import { BIT, isArrayProto, isRootCollection, isObject, isFunc, isStr, getMethods,
create, createHistogram, createTGraph, prROOT,
clTObject, clTObjString, clTHashList, clTPolyMarker3D, clTH1, clTH2, clTH3, kNoStats } from './core.mjs';
import { kChar, kShort, kInt, kFloat,
kCharStar, kDouble, kDouble32,
kUChar, kUShort, kUInt,
kLong64, kULong64, kBool, kFloat16,
kOffsetL, kOffsetP, kObject, kAny, kObjectp, kTString,
kStreamer, kStreamLoop, kSTLp, kSTL, kBaseClass, clTBasket,
R__unzip, TBuffer, createStreamerElement, createMemberStreamer } from './io.mjs';
import * as jsroot_math from './base/math.mjs';
// branch types
const kLeafNode = 0, kBaseClassNode = 1, kObjectNode = 2, kClonesNode = 3,
kSTLNode = 4, kClonesMemberNode = 31, kSTLMemberNode = 41,
// branch bits
// kDoNotProcess = BIT(10), // Active bit for branches
// kIsClone = BIT(11), // to indicate a TBranchClones
// kBranchObject = BIT(12), // branch is a TObject*
// kBranchAny = BIT(17), // branch is an object*
// kAutoDelete = BIT(15),
kDoNotUseBufferMap = BIT(22), // If set, at least one of the entry in the branch will use the buffer's map of classname and objects.
clTBranchElement = 'TBranchElement', clTBranchFunc = 'TBranchFunc';
* @summary Class to read data from TTree
* @desc Instance of TSelector can be used to access TTree data
class TSelector {
/** @summary constructor */
constructor() {
this._branches = []; // list of branches to read
this._names = []; // list of member names for each branch in tgtobj
this._directs = []; // indication if only branch without any children should be read
this._break = 0;
this.tgtobj = {};
/** @summary Add branch to the selector
* @desc Either branch name or branch itself should be specified
* Second parameter defines member name in the tgtobj
* If selector.addBranch('px', 'read_px') is called,
* branch will be read into selector.tgtobj.read_px member
* If second parameter not specified, branch name (here 'px') will be used
* If branch object specified as first parameter and second parameter missing,
* then member like 'br0', 'br1' and so on will be assigned
* @param {string|Object} branch - name of branch (or branch object itself}
* @param {string} [name] - member name in tgtobj where data will be read
* @param {boolean} [direct] - if only branch without any children should be read */
addBranch(branch, name, direct) {
if (!name)
name = isStr(branch) ? branch : `br${this._branches.length}`;
return this._branches.length - 1;
/** @summary returns number of branches used in selector */
numBranches() { return this._branches.length; }
/** @summary returns branch by index used in selector */
getBranch(indx) { return this._branches[indx]; }
/** @summary returns index of branch
* @private */
indexOfBranch(branch) { return this._branches.indexOf(branch); }
/** @summary returns name of branch
* @private */
nameOfBranch(indx) { return this._names[indx]; }
/** @summary function called during TTree processing
* @abstract
* @param {number} progress - current value between 0 and 1 */
ShowProgress(/* progress */) {}
/** @summary call this function to abort processing */
Abort() { this._break = -1111; }
/** @summary function called before start processing
* @abstract
* @param {object} tree - tree object */
Begin(/* tree */) {}
/** @summary function called when next entry extracted from the tree
* @abstract
* @param {number} entry - read entry number */
Process(/* entry */) {}
/** @summary function called at the very end of processing
* @abstract
* @param {boolean} res - true if all data were correctly processed */
Terminate(/* res */) {}
} // class TSelector
// =================================================================
/** @summary Checks array kind
* @desc return 0 when not array
* 1 - when arbitrary array
* 2 - when plain (1-dim) array with same-type content
* @private */
function checkArrayPrototype(arr, check_content) {
if (!isObject(arr)) return 0;
const arr_kind = isArrayProto(Object.prototype.toString.apply(arr));
if (!check_content || (arr_kind !== 1)) return arr_kind;
let typ, plain = true;
for (let k = 0; k < arr.length; ++k) {
const sub = typeof arr[k];
if (!typ) typ = sub;
if (sub !== typ) { plain = false; break; }
if (isObject(sub) && checkArrayPrototype(arr[k])) { plain = false; break; }
return plain ? 2 : 1;
* @summary Class to iterate over array elements
* @private
class ArrayIterator {
/** @summary constructor */
constructor(arr, select, tgtobj) {
this.object = arr;
this.value = 0; // value always used in iterator
this.arr = []; // all arrays
this.indx = []; // all indexes
this.cnt = -1; // current index counter
this.tgtobj = tgtobj;
if (isObject(select)) = select; // remember indexes for selection
else = []; // empty array, undefined for each dimension means iterate over all indexes
/** @summary next element */
next() {
let obj, typ, cnt = this.cnt;
if (cnt >= 0) {
if (++this.fastindx < this.fastlimit) {
this.value = this.fastarr[this.fastindx];
return true;
while (--cnt >= 0) {
if (([cnt] === undefined) && (++this.indx[cnt] < this.arr[cnt].length))
if (cnt < 0) return false;
while (true) {
obj = (cnt < 0) ? this.object : (this.arr[cnt])[this.indx[cnt]];
typ = obj ? typeof obj : 'any';
if (typ === 'object') {
if (obj._typename !== undefined) {
if (isRootCollection(obj)) {
obj = obj.arr;
typ = 'array';
} else
typ = 'any';
} else if (Number.isInteger(obj.length) && (checkArrayPrototype(obj) > 0))
typ = 'array';
typ = 'any';
if ([cnt + 1] === '$self$') {
this.value = obj;
this.fastindx = this.fastlimit = 0;
this.cnt = cnt + 1;
return true;
if ((typ === 'any') && isStr([cnt + 1])) {
// this is extraction of the member from arbitrary class
this.arr[++cnt] = obj;
this.indx[cnt] =[cnt]; // use member name as index
if ((typ === 'array') && ((obj.length > 0) || ([cnt + 1] === '$size$'))) {
this.arr[++cnt] = obj;
switch ([cnt]) {
case undefined: this.indx[cnt] = 0; break;
case '$last$': this.indx[cnt] = obj.length - 1; break;
case '$size$':
this.value = obj.length;
this.fastindx = this.fastlimit = 0;
this.cnt = cnt;
return true;
if (Number.isInteger([cnt])) {
this.indx[cnt] =[cnt];
if (this.indx[cnt] < 0) this.indx[cnt] = obj.length - 1;
} else {
// this is compile variable as array index - can be any expression[cnt].produce(this.tgtobj);
this.indx[cnt] = Math.round([cnt].get(0));
} else {
if (cnt < 0) return false;
this.value = obj;
if ([cnt] === undefined) {
this.fastarr = this.arr[cnt];
this.fastindx = this.indx[cnt];
this.fastlimit = this.fastarr.length;
} else
this.fastindx = this.fastlimit = 0; // no any iteration on that level
this.cnt = cnt;
return true;
// unreachable code
// return false;
/** @summary reset iterator */
reset() {
this.arr = [];
this.indx = [];
delete this.fastarr;
this.cnt = -1;
this.value = 0;
} // class ArrayIterator
/** @summary return class name of the object, stored in the branch
* @private */
function getBranchObjectClass(branch, tree, with_clones = false, with_leafs = false) {
if (!branch || (branch._typename !== clTBranchElement)) return '';
if ((branch.fType === kLeafNode) && (branch.fID === -2) && (branch.fStreamerType === -1)) {
// object where all sub-branches will be collected
return branch.fClassName;
if (with_clones && branch.fClonesName && ((branch.fType === kClonesNode) || (branch.fType === kSTLNode)))
return branch.fClonesName;
const s_elem = findBrachStreamerElement(branch, tree.$file);
if ((branch.fType === kBaseClassNode) && s_elem && (s_elem.fTypeName === kBaseClass))
return s_elem.fName;
if (branch.fType === kObjectNode) {
if (s_elem && ((s_elem.fType === kObject) || (s_elem.fType === kAny)))
return s_elem.fTypeName;
return clTObject;
if ((branch.fType === kLeafNode) && s_elem && with_leafs) {
if ((s_elem.fType === kObject) || (s_elem.fType === kAny)) return s_elem.fTypeName;
if (s_elem.fType === kObjectp) return s_elem.fTypeName.slice(0, s_elem.fTypeName.length - 1);
return '';
/** @summary Get branch with specified id
* @desc All sub-branches checked as well
* @return {Object} branch
* @private */
function getTreeBranch(tree, id) {
if (!Number.isInteger(id)) return;
let res, seq = 0;
function scan(obj) {
obj?.fBranches?.arr.forEach(br => {
if (seq++ === id) res = br;
if (!res) scan(br);
return res;
/** @summary Special branch search
* @desc Name can include extra part, which will be returned in the result
* @param {string} name - name of the branch
* @return {Object} with 'branch' and 'rest' members
* @private */
function findBranchComplex(tree, name, lst = undefined, only_search = false) {
let top_search = false, search = name, res = null;
if (!lst) {
top_search = true;
lst = tree.fBranches;
const pos = search.indexOf('[');
if (pos > 0) search = search.slice(0, pos);
if (!lst || (lst.arr.length === 0)) return null;
for (let n = 0; n < lst.arr.length; ++n) {
let brname = lst.arr[n].fName;
if (brname[brname.length - 1] === ']')
brname = brname.slice(0, brname.indexOf('['));
// special case when branch name includes STL map name
if ((search.indexOf(brname) !== 0) && (brname.indexOf('<') > 0)) {
const p1 = brname.indexOf('<'), p2 = brname.lastIndexOf('>');
brname = brname.slice(0, p1) + brname.slice(p2 + 1);
if (brname === search) { res = { branch: lst.arr[n], rest: '' }; break; }
if (search.indexOf(brname) !== 0) continue;
// this is a case when branch name is in the begin of the search string
// check where point is
let pnt = brname.length;
if (brname[pnt - 1] === '.') pnt--;
if (search[pnt] !== '.') continue;
