obj = this.origin[];
const subname = this.getNodeName(;
if (subname) {
if ( += '/'; += subname;
if (withmatrix && res.node.matrix)
res.matrix.multiply(new THREE.Matrix4().fromArray(res.node.matrix));
return res;
/** @summary Provide stack name
* @desc Stack name includes full path to the physical node which is identified by stack */
getStackName(stack) {
return this.resolveStack(stack).name;
/** @summary Create stack array based on nodes ids array.
* @desc Ids list should correspond to existing nodes hierarchy */
buildStackByIds(ids) {
if (!ids) return null;
if (ids[0] !== 0) {
console.error('wrong ids - first should be 0');
return null;
let node = this.nodes[0];
const stack = [];
for (let k = 1; k < ids.length; ++k) {
const nodeid = ids[k];
if (!node) return null;
const chindx = node.chlds.indexOf(nodeid);
if (chindx < 0) {
console.error(`wrong nodes ids ${ids[k]} is not child of ${ids[k-1]}`);
return null;
node = this.nodes[nodeid];
return stack;
/** @summary Returns ids array which correspond to the stack */
buildIdsByStack(stack) {
if (!stack) return null;
let node = this.nodes[0];
const ids = [0];
for (let k = 0; k < stack.length; ++k) {
const id = node.chlds[stack[k]];
node = this.nodes[id];
return ids;
/** @summary Returns node id by stack */
getNodeIdByStack(stack) {
if (!stack || !this.nodes)
return -1;
let node = this.nodes[0], id = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < stack.length; ++k) {
id = node.chlds[stack[k]];
node = this.nodes[id];
return id;
/** @summary Returns true if stack includes at any place provided nodeid */
isIdInStack(nodeid, stack) {
if (!nodeid) return true;
let node = this.nodes[0], id = 0;
for (let lvl = 0; lvl < stack.length; ++lvl) {
id = node.chlds[stack[lvl]];
if (id === nodeid) return true;
node = this.nodes[id];
return false;
/** @summary Find stack by name which include names of all parents */
findStackByName(fullname) {
const names = fullname.split('/'), stack = [];
let currid = 0;
if (this.getNodeName(currid) !== names[0]) return null;
for (let n = 1; n < names.length; ++n) {
const node = this.nodes[currid];
if (!node.chlds) return null;
for (let k = 0; k < node.chlds.length; ++k) {
const chldid = node.chlds[k];
if (this.getNodeName(chldid) === names[n]) {
currid = chldid;
// no new entry - not found stack
if (stack.length === n - 1) return null;
return stack;
/** @summary Set usage of default ROOT colors */
setDefaultColors(on) {
this.use_dflt_colors = on;
if (this.use_dflt_colors && !this.dflt_table) {
const dflt = { kWhite: 0, kBlack: 1, kGray: 920,
kRed: 632, kGreen: 416, kBlue: 600, kYellow: 400, kMagenta: 616, kCyan: 432,
kOrange: 800, kSpring: 820, kTeal: 840, kAzure: 860, kViolet: 880, kPink: 900 },
nmax = 110, col = [];
for (let i=0; i<nmax; i++) col.push(dflt.kGray);
// here we should create a new TColor with the same rgb as in the default
// ROOT colors used below
col[3] = dflt.kYellow-10;
col[4] = col[5] = dflt.kGreen-10;
col[6] = col[7] = dflt.kBlue-7;
col[8] = col[9] = dflt.kMagenta-3;
col[10] = col[11] = dflt.kRed-10;
col[12] = dflt.kGray+1;
col[13] = dflt.kBlue-10;
col[14] = dflt.kOrange+7;
col[16] = dflt.kYellow+1;
col[20] = dflt.kYellow-10;
col[24] = col[25] = col[26] = dflt.kBlue-8;
col[29] = dflt.kOrange+9;
col[79] = dflt.kOrange-2;
this.dflt_table = col;
/** @summary Provide different properties of draw entry nodeid
* @desc Only if node visible, material will be created */
getDrawEntryProperties(entry, root_colors) {
const clone = this.nodes[entry.nodeid], visible = true;
if (clone.kind === kindShape) {
const prop = { name:, nname:, shape: null, material: null, chlds: null },
opacity = entry.opacity || 1, col = entry.color || '#0000FF';
prop.fillcolor = new THREE.Color(col[0] === '#' ? col : `rgb(${col})`);
prop.material = createMaterial(this._cfg, { opacity, color: prop.fillcolor });
return prop;
if (!this.origin) {
console.error(`origin not there - kind ${clone.kind} id ${entry.nodeid}`);
return null;
const node = this.origin[entry.nodeid];
if (clone.kind === kindEve) {
// special handling for EVE nodes
const prop = { name: getObjectName(node), nname: getObjectName(node), shape: node.fShape, material: null, chlds: null };
if (node.fElements !== null) prop.chlds = node.fElements.arr;
if (visible) {
const opacity = Math.min(1, node.fRGBA[3]);
prop.fillcolor = new THREE.Color(node.fRGBA[0], node.fRGBA[1], node.fRGBA[2]);
prop.material = createMaterial(this._cfg, { opacity, color: prop.fillcolor });
return prop;
const volume = node.fVolume,
prop = { name: getObjectName(volume), nname: getObjectName(node), volume, shape: volume.fShape, material: null,
chlds: volume.fNodes?.arr, linewidth: volume.fLineWidth };
if (visible) {
// TODO: maybe correctly extract ROOT colors here?