res = findBranchComplex(tree, search, lst.arr[n].fBranches);
if (!res) res = findBranchComplex(tree, search.slice(pnt + 1), lst.arr[n].fBranches);
if (!res) res = { branch: lst.arr[n], rest: search.slice(pnt) };
if (top_search && !only_search && !res && (search.indexOf('br_') === 0)) {
let p = 3;
while ((p < search.length) && (search[p] >= '0') && (search[p] <= '9')) ++p;
const br = (p > 3) ? getTreeBranch(tree, parseInt(search.slice(3, p))) : null;
if (br) res = { branch: br, rest: search.slice(p) };
if (!top_search || !res) return res;
if (name.length > search.length) += name.slice(search.length);
return res;
/** @summary Search branch with specified name
* @param {string} name - name of the branch
* @return {Object} found branch
* @private */
function findBranch(tree, name) {
const res = findBranchComplex(tree, name, tree.fBranches, true);
return (!res || ? null : res.branch;
/** summary Returns number of branches in the TTree
* desc Checks also sub-branches in the branches
* return {number} number of branches
* private
function getNumBranches(tree) {
function count(obj) {
if (!obj?.fBranches) return 0;
let nchld = 0;
obj.fBranches.arr.forEach(sub => { nchld += count(sub); });
return obj.fBranches.arr.length + nchld;
return count(tree);
* @summary object with single variable in TTree::Draw expression
* @private
class TDrawVariable {
/** @summary constructor */
constructor(globals) {
this.globals = globals;
this.code = '';
this.brindex = []; // index of used branches from selector
this.branches = []; // names of branches in target object
this.brarray = []; // array specifier for each branch
this.func = null; // generic function for variable calculation
this.kind = undefined;
this.buf = []; // buffer accumulates temporary values
/** @summary Parse variable
* @desc when only_branch specified, its placed in the front of the expression */
parse(tree, selector, code, only_branch, branch_mode) {
const is_start_symbol = symb => {
if ((symb >= 'A') && (symb <= 'Z')) return true;
if ((symb >= 'a') && (symb <= 'z')) return true;
return (symb === '_');
}, is_next_symbol = symb => {
if (is_start_symbol(symb)) return true;
if ((symb >= '0') && (symb <= '9')) return true;
return false;
if (!code) code = ''; // should be empty string at least
this.code = (only_branch?.fName ?? '') + code;
let pos = 0, pos2 = 0, br = null;
while ((pos < code.length) || only_branch) {
let arriter = [];
if (only_branch) {
br = only_branch;
only_branch = undefined;
} else {
// first try to find branch
pos2 = pos;
while ((pos2 < code.length) && (is_next_symbol(code[pos2]) || code[pos2] === '.')) pos2++;
if (code[pos2] === '$') {
let repl = '';
switch (code.slice(pos, pos2)) {
case 'LocalEntry':
case 'Entry': repl = 'arg.$globals.entry'; break;
case 'Entries': repl = 'arg.$globals.entries'; break;
if (repl) {
code = code.slice(0, pos) + repl + code.slice(pos2 + 1);
pos = pos + repl.length;
br = findBranchComplex(tree, code.slice(pos, pos2));
if (!br) { pos = pos2 + 1; continue; }
// when full id includes branch name, replace only part of extracted expression
if (br.branch && ( !== undefined)) {
pos2 -=;
branch_mode = undefined; // maybe selection of the sub-object done
br = br.branch;
// when code ends with the point - means object itself will be accessed
// sometime branch name itself ends with the point
if ((pos2 >= code.length - 1) && (code[code.length - 1] === '.')) {
pos2 = code.length;
// now extract all levels of iterators
while (pos2 < code.length) {
if ((code[pos2] === '@') && (code.slice(pos2, pos2 + 5) === '@size') && (arriter.length === 0)) {
pos2 += 5;
branch_mode = true;
if (code[pos2] === '.') {
// this is object member
const prev = ++pos2;
if ((code[prev] === '@') && (code.slice(prev, prev + 5) === '@size')) {
pos2 += 5;
if (!is_start_symbol(code[prev])) {
arriter.push('$self$'); // last point means extraction of object itself
while ((pos2 < code.length) && is_next_symbol(code[pos2])) pos2++;
// this is looks like function call - do not need to extract member with
if (code[pos2] === '(') { pos2 = prev - 1; break; }
// this is selection of member, but probably we need to activate iterator for ROOT collection
if (arriter.length === 0) {
// TODO: if selected member is simple data type - no need to make other checks - just break here
if ((br.fType === kClonesNode) || (br.fType === kSTLNode))
else {
const objclass = getBranchObjectClass(br, tree, false, true);
if (objclass && isRootCollection(null, objclass))
arriter.push(code.slice(prev, pos2));
if (code[pos2] !== '[') break;
// simple []
if (code[pos2 + 1] === ']') { arriter.push(undefined); pos2 += 2; continue; }
const prev = pos2++;
let cnt = 0;
while ((pos2 < code.length) && ((code[pos2] !== ']') || (cnt > 0))) {
if (code[pos2] === '[') cnt++; else if (code[pos2] === ']') cnt--;
const sub = code.slice(prev + 1, pos2);
switch (sub) {
case '':
case '$all$': arriter.push(undefined); break;
case '$last$': arriter.push('$last$'); break;
case '$size$': arriter.push('$size$'); break;
case '$first$': arriter.push(0); break;
if (Number.isInteger(parseInt(sub)))
else {
// try to compile code as draw variable
const subvar = new TDrawVariable(this.globals);
if (!subvar.parse(tree, selector, sub)) return false;
if (arriter.length === 0)
arriter = undefined;
else if ((arriter.length === 1) && (arriter[0] === undefined))
arriter = true;
let indx = selector.indexOfBranch(br);
if (indx < 0) indx = selector.addBranch(br, undefined, branch_mode);
branch_mode = undefined;
// this is simple case of direct usage of the branch
if ((pos === 0) && (pos2 === code.length) && (this.branches.length === 1)) {
this.direct_branch = true; // remember that branch read as is
return true;
const replace = 'arg.var' + (this.branches.length - 1);
code = code.slice(0, pos) + replace + code.slice(pos2);
pos = pos + replace.length;
// support usage of some standard TMath functions
code = code.replace(/TMath::Exp\(/g, 'Math.exp(')
.replace(/TMath::Abs\(/g, 'Math.abs(')
.replace(/TMath::Prob\(/g, 'arg.$math.Prob(')
.replace(/TMath::Gaus\(/g, 'arg.$math.Gaus(');
this.func = new Function('arg', `return (${code})`);
return true;
/** @summary Check if it is dummy variable */
is_dummy() { return (this.branches.length === 0) && !this.func; }
/** @summary Produce variable
* @desc after reading tree branches into the object, calculate variable value */
produce(obj) {
this.length = 1;
this.isarray = false;
if (this.is_dummy()) {
this.value = 1; // used as dummy weight variable
this.kind = 'number';
const arg = { $globals: this.globals, $math: jsroot_math }, arrs = [];
let usearrlen = -1;
for (let n = 0; n < this.branches.length; ++n) {
const name = `var${n}`;
arg[name] = obj[this.branches[n]];
// try to check if branch is array and need to be iterated
if (this.brarray[n] === undefined)
this.brarray[n] = (checkArrayPrototype(arg[name]) > 0) || isRootCollection(arg[name]);
// no array - no pain
if (this.brarray[n] === false) continue;
// check if array can be used as is - one dimension and normal values
if ((this.brarray[n] === true) && (checkArrayPrototype(arg[name], true) === 2)) {
// plain array, can be used as is
arrs[n] = arg[name];
} else {
const iter = new ArrayIterator(arg[name], this.brarray[n], obj);
arrs[n] = [];
while ( arrs[n].push(iter.value);
if ((usearrlen < 0) || (usearrlen < arrs[n].length)) usearrlen = arrs[n].length;
if (usearrlen < 0) {
this.value = this.direct_branch ? arg.var0 : this.func(arg);
if (!this.kind) this.kind = typeof this.value;
if (usearrlen === 0) {
// empty array - no any histogram should be filled
this.length = 0;
this.value = 0;
this.length = usearrlen;
this.isarray = true;
if (this.direct_branch)
this.value = arrs[0]; // just use array
else {
this.value = new Array(usearrlen);
for (let k = 0; k < usearrlen; ++k) {
for (let n = 0; n < this.branches.length; ++n) {
if (arrs[n])
arg[`var${n}`] = arrs[n][k];
this.value[k] = this.func(arg);
if (!this.kind) this.kind = typeof this.value[0];
/** @summary Get variable */
get(indx) { return this.isarray ? this.value[indx] : this.value; }
/** @summary Append array to the buffer */
appendArray(tgtarr) { this.buf = this.buf.concat(tgtarr[this.branches[0]]); }
} // class TDrawVariable
* @summary Selector class for TTree::Draw function
* @private
class TDrawSelector extends TSelector {
/** @summary constructor */
constructor() {
this.ndim = 0;
this.vars = []; // array of expression variables
this.cut = null; // cut variable
this.hist = null;
this.histo_drawopt = '';
this.hist_name = '$htemp';
this.hist_title = 'Result of TTree::Draw';
this.graph = false;
this.hist_args = []; // arguments for histogram creation
this.arr_limit = 1000; // number of accumulated items before create histogram
this.htype = 'F';
this.monitoring = 0;
this.globals = {}; // object with global parameters, which could be used in any draw expression
this.last_progress = 0;
this.aver_diff = 0;
/** @summary Set draw selector callbacks */
setCallback(result_callback, progress_callback) {
this.result_callback = result_callback;
this.progress_callback = progress_callback;
/** @summary Parse parameters */
parseParameters(tree, args, expr) {
if (!expr || !isStr(expr)) return '';
// parse parameters which defined at the end as expression;par1name:par1value;par2name:par2value
let pos = expr.lastIndexOf(';');
while (pos >= 0) {
let parname = expr.slice(pos + 1), parvalue;
expr = expr.slice(0, pos);
pos = expr.lastIndexOf(';');
const separ = parname.indexOf(':');