let opacity = 1.0;
if (!root_colors) root_colors = ['white', 'black', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'magenta', 'cyan'];
if (entry.custom_color)
prop.fillcolor = entry.custom_color;
else if ((volume.fFillColor > 1) && (volume.fLineColor === 1))
prop.fillcolor = root_colors[volume.fFillColor];
else if (volume.fLineColor >= 0)
prop.fillcolor = root_colors[volume.fLineColor];
const mat = volume.fMedium?.fMaterial;
if (mat) {
const fillstyle = mat.fFillStyle;
let transparency = (fillstyle >= 3000 && fillstyle <= 3100) ? fillstyle - 3000 : 0;
if (this.use_dflt_colors) {
const matZ = Math.round(mat.fZ), icol = this.dflt_table[matZ];
prop.fillcolor = root_colors[icol];
if (mat.fDensity < 0.1) transparency = 60;
if (transparency > 0)
opacity = (100 - transparency) / 100;
if (prop.fillcolor === undefined)
prop.fillcolor = root_colors[mat.fFillColor];
if (prop.fillcolor === undefined)
prop.fillcolor = 'lightgrey';
prop.material = createMaterial(this._cfg, { opacity, color: prop.fillcolor });
return prop;
/** @summary Creates hierarchy of Object3D for given stack entry
* @desc Such hierarchy repeats hierarchy of TGeoNodes and set matrix for the objects drawing
* also set renderOrder, required to handle transparency */
createObject3D(stack, toplevel, options) {
let node = this.nodes[0], three_prnt = toplevel, draw_depth = 0;
const force = isObject(options) || (options === 'force');
for (let lvl = 0; lvl <= stack.length; ++lvl) {
const nchld = (lvl > 0) ? stack[lvl-1] : 0,
// extract current node
child = (lvl > 0) ? this.nodes[node.chlds[nchld]] : node;
if (!child) {
console.error(`Wrong stack ${JSON.stringify(stack)} for nodes at level ${lvl}, ${}, numnodes ${this.nodes.length}, nchld ${nchld}, numchilds ${node.chlds.length}, chldid ${node.chlds[nchld]}`);
return null;
node = child;
let obj3d;
if (three_prnt.children) {
for (let i = 0; i < three_prnt.children.length; ++i) {
if (three_prnt.children[i].nchld === nchld) {
obj3d = three_prnt.children[i];
if (obj3d) {
three_prnt = obj3d;
if (obj3d.$jsroot_drawable) draw_depth++;
if (!force) return null;
obj3d = new THREE.Object3D();
if (this._cfg?.set_names) = this.getNodeName(;
if (this._cfg?.set_origin && this.origin)
obj3d.userData = this.origin[];
if (node.abs_matrix) {
obj3d.absMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
} else if (node.matrix) {
obj3d.matrix.decompose(obj3d.position, obj3d.quaternion, obj3d.scale);
// this.accountNodes(obj3d);
obj3d.nchld = nchld; // mark index to find it again later
// add the mesh to the scene
// this is only for debugging - test inversion of whole geometry
if ((lvl === 0) && isObject(options) && options.scale) {
if ((options.scale.x < 0) || (options.scale.y < 0) || (options.scale.z < 0)) {
three_prnt = obj3d;
if ((options === 'mesh') || (options === 'delete_mesh')) {
let mesh = null;
if (three_prnt) {
for (let n = 0; (n < three_prnt.children.length) && !mesh; ++n) {
const chld = three_prnt.children[n];
if ((chld.type === 'Mesh') && (chld.nchld === undefined)) mesh = chld;
if ((options === 'mesh') || !mesh) return mesh;
const res = three_prnt;
while (mesh && (mesh !== toplevel)) {
three_prnt = mesh.parent;
mesh = (three_prnt.children.length === 0) ? three_prnt : null;
return res;
if (three_prnt) {
three_prnt.$jsroot_drawable = true;
three_prnt.$jsroot_depth = draw_depth;
return three_prnt;
/** @summary Create mesh for single physical node */
createEntryMesh(ctrl, toplevel, entry, shape, colors) {
if (!shape || !shape.ready)
return null;
entry.done = true; // mark entry is created
shape.used = true; // indicate that shape was used in building
if (!shape.geom || !shape.nfaces) {
// node is visible, but shape does not created
this.createObject3D(entry.stack, toplevel, 'delete_mesh');
return null;
const prop = this.getDrawEntryProperties(entry, colors),
obj3d = this.createObject3D(entry.stack, toplevel, ctrl),
matrix = obj3d.absMatrix || obj3d.matrixWorld;
prop.material.wireframe = ctrl.wireframe;
prop.material.side = ctrl.doubleside ? THREE.DoubleSide : THREE.FrontSide;
let mesh;
if (matrix.determinant() > -0.9)
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(shape.geom, prop.material);
mesh = createFlippedMesh(shape, prop.material);
if (obj3d.absMatrix) {
mesh.matrix.decompose(mesh.position, mesh.quaternion, mesh.scale);
// keep full stack of nodes
mesh.stack = entry.stack;
mesh.renderOrder = this.maxdepth - entry.stack.length; // order of transparency handling
if (ctrl.set_names) = this.getNodeName(entry.nodeid);
if (ctrl.set_origin)
mesh.userData = prop.volume;
// keep hierarchy level
mesh.$jsroot_order = obj3d.$jsroot_depth;
if ( !== undefined) {; += shape.nfaces;
// set initial render order, when camera moves, one must refine it
// mesh.$jsroot_order = mesh.renderOrder =
// this._clones.maxdepth - ((obj3d.$jsroot_depth !== undefined) ? obj3d.$jsroot_depth : entry.stack.length);
return mesh;
/** @summary Check if instancing can be used for the nodes */
createInstancedMeshes(ctrl, toplevel, draw_nodes, build_shapes, colors) {
if (ctrl.instancing < 0)
return false;
// first delete previous data
const used_shapes = [];
let max_entries = 1;
for (let n = 0; n < draw_nodes.length; ++n) {
const entry = draw_nodes[n];
if (entry.done) continue;
// shape can be provided with entry itself
const shape = entry.server_shape || build_shapes[entry.shapeid];
if (!shape || !shape.ready) {
console.warn(`Problem with shape id ${entry.shapeid} when building`);
return false;
// ignore shape without geometry
if (!shape.geom || !shape.nfaces)
if (shape.instances === undefined) {
shape.instances = [];
const instance = shape.instances.find(i => i.nodeid === entry.nodeid);
if (instance) {
max_entries = Math.max(max_entries, instance.entries.length);
} else
shape.instances.push({ nodeid: entry.nodeid, entries: [entry] });
const make_sense = ctrl.instancing > 0 ? (max_entries > 2) : (draw_nodes.length > 10000) && (max_entries > 10);
if (!make_sense) {
used_shapes.forEach(shape => { delete shape.instances; });
return false;
used_shapes.forEach(shape => {
shape.used = true;
shape.instances.forEach(instance => {
const entry0 = instance.entries[0],
prop = this.getDrawEntryProperties(entry0, colors);
prop.material.wireframe = ctrl.wireframe;
prop.material.side = ctrl.doubleside ? THREE.DoubleSide : THREE.FrontSide;
if (instance.entries.length === 1)
this.createEntryMesh(ctrl, toplevel, entry0, shape, colors);
else {
const arr1 = [], arr2 = [], stacks1 = [], stacks2 = [], names1 = [], names2 = [];
instance.entries.forEach(entry => {
const info = this.resolveStack(entry.stack, true);
if (info.matrix.determinant() > -0.9) {
} else {
entry.done = true;
if (arr1.length > 0) {
const mesh1 = new THREE.InstancedMesh(shape.geom, prop.material, arr1.length);
mesh1.stacks = stacks1;
arr1.forEach((matrix, i) => mesh1.setMatrixAt(i, matrix));
mesh1.renderOrder = 1;
if (ctrl.set_names) { = names1[0];
mesh1.names = names1;
if (ctrl.set_origin)
mesh1.userData = prop.volume;
mesh1.$jsroot_order = 1;; += shape.nfaces*arr1.length;
if (arr2.length > 0) {
if (shape.geomZ === undefined)
shape.geomZ = createFlippedGeom(shape.geom);