if (separ > 0) { parvalue = parname.slice(separ + 1); parname = parname.slice(0, separ); }
let intvalue = parseInt(parvalue);
if (!parvalue || !Number.isInteger(intvalue)) intvalue = undefined;
switch (parname) {
case 'num':
case 'entries':
case 'numentries':
if (parvalue === 'all')
args.numentries = tree.fEntries;
else if (parvalue === 'half')
args.numentries = Math.round(tree.fEntries / 2);
else if (intvalue !== undefined)
args.numentries = intvalue;
case 'first':
if (intvalue !== undefined) args.firstentry = intvalue;
case 'mon':
case 'monitor':
args.monitoring = (intvalue !== undefined) ? intvalue : 5000;
case 'player':
args.player = true;
case 'dump':
args.dump = true;
case 'maxseg':
case 'maxrange':
if (intvalue) tree.$file.fMaxRanges = intvalue;
case 'accum':
if (intvalue) this.arr_limit = intvalue;
case 'htype':
if (parvalue && (parvalue.length === 1)) {
this.htype = parvalue.toUpperCase();
if (['C', 'S', 'I', 'F', 'L', 'D'].indexOf(this.htype) < 0)
this.htype = 'F';
case 'hbins':
this.hist_nbins = parseInt(parvalue);
if (!Number.isInteger(this.hist_nbins) || (this.hist_nbins <= 3))
delete this.hist_nbins;
this.want_hist = true;
case 'drawopt':
args.drawopt = parvalue;
case 'graph':
args.graph = intvalue || true;
pos = expr.lastIndexOf('>>');
if (pos >= 0) {
let harg = expr.slice(pos + 2).trim();
expr = expr.slice(0, pos).trim();
pos = harg.indexOf('(');
if (pos > 0) {
this.hist_name = harg.slice(0, pos);
harg = harg.slice(pos);
if (harg === 'dump')
args.dump = true;
else if (harg.indexOf('Graph') === 0)
args.graph = true;
else if (pos < 0) {
this.want_hist = true;
this.hist_name = harg;
} else if ((harg[0] === '(') && (harg[harg.length - 1] === ')')) {
this.want_hist = true;
harg = harg.slice(1, harg.length - 1).split(',');
let isok = true;
for (let n = 0; n < harg.length; ++n) {
harg[n] = (n % 3 === 0) ? parseInt(harg[n]) : parseFloat(harg[n]);
if (!Number.isFinite(harg[n])) isok = false;
if (isok) this.hist_args = harg;
if (args.dump) {
this.dump_values = true;
args.reallocate_objects = true;
if (args.numentries === undefined) args.numentries = 10;
return expr;
/** @summary Parse draw expression */
parseDrawExpression(tree, args) {
// parse complete expression
let expr = this.parseParameters(tree, args, args.expr), cut = '';
// parse option for histogram creation
this.hist_title = `drawing '${expr}' from ${tree.fName}`;
let pos = 0;
if (args.cut)
cut = args.cut;
else {
pos = expr.replace(/TMath::/g, 'TMath__').lastIndexOf('::'); // avoid confusion due-to :: in the namespace
if (pos > 0) {
cut = expr.slice(pos + 2).trim();
expr = expr.slice(0, pos).trim();
args.parse_expr = expr;
args.parse_cut = cut;
// let names = expr.split(':'); // to allow usage of ? operator, we need to handle : as well
const names = [];
let nbr1 = 0, nbr2 = 0, prev = 0;
for (pos = 0; pos < expr.length; ++pos) {
switch (expr[pos]) {
case '(': nbr1++; break;
case ')': nbr1--; break;
case '[': nbr2++; break;
case ']': nbr2--; break;
case ':':
if (expr[pos + 1] === ':') { pos++; continue; }
if (!nbr1 && !nbr2 && (pos > prev)) names.push(expr.slice(prev, pos));
prev = pos + 1;
if (!nbr1 && !nbr2 && (pos > prev)) names.push(expr.slice(prev, pos));
if ((names.length < 1) || (names.length > 3)) return false;
this.ndim = names.length;
let is_direct = !cut;
for (let n = 0; n < this.ndim; ++n) {
this.vars[n] = new TDrawVariable(this.globals);
if (!this.vars[n].parse(tree, this, names[n])) return false;
if (!this.vars[n].direct_branch) is_direct = false;
this.cut = new TDrawVariable(this.globals);
if (cut)
if (!this.cut.parse(tree, this, cut)) return false;
if (!this.numBranches()) {
console.warn('no any branch is selected');
return false;
if (is_direct) this.ProcessArrays = this.ProcessArraysFunc;
this.monitoring = args.monitoring;
// force TPolyMarker3D drawing for 3D case
if ((this.ndim === 3) && !this.want_hist && !args.dump)
args.graph = true;
this.graph = args.graph;
if (args.drawopt !== undefined)
this.histo_drawopt = args.drawopt;
this.histo_drawopt = (this.ndim === 2) ? 'col' : '';
return true;
/** @summary Draw only specified branch */
drawOnlyBranch(tree, branch, expr, args) {
this.ndim = 1;
if (expr.indexOf('dump') === 0) expr = ';' + expr;
expr = this.parseParameters(tree, args, expr);
this.monitoring = args.monitoring;
if (args.dump) {
this.dump_values = true;
args.reallocate_objects = true;
if (this.dump_values) {
this.hist = []; // array of dump objects
this.leaf = args.leaf;
// branch object remains, therefore we need to copy fields to see them all
this.copy_fields = ((args.branch.fLeaves && (args.branch.fLeaves.arr.length > 1)) ||
(args.branch.fBranches && (args.branch.fBranches.arr.length > 0))) && !args.leaf;
this.addBranch(branch, 'br0', args.direct_branch); // add branch
this.Process = this.ProcessDump;
return true;
this.vars[0] = new TDrawVariable(this.globals);
if (!this.vars[0].parse(tree, this, expr, branch, args.direct_branch)) return false;
this.hist_title = `drawing branch ${branch.fName} ${expr?' expr:'+expr:''} from ${tree.fName}`;
this.cut = new TDrawVariable(this.globals);
if (this.vars[0].direct_branch) this.ProcessArrays = this.ProcessArraysFunc;
return true;
/** @summary Begin processing */
Begin(tree) {
this.globals.entries = tree.fEntries;
if (this.monitoring)
this.lasttm = new Date().getTime();
/** @summary Show progress */
ShowProgress(/* value */) {}
/** @summary Get bins for bits histogram */
getBitsBins(nbits, res) {
res.nbins = res.max = nbits;
res.fLabels = create(clTHashList);
for (let k = 0; k < nbits; ++k) {
const s = create(clTObjString);
s.fString = k.toString();
s.fUniqueID = k + 1;
return res;
/** @summary Get min.max bins */
getMinMaxBins(axisid, nbins) {
const res = { min: 0, max: 0, nbins, k: 1, fLabels: null, title: '' };
if (axisid >= this.ndim) return res;
const arr = this.vars[axisid].buf;
res.title = this.vars[axisid].code || '';
if (this.vars[axisid].kind === 'object') {
// this is any object type
let typename, similar = true, maxbits = 8;
for (let k = 0; k < arr.length; ++k) {
if (!arr[k]) continue;
if (!typename) typename = arr[k]._typename;
if (typename !== arr[k]._typename) similar = false; // check all object types
if (arr[k].fNbits) maxbits = Math.max(maxbits, arr[k].fNbits + 1);
if (typename && similar) {
if ((typename === 'TBits') && (axisid === 0)) {
this.fill1DHistogram = this.fillTBitsHistogram;
if (maxbits % 8) maxbits = (maxbits & 0xfff0) + 8;
if ((this.hist_name === 'bits') && (this.hist_args.length === 1) && this.hist_args[0])
maxbits = this.hist_args[0];
return this.getBitsBins(maxbits, res);
if (this.vars[axisid].kind === 'string') {
res.lbls = []; // all labels
for (let k = 0; k < arr.length; ++k) {
if (res.lbls.indexOf(arr[k]) < 0)
res.max = res.nbins = res.lbls.length;
res.fLabels = create(clTHashList);
for (let k = 0; k < res.lbls.length; ++k) {
const s = create(clTObjString);
s.fString = res.lbls[k];
s.fUniqueID = k + 1;
if (s.fString === '') s.fString = '<empty>';
} else if ((axisid === 0) && (this.hist_name === 'bits') && (this.hist_args.length <= 1)) {
this.fill1DHistogram = this.FillBitsHistogram;
return this.getBitsBins(this.hist_args[0] || 32, res);
} else if (axisid * 3 + 2 < this.hist_args.length) {
res.nbins = this.hist_args[axisid * 3];
res.min = this.hist_args[axisid * 3 + 1];
res.max = this.hist_args[axisid * 3 + 2];
} else {
let is_any = false;
for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; ++i) {
const v = arr[i];
if (!Number.isFinite(v)) continue;
if (is_any) {
res.min = Math.min(res.min, v);
res.max = Math.max(res.max, v);
} else {
res.min = res.max = v;
is_any = true;
if (!is_any) { res.min = 0; res.max = 1; }
if (this.hist_nbins)
nbins = res.nbins = this.hist_nbins;
res.isinteger = (Math.round(res.min) === res.min) && (Math.round(res.max) === res.max);
if (res.isinteger) {
for (let k = 0; k < arr.length; ++k)
if (arr[k] !== Math.round(arr[k])) { res.isinteger = false; break; }
if (res.isinteger) {
res.min = Math.round(res.min);
res.max = Math.round(res.max);
if (res.max - res.min < nbins * 5) {
res.min -= 1;
res.max += 2;
res.nbins = Math.round(res.max - res.min);
} else {
const range = (res.max - res.min + 2);
let step = Math.floor(range / nbins);
while (step * nbins < range) step++;
res.max = res.min + nbins * step;
} else if (res.min >= res.max) {
res.max = res.min;
if (Math.abs(res.min) < 100) { res.min -= 1; res.max += 1; } else
if (res.min > 0) { res.min *= 0.9; res.max *= 1.1; } else { res.min *= 1.1; res.max *= 0.9; }
} else
res.max += (res.max - res.min) / res.nbins;
res.k = res.nbins / (res.max - res.min);
res.GetBin = function(value) {
const bin = this.lbls?.indexOf(value) ?? Number.isFinite(value) ? Math.floor((value - this.min) * this.k) : this.nbins + 1;
return bin < 0 ? 0 : ((bin > this.nbins) ? this.nbins + 1 : bin + 1);
return res;
/** @summary Create histogram which matches value in dimensions */
createHistogram(nbins, set_hist = false) {
if (!nbins) nbins = 20;
const x = this.getMinMaxBins(0, nbins),
y = this.getMinMaxBins(1, nbins),
z = this.getMinMaxBins(2, nbins);
let hist = null;
switch (this.ndim) {
case 1: hist = createHistogram(clTH1 + this.htype, x.nbins); break;
case 2: hist = createHistogram(clTH2 + this.htype, x.nbins, y.nbins); break;
case 3: hist = createHistogram(clTH3 + this.htype, x.nbins, y.nbins, z.nbins); break;
hist.fXaxis.fTitle = x.title;
hist.fXaxis.fXmin = x.min;
hist.fXaxis.fXmax = x.max;
hist.fXaxis.fLabels = x.fLabels;