const mesh2 = new THREE.InstancedMesh(shape.geomZ, prop.material, arr2.length);
mesh2.stacks = stacks2;
const m = new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(1, 1, -1);
arr2.forEach((matrix, i) => {
mesh2.setMatrixAt(i, matrix.multiply(m));
mesh2._flippedMesh = true;
mesh2.renderOrder = 1;
if (ctrl.set_names) { = names2[0];
mesh2.names = names2;
if (ctrl.set_origin)
mesh2.userData = prop.volume;
mesh2.$jsroot_order = 1;; += shape.nfaces*arr2.length;
delete shape.instances;
return true;
/** @summary Get volume boundary */
getVolumeBoundary(viscnt, facelimit, nodeslimit) {
const result = { min: 0, max: 1, sortidcut: 0 };
if (!this.sortmap) {
console.error('sorting map do not exist');
return result;
let maxNode, currNode, cnt=0, facecnt=0;
for (let n = 0; (n < this.sortmap.length) && (cnt < nodeslimit) && (facecnt < facelimit); ++n) {
const id = this.sortmap[n];
if (viscnt[id] === 0) continue;
currNode = this.nodes[id];
if (!maxNode) maxNode = currNode;
cnt += viscnt[id];
facecnt += viscnt[id] * currNode.nfaces;
if (!currNode) {
console.error('no volumes selected');
return result;
// console.log(`Volume boundary ${currNode.vol} cnt=${cnt} faces=${facecnt}`);
result.max = maxNode.vol;
result.min = currNode.vol;
result.sortidcut = currNode.sortid; // latest node is not included
return result;
/** @summary Collects visible nodes, using maxlimit
* @desc One can use map to define cut based on the volume or serious of cuts */
collectVisibles(maxnumfaces, frustum) {
// in simple case shape as it is
if (this.plain_shape)
return { lst: [{ nodeid: 0, seqid: 0, stack: [], factor: 1, shapeid: 0, server_shape: this.plain_shape }], complete: true };
const arg = {
facecnt: 0,
viscnt: new Array(this.nodes.length), // counter for each node
vislvl: this.getVisLevel(),
reset() { = 0;
this.facecnt = 0;
func(node) {;
this.facecnt += node.nfaces;
return true;
let total = this.scanVisible(arg);
if ((total === 0) && (this.nodes[0].vis < 2) && !this.nodes[0].nochlds) {
// try to draw only main node by default
arg.main_visible = true;
total = this.scanVisible(arg);
const maxnumnodes = this.getMaxVisNodes();
if (maxnumnodes > 0) {
while ((total > maxnumnodes) && (arg.vislvl > 1)) {
total = this.scanVisible(arg);
this.actual_level = arg.vislvl; // not used, can be shown somewhere in the gui
let minVol = 0, maxVol = 0, camVol = -1, camFact = 10, sortidcut = this.nodes.length + 1;
if (arg.facecnt > maxnumfaces) {
const bignumfaces = maxnumfaces * (frustum ? 0.8 : 1.0),
bignumnodes = maxnumnodes * (frustum ? 0.8 : 1.0),
// define minimal volume, which always to shown
boundary = this.getVolumeBoundary(arg.viscnt, bignumfaces, bignumnodes);
minVol = boundary.min;
maxVol = boundary.max;
sortidcut = boundary.sortidcut;
if (frustum) {
arg.domatrix = true;
arg.frustum = frustum;
arg.totalcam = 0;
arg.func = function(node) {
if (node.vol <= minVol) {
// only small volumes are interesting
if (this.frustum.CheckShape(this.getmatrix(), node)) {
this.totalcam += node.nfaces;
return true;
for (let n = 0; n < arg.viscnt.length; ++n)
arg.viscnt[n] = 0;
if (arg.totalcam > maxnumfaces*0.2)
camVol = this.getVolumeBoundary(arg.viscnt, maxnumfaces*0.2, maxnumnodes*0.2).min;
camVol = 0;
camFact = maxVol / ((camVol > 0) ? (camVol > 0) : minVol);
// console.log(`Limit for camera ${camVol} faces in camera view ${arg.totalcam}`);
arg.items = [];
arg.func = function(node) {
if (node.sortid < sortidcut)
else if ((camVol >= 0) && (node.vol > camVol)) {
if (this.frustum.CheckShape(this.getmatrix(), node))
return true;
return { lst: arg.items, complete: minVol === 0 };
/** @summary Merge list of drawn objects
* @desc In current list we should mark if object already exists
* from previous list we should collect objects which are not there */
mergeVisibles(current, prev) {
let indx2 = 0;
const del = [];
for (let indx1 = 0; (indx1 < current.length) && (indx2 < prev.length); ++indx1) {
while ((indx2 < prev.length) && (prev[indx2].seqid < current[indx1].seqid))
del.push(prev[indx2++]); // this entry should be removed
if ((indx2 < prev.length) && (prev[indx2].seqid === current[indx1].seqid)) {
if (prev[indx2].done) current[indx1].done = true; // copy ready flag
// remove rest
while (indx2 < prev.length)
return del;
/** @summary Collect all uniques shapes which should be built
* @desc Check if same shape used many times for drawing */
collectShapes(lst) {
// nothing else - just that single shape
if (this.plain_shape)
return [this.plain_shape];
const shapes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < lst.length; ++i) {
const entry = lst[i],
shape = this.getNodeShape(entry.nodeid);
if (!shape) continue; // strange, but avoid misleading
if (shape._id === undefined) {
shape._id = shapes.length;
shapes.push({ id: shape._id, shape, vol: this.nodes[entry.nodeid].vol, refcnt: 1, factor: 1, ready: false });
// shapes.push( { obj: shape, vol: this.nodes[entry.nodeid].vol });
} else
entry.shape = shapes[shape._id]; // remember shape used
// use maximal importance factor to push element to the front
if (entry.factor && (entry.factor>entry.shape.factor))
entry.shape.factor = entry.factor;
// now sort shapes in volume decrease order
shapes.sort((a, b) => b.vol*b.factor - a.vol*a.factor);
// now set new shape ids according to the sorted order and delete temporary field
for (let n = 0; n < shapes.length; ++n) {
const item = shapes[n]; = n; // set new ID
delete item.shape._id; // remove temporary field
// as last action set current shape id to each entry
for (let i = 0; i < lst.length; ++i) {
const entry = lst[i];
if (entry.shape) {
entry.shapeid =; // keep only id for the entry
delete entry.shape; // remove direct references
return shapes;
/** @summary Merge shape lists */
mergeShapesLists(oldlst, newlst) {
if (!oldlst) return newlst;
// set geometry to shape object itself
for (let n = 0; n < oldlst.length; ++n) {
const item = oldlst[n];
item.shape._geom = item.geom;
delete item.geom;
if (item.geomZ !== undefined) {
item.shape._geomZ = item.geomZ;
delete item.geomZ;
// take from shape (if match)
for (let n = 0; n < newlst.length; ++n) {
const item = newlst[n];
if (item.shape._geom !== undefined) {
item.geom = item.shape._geom;
delete item.shape._geom;
if (item.shape._geomZ !== undefined) {
item.geomZ = item.shape._geomZ;
delete item.shape._geomZ;
// now delete all unused geometries
for (let n = 0; n < oldlst.length; ++n) {
const item = oldlst[n];
delete item.shape._geom;
delete item.shape._geomZ;
return newlst;
/** @summary Build shapes */
buildShapes(lst, limit, timelimit) {
let created = 0;
const tm1 = new Date().getTime(),
res = { done: false, shapes: 0, faces: 0, notusedshapes: 0 };
for (let n = 0; n < lst.length; ++n) {
const item = lst[n];
// if enough faces are produced, nothing else is required
if (res.done) { item.ready = true; continue; }
if (!item.ready) {
item._typename = '$$Shape$$'; // let reuse item for direct drawing
item.ready = true;
if (item.geom === undefined) {
item.geom = createGeometry(item.shape);
if (item.geom) created++; // indicate that at least one shape was created
item.nfaces = countGeometryFaces(item.geom);
if (!item.used) res.notusedshapes++;