if (this.ndim > 1) hist.fYaxis.fTitle = y.title;
hist.fYaxis.fXmin = y.min;
hist.fYaxis.fXmax = y.max;
hist.fYaxis.fLabels = y.fLabels;
if (this.ndim > 2) hist.fZaxis.fTitle = z.title;
hist.fZaxis.fXmin = z.min;
hist.fZaxis.fXmax = z.max;
hist.fZaxis.fLabels = z.fLabels;
hist.fName = this.hist_name;
hist.fTitle = this.hist_title;
hist.fOption = this.histo_drawopt;
hist.$custom_stat = (this.hist_name === '$htemp') ? 111110 : 111111;
if (set_hist) {
this.hist = hist;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
} else
hist.fBits = hist.fBits | kNoStats;
return hist;
/** @summary Create output object - histogram, graph, dump array */
createOutputObject() {
if (this.hist || !this.vars[0].buf) return;
if (this.dump_values) {
// just create array where dumped values will be collected
this.hist = [];
// reassign fill method
this.fill1DHistogram = this.fill2DHistogram = this.fill3DHistogram = this.dumpValues;
} else if (this.graph) {
const N = this.vars[0].buf.length;
let res = null;
if (this.ndim === 1) {
// A 1-dimensional graph will just have the x axis as an index
res = createTGraph(N, Array.from(Array(N).keys()), this.vars[0].buf);
res.fName = 'Graph';
res.fTitle = this.hist_title;
} else if (this.ndim === 2) {
res = createTGraph(N, this.vars[0].buf, this.vars[1].buf);
res.fName = 'Graph';
res.fTitle = this.hist_title;
delete this.vars[1].buf;
} else if (this.ndim === 3) {
res = create(clTPolyMarker3D);
res.fN = N;
res.fLastPoint = N - 1;
const arr = new Array(N*3);
for (let k = 0; k< N; ++k) {
arr[k*3] = this.vars[0].buf[k];
arr[k*3+1] = this.vars[1].buf[k];
arr[k*3+2] = this.vars[2].buf[k];
res.fP = arr;
res.$hist = this.createHistogram(10);
delete this.vars[1].buf;
delete this.vars[2].buf;
res.fName = 'Points';
this.hist = res;
} else {
const nbins = [200, 50, 20];
this.createHistogram(nbins[this.ndim], true);
const var0 = this.vars[0].buf, cut = this.cut.buf, len = var0.length;
if (!this.graph) {
switch (this.ndim) {
case 1: {
for (let n = 0; n < len; ++n)
this.fill1DHistogram(var0[n], cut ? cut[n] : 1);
case 2: {
const var1 = this.vars[1].buf;
for (let n = 0; n < len; ++n)
this.fill2DHistogram(var0[n], var1[n], cut ? cut[n] : 1);
delete this.vars[1].buf;
case 3: {
const var1 = this.vars[1].buf, var2 = this.vars[2].buf;
for (let n = 0; n < len; ++n)
this.fill3DHistogram(var0[n], var1[n], var2[n], cut ? cut[n] : 1);
delete this.vars[1].buf;
delete this.vars[2].buf;
delete this.vars[0].buf;
delete this.cut.buf;
/** @summary Fill TBits histogram */
fillTBitsHistogram(xvalue, weight) {
if (!weight || !xvalue || !xvalue.fNbits || !xvalue.fAllBits) return;
const sz = Math.min(xvalue.fNbits + 1, xvalue.fNbytes * 8);
for (let bit = 0, mask = 1, b = 0; bit < sz; ++bit) {
if (xvalue.fAllBits[b] && mask) {
if (bit <= this.x.nbins)
this.hist.fArray[bit + 1] += weight;
this.hist.fArray[this.x.nbins + 1] += weight;
mask *= 2;
if (mask >= 0x100) { mask = 1; ++b; }
/** @summary Fill bits histogram */
FillBitsHistogram(xvalue, weight) {
if (!weight) return;
for (let bit = 0, mask = 1; bit < this.x.nbins; ++bit) {
if (xvalue & mask) this.hist.fArray[bit + 1] += weight;
mask *= 2;
/** @summary Fill 1D histogram */
fill1DHistogram(xvalue, weight) {
const bin = this.x.GetBin(xvalue);
this.hist.fArray[bin] += weight;
if (!this.x.lbls && Number.isFinite(xvalue)) {
this.hist.fTsumw += weight;
this.hist.fTsumwx += weight * xvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwx2 += weight * xvalue * xvalue;
/** @summary Fill 2D histogram */
fill2DHistogram(xvalue, yvalue, weight) {
const xbin = this.x.GetBin(xvalue),
ybin = this.y.GetBin(yvalue);
this.hist.fArray[xbin + (this.x.nbins + 2) * ybin] += weight;
if (!this.x.lbls && !this.y.lbls && Number.isFinite(xvalue) && Number.isFinite(yvalue)) {
this.hist.fTsumw += weight;
this.hist.fTsumwx += weight * xvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwy += weight * yvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwx2 += weight * xvalue * xvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwxy += weight * xvalue * yvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwy2 += weight * yvalue * yvalue;
/** @summary Fill 3D histogram */
fill3DHistogram(xvalue, yvalue, zvalue, weight) {
const xbin = this.x.GetBin(xvalue),
ybin = this.y.GetBin(yvalue),
zbin = this.z.GetBin(zvalue);
this.hist.fArray[xbin + (this.x.nbins + 2) * (ybin + (this.y.nbins + 2) * zbin)] += weight;
if (!this.x.lbls && !this.y.lbls && !this.z.lbls && Number.isFinite(xvalue) && Number.isFinite(yvalue) && Number.isFinite(zvalue)) {
this.hist.fTsumw += weight;
this.hist.fTsumwx += weight * xvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwy += weight * yvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwz += weight * zvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwx2 += weight * xvalue * xvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwy2 += weight * yvalue * yvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwz2 += weight * zvalue * zvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwxy += weight * xvalue * yvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwxz += weight * xvalue * zvalue;
this.hist.fTsumwyz += weight * yvalue * zvalue;
/** @summary Dump values */
dumpValues(v1, v2, v3, v4) {
let obj;
switch (this.ndim) {
case 1: obj = { x: v1, weight: v2 }; break;
case 2: obj = { x: v1, y: v2, weight: v3 }; break;
case 3: obj = { x: v1, y: v2, z: v3, weight: v4 }; break;
if (this.cut.is_dummy()) {
if (this.ndim === 1)
obj = v1;
delete obj.weight;
/** @summary function used when all branches can be read as array
* @desc most typical usage - histogram filling of single branch */
ProcessArraysFunc(/* entry */) {
if (this.arr_limit || this.graph) {
const var0 = this.vars[0],
var1 = this.vars[1],
var2 = this.vars[2],
len = this.tgtarr.br0.length;
if ((var0.buf.length === 0) && (len >= this.arr_limit) && !this.graph) {
// special use case - first array large enough to create histogram directly base on it
var0.buf = this.tgtarr.br0;
if (var1) var1.buf = this.tgtarr.br1;
if (var2) var2.buf = this.tgtarr.br2;
} else {
for (let k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
if (var1) var1.buf.push(this.tgtarr.br1[k]);
if (var2) var2.buf.push(this.tgtarr.br2[k]);
var0.kind = 'number';
if (var1) var1.kind = 'number';
if (var2) var2.kind = 'number';
this.cut.buf = null; // do not create buffer for cuts
if (!this.graph && (var0.buf.length >= this.arr_limit)) {
this.arr_limit = 0;
} else {
const br0 = this.tgtarr.br0, len = br0.length;
switch (this.ndim) {
case 1: {
for (let k = 0; k < len; ++k)
this.fill1DHistogram(br0[k], 1);
case 2: {
const br1 = this.tgtarr.br1;
for (let k = 0; k < len; ++k)
this.fill2DHistogram(br0[k], br1[k], 1);
case 3: {
const br1 = this.tgtarr.br1, br2 = this.tgtarr.br2;
for (let k = 0; k < len; ++k)
this.fill3DHistogram(br0[k], br1[k], br2[k], 1);
/** @summary simple dump of the branch - no need to analyze something */
ProcessDump(/* entry */) {
const res = this.leaf ? this.tgtobj.br0[this.leaf] : this.tgtobj.br0;
if (res && this.copy_fields) {
if (checkArrayPrototype(res) === 0)
this.hist.push(Object.assign({}, res));
} else
/** @summary Normal TSelector Process handler */
Process(entry) {
this.globals.entry = entry; // can be used in any expression
if (!this.dump_values && !this.cut.value) return;
for (let n = 0; n < this.ndim; ++n)
const var0 = this.vars[0], var1 = this.vars[1], var2 = this.vars[2], cut = this.cut;
if (this.graph || this.arr_limit) {
switch (this.ndim) {
case 1:
for (let n0 = 0; n0 < var0.length; ++n0) {
case 2:
for (let n0 = 0; n0 < var0.length; ++n0) {
for (let n1 = 0; n1 < var1.length; ++n1) {
case 3:
for (let n0 = 0; n0 < var0.length; ++n0) {
for (let n1 = 0; n1 < var1.length; ++n1) {
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < var2.length; ++n2) {
if (!this.graph && (var0.buf.length >= this.arr_limit)) {
this.arr_limit = 0;
} else if (this.hist) {
switch (this.ndim) {
case 1:
for (let n0 = 0; n0 < var0.length; ++n0)
this.fill1DHistogram(var0.get(n0), cut.value);
case 2:
for (let n0 = 0; n0 < var0.length; ++n0) {
for (let n1 = 0; n1 < var1.length; ++n1)
this.fill2DHistogram(var0.get(n0), var1.get(n1), cut.value);
case 3:
for (let n0 = 0; n0 < var0.length; ++n0) {
for (let n1 = 0; n1 < var1.length; ++n1) {
for (let n2 = 0; n2 < var2.length; ++n2)
this.fill3DHistogram(var0.get(n0), var1.get(n1), var2.get(n2), cut.value);
if (this.monitoring && this.hist && !this.dump_values) {
const now = new Date().getTime();
if (now - this.lasttm > this.monitoring) {
this.lasttm = now;
if (isFunc(this.progress_callback))
/** @summary Normal TSelector Terminate handler */
Terminate(res) {
if (res && !this.hist)
if (isFunc(this.result_callback))
} // class TDrawSelector
/** @summary return TStreamerElement associated with the branch - if any
* @desc unfortunately, branch.fID is not number of element in streamer info
* @private */
function findBrachStreamerElement(branch, file) {
if (!branch || !file || (branch._typename !== clTBranchElement) || (branch.fID < 0) || (branch.fStreamerType < 0)) return null;
const s_i = file.findStreamerInfo(branch.fClassName, branch.fClassVersion, branch.fCheckSum),
arr = (s_i && s_i.fElements) ? s_i.fElements.arr : null;
if (!arr) return null;
let match_name = branch.fName,
pos = match_name.indexOf('[');
if (pos > 0) match_name = match_name.slice(0, pos);
pos = match_name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (pos > 0) match_name = match_name.slice(pos + 1);
function match_elem(elem) {
if (!elem) return false;
if (elem.fName !== match_name) return false;
if (elem.fType === branch.fStreamerType) return true;
if ((elem.fType === kBool) && (branch.fStreamerType === kUChar)) return true;
if (((branch.fStreamerType === kSTL) || (branch.fStreamerType === kSTL + kOffsetL) ||
(branch.fStreamerType === kSTLp) || (branch.fStreamerType === kSTLp + kOffsetL)) &&
(elem.fType === kStreamer)) return true;
console.warn(`Should match element ${elem.fType} with branch ${branch.fStreamerType}`);
return false;
// first check branch fID - in many cases gut guess
if (match_elem(arr[branch.fID]))
return arr[branch.fID];
for (let k = 0; k < arr.length; ++k) {
if ((k !== branch.fID) && match_elem(arr[k]))
return arr[k];
console.error(`Did not found/match element for branch ${branch.fName} class ${branch.fClassName}`);
return null;
/** @summary return type name of given member in the class
* @private */
function defineMemberTypeName(file, parent_class, member_name) {
const s_i = file.findStreamerInfo(parent_class),
arr = s_i?.fElements?.arr;
if (!arr) return '';
let elem = null;
for (let k = 0; k < arr.length; ++k) {
if (arr[k].fTypeName === kBaseClass) {
const res = defineMemberTypeName(file, arr[k].fName, member_name);
if (res) return res;
} else
if (arr[k].fName === member_name) { elem = arr[k]; break; }
if (!elem) return '';
let clname = elem.fTypeName;
if (clname[clname.length - 1] === '*')
clname = clname.slice(0, clname.length - 1);
return clname;
/** @summary create fast list to assign all methods to the object
* @private */
function makeMethodsList(typename) {
const methods = getMethods(typename),
res = {
names: [],
values: [],
Create() {
const obj = {};
for (let n = 0; n < this.names.length; ++n)
obj[this.names[n]] = this.values[n];
return obj;
for (const key in methods) {
return res;
/** @summary try to define classname for the branch member, scanning list of branches
* @private */
function detectBranchMemberClass(brlst, prefix, start) {
let clname = '';
for (let kk = (start || 0); kk < brlst.arr.length; ++kk) {
if ((brlst.arr[kk].fName.indexOf(prefix) === 0) && brlst.arr[kk].fClassName)
clname = brlst.arr[kk].fClassName;
return clname;
/** @summary Process selector for the tree
* @desc function similar to the TTree::Process
* @param {object} tree - instance of TTree class
* @param {object} selector - instance of {@link TSelector} class
* @param {object} [args] - different arguments
* @param {number} [args.firstentry] - first entry to process, 0 when not specified
* @param {number} [args.numentries] - number of entries to process, all when not specified
* @return {Promise} with TSelector instance */
async function treeProcess(tree, selector, args) {
if (!args) args = {};
if (!selector || !tree.$file || !selector.numBranches()) {
return Promise.reject(Error('required parameter missing for TTree::Process'));
// central handle with all information required for reading
const handle = {
tree, // keep tree reference
file: tree.$file, // keep file reference
selector, // reference on selector
arr: [], // list of branches
curr: -1, // current entry ID
current_entry: -1, // current processed entry
simple_read: true, // all baskets in all used branches are in sync,
process_arrays: true // one can process all branches as arrays
}, createLeafElem = (leaf, name) => {
// function creates TStreamerElement which corresponds to the elementary leaf
let datakind = 0;
switch (leaf._typename) {
case 'TLeafF': datakind = kFloat; break;
case 'TLeafD': datakind = kDouble; break;
case 'TLeafO': datakind = kBool; break;
case 'TLeafB': datakind = leaf.fIsUnsigned ? kUChar : kChar; break;
case 'TLeafS': datakind = leaf.fIsUnsigned ? kUShort : kShort; break;
case 'TLeafI': datakind = leaf.fIsUnsigned ? kUInt : kInt; break;
case 'TLeafL': datakind = leaf.fIsUnsigned ? kULong64 : kLong64; break;
case 'TLeafC': datakind = kTString; break;
default: return null;
const elem = createStreamerElement(name || leaf.fName, datakind);
if (leaf.fLen > 1) {
elem.fType += kOffsetL;
elem.fArrayLength = leaf.fLen;
return elem;
}, findInHandle = branch => {
for (let k = 0; k < handle.arr.length; ++k) {
if (handle.arr[k].branch === branch)
return handle.arr[k];
return null;
let namecnt = 0;
function AddBranchForReading(branch, target_object, target_name, read_mode) {
// central method to add branch for reading
// read_mode == true - read only this branch
// read_mode == '$child$' is just member of object from for STL or clonesarray
// read_mode == '<any class name>' is sub-object from STL or clonesarray, happens when such new object need to be created
// read_mode == '.member_name' select only reading of member_name instead of complete object
if (isStr(branch))
branch = findBranch(handle.tree, branch);
if (!branch) { console.error('Did not found branch'); return null; }
let item = findInHandle(branch);
if (item) {
console.error(`Branch ${branch.fName} already configured for reading`);
if (item.tgt !== target_object) console.error('Target object differs');
return null;
if (!branch.fEntries) {
console.warn(`Branch ${branch.fName} does not have entries`);
return null;
// console.log(`Add branch ${branch.fName}`);
item = {
tgt: target_object, // used target object - can be differ for object members
name: target_name,
index: -1, // index in the list of read branches
member: null, // member to read branch
type: 0, // keep type identifier
curr_entry: -1, // last processed entry
raw: null, // raw buffer for reading
basket: null, // current basket object
curr_basket: 0, // number of basket used for processing
read_entry: -1, // last entry which is already read
staged_entry: -1, // entry which is staged for reading
first_readentry: -1, // first entry to read
staged_basket: 0, // last basket staged for reading
numentries: branch.fEntries,
numbaskets: branch.fWriteBasket, // number of baskets which can be read from the file
counters: null, // branch indexes used as counters
ascounter: [], // list of other branches using that branch as counter
baskets: [], // array for read baskets,
staged_prev: 0, // entry limit of previous I/O request
staged_now: 0, // entry limit of current I/O request
progress_showtm: 0, // last time when progress was showed
getBasketEntry(k) {
if (!this.branch || (k > this.branch.fMaxBaskets)) return 0;
const res = (k < this.branch.fMaxBaskets) ? this.branch.fBasketEntry[k] : 0;
if (res) return res;
const bskt = (k > 0) ? this.branch.fBaskets.arr[k - 1] : null;
return bskt ? (this.branch.fBasketEntry[k - 1] + bskt.fNevBuf) : 0;
getTarget(tgtobj) {
// returns target object which should be used for the branch reading
if (!this.tgt) return tgtobj;
for (let k = 0; k < this.tgt.length; ++k) {
const sub = this.tgt[k];
if (!tgtobj[]) tgtobj[] = sub.lst.Create();
tgtobj = tgtobj[];
return tgtobj;
getEntry(entry) {
// This should be equivalent to TBranch::GetEntry() method
const shift = entry - this.first_entry;
let off;
if (!this.branch.TestBit(kDoNotUseBufferMap))
if (this.basket.fEntryOffset) {
off = this.basket.fEntryOffset[shift];
if (this.basket.fDisplacement)
this.raw.fDisplacement = this.basket.fDisplacement[shift];
} else
off = this.basket.fKeylen + this.basket.fNevBufSize * shift;
this.raw.locate(off - this.raw.raw_shift);
// this.member.func(this.raw, this.getTarget(tgtobj));
// last basket can be stored directly with the branch
while (item.getBasketEntry(item.numbaskets + 1)) item.numbaskets++;
// check all counters if we
const nb_leaves = branch.fLeaves?.arr?.length ?? 0,
leaf = (nb_leaves > 0) ? branch.fLeaves.arr[0] : null,
is_brelem = (branch._typename === clTBranchElement);
let elem = null, // TStreamerElement used to create reader
member = null, // member for actual reading of the branch
child_scan = 0, // scan child branches after main branch is appended
item_cnt = null, item_cnt2 = null, object_class = '';
if (branch.fBranchCount) {
item_cnt = findInHandle(branch.fBranchCount);
if (!item_cnt)
item_cnt = AddBranchForReading(branch.fBranchCount, target_object, '$counter' + namecnt++, true);
if (!item_cnt) { console.error(`Cannot add counter branch ${branch.fBranchCount.fName}`); return null; }
let BranchCount2 = branch.fBranchCount2;
if (!BranchCount2 && (branch.fBranchCount.fStreamerType === kSTL) &&
((branch.fStreamerType === kStreamLoop) || (branch.fStreamerType === kOffsetL + kStreamLoop))) {
// special case when count member from kStreamLoop not assigned as fBranchCount2
const elemd = findBrachStreamerElement(branch, handle.file),
arrd = branch.fBranchCount.fBranches.arr;
if (elemd?.fCountName && arrd) {
for (let k = 0; k < arrd.length; ++k) {
if (arrd[k].fName === branch.fBranchCount.fName + '.' + elemd.fCountName) {
BranchCount2 = arrd[k];
if (!BranchCount2) console.error('Did not found branch for second counter of kStreamLoop element');
if (BranchCount2) {
item_cnt2 = findInHandle(BranchCount2);
if (!item_cnt2) item_cnt2 = AddBranchForReading(BranchCount2, target_object, '$counter' + namecnt++, true);
if (!item_cnt2) { console.error(`Cannot add counter branch2 ${BranchCount2.fName}`); return null; }
} else if (nb_leaves === 1 && leaf && leaf.fLeafCount) {
const br_cnt = findBranch(handle.tree, leaf.fLeafCount.fName);
if (br_cnt) {
item_cnt = findInHandle(br_cnt);
if (!item_cnt) item_cnt = AddBranchForReading(br_cnt, target_object, '$counter' + namecnt++, true);
if (!item_cnt) { console.error(`Cannot add counter branch ${br_cnt.fName}`); return null; }