res.faces += item.nfaces * item.refcnt;
if (res.faces >= limit)
res.done = true;
else if ((created > 0.01*lst.length) && (timelimit !== undefined)) {
const tm2 = new Date().getTime();
if (tm2 - tm1 > timelimit) return res;
res.done = true;
return res;
/** @summary Format REveGeomNode data to be able use it in list of clones
* @private */
static formatServerElement(elem) {
elem.kind = 2; // special element for geom viewer, used in TGeoPainter
elem.vis = 2; // visibility is alwys on
const m = elem.matr;
delete elem.matr;
if (!m?.length) return elem;
if (m.length === 16)
elem.matrix = m;
else {
const nm = elem.matrix = new Array(16);
nm[0] = nm[5] = nm[10] = nm[15] = 1;
if (m.length === 3) {
// translation matrix
nm[12] = m[0]; nm[13] = m[1]; nm[14] = m[2];
} else if (m.length === 4) {
// scale matrix
nm[0] = m[0]; nm[5] = m[1]; nm[10] = m[2]; nm[15] = m[3];
} else if (m.length === 9) {
// rotation matrix
nm[0] = m[0]; nm[4] = m[1]; nm[8] = m[2];
nm[1] = m[3]; nm[5] = m[4]; nm[9] = m[5];
nm[2] = m[6]; nm[6] = m[7]; nm[10] = m[8];
} else
console.error(`wrong number of elements ${m.length} in the matrix`);
return elem;
} // class ClonedNodes
function createFlippedGeom(geom) {
let pos = geom.getAttribute('position').array,
norm = geom.getAttribute('normal').array;
const index = geom.getIndex();
if (index) {
// we need to unfold all points to
const arr = index.array,
i0 = geom.drawRange.start;
let ilen = geom.drawRange.count;
if (i0 + ilen > arr.length) ilen = arr.length - i0;
const dpos = new Float32Array(ilen*3), dnorm = new Float32Array(ilen*3);
for (let ii = 0; ii < ilen; ++ii) {
const k = arr[i0 + ii];
if ((k < 0) || (k*3 >= pos.length))
console.log(`strange index ${k*3} totallen = ${pos.length}`);
dpos[ii*3] = pos[k*3];
dpos[ii*3+1] = pos[k*3+1];
dpos[ii*3+2] = pos[k*3+2];
dnorm[ii*3] = norm[k*3];
dnorm[ii*3+1] = norm[k*3+1];
dnorm[ii*3+2] = norm[k*3+2];
pos = dpos; norm = dnorm;
const len = pos.length,
newpos = new Float32Array(len),
newnorm = new Float32Array(len);
// we should swap second and third point in each face
for (let n = 0, shift = 0; n < len; n += 3) {
newpos[n] = pos[n+shift];
newpos[n+1] = pos[n+1+shift];
newpos[n+2] = -pos[n+2+shift];
newnorm[n] = norm[n+shift];
newnorm[n+1] = norm[n+1+shift];
newnorm[n+2] = -norm[n+2+shift];
shift+=3; if (shift===6) shift=-3; // values 0,3,-3
const geomZ = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geomZ.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(newpos, 3));
geomZ.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(newnorm, 3));
return geomZ;
/** @summary Create flipped mesh for the shape
* @desc When transformation matrix includes one or several inversion of axis,
* one should inverse geometry object, otherwise three.js cannot correctly draw it
* @param {Object} shape - TGeoShape object
* @param {Object} material - material
* @private */
function createFlippedMesh(shape, material) {
if (shape.geomZ === undefined)
shape.geomZ = createFlippedGeom(shape.geom);
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(shape.geomZ, material);
mesh.scale.copy(new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, -1));
mesh._flippedMesh = true;
return mesh;
/** @summary extract code of Box3.expandByObject
* @desc Major difference - do not traverse hierarchy, support InstancedMesh
* @private */
function getBoundingBox(node, box3, local_coordinates) {
if (!node?.geometry) return box3;
if (!box3) box3 = new THREE.Box3().makeEmpty();
if (node.isInstancedMesh) {
const m = new THREE.Matrix4(), b = new THREE.Box3().makeEmpty();
for (let i = 0; i < node.count; i++) {
node.getMatrixAt(i, m);
return box3;
if (!local_coordinates) node.updateWorldMatrix(false, false);
const v1 = new THREE.Vector3(), attribute = node.geometry.attributes?.position;
if (attribute !== undefined) {
for (let i = 0, l = attribute.count; i < l; i++) {
// v1.fromAttribute( attribute, i ).applyMatrix4( node.matrixWorld );
v1.fromBufferAttribute(attribute, i);
if (!local_coordinates) v1.applyMatrix4(node.matrixWorld);
return box3;
/** @summary Cleanup shape entity
* @private */
function cleanupShape(shape) {
if (!shape) return;
if (isFunc(shape.geom?.dispose))
if (isFunc(shape.geomZ?.dispose))
delete shape.geom;
delete shape.geomZ;
/** @summary Set rendering order for created hierarchy
* @desc depending from provided method sort differently objects
* @param toplevel - top element
* @param origin - camera position used to provide sorting
* @param method - name of sorting method like 'pnt', 'ray', 'size', 'dflt' */
function produceRenderOrder(toplevel, origin, method, clones) {
const raycast = new THREE.Raycaster();
function setdefaults(top) {
if (!top) return;
top.traverse(obj => {
obj.renderOrder = obj.defaultOrder || 0;
if (obj.material) obj.material.depthWrite = true; // by default depthWriting enabled
function traverse(obj, lvl, arr) {
// traverse hierarchy and extract all children of given level
// if (obj.$jsroot_depth === undefined) return;
if (!obj.children) return;
for (let k = 0; k < obj.children.length; ++k) {
const chld = obj.children[k];
if (chld.$jsroot_order === lvl) {
if (chld.material) {
if (chld.material.transparent) {
chld.material.depthWrite = false; // disable depth writing for transparent
} else
} else if ((obj.$jsroot_depth === undefined) || (obj.$jsroot_depth < lvl))
traverse(chld, lvl, arr);
function sort(arr, minorder, maxorder) {
// resort meshes using ray caster and camera position
// idea to identify meshes which are in front or behind
if (arr.length > 1000) {
// too many of them, just set basic level and exit
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i)
arr[i].renderOrder = (minorder + maxorder)/2;
return false;
const tmp_vect = new THREE.Vector3();
// first calculate distance to the camera
// it gives preliminary order of volumes
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
const mesh = arr[i];
let box3 = mesh.$jsroot_box3;
if (!box3)
mesh.$jsroot_box3 = box3 = getBoundingBox(mesh);
if (method === 'size') {
const sz = box3.getSize(new THREE.Vector3());
mesh.$jsroot_distance = sz.x*sz.y*sz.z;
if (method === 'pnt') {
mesh.$jsroot_distance = origin.distanceTo(box3.getCenter(tmp_vect));
let dist = Math.min(origin.distanceTo(box3.min), origin.distanceTo(box3.max));
const pnt = new THREE.Vector3(box3.min.x, box3.min.y, box3.max.z);
dist = Math.min(dist, origin.distanceTo(pnt));
pnt.set(box3.min.x, box3.max.y, box3.min.z);
dist = Math.min(dist, origin.distanceTo(pnt));
pnt.set(box3.max.x, box3.min.y, box3.min.z);
dist = Math.min(dist, origin.distanceTo(pnt));
pnt.set(box3.max.x, box3.max.y, box3.min.z);
dist = Math.min(dist, origin.distanceTo(pnt));
pnt.set(box3.max.x, box3.min.y, box3.max.z);
dist = Math.min(dist, origin.distanceTo(pnt));
pnt.set(box3.min.x, box3.max.y, box3.max.z);
dist = Math.min(dist, origin.distanceTo(pnt));
mesh.$jsroot_distance = dist;
arr.sort((a, b) => a.$jsroot_distance - b.$jsroot_distance);
const resort = new Array(arr.length);
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
arr[i].$jsroot_index = i;
resort[i] = arr[i];
if (method === 'ray') {
for (let i=arr.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const mesh = arr[i], box3 = mesh.$jsroot_box3;