function ScanBranches(lst, master_target, chld_kind) {
if (!lst || !lst.arr.length) return true;
let match_prefix = branch.fName;
if (match_prefix[match_prefix.length - 1] === '.') match_prefix = match_prefix.slice(0, match_prefix.length - 1);
if (isStr(read_mode) && (read_mode[0] === '.')) match_prefix += read_mode;
match_prefix += '.';
for (let k = 0; k < lst.arr.length; ++k) {
const br = lst.arr[k];
if ((chld_kind > 0) && (br.fType !== chld_kind)) continue;
if (br.fType === kBaseClassNode) {
if (!ScanBranches(br.fBranches, master_target, chld_kind)) return false;
const elem = findBrachStreamerElement(br, handle.file);
if (elem?.fTypeName === kBaseClass) {
// if branch is data of base class, map it to original target
if (br.fTotBytes && !AddBranchForReading(br, target_object, target_name, read_mode)) return false;
if (!ScanBranches(br.fBranches, master_target, chld_kind)) return false;
let subname = br.fName, chld_direct = 1;
if (br.fName.indexOf(match_prefix) === 0)
subname = subname.slice(match_prefix.length);
else if (chld_kind > 0)
continue; // for defined children names prefix must be present
let p = subname.indexOf('[');
if (p > 0) subname = subname.slice(0, p);
p = subname.indexOf('<');
if (p > 0) subname = subname.slice(0, p);
if (chld_kind > 0) {
chld_direct = '$child$';
const pp = subname.indexOf('.');
if (pp > 0) chld_direct = detectBranchMemberClass(lst, branch.fName + '.' + subname.slice(0, pp + 1), k) || clTObject;
if (!AddBranchForReading(br, master_target, subname, chld_direct)) return false;
return true;
if (branch._typename === 'TBranchObject') {
member = {
name: target_name,
typename: branch.fClassName,
virtual: leaf.fVirtual,
func(buf, obj) {
let clname = this.typename;
if (this.virtual) clname = buf.readFastString(buf.ntou1() + 1);
obj[] = buf.classStreamer({}, clname);
} else if ((branch.fType === kClonesNode) || (branch.fType === kSTLNode)) {
elem = createStreamerElement(target_name, kInt);
if (!read_mode || (isStr(read_mode) && (read_mode[0] === '.')) || (read_mode === 1)) {
handle.process_arrays = false;
member = {
name: target_name,
conttype: branch.fClonesName || clTObject,
reallocate: args.reallocate_objects,
func(buf, obj) {
const size = buf.ntoi4();
let n = 0, arr = obj[];
if (!arr || this.reallocate)
arr = obj[] = new Array(size);
else {
n = arr.length;
arr.length = size; // reallocate array
while (n < size) arr[n++] = this.methods.Create(); // create new objects
if (isStr(read_mode) && (read_mode[0] === '.')) {
member.conttype = detectBranchMemberClass(branch.fBranches, branch.fName + read_mode);
if (!member.conttype) {
console.error(`Cannot select object ${read_mode} in the branch ${branch.fName}`);
return null;
member.methods = makeMethodsList(member.conttype);
child_scan = (branch.fType === kClonesNode) ? kClonesMemberNode : kSTLMemberNode;
} else if ((object_class = getBranchObjectClass(branch, handle.tree))) {
if (read_mode === true) {
console.warn(`Object branch ${object_class} can not have data to be read directly`);
return null;
handle.process_arrays = false;
const newtgt = new Array(target_object ? (target_object.length + 1) : 1);
for (let l = 0; l < newtgt.length - 1; ++l)
newtgt[l] = target_object[l];
newtgt[newtgt.length - 1] = { name: target_name, lst: makeMethodsList(object_class) };
if (!ScanBranches(branch.fBranches, newtgt, 0)) return null;
return item; // this kind of branch does not have baskets and not need to be read
} else if (is_brelem && (nb_leaves === 1) && (leaf.fName === branch.fName) && (branch.fID === -1)) {
elem = createStreamerElement(target_name, branch.fClassName);
if (elem.fType === kAny) {
const streamer = handle.file.getStreamer(branch.fClassName, { val: branch.fClassVersion, checksum: branch.fCheckSum });
if (!streamer) {
elem = null;
console.warn('not found streamer!');
} else {
member = {
name: target_name,
typename: branch.fClassName,
func(buf, obj) {
const res = { _typename: this.typename };
for (let n = 0; n < this.streamer.length; ++n)
this.streamer[n].func(buf, res);
obj[] = res;
// elem.fType = kAnyP;
// only STL containers here
// if (!elem.fSTLtype) elem = null;
} else if (is_brelem && (nb_leaves <= 1)) {
elem = findBrachStreamerElement(branch, handle.file);
// this is basic type - can try to solve problem differently
if (!elem && branch.fStreamerType && (branch.fStreamerType < 20))
elem = createStreamerElement(target_name, branch.fStreamerType);
} else if (nb_leaves === 1) {
// no special constrains for the leaf names
elem = createLeafElem(leaf, target_name);
} else if ((branch._typename === 'TBranch') && (nb_leaves > 1)) {
// branch with many elementary leaves
const leaves = new Array(nb_leaves);
let isok = true;
for (let l = 0; l < nb_leaves; ++l) {
leaves[l] = createMemberStreamer(createLeafElem(branch.fLeaves.arr[l]), handle.file);
if (!leaves[l]) isok = false;
if (isok) {
member = {
name: target_name,
func(buf, obj) {
let tgt = obj[], l = 0;
if (!tgt) obj[] = tgt = {};
while (l < this.leaves.length)
this.leaves[l++].func(buf, tgt);
if (!elem && !member) {
console.warn(`Not supported branch ${branch.fName} type ${branch._typename}`);
return null;
if (!member) {
member = createMemberStreamer(elem, handle.file);
if ((member.base !== undefined) && member.basename) {
// when element represent base class, we need handling which differ from normal IO
member.func = function(buf, obj) {
if (!obj[]) obj[] = { _typename: this.basename };
buf.classStreamer(obj[], this.basename);
if (item_cnt && isStr(read_mode)) {
member.name0 =;
const snames = target_name.split('.');
if (snames.length === 1) {
// no point in the name - just plain array of objects
member.get = (arr, n) => arr[n];
} else if (read_mode === '$child$') {
console.error(`target name ${target_name} contains point, but suppose to be direct child`);
return null;
} else if (snames.length === 2) {
target_name = = snames[1];
member.name1 = snames[0];
member.subtype1 = read_mode;
member.methods1 = makeMethodsList(member.subtype1);
member.get = function(arr, n) {
let obj1 = arr[n][this.name1];
if (!obj1) obj1 = arr[n][this.name1] = this.methods1.Create();
return obj1;
} else {
// very complex task - we need to reconstruct several embedded members with their types
// try our best - but not all data types can be reconstructed correctly
// while classname is not enough - there can be different versions
if (!branch.fParentName) {
console.error(`Not possible to provide more than 2 parts in the target name ${target_name}`);
return null;
target_name = = snames.pop(); // use last element
member.snames = snames; // remember all sub-names
member.smethods = []; // and special handles to create missing objects
let parent_class = branch.fParentName; // unfortunately, without version
for (let k = 0; k < snames.length; ++k) {
const chld_class = defineMemberTypeName(handle.file, parent_class, snames[k]);
member.smethods[k] = makeMethodsList(chld_class || 'AbstractClass');
parent_class = chld_class;
member.get = function(arr, n) {
let obj1 = arr[n][this.snames[0]];
if (!obj1) obj1 = arr[n][this.snames[0]] = this.smethods[0].Create();
for (let k = 1; k < this.snames.length; ++k) {
let obj2 = obj1[this.snames[k]];
if (!obj2) obj2 = obj1[this.snames[k]] = this.smethods[k].Create();
obj1 = obj2;
return obj1;
// case when target is sub-object and need to be created before
if (member.objs_branch_func) {
// STL branch provides special function for the reading
member.func = member.objs_branch_func;
} else {
member.func0 = member.func;
member.func = function(buf, obj) {
const arr = obj[this.name0]; // objects array where reading is done
let n = 0;
while (n < arr.length)
this.func0(buf, this.get(arr, n++)); // read all individual object with standard functions
} else if (item_cnt) {
handle.process_arrays = false;
if ((elem.fType === kDouble32) || (elem.fType === kFloat16)) {
// special handling for compressed floats
member.stl_size =;
member.func = function(buf, obj) {
obj[] = this.readarr(buf, obj[this.stl_size]);
} else if (((elem.fType === kOffsetP + kDouble32) || (elem.fType === kOffsetP + kFloat16)) && branch.fBranchCount2) {
// special handling for variable arrays of compressed floats in branch - not tested
member.stl_size =;
member.arr_size =;
member.func = function(buf, obj) {
const sz0 = obj[this.stl_size], sz1 = obj[this.arr_size], arr = new Array(sz0);
for (let n = 0; n < sz0; ++n)
arr[n] = (buf.ntou1() === 1) ? this.readarr(buf, sz1[n]) : [];
obj[] = arr;
} else if (((elem.fType > 0) && (elem.fType < kOffsetL)) || (elem.fType === kTString) ||
(((elem.fType > kOffsetP) && (elem.fType < kOffsetP + kOffsetL)) && branch.fBranchCount2)) {
// special handling of simple arrays
member = {
name: target_name,
type: elem.fType,
func(buf, obj) {
obj[] = buf.readFastArray(obj[this.stl_size], this.type);
if (branch.fBranchCount2) {
member.type -= kOffsetP;
member.arr_size =;
member.func = function(buf, obj) {
const sz0 = obj[this.stl_size], sz1 = obj[this.arr_size], arr = new Array(sz0);
for (let n = 0; n < sz0; ++n)
arr[n] = (buf.ntou1() === 1) ? buf.readFastArray(sz1[n], this.type) : [];
obj[] = arr;
} else if ((elem.fType > kOffsetP) && (elem.fType < kOffsetP + kOffsetL) && member.cntname)
member.cntname =;
else if (elem.fType === kStreamer) {
// with streamers one need to extend existing array
if (item_cnt2)
throw new Error('Second branch counter not supported yet with kStreamer');
// function provided by normal I/O