let intersects, direction = box3.getCenter(tmp_vect);
for (let ntry = 0; ntry < 2; ++ntry) {
raycast.set(origin, direction);
intersects = raycast.intersectObjects(arr, false) || []; // only plain array
const unique = [];
for (let k1 = 0; k1 < intersects.length; ++k1) {
if (unique.indexOf(intersects[k1].object) < 0)
// if (intersects[k1].object === mesh) break; // trace until object itself
intersects = unique;
if ((intersects.indexOf(mesh) < 0) && (ntry > 0))
console.log(`MISS ${clones?.resolveStack(mesh.stack)?.name}`);
if ((intersects.indexOf(mesh) >= 0) || (ntry > 0)) break;
const pos = mesh.geometry.attributes.position.array;
direction = new THREE.Vector3((pos[0]+pos[3]+pos[6])/3, (pos[1]+pos[4]+pos[7])/3, (pos[2]+pos[5]+pos[8])/3);
// now push first object in intersects to the front
for (let k1 = 0; k1 < intersects.length - 1; ++k1) {
const mesh1 = intersects[k1], mesh2 = intersects[k1+1],
i1 = mesh1.$jsroot_index, i2 = mesh2.$jsroot_index;
if (i1 < i2) continue;
for (let ii = i2; ii < i1; ++ii) {
resort[ii] = resort[ii+1];
resort[ii].$jsroot_index = ii;
resort[i1] = mesh2;
mesh2.$jsroot_index = i1;
for (let i = 0; i < resort.length; ++i) {
resort[i].renderOrder = Math.round(maxorder - (i+1) / (resort.length + 1) * (maxorder - minorder));
delete resort[i].$jsroot_index;
delete resort[i].$jsroot_distance;
return true;
function process(obj, lvl, minorder, maxorder) {
const arr = [];
let did_sort = false;
traverse(obj, lvl, arr);
if (!arr.length) return;
if (minorder === maxorder) {
for (let k = 0; k < arr.length; ++k)
arr[k].renderOrder = minorder;
} else {
did_sort = sort(arr, minorder, maxorder);
if (!did_sort) minorder = maxorder = (minorder + maxorder) / 2;
for (let k = 0; k < arr.length; ++k) {
const next = arr[k].parent;
let min = minorder, max = maxorder;
if (did_sort) {
max = arr[k].renderOrder;
min = max - (maxorder - minorder) / (arr.length + 2);
process(next, lvl+1, min, max);
if (!method || (method === 'dflt'))
process(toplevel, 0, 1, 1000000);
/** @summary provide icon name for the shape
* @private */
function getShapeIcon(shape) {
switch (shape._typename) {
case clTGeoArb8: return 'img_geoarb8';
case clTGeoCone: return 'img_geocone';
case clTGeoConeSeg: return 'img_geoconeseg';
case clTGeoCompositeShape: return 'img_geocomposite';
case clTGeoTube: return 'img_geotube';
case clTGeoTubeSeg: return 'img_geotubeseg';
case clTGeoPara: return 'img_geopara';
case clTGeoParaboloid: return 'img_geoparab';
case clTGeoPcon: return 'img_geopcon';
case clTGeoPgon: return 'img_geopgon';
case clTGeoShapeAssembly: return 'img_geoassembly';
case clTGeoSphere: return 'img_geosphere';
case clTGeoTorus: return 'img_geotorus';
case clTGeoTrd1: return 'img_geotrd1';
case clTGeoTrd2: return 'img_geotrd2';
case clTGeoXtru: return 'img_geoxtru';
case clTGeoTrap: return 'img_geotrap';
case clTGeoGtra: return 'img_geogtra';
case clTGeoEltu: return 'img_geoeltu';
case clTGeoHype: return 'img_geohype';
case clTGeoCtub: return 'img_geoctub';
return 'img_geotube';
export { kindGeo, kindEve, kindShape,
clTGeoBBox, clTGeoCompositeShape,
geoCfg, geoBITS, ClonedNodes, isSameStack, checkDuplicates, getObjectName, testGeoBit, setGeoBit, toggleGeoBit,
setInvisibleAll, countNumShapes, getNodeKind, produceRenderOrder, createFlippedGeom, createFlippedMesh, cleanupShape,
createGeometry, numGeometryFaces, numGeometryVertices, createServerGeometry, createMaterial,
projectGeometry, countGeometryFaces, createFrustum, createProjectionMatrix, getBoundingBox, provideObjectInfo, getShapeIcon };