member.func = member.branch_func;
member.stl_size =;
} else if ((elem.fType === kStreamLoop) || (elem.fType === kOffsetL + kStreamLoop)) {
if (item_cnt2) {
// special solution for kStreamLoop
member.stl_size =;
member.cntname =;
member.func = member.branch_func; // this is special function, provided by base I/O
} else
member.cntname =;
} else { = '$stl_member';
let loop_size_name;
if (item_cnt2) {
if (member.cntname) {
loop_size_name =;
member.cntname = '$loop_size';
} else
throw new Error('Second branch counter not used - very BAD');
const stlmember = {
name: target_name,
loop_size: loop_size_name,
member0: member,
func(buf, obj) {
const cnt = obj[this.stl_size], arr = new Array(cnt);
for (let n = 0; n < cnt; ++n) {
if (this.loop_size) obj.$loop_size = obj[this.loop_size][n];
this.member0.func(buf, obj);
arr[n] = obj.$stl_member;
delete obj.$stl_member;
delete obj.$loop_size;
obj[] = arr;
member = stlmember;
} // if (item_cnt)
// set name used to store result = target_name;
item.member = member; // member for reading
if (elem) item.type = elem.fType;
item.index = handle.arr.length; // index in the global list of branches
if (item_cnt) {
item.counters = [item_cnt.index];
if (item_cnt2) {
// now one should add all other child branches
if (child_scan)
if (!ScanBranches(branch.fBranches, target_object, child_scan)) return null;
return item;
// main loop to add all branches from selector for reading
for (let nn = 0; nn < selector.numBranches(); ++nn) {
const item = AddBranchForReading(selector.getBranch(nn), undefined, selector.nameOfBranch(nn), selector._directs[nn]);
if (!item) {
return Promise.reject(Error(`Fail to add branch ${selector.nameOfBranch(nn)}`));
// check if simple reading can be performed and there are direct data in branch
for (let h = 1; (h < handle.arr.length) && handle.simple_read; ++h) {
const item = handle.arr[h], item0 = handle.arr[0];
if ((item.numentries !== item0.numentries) || (item.numbaskets !== item0.numbaskets)) handle.simple_read = false;
for (let n = 0; n < item.numbaskets; ++n) {
if (item.getBasketEntry(n) !== item0.getBasketEntry(n))
handle.simple_read = false;
// now calculate entries range
handle.firstentry = handle.lastentry = 0;
for (let nn = 0; nn < handle.arr.length; ++nn) {
const branch = handle.arr[nn].branch,
e1 = branch.fFirstEntry ?? (branch.fBasketBytes[0] ? branch.fBasketEntry[0] : 0);
handle.firstentry = Math.max(handle.firstentry, e1);
handle.lastentry = (nn === 0) ? (e1 + branch.fEntries) : Math.min(handle.lastentry, e1 + branch.fEntries);
if (handle.firstentry >= handle.lastentry) {
return Promise.reject(Error('No any common events for selected branches'));
handle.process_min = handle.firstentry;
handle.process_max = handle.lastentry;
let resolveFunc, rejectFunc; // Promise methods
if (Number.isInteger(args.firstentry) && (args.firstentry > handle.firstentry) && (args.firstentry < handle.lastentry))
handle.process_min = args.firstentry;
handle.current_entry = handle.staged_now = handle.process_min;
if (Number.isInteger(args.numentries) && (args.numentries > 0)) {
const max = handle.process_min + args.numentries;
if (max < handle.process_max) handle.process_max = max;
if (isFunc(selector.ProcessArrays) && handle.simple_read) {
// this is indication that selector can process arrays of values
// only strictly-matched tree structure can be used for that
for (let k = 0; k < handle.arr.length; ++k) {
const elem = handle.arr[k];
if ((elem.type <= 0) || (elem.type >= kOffsetL) || (elem.type === kCharStar))
handle.process_arrays = false;
if (handle.process_arrays) {
// create other members for fast processing
selector.tgtarr = {}; // object with arrays
for (let nn = 0; nn < handle.arr.length; ++nn) {
const item = handle.arr[nn],
elem = createStreamerElement(, item.type);
elem.fType = item.type + kOffsetL;
elem.fArrayLength = 10;
elem.fArrayDim = 1;
elem.fMaxIndex[0] = 10; // 10 if artificial number, will be replaced during reading
item.arrmember = createMemberStreamer(elem, handle.file);
} else
handle.process_arrays = false;
/** read basket with tree data, selecting different files */
function ReadBaskets(bitems) {
function ExtractPlaces() {
// extract places to read and define file name
const places = [];
let filename = '';
for (let n = 0; n < bitems.length; ++n) {
if (bitems[n].done) continue;
const branch = bitems[n].branch;
if (places.length === 0)
filename = branch.fFileName;
else if (filename !== branch.fFileName)
bitems[n].selected = true; // mark which item was selected for reading
places.push(branch.fBasketSeek[bitems[n].basket], branch.fBasketBytes[bitems[n].basket]);
return places.length > 0 ? { places, filename } : null;
function ReadProgress(value) {
if ((handle.staged_prev === handle.staged_now) ||
(handle.process_max <= handle.process_min)) return;
const tm = new Date().getTime();
if (tm - handle.progress_showtm < 500) return; // no need to show very often
handle.progress_showtm = tm;
const portion = (handle.staged_prev + value * (handle.staged_now - handle.staged_prev)) /
(handle.process_max - handle.process_min);
return handle.selector.ShowProgress(portion);
function ProcessBlobs(blobs, places) {
if (!blobs || ((places.length > 2) && (blobs.length * 2 !== places.length)))
return Promise.resolve(null);
if (places.length === 2) blobs = [blobs];
function DoProcessing(k) {
for (; k < bitems.length; ++k) {
if (!bitems[k].selected) continue;
bitems[k].selected = false;
bitems[k].done = true;
const blob = blobs.shift();
let buf = new TBuffer(blob, 0, handle.file);
const basket = buf.classStreamer({}, clTBasket);
if (basket.fNbytes !== bitems[k].branch.fBasketBytes[bitems[k].basket])
console.error(`mismatch in read basket sizes ${basket.fNbytes} != ${bitems[k].branch.fBasketBytes[bitems[k].basket]}`);
// items[k].obj = basket; // keep basket object itself if necessary
bitems[k].bskt_obj = basket; // only number of entries in the basket are relevant for the moment
if (basket.fKeylen + basket.fObjlen === basket.fNbytes) {
// use data from original blob
buf.raw_shift = 0;
bitems[k].raw = buf; // here already unpacked buffer
if (bitems[k].branch.fEntryOffsetLen > 0)
buf.readBasketEntryOffset(basket, buf.raw_shift);
// unpack data and create new blob
return R__unzip(blob, basket.fObjlen, false, buf.o).then(objblob => {
if (objblob) {
buf = new TBuffer(objblob, 0, handle.file);
buf.raw_shift = basket.fKeylen;
buf.fTagOffset = basket.fKeylen;
} else
throw new Error('FAIL TO UNPACK');
bitems[k].raw = buf; // here already unpacked buffer
if (bitems[k].branch.fEntryOffsetLen > 0)
buf.readBasketEntryOffset(basket, buf.raw_shift);
return DoProcessing(k+1); // continue processing
const req = ExtractPlaces();
if (req)
return handle.file.readBuffer(req.places, req.filename, ReadProgress).then(blobs => ProcessBlobs(blobs)).catch(() => { return null; });
return Promise.resolve(bitems);
return DoProcessing(0);
const req = ExtractPlaces();
// extract places where to read
if (req)
return handle.file.readBuffer(req.places, req.filename, ReadProgress).then(blobs => ProcessBlobs(blobs, req.places)).catch(() => { return null; });
return Promise.resolve(null);
function ReadNextBaskets() {
const bitems = [];
let totalsz = 0, isany = true, is_direct = false, min_staged = handle.process_max;
while ((totalsz < 1e6) && isany) {
isany = false;
// very important, loop over branches in reverse order
// let check counter branch after reading of normal branch is prepared
for (let n = handle.arr.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
const elem = handle.arr[n];
while (elem.staged_basket < elem.numbaskets) {
const k = elem.staged_basket++;
// no need to read more baskets, process_max is not included
if (elem.getBasketEntry(k) >= handle.process_max) break;
// check which baskets need to be read
if (elem.first_readentry < 0) {
const lmt = elem.getBasketEntry(k + 1),
not_needed = (lmt <= handle.process_min);
// for (let d=0;d<elem.ascounter.length;++d) {
// let dep = handle.arr[elem.ascounter[d]]; // dependent element
// if (dep.first_readentry < lmt) not_needed = false; // check that counter provide required data
// }
if (not_needed) continue; // if that basket not required, check next
elem.curr_basket = k; // basket where reading will start
elem.first_readentry = elem.getBasketEntry(k); // remember which entry will be read first
// check if basket already loaded in the branch
const bitem = {
id: n, // to find which element we are reading
branch: elem.branch,
basket: k,
raw: null // here should be result
}, bskt = elem.branch.fBaskets.arr[k];
if (bskt) {
bitem.raw = bskt.fBufferRef;
if (bitem.raw)
bitem.raw.locate(0); // reset pointer - same branch may be read several times
bitem.raw = new TBuffer(null, 0, handle.file); // create dummy buffer - basket has no data
bitem.raw.raw_shift = bskt.fKeylen;
if (bskt.fBufferRef && (elem.branch.fEntryOffsetLen > 0))
bitem.raw.readBasketEntryOffset(bskt, bitem.raw.raw_shift);
bitem.bskt_obj = bskt;
is_direct = true;
elem.baskets[k] = bitem;
} else {
totalsz += elem.branch.fBasketBytes[k];
isany = true;
elem.staged_entry = elem.getBasketEntry(k + 1);
min_staged = Math.min(min_staged, elem.staged_entry);
if ((totalsz === 0) && !is_direct) {
return resolveFunc(handle.selector);
handle.staged_prev = handle.staged_now;
handle.staged_now = min_staged;
let portion = 0;
if (handle.process_max > handle.process_min)
portion = (handle.staged_prev - handle.process_min) / (handle.process_max - handle.process_min);
if (handle.selector.ShowProgress(portion) === 'break') {
return resolveFunc(handle.selector);
handle.progress_showtm = new Date().getTime();
if (totalsz > 0)
return ReadBaskets(bitems).then(ProcessBaskets);
if (is_direct) return ProcessBaskets([]); // directly process baskets
throw new Error('No any data is requested - never come here');
function ProcessBaskets(bitems) {
// this is call-back when next baskets are read
if ((handle.selector._break !== 0) || (bitems === null)) {
return resolveFunc(handle.selector);
// redistribute read baskets over branches
for (let n = 0; n < bitems.length; ++n)
handle.arr[bitems[n].id].baskets[bitems[n].basket] = bitems[n];
// now process baskets
let isanyprocessed = false;
while (true) {
let loopentries = 100000000, n, elem;
// first loop used to check if all required data exists
for (n = 0; n < handle.arr.length; ++n) {
elem = handle.arr[n];
if (!elem.raw || !elem.basket || (elem.first_entry + elem.basket.fNevBuf <= handle.current_entry)) {
delete elem.raw;
delete elem.basket;
if ((elem.curr_basket >= elem.numbaskets)) {
if (n === 0) {
return resolveFunc(handle.selector);
continue; // ignore non-master branch
// this is single response from the tree, includes branch, bakset number, raw data
const bitem = elem.baskets[elem.curr_basket];
// basket not read
if (!bitem) {
// no data, but no any event processed - problem
if (!isanyprocessed) {
return rejectFunc(Error(`no data for ${elem.branch.fName} basket ${elem.curr_basket}`));
// try to read next portion of tree data
return ReadNextBaskets();
elem.raw = bitem.raw;
elem.basket = bitem.bskt_obj;
// elem.nev = bitem.fNevBuf; // number of entries in raw buffer
elem.first_entry = elem.getBasketEntry(bitem.basket);
bitem.raw = null; // remove reference on raw buffer
bitem.branch = null; // remove reference on the branch
bitem.bskt_obj = null; // remove reference on the branch
elem.baskets[elem.curr_basket++] = undefined; // remove from array
// define how much entries can be processed before next raw buffer will be finished
loopentries = Math.min(loopentries, elem.first_entry + elem.basket.fNevBuf - handle.current_entry);
// second loop extracts all required data
// do not read too much
if (handle.current_entry + loopentries > handle.process_max)
loopentries = handle.process_max - handle.current_entry;
if (handle.process_arrays && (loopentries > 1)) {
// special case - read all data from baskets as arrays
for (n = 0; n < handle.arr.length; ++n) {
elem = handle.arr[n];
elem.arrmember.arrlength = loopentries;
elem.arrmember.func(elem.raw, handle.selector.tgtarr);
elem.raw = null;
handle.current_entry += loopentries;
isanyprocessed = true;
} else {
// main processing loop
while (loopentries--) {
for (n = 0; n < handle.arr.length; ++n) {
elem = handle.arr[n];
// locate buffer offset at proper place
elem.member.func(elem.raw, elem.getTarget(handle.selector.tgtobj));
isanyprocessed = true;
if (handle.current_entry >= handle.process_max) {
return resolveFunc(handle.selector);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolveFunc = resolve;
rejectFunc = reject;
// call begin before first entry is read
/** @summary implementation of TTree::Draw
* @param {object|string} args - different setting or simply draw expression
* @param {string} args.expr - draw expression
* @param {string} [args.cut=undefined] - cut expression (also can be part of 'expr' after '::')
* @param {string} [args.drawopt=undefined] - draw options for result histogram
* @param {number} [args.firstentry=0] - first entry to process
* @param {number} [args.numentries=undefined] - number of entries to process, all by default
* @param {object} [args.branch=undefined] - TBranch object from TTree itself for the direct drawing
* @param {function} [args.progress=undefined] - function called during histogram accumulation with obj argument
* @return {Promise} with produced object */
async function treeDraw(tree, args) {
if (isStr(args)) args = { expr: args };
if (!isStr(args.expr)) args.expr = '';
const selector = new TDrawSelector();
if (args.branch) {
if (!selector.drawOnlyBranch(tree, args.branch, args.expr, args))
return Promise.reject(Error(`Fail to create draw expression ${args.expr} for branch ${args.branch.fName}`));
} else {
if (!selector.parseDrawExpression(tree, args))
return Promise.reject(Error(`Fail to create draw expression ${args.expr}`));
selector.setCallback(null, args.progress);
return treeProcess(tree, selector, args).then(() => selector.hist);
/** @summary Performs generic I/O test for all branches in the TTree
* @desc Used when 'testio' draw option for TTree is specified
* @private */
function treeIOTest(tree, args) {
const branches = [], names = [], nchilds = [];
function collectBranches(obj, prntname = '') {
if (!obj?.fBranches) return 0;
let cnt = 0;
for (let n = 0; n < obj.fBranches.arr.length; ++n) {
const br = obj.fBranches.arr[n],
name = (prntname ? prntname + '/' : '') + br.fName;
const pos = nchilds.length - 1;
cnt += (br.fLeaves?.arr?.length ?? 0);
const nchld = collectBranches(br, name);
cnt += nchld;
nchilds[pos] = nchld;
return cnt;
const numleaves = collectBranches(tree);
let selector;
names.push(`Total are ${branches.length} branches with ${numleaves} leaves`);
function testBranch(nbr) {
if (nbr >= branches.length)
return Promise.resolve(true);
if (selector?._break || args._break)
return Promise.resolve(true);
selector = new TSelector();
selector.addBranch(branches[nbr], 'br0');
selector.Process = function() {
if (this.tgtobj.br0 === undefined) = true;
selector.Terminate = function(res) {
if (!isStr(res))
res = (!res || this.fails) ? 'FAIL' : 'ok';
names[nbr] = res + ' ' + names[nbr];
const br = branches[nbr],
object_class = getBranchObjectClass(br, tree),
num = br.fEntries,
skip_branch = object_class ? (nchilds[nbr] > 100) : !br.fLeaves?.arr?.length;
if (skip_branch || (num <= 0))
return testBranch(nbr+1);
const drawargs = { numentries: 10 },
first = br.fFirstEntry || 0,
last = br.fEntryNumber || (first + num);
if (num < drawargs.numentries)
drawargs.numentries = num;
drawargs.firstentry = first + Math.round((last - first - drawargs.numentries) * Math.random()); // select randomly
// keep console output for debug purposes
console.log(`test branch ${br.fName} first ${drawargs.firstentry || 0} num ${drawargs.numentries}`);
if (isFunc(args.showProgress))
args.showProgress(`br ${nbr}/${branches.length} ${br.fName}`);
return treeProcess(tree, selector, drawargs).then(() => testBranch(nbr+1));
return testBranch(0).then(() => {
if (isFunc(args.showProgress))
return names;
/** @summary Create hierarchy of TTree object
* @private */
function treeHierarchy(node, obj) {
function createBranchItem(node, branch, tree, parent_branch) {
if (!node || !branch) return false;
const nb_branches = branch.fBranches?.arr?.length ?? 0,
nb_leaves = branch.fLeaves?.arr?.length ?? 0;
function ClearName(arg) {
const pos = arg.indexOf('[');
if (pos > 0) arg = arg.slice(0, pos);
if (parent_branch && arg.indexOf(parent_branch.fName) === 0) {
arg = arg.slice(parent_branch.fName.length);
if (arg[0] === '.') arg = arg.slice(1);
return arg;
branch.$tree = tree; // keep tree pointer, later do it more smart
const subitem = {
_name: ClearName(branch.fName),
_kind: prROOT + branch._typename,
_title: branch.fTitle,
_obj: branch
if (!node._childs) node._childs = [];
if (branch._typename === clTBranchElement)
subitem._title += ` from ${branch.fClassName};${branch.fClassVersion}`;
if (nb_branches > 0) {
subitem._more = true;
subitem._expand = function(bnode, bobj) {
// really create all sub-branch items
if (!bobj) return false;
if (!bnode._childs) bnode._childs = [];
if ((bobj.fLeaves?.arr?.length === 1) &&
((bobj.fType === kClonesNode) || (bobj.fType === kSTLNode))) {
bobj.fLeaves.arr[0].$branch = bobj;
_name: '@size',
_title: 'container size',
_kind: prROOT + 'TLeafElement',
_icon: 'img_leaf',
_obj: bobj.fLeaves.arr[0],
_more: false
for (let i = 0; i < bobj.fBranches.arr.length; ++i)
createBranchItem(bnode, bobj.fBranches.arr[i], bobj.$tree, bobj);
const object_class = getBranchObjectClass(bobj, bobj.$tree, true),
methods = object_class ? getMethods(object_class) : null;
if (methods && (bobj.fBranches.arr.length > 0)) {
for (const key in methods) {
if (!isFunc(methods[key])) continue;
const s = methods[key].toString();
if ((s.indexOf('return') > 0) && (s.indexOf('function ()') === 0)) {
_name: key+'()',
_title: `function ${key} of class ${object_class}`,
_kind: prROOT + clTBranchFunc, // fictional class, only for drawing
_obj: { _typename: clTBranchFunc, branch: bobj, func: key },
_more: false
return true;
return true;
} else if (nb_leaves === 1) {
subitem._icon = 'img_leaf';
subitem._more = false;
} else if (nb_leaves > 1) {
subitem._childs = [];
for (let j = 0; j < nb_leaves; ++j) {
branch.fLeaves.arr[j].$branch = branch; // keep branch pointer for drawing
const leafitem = {
_name: ClearName(branch.fLeaves.arr[j].fName),
_kind: prROOT + branch.fLeaves.arr[j]._typename,
_obj: branch.fLeaves.arr[j]
return true;
// protect against corrupted TTree objects
if (obj.fBranches === undefined)
return false;
node._childs = [];
node._tree = obj; // set reference, will be used later by TTree::Draw
for (let i = 0; i < obj.fBranches.arr?.length; ++i)
createBranchItem(node, obj.fBranches.arr[i], obj);
return true;
export { kClonesNode, kSTLNode, clTBranchFunc,
TSelector, TDrawVariable, TDrawSelector, treeHierarchy, treeProcess, treeDraw, treeIOTest };